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September 27, 2023

An Explanation, and a Public Shaming: What Are “Things Nintendo Owes Me After Quest for Camelot?” Mobi

by James Jones - 8:13 pm EDT
Total comments: 2


I just played the first level of Quest for Camelot, the latest addition to the Nintendo Switch Online's Game Boy Color library, and I'm in pain. This addition was so substantial that Nintendo deemed it worthy of being the only English language NSO game in that batch (other titles: Kirby’s Star Stacker, Joy Mech Fight, Downtown Nekketsu March Super-Awesome Field Day!).


September 21, 2023

Metroid Prime: Federation Force Is Great, Actually 3DSSwitch

by Neal Ronaghan - 4:34 pm EDT
Total comments: 2

Or how not to launch a spinoff.

2015 was a year of transition for Nintendo for a variety of reasons. The Wii U was definitively a sales bomb, regardless of how well received Splatoon and Super Mario Maker were when they launched to critical and fan acclaim that year. The 3DS was doing okay, but as the system entered its fifth year... Read more...

September 12, 2023

Almost A Year Later and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Still Suck

by Willem Hilhorst - 6:00 pm EDT
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Squandered potential makes for a Paldean mess.

Willem went nuts and made an entire video essay for this editioral, so be sure to give it a watch over on our YouTube-channel!

I’d say that when it comes to faith in the Pokémon series I’ve been on the more positive side over the last decade. I’ve written and made a whole video essay... Read more...

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