This week, the games come in pairs. Literally so for our friends in Europe.
There's four big games across two series this week in the downloads, and apparently two of them will have Discourse (tm) about what constitutes a visual novel versus an adventure game. The Famicom Detective Club holds their first Western meetings on Friday, with two separate games offering a discount in North America and Japan to get it to the standard Nintendo MSRP and one bundle pack in Europe for both. If you prefer to avoid internet arguments, Subnautica and its psuedo-sequel Below Zero both drop on Friday as well.
John would be remiss to point out that there's a space shooter for him this week in Space Commander, and Fire: Ungh's Quest aims to become the finest caveman-based platformer on the Switch - granted, the list isn't long for that.
Japan has a bit of catchup and an early release of a racing game we're looking at for next week.
North America
Switch eShop
Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind (US$34.99/C$46.99: Friday)
Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir ($34.99/$46.99: Friday) Conditional discount: Buying one Famicom Detective Club game gives $10/$14 off the other.
Subnautica ($29.99/$39.99: Friday)
Subnautica: Below Zero ($29.99/$39.99: Friday)
RWBY: Grimm Eclipse ($29.99/$39.89)
Rise Eterna ($19.99/$25.99)
Retro Machina ($19.99/$23.93: Wednesday)
Jin Conception ($15.00/$19.00: Wednesday)
Cooking Simulator - Pizza ($14.99/$19.99)
Taxi Driver - The Simulation ($14.99/$19.94)
Fire: Ungh's Quest ($14.99/$19.50: Wednesday)
Death Crown ($12.99/$17.28)
Exodemon ($12.99/$17.28)
Karma: Incarnation 1 ($11.99/$15.95: Friday)
Calculator ($9.99/$13.29: Wednesday)
Space Commander: War and Trade ($9.99/$13.29)
Quantum Replica ($9.99/$13.29: Friday)
Tested on Humans: Escape Room ($9.99/$12.99: Wednesday)
Be a Poker Champion! Texas Hold 'em ($9.99/$12.99)
Fantasy Checkers ($7.99/$9.99: Monday)
Kasiori ($7.00/$9.00)
Connection ReHaunted ($6.66/$7.99)
Super Shape Shooter ($5.99/$7.99)
Zumatch ($5.99/$7.99: Friday)
Wish Travel Super Puzzles Dream ($5.99/$7.97: Friday)
Solitaire Card Games ($5.99/$6.99)
Turbo Skiddy Racing ($4.99/$6.99: Saturday)
Classic Solitaire ($4.99/$6.64: Friday)
Tank Battle Retro ($4.99/$6.64: Friday)
Project: Knight ($4.99/$6.64: Saturday)
Rift Raccoon ($4.99/$6.49: Wednesday)
Rabisco+ ($4.99/$5.99: Friday)
Bounce Mania ($3.99/$5.99: Friday)
#1 Anagrams ($3.99/$4.99: Friday)
Preston Sterling and the Legend of Excalibur ($3.99/not released)
3DS eShop
Harold Reborn ($14.99/$18.99)
Switch Archives
Guzzler ($7.99/$9.87)
Sales and Price Drops
Highlights: A 2K sale ends on May 17 and includes NBA 2K21 at 84% off ($9.59) in time for the playoffs. PSPrices, DekuDeals, @eShopNotifier
Switch eShop
Famicom Detective Club (€59.99/£49.99: Friday)
Subnautica (€29.99/£24.99: Friday)
Subnautica: Below Zero (€29.99/£24.99: Friday)
RWBY: Grimm Eclipse (€25.28/£22.69)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Krusty Cook-Off (€24.99/£22.49: Monday)
Rise Eterna (€19.99/£17.99)
Retro Machina (€19.99/£16.99: Wednesday)
Cooking Simulator - Pizza (€14.99/£13.49)
Taxi Driver - The Simulation (€14.99/£13.49)
Fire: Ungh's Quest (€14.99/£12.99: Wednesday)
Death Crown (€12.99/£11.69: Wednesday)
Jin Conception (€12.62/£10.82: Wednesday)
Exodemon (€12.99/£11.69)
Karma: Incarnation 1 (€11.99/£10.79: Friday)
Tested on Humans: Escape Room (€9.99/£8.99: Wednesday)
Be a Poker Champion! Texas Hold 'em (€9.99/£8.99)
Space Commander: War and Trade (€9.99/£8.99)
Quantum Replica (€9.99/£7.99: Friday)
Calculator (€8.99/£8.09: Wednesday)
Fantasy Checkers (€7.99/£6.99: Monday)
Kasiori (€7.00/£6.26)
Connection ReHaunted (€6.66/£5.49)
Super Shape Shooter (€5.99/£5.39)
Wish Travel Super Puzzles Dream (€5.99/£5.39: Friday)
Solitaire Card Games (€5.9/£5.29)
Rabisco+ (€4.99/£4.99: Friday)
Turbo Skiddy Racing (€4.99/£4.99: Saturday)
Rift Raccoon (€4.99/£4.49: Wednesday)
Classic Solitaire (€4.99/£4.49: Friday)
Project: Knight (€4.99/£4.49: Friday)
Tank Battle Retro (€4.99/£4.49: Friday)
Bounce Mania (€3.99/£3.99: Friday)
#1 Anagrams (€3.99/£3.99: Friday)
Preston Sterling and the Legend of Excalibur (€2.99/£2.50: Wednesday)
Switch Archives
Guzzler (€6.99/£6.29)
MotoGP 21 (¥6578)
Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind (¥4378: Friday)
Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir (¥4378: Friday)
Subnautica (¥3520)
Subnautica: Below Zero (¥3520)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Krusty Cook-Off (¥3200)
Highway Haste (¥2157)
Rise Eterna (¥1999)
Cooking Simulator - Pizza (¥1620)
Fire: Ungh's Quest (¥1480)
Exodemon (¥1280)
Destrobots (¥1000)
Fantasy Checkers (¥999)
Guzzler (¥838)
Skyroll (¥749)
Grand Prix Racing (¥599)
Kropki 8 (¥500)
.cat (¥499)
Ninja Epic Adventure (¥499)
Dreaming Canvas (¥400)