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February 26, 2001

Sega’s Exit from the Biz

by Rick Powers - 1:08 pm EST

Emerging from hiding once more, the ever controversial Rick Powers tackles what it means now that Sega's out of the console business.

It’s been a long time coming, but Wednesday, January 31, 2001, Sega announced that they were ceasing production of the Dreamcast console, and were going to focus on making games for other platforms. Many owners of the unit are now furious, but they have only themselves to blame. Sega has a history of ditching a console early when it learns it can’t win the current conflagration in the market.


February 7, 2001

Still Kickin'

by Jonathan Metts - 7:49 am EST

Do you actually think the N64 is dead? Since when?!? Jon reminds everyone that one of their favorite systems should still be working great and still merits playing.

We gaming journalists are a wily lot, and in celebration of our infinite cleverness we have designed our own mini-vocabulary of buzzwords and catch phrases. In what other sector will you find such liberal use of words like “decidedly” or phrases like “a mixed bag”? I must admit, it’s fun... Read more...

February 6, 2001

Waiting for the Scream

by Ed Shih - 7:47 pm EST

Ed takes a look at what we can expect from Sega now and examines what the latest events mean. Will the "Sega Scream" fade into memory, or does the game giant have a chance in its new role as third-par

It’s official now. Nintendo will only have 2 competitors in the next generation of console wars. Industry veteran and beloved software maker Sega has stated that they will drop out of the console hardware business to focus on software. The days of the Sega Scream are numbered. Or are they? ... Read more...

Xbox in Japan

by David Trammell - 11:40 am EST

Nintendo, Sega and Sony have been releasing their consoles in America with great success for 15 years. Now Microsoft plans to reverse the trend. What kind of opposition will they face?

A war is about to take place. Throughout the Internet many people are already taking sides. They argue endlessly over specs, inflated polygon numbers, fill-rate, features, lists of developers and more. The sides are clear. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Until recently, Sega could be counted amongst... Read more...

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Switch Chrysolite Jul 24

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