Author Topic: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*  (Read 3200081 times)

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Offline Lithium

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5475 on: February 12, 2012, 09:09:11 PM »
Not every game gets cheaper, though. Some go out of print and become hard to find and the price skyrockets. A good example of that would be Metroid Prime Trilogy, and Radiant Historia (before the reprint). When it comes to games like that if you wait for them to become cheaper you are waiting in vain.

yeah i agree, which is why atlus games are the only ones i bother with preordering, same deal with xenoblade.  It was pretty clear that prime trillogy was a limited release. However even if you have to spend full price on one or two games on your backlog (and really at this point you could skimp on it and get one in working but poor condition for less if you just want to play it) the net savings are still there since rising prices are definitely an outlier and not the norm
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 09:10:56 PM by Lithium »

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5476 on: February 12, 2012, 09:13:55 PM »
Its hard to believe now, but there was a brief time when Metroid Trilogy was clearanced out of stores for prices like $19.99. This was back in late 2009, which is ancient history now. If I knew then what I know now I would have bought every copy I could find.
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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5477 on: February 12, 2012, 11:34:30 PM »
Its hard to believe now, but there was a brief time when Metroid Trilogy was clearanced out of stores for prices like $19.99. This was back in late 2009, which is ancient history now. If I knew then what I know now I would have bought every copy I could find.

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Offline ejamer

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5478 on: February 13, 2012, 09:18:29 AM »
Its hard to believe now, but there was a brief time when Metroid Trilogy was clearanced out of stores for prices like $19.99. This was back in late 2009, which is ancient history now. If I knew then what I know now I would have bought every copy I could find.

This price drop never happened in Canada. I was waiting and hoping for a price drop... but then supply dried up and you couldn't find the game any more. At that point I jumped in and bought a couple of copies for retail price online.

In the end the game was worth paying full price for anyway.  (Heck, if you bought a closet full of copies at full price back in the day you'd still be making out like a bandit on the second-hand market today.  Prices for sealed copies of this game are nuts.)
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Rumor Consolidation 2012
« Reply #5479 on: February 14, 2012, 01:47:09 AM »
Rumor Consolidation 2012

October 2011:
-Luigi's Mansion 2 slide pad compatible? That would make it the only 1st party game so far that is...
-Some Sonic Dimensions Rumors and Details(?); Sega Dev [laughs] and says "*Hoax*"

November 2011:
-Silicon Knights working on Eternal Darkness 2?; it's the only "requested" title from them that I can think of.
-Revised Wiimote w/touchscreen mentioned in Sonic Dimensions rumor? yet another wiimote attachment? :/
-Wii U to support 2 tablets!? they never said it wouldn't, but anything confirming that it will is good news in my book.
-Is EA gunning to be the sole Digital Distributor for Wii U?; Trying to get any edge over Steam that it can.
-Wii U Dev Kits have atleast 2 GB of RAM; it was also mentioned that it was tri-core dual threaded Power based CPU & GPU around 1.2 TFlops
-DQVII or FFVII 3DS!? - Something about 7th entry of popular JRP released 6 months after spinoff....
-AMD's GCN Graphics Core a possibilty for Wii U?; Graphics Core Next & GameCube Nintendo... surely it's just a coincedence

December 2011
-Xenoblade April 2012 in the US?; Operation Rainfall would like to take credit for this one...
-Wii U Specs: 768MB of eDRAM & 3Ghz QCore PPC?; I call BS on this one... but we will know soon enough.
-Real Wii U App Store!?; I can't wait for Angry Birds & Customizable clocks...
-EPIC Mickey 2 - Fall 2012 (Multi-plat & Co-op); I hope it's an improvement over the original (which I own and still have yet to play :P: : : : : :  )

January 2012
-Wii U eReader & iOS Apps!?; Taking on Apple head to head? You have my sword.
-Sega All-Star Racing 2? Wii U - was the first one any good? serious question. I've never played it.
-Nintendo's Online Network to revival Live & PSN!?; Now your taking on MS & Sony head on too? You have my shield.
-Rocksteady Studios (Batman AA/AC) making a new TMNT game!?; As long as it includes Bebop, we approve.
-New Wii U Dev Kits More Powerful than expected.; Now we are playing with POWER!!
-Retro Studios working on StarFox Wii U?; I'd rather them work on something else, but I'm not mad if it's true.
-Wii U = 5X360!?; Let's hope IGN gets it right this time.
-Nintendo renaming the Wii U?; No. they will not call is Super Wii. Stop It Kytim.
-Resident Evil 6 is coming to Wii U; I'm the source on this one... a very pretty birdie told me.
-Nintendo using voice recognition software in Wii U; I hope it's comparable to this Siri I keep hearing so much about
-Zelda 3DS to be unveiled at GDC 2012; So soon after SS?

February 2012
-Lady GaGa: The Experience!?; My ears will bleed, but I'll have no choice but to buy it (not for me)
-Activision backing Nintendo Big in 2012 & 2013; Time to walk the walk this time
-Epic Mickey 2 U?; Looks like it could be headed to Wii U now
-Samaritan on Wii U?; @ 720p if rumors of power are to be believed.
-HD & 3D uMote screen!?; I know it was speculated before, but this is a whole new patent
-CoD: BlOps2 is this years CoD title?; if it is, it will be on Wii U no doubt.
-Activision Working On Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game?; Do they have a studio by the name Bebop?
-Pokemon B&W Sequel to be announced this Week!?; Pokemon Grey incoming? *Confirmed* Pokemon B&W2
-Nintendo to make Wii U a media centerpiece!? Taking a page from Xbox Live's playbook? Sounds good to me.
-CryEngine Wii U Demo @ GDC; Rumor is that they can't wait to show it off. Fact is that I can't wait to see it.
-Time Splitters 4, Overstrike & Dead Space Wii U!?; Add the sports titles and EA is not playing around this time.
-No Xbox720 till maybe 2014 & PS3 to come in 2013!?; So says the same source as RE6 on Wii U...
-$299 Wii U @ launch?; This rumor is from the same place that said 768MB embeded DRAM in Wii U. Salt Lick needed.

March 2012
-Nintendo tweaked Wii U to run Unreal Engine 4; Caterkiller knows the source, so direct your questions at him ;)
-Donkey Kong 3D in the works for 3DS!?; GameStop seems to thinks so... Now GameStop says *NO*
-3 New IP's @ E3 for Nintendo?; and 10 Nintendo titles @ E3 + 70 3rd Party games in development!
-AMD has been working on Wii U GPU since atleast June 2009?; and possibly with IBM all while in India
-Current Wii U Dev Kits are True 720p with heavy uPad usage.; 1080p still possible with less uPad usage & current dev kit is not the most recent released.
-Major eShop leak?; I would love for it to be true... but I do not believe it is. But we shall see. Can't wait 4 E3!
-Epic Mickey 2: Power of Illusion 3DS!?; *TRUE*... but still waiting on a Wii U version.
-Nintendo NDA's to be lifted sometime next week? FY2012 ends after next week. Investor Meetings & Financial Reports could reveal some goodies.
-Capcom has an Action Title ready to show for Wii U @ E3!; RE6 anyone?
-The Last Ranger is actually a sequel to Dillon's Rolling Western!?; I guess we'll have to wait and see...
-Retro's next game looks "extremely impressive" and it is NOT DK, TLOZ or Metroid...; StarTropics?
-Regional Nintendo's want change U too!!?; It's not just the gamers wishing for this to happen...
-New 3DS Firmware Update Incoming? with lots of new features included!! Nintendo Network goes live early?
-Two tribes hints @ Steamworks/Wii U Cross Platform Play? it would be nice if Steam was on Wii U.... *wink wink*
-Headstrong rebooting a Sega IP from the Dreamcast Era? only to have it cancelled!? ....Jet Set!?
-Nintendo & MySpace Sitting in a Tree....?; getting together for the launch of MySpaceTV?


-Wii U less powerful than PS360, Developers say...; late April fools joke or the bitter truth? Probably BS either way.
-Wii U Launch 11/18/2012?; GameStop agees; Lots of Nintendo stuff has launched the week b4 Black Friday.
-Nintendo Grand Prix?; Nintendo's own GT/Forza? in the style of Project Gotham Racing?
-Haptics coming to Wii U!?; ViviTouch does haptic rumble and not haptic touch (from what I've heard)
-Engine optimizations lead to 3x-4x performance increase; That's from software documentation (uMote is referred to as DRC)
-Lucas Arts making a Star Wars MMO for Wii U!?; I don't know, but they are making something MMO for Wii U.
-$180 is what it cost Nintendo for all the parts in Wii U?; not including assembly, R&D, shipping, etc. etc.
-Wii U currently reserves 512MB of RAM for OS functions?; that's a lot of space for a console OS. Must be nice!
-Hitman: Absolution coming to Wii U? along with several other titles from SE devs?
-Pandora's Tower Coming to North America? NWR got the scoop, GameStop is the source.
-Universal uMote!? Potential TVGuide, Channel Preview, multi-device control and more!? make it happen please.
-Nintendo & Square ink a deal to revive an old Square character? From SMRPG maybe?
-Crazy rumors... something about Epic & Metroid / Wii U & Android / & a big multimedia push
-uMote has been remodeled and leaked pic is not the final version?
-uMote to get better range than we thought!? let's hope so. Nintendo was conservative with Wavebird too...
-Wii U to "Street Pass" like 3DS?; using Gamer Cards to collect data on the go? sounds good to me... I guess.
-Wii U @ $350?; Likely just a place holder price, but why spend money to advertise it?

-More to the "Android on Wii U" rumors than we previously thought? Very fully featured OS incoming? A supposed Google employee on GAF seems to think so....
-Google and Nintendo have been working on an OS together since 2007 (post from 4/30/2010) 
-"Clicky Sticks" on the uMote!?; Another controller feature to bring parity between Wii U and PS360
-New Patents show possible uMote stand and Zapper gun attachments; lots more plastic attachments to come, I'm sure.
-Starfox in the works for Wii U?; Let's hope that whoever is making it, loved SF64.
-Blockbuster Leaks Wii U Lineup?; looks pretty solid if true.
-FFXIV a Wii U possibility?; One of a few rumored/confirmed MMO's coming to Wii U
-Crytek employee talks Wii U dev kits?; sounds like it's about 1 specific studio
-Wii U to have Cloud Storage? only 512MB sounds a bit low though
-Splinter Cell Wii U!?; Hip Hop Gamer says it's so.
-Nintendo & Eminem team up for some marketing aimed at the core?
-No FarCry3 on Wii U, AC3 no different on Wii U & 2 uMotes is possible
-Retro making Startroid Fusion?; Metroid x Starfox...? say it ain't so. I hope it's not.
-New revised uMote revealed! Analog Sticks! But what are those little squares?
-Castelvania Wii U & 3DS!?; LoS 2? that's what's rumored for Wii U atleast.
-Wii U's Gamer Card Function!? Street Pass for the Wii U in your wallet?
-New features accessible in the new dev kits! all stuff we've heard about though.
-New CPU details; Based on an IBM Express 710, 4Cores, 2 threads each @ 3Ghz.
-Kingdom Hearts HD Collection headed to Wii U; would make a nice addition to the Wii U launch.

Previous Consolidation
Rumor Consolidation 2011
« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 10:01:22 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Wii U = 5X360!?
« Reply #5480 on: February 14, 2012, 02:05:03 AM »
You know what, I read about this last month, but somehow it seems like no one ever posted it here, so I guess better late than never:

Wii U to be 5X more powerful than X360
and this was based off that last dev kit rumor I posted
the Xbox 720's raw graphics processing power is expected to be six times that of the Xbox 360 and will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo's forthcoming console, the Wii U.

That is plenty powerful if you ask me and it keeps both system easily within spitting distance of each other.

Offline Adrock

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5481 on: February 14, 2012, 02:31:16 AM »
If that's true, with Wii U launching first, it has a good chance of being the lead platform once developers start moving away from PS3/360. Always a good thing. I get the feeling that Nintendo tried low-balling the specs again and 3rd parties basically said, "Well, we're just not going to make games for your system then," so Nintendo went back to IBM and AMD for more powerful chips. I hope Nintendo doesn't skimp on the RAM.

Offline Ymeegod

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5482 on: February 14, 2012, 03:57:04 AM »
I still doubt it, nintendo's not competing with the nextxbox or ps4 again.  Jacking up the CPU or GPU with add costs and neither nintendo will have to sell at an loss or lose a big chunk of their user base.  It's either go with the tablet or go for power, not both.  That's also the reason why you won't see an tablet controller for the Xbox or PS next systems--at least not as a standard package anyhow.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5483 on: February 14, 2012, 07:21:56 AM »
They could have had a process shrink which allowed more pikmin to fit in the same space therefore giving them the boost we all wanted.

or the dev kits were just off the shelf parts and the new one has actual silicon that is so custom, that the off the shelf didn't really compare.

Offline Adrock

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5484 on: February 14, 2012, 07:47:26 AM »
It's either go with the tablet or go for power, not both.  That's also the reason why you won't see an tablet controller for the Xbox or PS next systems--at least not as a standard package anyhow.
The tablet controller isn't much more than a Wii Remote Plus with a touch screen and some fairly inexpensive parts like a camera, magnetometer, NFC chip and whatever wireless thingamajig Nintendo is using to stream content to the controller. I'm not really convinced that Nintendo has to choose between the tablet controller and more powerful hardware. I don't expect Wii U to use state of the art chips but being within spitting distance of the next Xbox is possible even if Wii U launches an entire year earlier.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5485 on: February 14, 2012, 07:49:10 AM »
The PS2 was considerably less powerful than the GC and Xbox, but it was close enough that you could port between them most of the time. That should be what Nintendo's shooting for.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5486 on: February 14, 2012, 08:02:25 AM »
Considering how amazing games today already look, having the weakest console might not even make much of a difference. You'd really have to be looking to notice it sometimes and that's assuming you're looking at them side by side.

Offline Ceric

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5487 on: February 14, 2012, 09:10:02 AM »
It all considers how the Tablet is driven.  Being in Spitting difference spec wise could take them out of the race if driving the Tablet takes any meaningful amount of resources.  Not to mention the dream of driving multiple.  It be the possible equivalent of rendering an extra TV for each tablet.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5488 on: February 14, 2012, 10:14:40 AM »
Any hardware comparisons should take the resources used by streaming to the tablet controller into account. If Wii U can only match the integrity of competing future consoles without use of the tablet controller, developers are either going to ignore the console or ignore the tablet controller. The latter is the lesser of the 2 evils but it's still what differentiates the console.

However, i don't believe the tablet controller will have such a significant effect on the hardware depending on how it's used. If the rumors are true, the console should be more than capable of handling at least 2 tablet controllers simultaneously. For most games, the main action will be on the tv with the tablet controller acting in much the same way as the bottom screen of the 3DS which I can't imagine taxes hardware in any significant way. Any game that really takes advantage of the tablet controller with the action switching between screens would have to be reworked when ported anyway. It would still make more sense to start with a Wii U version then just remove any special tablet capabilities. And any game that uses the tablet controller or even more than one for the main action isn't rendering the game in full 1080P. In fact, it's probably not rendering in HD at all meaning and this would still be exclusive to Wii U anyway... unless Sony and Microsoft release their own gaming tablets but then it's a wash anyway.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 10:16:35 AM by Adrock »

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5489 on: February 14, 2012, 12:13:36 PM »
You know what, I read about this last month, but somehow it seems like no one ever posted it here, so I guess better late than never:

Wii U to be 5X more powerful than X360
and this was based off that last dev kit rumor I posted
the Xbox 720's raw graphics processing power is expected to be six times that of the Xbox 360 and will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo's forthcoming console, the Wii U.

That is plenty powerful if you ask me and it keeps both system easily within spitting distance of each other.

If that's true that's great. But it is still up in the air how much the console is going to cost. Personally, I have no problem paying more if it means the hardware is awesome. Unfortunately, everyone else may be more reluctant. No matter how powerful it is, it has to be affordably priced. At what price can Nintendo sell a console that is 5 times as powerful as a 360 and break even? Will Nintendo break with their tradition and sell the console at a loss?

The latter is the lesser of the 2 evils but it's still what differentiates the console.

No, it doesn't. Both Sony and Microsoft are going to copy the tablet concept, so that does not differentiate Nintendo.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 12:15:38 PM by Chozo Ghost »
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Offline Caterkiller

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5490 on: February 14, 2012, 12:47:38 PM »
Not sure if this was posted, saw it a week ago.

Retro working on a game with hand painted textures? New Zelda that really looks like the art work? Yoshi's Island?
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Offline Adrock

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5491 on: February 14, 2012, 12:52:38 PM »
No, it doesn't. Both Sony and Microsoft are going to copy the tablet concept, so that does not differentiate Nintendo.
Sometimes I feel like you just like disagreeing with me...

2 things
1. There's no guarantee that they copy the tablet controller. Likely, but not a fact therefore it's still what sets Wii U apart.
2. Please read the last sentence of me previous post, I already acknowledged this.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5492 on: February 14, 2012, 01:27:27 PM »
Adrock, apparently you missed what BnM posted about the patents Sony and Microsoft filed for a tablet thinger. Its already confirmed they are copying it. There is no maybe.
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Offline Caterkiller

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5493 on: February 14, 2012, 01:52:11 PM »
Adrock, apparently you missed what BnM posted about the patents Sony and Microsoft filed for a tablet thinger. Its already confirmed they are copying it. There is no maybe.

Well it still remains to be seen if they actually come out with a product.
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Offline noname2200

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5494 on: February 14, 2012, 01:56:55 PM »
Adrock, apparently you missed what BnM posted about the patents Sony and Microsoft filed for a tablet thinger. Its already confirmed they are copying it. There is no maybe.

Well it still remains to be seen if they actually come out with a product.

Yeah, companies constantly patent crap that they never actually release. Fun on-topic example: that horse-ride thing for the Wii with the creepy baby.

Offline Adrock

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5495 on: February 14, 2012, 01:57:22 PM »
Since when do companies use every patent they file?

Edit: Wow, 2 people beat me to it...

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5496 on: February 14, 2012, 02:42:14 PM »
Didn't Sony already say the Vita can be used on the PS4 as a controller? The Vita has a touch screen, so that's pretty much the same thing as what Nintendo is aiming for with the uMOTE.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5497 on: February 14, 2012, 02:49:43 PM »
Vita isn't the main controller nor does it come with every console. That's not even close to the same thing. It would similar to if 3DS was used as a Wii U controller.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5498 on: February 14, 2012, 02:53:09 PM »
Vita isn't the main controller nor does it come with every console. That's not even close to the same thing. It would similar to if 3DS was used as a Wii U controller.

I know, but the 3DS can also be used with the WiiU as a fill in for a uMote. If the PS4 is going to allow the Vita to fill in as a controller then its certainly possible they will come out with something similar as the uMote as the default controller of the system. When you take that along with their patent filings and look at them together I think it looks likely that's what will happen.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #5499 on: February 14, 2012, 03:14:42 PM »
...I think it looks likely that's what will happen.
1. There's no guarantee that they copy the tablet controller. Likely, but not a fact therefore it's still what sets Wii U apart.