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April 28, 2017

Support Your Nindies!

by Justin Nation - 2:08 am EDT
Total comments: 2

Over the years the quality of what you could expect out of independent game studios has evolved greatly and we're in a sort of indie renaissance at the moment. Have you noticed? Here's a list of reasons why they matter

Writing this is a bit odd since I'm convinced that the vast majority of people who will read it will be the already converted. I'd imagine the next most likely people to read it would be those who are determined to dismiss it immediately, reading primarily for the purpose of scoffing at it to then... Read more...

April 18, 2017

Why Do You Write Reviews?

by Justin Nation - 1:44 pm EDT
Total comments: 3

Is it for the fame? The vast fortunes? The prestige? The accolades from an adoring public? What? We do this for free and generally nobody cares? Well why would we do it then, and what does it take? I'll speak for myself at least...

While I took a pretty substantial break in the middle of things, and stopped doing it for over a decade and change, I started writing reviews of various kinds probably almost 25 years ago. Back then I didn’t have enough money to just buy a ton of games so I was really into downloading game demos... Read more...

The New Nintendo Direct Setup Is A Bold Step Towards The Future

by Daan Koopman - 12:17 am EDT
Total comments: 6

The changes made to the company's online presentations are strong. Now, it is time for advice.

Back when the Nintendo Directs first came on the scene, there was excitement filling the air. A more open Nintendo was both what we needed and what the company became under Satoru Iwata's leadership. Nintendo spoke to fans directly, started posting on more social media channels and showcased a lot... Read more...

April 13, 2017

The NES Classic and the Company that Misunderstood Basic Economics Classic

by Andy Goergen - 2:36 pm EDT
Total comments: 24

Remember that time Nintendo launched a popular product and then immediately ceased production?

Nintendo has ceased production of the incredibly hard to find NES Classic, and I can't stop laughing. I should be mad at a company that made it very difficult to find a product that I absolutely wanted, but instead I'm so beyond incredulous that I can't be mad. Nintendo has made possibly the most Nintendo-like move of all time in ceasing production of probably its best-received product since the original Wii.


The Emerging Essential Relevance of Value in Game Review

by Justin Nation - 2:01 am EDT
Total comments: 18

In a post-mobile and digital market, where "free" games have become a thing, publishers who've become accustomed to traditional pricing methods need to wake up. The review community should continue to force the issue as well.

Back in the stone age when I was in college, and the internet was in its infancy, writing game reviews was quite a different animal. Aside from the obvious differences in the online review landscape another massive difference was that this was long before smartphones (and concepts like the mobile... Read more...

April 9, 2017

The Positives and Pitfalls of Review Democratization

by Justin Nation - 2:28 pm EDT
Total comments: 16

The proliferation of sources for game reviews over time have brought many benefits to people in search of consensus opinions. Unfortunately, because of bias and other factors, more reviews can also bring more noise, especially for Metacritic.

The release of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild certainly brought out a lot of opinions. Many of them were extremely positive, but there was obviously both a reflexive backlash of “artificial” reviews (created with the express purpose of simply trashing the game) as well as “reviews” whose... Read more...

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