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Nintendo Downloads - October 10, 2024

by Donald Theriault - October 7, 2024, 8:02 am EDT
Discuss in talkback! Source: Nintendo

We passed 2000 games for the year in North America last week. Honestly, if I did something in RPG Maker it could hardly be worse than the Vroom in the Night Sky progeny.

Things we missed last week: Refined Self: The Personality Test Game (late of April's Indie World) dropped from Playism, while the Arcade Archives game (1981 Nichibutsu shooter Moon Shuttle did not release in North America for reasons unknown.

Originally I was going to do a week without comment, but the Sunday upload did provide a few things worth mentioning this week. The big cost game is the latest RPG Maker MV, which... even the worst product of will likely be better than most of the eShop dumps in the run of a week, and who knows? You might make the next Corpse Party. Some familiar looking indie titles hitting this week include Europa (another Indie World veteran) and a pair of games from Latin America in Sky Ocean: Wing for Hire and Hidden in my Paradise.

Also, one of the "also releasing" titles this week has the subtitle (officially omitted due to space and apathy concerns) as "Shoot Zombie Action", which implies the existence of worked zombie action. Is that what they called the WCW castoff feds that sprung up following the 2001 buyout and preceded Impact/TNA/whatever they're calling themselves this week?

North America

RPG Maker With (US$49.99/C$59.99: Friday)

UFO Robot Grendizer - The Feast of the Wolves ($39.99/$53.49)

Nick Jr. Party Adventure ($39.99/$4.99: Friday)

Transformers: Galactic Trials ($39.99/$4.99: Friday)

Sky Ocean: Wing for Hire ($24.99/$35.16: Wednesday)

Necro Story ($14.99/$19.99: Monday)

Bloodless ($14.99/$19.99)

Stable Stories - Forest and Meadow Ride ($14.99/$19.99)

The Sekimeiya: Spun Glass ($14.99/$15.99)

Europa ($11.99/$19.49: Friday)

Miss Rosen's Wowtastic! Marching Band ($11.99/$15.99)

Hidden in my Paradise ($9.99/$13.39: Wednesday)

Dagon: Complete Edition ($9.99/$11.99)

Son of a Gun ($9.99/$13.49: Friday)

Gym Business; Fitness Empire Simulator ($9.99/$13.49: Saturday)

Rogue Sentry ($7.99/$9.99: Wednesday)

El Panadero -True Baker- ($7.99/$10.49)

My Big Sister: Remastered ($7.99/$10.99: Friday)

Camp Sunshine ($6.99/$9.48: Wednesday)

Crasho Cars ($6.99/$8.99)

EggConsole Templo Del Sol: Asteka II PC-8801 ($6.49/$7.34)

Ghost in the Pool ($5.99/$8.14)

Casual Sport Series: Hockey ($5.99/$7.99: Friday)

Wizards Owl: Magic Delivery ($5.99/$7.99: Friday)

Deads on the Road ($4.99/$6.78: Tuesday)

Massi ($4.99/$6.99: Tuesday)

Andromeda Survivors ($4.99/$6.83: Wednesday)

Mimi the Cat: New Friends ($4.99/$6.83: Wednesday)

Big City Driver ($4.99/$5.99)

Crazy Traffic: City Parking Simulator ($4.99/$5.99)

Cats in Boxes ($4.99/$5.99: Friday)

Kill the Crows ($4.49/$5.99: Monday)

Bandit Buster: Western ($3.99/$5.39)

The Escapee ($3.99/$3.99: Saturday)

Cats and Seek: Osaka ($2.99/$3.99)

GhostlyRyokan ($2.99/$2.99)

Revealed Later

The Case of the Golden Idol: Complete Edition ($29.99/$39.99)

CAD Pretend ($25.00/$25.00)

Last Time I Saw You ($16.99/$23.00)

PopSlinger Vol 2 - Loveless ($14.99/$19.99: Wednesday)

Faith: The Unholy Trinity ($14.99/$19.49)

Thronefall ($12.99/$16.99: Friday)

Survival After War ($9.99/$13.99: Monday)

The Harmony Chronicles: Chaos Realms ($9.99/$13.49: Friday)

Anime Girls: Natty Nurse ($8.99/$12.49)

Find-o'-Lantern ($6.70/$9.00)

Extra Coin ($6.49/$8.49: Tuesday)

Before Exit: Supermarket ($5.99/$7.99)

Cinderella: Princess of the Magic Kingdom ($4.90/$6.90: Monday)

Tsugunohi -Supernatural Supermarket- ($3.99/$5.29)

How to Meditate: A Beginner's Guide ($1.99/$2.70)

How to Speed Read ($1.99/$2.70)

Mall Manager ($0.99/$1.29: Saturday)


Moon Shuttle ($7.99/$9.87)

Power Spikes ($7.99/$9.87)

Sales and Price Drops

Highlights: SteamWorld Heist 2 is 35% off until Saturday. PSPrices, DekuDeals


RPG Maker With (€49.99/£44.99: Friday)

UFO Robot Grendizer - The Feast of the Wolves (€39.99/£34.99)

Nick Jr. Party Adventure (€39.99/£34.99: Friday)

Transformers: Galactic Trials (€39.99/£34.99: Friday)

Sky Ocean: Wing for Hire (€24.99/£19.99: Wednesday)

Necro Story (€14.99/£13.49: Monday)

Bloodless (€14.99/£13.49)

Stable Stories - Forest and Meadow Ride (€14.99/£13.49)

The Sekimeiya: Spun Glass (€14.99/£11.99)

Europa (€14.99/£13.49: Friday)

Miss Rosen's Wowtastic! Marching Band (€13.99/£12.50)

Video Game Store: Supermarket Simulator (€12.99/£12.99)

Hidden in my Paradise (€9.99/£8.99: Tuesday)

Dagon: Complete Edition (€9.99/£8.99)

Son of a Gun (€9.99/£8.99)

Gym Business; Fitness Empire Simulator (€9.99/£9.99: Friday)

Rogue Sentry (€7.99/£6.99: Wednesday)

El Panadero -True Baker- (€7.99/£6.99)

My Big Sister: Remastered (€7.99/£7.99: Friday)

Crasho Cars (€6.99/£6.29)

Camp Sunshine (€6.33/£5.69: Wednesday)

Wizards Owl: Magic Delivery (€5.99/£5.99: Friday)

Casual Sport Series: Hockey (€5.99/£5.39: Friday)

EggConsole Templo Del Sol: Asteka II PC-8801 (€5.59/£5.39)

Ghost in the Pool (€5.42/£4.89)

Deads on the Road (€4.99/£4.49: Tuesday)

Massi (€4.99/£4.99: Tuesday)

Andromeda Survivors (€4.99/£4.49: Wednesday)

Mimi the Cat: New Friends (€4.99/£4.49: Wednesday)

Big City Driver (€4.99/£4.99)

Crazy Traffic: City Parking Simulator (€4.99/£4.99)

Cats in Boxes (€4.99/£4.49: Friday)

Kill the Crows (€4.19/£3.99: Sunday)

Bandit Buster: Western (€3.99/£3.49)

The Escapee (€3.99/£3.59: Saturday)

Cats and Seek: Osaka (€2.99/£2.69)

GhostlyRyokan (€2.99/£2.69)

Revealed Later

The Case of the Golden Idol: Complete Edition (€29.99/£24.99)

Last Time I Saw You (€16.99/£14.99)

Faith: The Unholy Trinity (€14.79/£13.29: Friday)

Thronefall (€12.99/£11.69: Friday)

Survival After War (€9.99/£8.99: Monday)

Inside the Crystal Mountain (€9.99/£8.99)

The Harmony Chronicles: Chaos Realms (€9.99/£8.99: Friday)

Anime Girls: Natty Nurse (€8.99/£8.99: Wednesday)

100 Doors Escape: Let Me In (€8.99/£7.99)

Extra Coin (€6.49/£5.89: Tuesday)

Find-o'-Lantern (€5.99/£5.39)

Cinderella: Princess of the Magic Kingdom (€4.90/£4.90: Monday)

Tsugunohi -Supernatural Supermarket- (€3.49/£3.19: Wednesday)

How to Meditate: A Beginner's Guide (€1.99/£1.79)

How to Speed Read (€1.99/£1.79)

Mall Manager (€0.99/£0.99: Saturday)


Power Spikes (€6.99/£6.29)


Natsume Ryoran (¥2480)

Europa (¥2299: Friday)

Wizards Tourney (¥1600)

Bloodless (¥1500)

Hidden in my Paradise (¥1500)

Gym Business; Fitness Empire Simulator (¥1499)

Son of a Gun (¥1400)

My Big Sister: Remastered (¥1120: Friday)

Camp Sunshine (¥1014)

Rogue Sentry (¥1000)

Crasho Cars (¥999)

Dagon: Complete Edition (¥999)

Everyday Mystery: The Truth Leads to Evidence (¥980)

Wizards Owl: Magic Delivery (¥899)

EggConsole Templo Del Sol: Asteka II PC-8801 (¥880)

Ghost in the Pool (¥854)

Casual Sport Series: Hockey (¥849)

Big City Driver (¥749)

Crazy Traffic: City Parking Simulator (¥749)

Cats in Boxes (¥599)

Andromeda Survivors (¥499: Wednesday)

Mimi the Cat: New Friends (¥499: Wednesday)

Cats and Seek: Osaka (¥420)

Population Quiz (¥380)

GhostlyRyokan (¥300)

Revealed Later

The Case of the Golden Idol: Complete Edition (¥3410)

Last Time I Saw You (¥2200)

Video Game Store: Supermarket Simulator (¥1790)

Thronefall (¥1500)

Survival After War (¥1499)

Bomb Cat (¥1310: Friday)

Inside the Crystal Mountain (¥1200)

Anime Girls: Busty Baseball (¥899)

Faster Than Bolt (¥880)

Power Spikes (¥838)

El Panadero -True Baker- (¥800)

Before Exit: Supermarket (¥799)

Massi (¥680: Tuesday)

Bandit Buster: Western (¥575)

Kill the Crows (¥490: Monday)

Tsugunohi -Supernatural Supermarket- (¥449)

How to Meditate: A Beginner's Guide (¥290)

How to Speed Read (¥290)

Got a news tip? Send it in!