Oh Arceus, please bless the water horse and all those who need the water horse for their Pokedex...
After announcing a double box mascot run-in and a battle pass, the details for the period in between the in person and worldwide "Unova Tour" events have been revealed.
The "Road to Unova Tour" event will begin at 10 a.m. local time on Monday and run until the global Unova Tour commences on Saturday (10 a.m. local). During the event, there will be objectives for obtaining the Black and White debuting legendary Pokemon (barring Kyurem) and a mythical, as well as these Pokemon having a day of 5 star (second highest difficulty) raid events. Genesect will be available on Monday, the "Swords of Justice" (Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion) on Tuesday, the "Therian Forms" of Tornadus, Thunudurs, and Landorus on Wednesday, Reshiram on Thursday, and Zekrom on Friday. Completed raids will include themed backgrounds for the legendary Pokemon when caught, as well as specific moves: Genesect with Techno Blast, the Swords of Justice with Scared Sword, Tornadus with Bleakwind Storm, Thundurus with Wildbolt Storm, Landorus with Sandsear Storm, Reshiram with Fusion Flare, and Zekrom with Fusion Bolt. All of these moves normally require use of an "Elite" TM to be taught. These legendaries will take over all gyms between 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time daily.
In addition to the battle pass, three other tickets will be made available for purchase: a previously announced "Masterwork Research" for a shiny version of the mythical Meloetta, and tickets for enhanced bonuses from hatching eggs and participating in raids that will run through the Unova Tour. The egg ticket will also provide encounters with Pokemon exclusive to the northeastern United States (Bouffalant), the southwestern United States (Maractus), and Egypt/Greece (Sigilyph), while the raid ticket will include items for powering up the legendary Pokemon and bonus rewards for completing raids in general. Each ticket will be $4.99 US or equivalent.
An upgraded, more graphical version of the game's Pokedex will also be added around the start of the event after being seen in a seasonal trailer. The controversial limit on "remote" raid pass usage of five per day will be raised to 20 on Monday and will be removed entirely on Saturday and Sunday; traditionally this has been timed to the start of the event in the time zones farthest to the east so it may go live later in the day Friday for North American players.