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August 30, 2000

The Story So Far

by Ed Shih - 7:46 pm EDT

An informative look at the "Next-Gen" consoles. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of each in the following editorial

The following is an analysis of the next-generation consoles based on information as of 9/00. The analysis looks ahead to Fall 2001, when the last two entrants to the next-generation console war make their debut. This is not meant to predict any winners or determine which system is superior. It should, however, lay out the relative strengths and weaknesses of the systems as well as a description of the their status as of Fall 2001.


August 29, 2000

Brining Speculation to an End

by Max Lake - 7:49 pm EDT

Max hyperventilates over his excitement of the GameCube unveiling.

Off to Space World : Gambare Berghammer-San!

I 'm ready to burst. Billy is packed, ready and en route to Japan. Other Planet staffers are digging their heels in, stocking up on the caffeine and getting ready for action. It's Space World week, Planeteers, and I couldn't be more excited! We're... Read more...

August 27, 2000

Sizing Things Up

by Rick Powers - 10:00 pm EDT

Rick Powers makes a guest-appearence to comment on Spaceworld.

It's been a long time

It's been a long time, and just when it seemed the world couldn't wait any longer he returns. And returns in a BIG way.

Luigi, of course. Who did you think I was referring to?

Surely by now, every Nintendo fan has heard the news of GameCube, the "next-generation"... Read more...

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