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November 17, 2015

Why A Theatrhythm Star In Smash Makes Sense 3DSGBADSWiiU

by Donald Theriault - 5:03 pm EST
Total comments: 9

It seems odd that a Kingdom Hearts character is in Super Smash Bros, but work with me here.

So last week, the newest character for Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS was announced. This made a lot of people upset and was widely regarded as a bad, or at least questionable move. Cloud Strife - the spiky haired swordsman of Final Fantasy VII infamy – came into the Smash Bros roster like a bat... Read more...

November 11, 2015

Nintendo Direct Predictions for Nov. 12, 2015

by Justin Berube - 8:20 am EST
Total comments: 21

The King Nintendo Fanboy shares his predictions for one of the most wanted Nintendo Directs.

We haven’t really heard much from Nintendo outside of press releases since the company’s Digital Event back at E3 last June. In the time that has passed, we’ve seen the loss of a great leader from within Nintendo, and have had some bad news regarding delays. Sure, there have been some fantastic games released, but the Nintendo Direct format has been in a major drought.


November 2, 2015

Nintendo Directs: What Works, And What Might Change

by Donald Theriault - 5:38 pm EST
Total comments: 2

We know they draw, we know they're about to change. But what would bring eyeballs directly to Nintendo?

Recently, Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima announced that the Nintendo Direct videos would return from a hiatus caused by the death of his predecessor Satoru Iwata, and would do so before the end of the year. He followed up with the Wall Street Journal by stating that this year’s last Direct would be the last under the current format, with a new method to roll out next year.

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