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December 18, 2013

Nintendo Direct: Planting the Seeds of Concern WiiU3DS

by Alex Culafi - 5:37 pm EST
Total comments: 36

At least they didn't end it by ruining Mario again.

As a Nintendo fan who is often extremely critical of Nintendo, I had pretty low expectations for this monthly Direct (at least, they seem to be monthly now). I expected the big Nintendo Wii U Direct to come in January, I expected no more than one announcement, and I expected Mario Golf and Kirby to... Read more...

December 16, 2013

The Future of 3D Mario

by Nicholas Bray - 4:57 pm EST
Total comments: 7

"Where are we gonna go next Luigi?"

The evolution of 3D Mario has been something that has been on a trend towards achieving a representation of a 2D side-scroller in a 3D setting. This has culminated in the 3D Land/World series of games. But what about the style of 3D Mario that Nintendo had started way back in 1996 with Super Mario 64?


December 9, 2013

What to Announce When You're Announcing WiiU

by James Jones - 6:03 pm EST
Total comments: 9

Read this article for a major surprise announcement.

I'm eternally unable to finish writing anything unless I find it utterly perfect. This almost always results in long writing cycles and discarded works. I've decided to challenge myself, in an attempt to break these barriers. My intent is to write small essays (limit of 300 words) about topics I’m not inclined to write about. Hopefully this process does not cause so much mental anguish that I never attempt this again.


November 28, 2013

What I'm Thankful for This Year: A Nintendo Zack-tacular Thanksgiving Day Surprise

by Zack Kaplan - 5:55 am EST
Total comments: 8

In celebration of Thanksgiving, Zack takes a look at all the stuff we should be thankful for this year in Nintendo.

Thanksgiving is a day Americans visit with their families and celebrate all the special things they are thankful for while stuffing their gullets with the suffering of turkeys across the nation. In honor of this national tradition, I thought I would share... Read more...

November 26, 2013

My Legend of Zelda Experience at NYCC 2013

by Josh Max - 4:11 am EST
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The Legend of Zelda has the best fans. And that's a fact!

At New York Comic Con 2013 I had the pleasure of going to The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds panel. It was a fantastic experience to say the least. 

During the whole con I was pretty under the weather and was popping pills to keep me awake and alive. Luckily, I had two pills left when... Read more...

November 14, 2013

It's A Secret to Everybody: Game Surprises in the Information Age

by Tom Malina - 4:25 am EST
Total comments: 11

Can we still be surprised by games in the internet era? Actually, for that matter, do we need to be?

Remember when you were younger and every video game was a surprise? In the modern day, there's nothing quite like those feelings of discovery and wonderment when you picked out a game based on its box art and eventually came to cherish it as one of your favorites. How we share and collect information just doesn't allow for it any more. But would you really want things to go back to the old ways? Can you honestly say that ignorance is bliss?


November 13, 2013

Nintendo Direct: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 3DSWiiU

by Alex Culafi - 10:56 am EST
Total comments: 26

They ruined you, Mario.

Well, let's not beat around the bush. Nintendo promised a Nintendo Direct today and we sure got one. There were plenty of okay announcements, a couple of great ones, one really awful one, and plenty in-between. Let's take the next few minutes to talk about what I personally deem to be the good, the bad, and the ugly of this presentation (there were other announcements besides these, but those belong in a special “indifferent” category):


November 12, 2013

Pokémon X and Y is Good for You (According to the Internet) 3DS

by Josh Max - 11:16 am EST
Total comments: 1

It's time to talk about some serious stuff.  

As I looked through my Google Alerts for Pokémon over the past couple of weeks, I’ve stumbled upon quite a few interesting articles. Some of them discussed how the games were bringing together religious groups. Others discussed what it could teach players both young and old. Some articles even... Read more...

Rash Predictions for the November 13 Nintendo Direct WiiU3DS

by Neal Ronaghan - 9:00 am EST
Total comments: 9

Release dates, a new Smash Bros. character, and a surprise or two. Not exactly going out on a limb here.

A new Nintendo Direct is coming in less than 24 hours, and the focus will be on 2014. Sounds exciting, huh? I think it does. But just what could be a part of the show tomorrow? (Note: I know the Direct says "previously announced Nintendo 3DS software." I stand by every prediction.)

Let's get the...

November 8, 2013

The Delightful Opening Hours of Super Mario 3D World and Link Between Worlds 3DSWiiU

by Neal Ronaghan - 2:10 pm EST
Total comments: 3

We're playing Super Mario 3D World and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Our first impressions await.

As of now, I've played about an hour or two of Nintendo's premier holiday 2013 games on Wii U and 3DS. My feelings on both Super Mario 3D World and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds are way more positive than I ever would have expected when both were announced earlier this year. Without even... Read more...

October 30, 2013

How Do Wii U's Sales Compare to Nintendo's Past Consoles? 3DSGCDSWiiWiiU

by Neal Ronaghan - 2:54 pm EDT
Total comments: 21

We compare the Wii U's opening months to the 3DS, Wii, GameCube, Nintendo 64, and DS. 

The latest financial report from Nintendo regarding the Wii U isn't too uplifting. From the system's launch in late November 2012 to the end of September 2013, the Wii U moved 3.91 million consoles. In the past six months, only 460,000 consoles have sold. Even the Wii sold more over the past six months.


October 24, 2013

Running on Cylinders WiiWiiUGC

by Nicholas Bray - 4:00 pm EDT
Total comments: 3

Time to catch up with the blue blur.

Recently I have been playing through the latest Sonic game, Sonic Lost World for the Wii U. Leading up to the release one of my concerns was, how well would Sonic control this time around? Thankfully, the answer is, quite well.

Before I get into my thoughts on Lost World, lets wind the clock back... Read more...

October 23, 2013

How Nintendo Does Freemium Business 3DS

by Minoru Yamaizumi - 3:45 pm EDT
Total comments: 1

Why is the Darumeshi Sports Shop owner an Osaka-dialect-speaking Dalmatian?

Until recently many said that Nintendo, focusing only on retail and downloadable digital games at the time, would not be able to survive in the age of the online micro-transaction business model. However, very popular DLC in Fire Emblem Awakening and other recent Nintendo games have proven Nintendo... Read more...

October 15, 2013

Upcoming Games, Retro Tourneys, Eiji Aonuma Make Nintendo's New York Comic Con Showing Great 3DSWiiU

by Neal Ronaghan - 1:48 pm EDT
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For the second year in a row, Nintendo kills it at New York Comic Con.

Nintendo once again put together a pleasant showing to New York Comic Con, which was made even stronger by the fact that Microsoft and Sony with their fancy new consoles were nowhere to be seen. A month away from the next generation, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 were absent from the New York Comic Con show floor. Mario, Zelda, Wii U, and 3DS, though, were all over the place.


September 3, 2013

Pokémon X & Y: My Most Wanted Changes 3DS

by Justin Berube - 4:37 pm EDT
Total comments: 2

The future of the Pokémon series could be very bright.

I’ve been playing Pokémon since Red and Blue first hit North America. Back then, I was one of those super hardcore fans playing the video games and the card game all the time. Heck, I was even an official Pokémon TCG League Gym Leader.

My love for Pokémon has never died, though I will say... Read more...

August 15, 2013

The Year of No Mario: Making Mario More than a Corporate Icon

by Zack Kaplan - 5:45 pm EDT
Total comments: 14

Giving Mario a break will make him a better man for it.

Mario is not your friend. You may think he is, but he isn't. Mario has become too big and too busy to hang out with you anymore. Mario has become more of a corporate icon than a video game character, similar to the problems Mickey Mouse has faced. Not only that, but Mario games are released far more... Read more...

August 5, 2013

How Perception Is Key to Nintendo's Survival WiiU

by Aaron Edwards - 7:49 am EDT
Total comments: 20

In which someone decrees that Nintendo needs a Halo, and they're probably right.

These are interesting times, aren’t they Nintendo fans? Transitions always are. People are used to the status quo of the current generation, giving next gen consoles a tricky balancing act. Do companies stick with their proven formulas or do they try something new? Both Microsoft and Sony have showed gamers their respective hands… and they are interesting to say the least.


May 23, 2013

On Predictions, Introspection, and Group Psychology: The Fan in Fanatic WiiU3DS

by James Jones - 11:47 pm EDT
Total comments: 4

It's hard to write a good article about your feelings when you're not entirely sure what they are.

This article was originally about EA’s securing of the Star Wars license. I intended to explore their internal development teams and try to find obvious opportunities for them to best use the Star Wars license. It was a fluff piece. I thought that if I hit a single prediction I could celebrate it as if I were Nostradamus, and if I missed entirely I could forget it ever existed. 


May 19, 2013

A Potential Implication of Sega Direct with Nagoshi WiiU

by Minoru Yamaizumi - 1:16 pm EDT
Total comments: 4

With Yakuza 1 & 2 HD hitting Wii U in Japan, could the rest of the franchise follow?

The beginning of the Japanese Nintendo Direct on May 17 was quite a surprise. It began with the good old “Seeeeegaaaaaaa” voice as it started out unexpectedly labeled as “Sega Direct,” with the special guest Toshihiro Nagoshi, a Sega CCO. Nagoshi may be best known as the producer of the Super... Read more...

April 24, 2013

Hyrule Historia: A Timeline for the Trash

by Justin Berube - 2:01 pm EDT
Total comments: 49

A look at one of the biggest letdowns in an otherwise-fantastic book.

When Hyrule Historia first released in Japan, I was highly skeptical of the official Zelda timeline it presented, but I managed to keep an open mind. I can’t read Japanese and decided to wait for a translated version that would, hopefully, explain specific confusing events in greater detail. Well, after having time to read the English translation of the book, cover to cover, I still feel the official Zelda timeline has two major flaws.

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