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December 8, 2000

Dolphin Dev Tool GC

by Ed Shih - 6:09 pm EST
Source: http://www.metroworks.com/games/dolphin

MetroWorks announces its CodeWarrior middleware for the GameCube.

Thanks to Matthew Lubin from our very own forums for alerting us to this interesting little link that gives a product description for Metrowerks' CodeWarrior for Nintendo Dolphin. For those of you that don't know, CodeWarrior is a popular development tool (for many platforms) that makes many a developer's... Read more...

Sinning in the USA?

by Billy Berghammer - 9:38 am EST

Billy speculates on Sin & Punishment's chances for a US release.

I have just completed the import version of Sin and Punishment. At the end of the game, in the credits, Special thanks goes out to Nintendo of America. Why in the world would special thanks go out to Nintendo of America? Odd. Shiggy gets no mention. They should thank him for principle alone! Short changin' the man. But thanks to NOA? WHY?!


December 7, 2000

No More Rainbow? GC

by Mike Sklens - 1:55 pm EST
Source: IGNcube

Could the GameCube launch in only one color? And could that one color be...~gulp~ PURPLE?

IGN has posted a RUMOR about the color choices for the Gamecube when it is released late next year in the US. According to the rumor, the GAMECUBE will only be available in purple when it comes out. The color versions won't follow until six to twelve months later. Say it ain't so!!! I want a Silver... Read more...

EA's Got Dev Kits, Eh? GC

by Ed Shih - 12:52 am EST
Source: IGNcube

Could EA's Canadian development teams already have GameCube hardware?

The guys at IGN Cube are reporting that EA's Canadian studios have received Gamecube development kits and, according to the "unofficial" reports, benchmark tests have been done and produced some nice numbers. So for all you who are worried about polygon numbers, check it out here or just keep reading.


December 6, 2000

Nsider returns?

by Jonathan Metts - 7:11 pm EST

NOA plans to revive its Nsider online community.

Many of you probably remember the old Nsider community area at Nintendo.com. Though it officially still exists there, the extremely popular BBS (a.k.a. message board) was shut down mid-'99 for some reason. I think the chat room is still somewhat active, but the BBS was the real deal, and it is sorely... Read more...

Old School APB!!!

by Max Lake - 11:06 am EST

Max sends out a call to his old buddies, because we're not good enough for him. ;-D

Since getting promoted, I’ve already gotten some nice congrats from colleagues and a couple ideas from readers… As well as inquires as to whether or not we’d be hiring any time soon. For now, I need to take stock of our current staff. Keep in mind you can always submit a Reader Rant, which is... Read more...

Acclaim's Got Money Trouble GC

by Max Lake - 10:58 am EST
Source: FatBabies.com

Deja Vu, 1995.

Posted recently at Fatbabies is a alarming report noting that Acclaim may be in danger of going under. In an excerpt from a financial analysis of the company by KPMG, comes this shocking observation:

”As discussed in Note 1A to the consolidated financial statements, the Company's significant... Read more...

Majora's "Dolphin Teaser" GC

by Max Lake - 10:06 am EST

One of our readers uncovers a nice little GameCube allusion in Majora's Mask.

Gee whiz, Nintendo is more excited about GameCube than most Nintendophiles are! Not only does it seem like upcoming N64 games may be ported to GC, recent Nintendo / Rare games have had some kind of “Dolphin” teasers in them! Thanks to an ultra-cool Planet reader, named Mohammed, we now know that there is a Dolphin Teaser in Majora’s Mask as well. Take it away, Mohammed:


On a news stand near you...

by Kosta Andreadis - 12:25 am EST

Kosta announces his affiliation with the one and only Australian N64 magazine. Cool!

That is if you live in Australia of course. As Australian N-Gamers (we know you out there) it sometimes seems like our beloved systems don't get the coverage they deserve. As of this month, I (that being Kosta Andreadis) have joined the staff of the one and only N64 magazine in Australia, N64 Gamer.... Read more...

December 5, 2000

Nintendo Lowers Licensing Fees GC

by Mike Sklens - 7:08 pm EST
Source: IGNcube

Looks like we'll be paying a lot less for GameCube discs than we did for N64 cartridges.

IGN Cube posted today that Nintendo has been rumored to have lowered it's licensing fees for the Nintendo GAMECUBE. The fees will probably be $9 or $10 per unit, which is the same as the Licensing fees on Sony's Playstation 2. What may be a thorn in Nintendo's (and Sony's) paw is that it is also rumored... Read more...

NOA+NDL = Quicker Cube Games GC

by Ed Shih - 2:21 pm EST
Source: http://www.ndl.com/nintendo.html

Numeric Design, Ltd. brings its famed NetImmerse middleware to GameCube.

Nintendo of America has teamed up with Numerical Design Ltd. to provide Gamecube developers with the NetImmerse game engine. This will allow developers to cut down their development time significantly. "The higher-level interface offered by NetImmerse will enable developers to quickly create new titles.... Read more...

December 4, 2000

Free Poke-Love

by Jonathan Metts - 7:41 pm EST
Source: http://www.planetn2000.com/goodies/pokemon.exe

Get your free Pokemon screensaver, if you dare. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Nintendo's got a new screensaver for you, based on their upcoming Pokemon Puzzle Challenge for GBC. We've uploaded it to our server, if you'd like to download the 3MB file without fighting off the masses at NOA's own site.


Delay Denied GC

by Billy Berghammer - 12:12 pm EST

Billy's NOA sources shoot down the GameCube delay rumor.

According to our sources deep inside Nintendo, the US Gamecube release is October 2001. They have completely denied all rumors, and have stated that,"Gamecube will be released October 2001".

Have faith people, and don't get your panties in a bunch. What do you think? Do you think Nintendo can afford to have a delay? Hit the talkback area and lay the smack down!


The Dreaded "D" Word GC

by Ed Shih - 5:46 am EST
Source: FGN Online

Rumors arise regarding a possible GameCube delay into 2002.

FGN Online is reporting a rumor from Next Generation magazine that Nintendo will hold back the Gamecube launch until 2002. Yup, you knew rumors of delays had to surface at some time. After all, this is Nintendo we're talking about. According to the report, the delay is attributed to the fact that... Read more...

December 3, 2000

The passing of the torch

by Billy Berghammer - 1:15 pm EST

Billy steps down as webmaster and editor-in-chief, passing these duties to Justin and Max, respectively.

It comes a time to make some staff changes here at PlanetN2000. I have grown rather busy with my career and I have had to make a hard decision. I will be stepping down from my position as Webmaster and Editor in Chief for PlanetN2000.

Due to the fact that my responsibilities and work load have... Read more...

December 1, 2000

On Show with Gekko

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:07 am EST
Source: IGN Cube

IGN Cube are lucky enough to speak with the Gekko team at IBM. Check out the highlights of the interview along with our thoughts.

At the recent Embedded Systems Conference, in San Jose California, IBM had a Gamecube proudly on display for all onlookers to witness the Gekko. "Our goal," said VP, Scottie Ginn, "is to make Nintendo so delighted that they want us to do their next next-generation. We're working very hard and trying... Read more...

21 Jumpstreet

by Kosta Andreadis - 4:54 am EST
Source: The Nintendo Project

No, there's isn't a 21 Jump Street game in progress, Kosta is just making an odd reference to Mobile 21.

No this news article has nothing to do with the 80's hit T.V show of the same name, but we hope it brought back soem memories. Mobile 21, the joint venture between Nintendo and Konami, spoke with the boys over at The Nintendo Project about their current lineup and themselves as a whole. A whole lot... Read more...

November 30, 2000

Let Your Voice Be Heard

by Mike Sklens - 8:25 pm EST
Source: Answer these questions!

Believe it or not, Nintendo wants to know what you think! I guess they really do care!

Nintendo want your opinion!! So go and give it to them. There is a new survey up at Nitnendo's site. All you gotta do is answer the questions and you are entered to win a free copy of Banjo-Tooie! Plus, it's a chance to tell The Big N how much you love them and how much you don't love Sony. YAY!! Go now and answer the questions or Louie will take a crap on your front porch.


November 29, 2000

New Logo on the Horizon? GC

by Zosha Arushan - 9:01 pm EST
Source: New Gamecube Logo?

First the name "StarCube" is short-lived, and NOW the GC's origional logo may be short-lived as well!

According to FGNOnline Nintendo is going to ditch their current logo in favour of something else. Here's what they had to say:

Japanese magazine, 64Dream has reported that NCL has given confirmation that a logo for Gamecube will be unveiled at next year's E3, or possibly a little later.


November 28, 2000

Rare Hints at Possible NGC Title GBA

by Mike Sklens - 8:31 pm EST
Source: Sabre Wulf on the cube?

The old Sabre Man makes a return--and brings with him news!

In a not so stunning move, Rare has yet again hinted at Gamecube stuff in their games, as they did with the Dolphin picture in Donkey Kong 64. This time the secret is in Banjo-Tooie. I'll try to do this without ruining any of the plot for those of you playing the game. A character that looks like... Read more...


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