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Retail Version of AKB48+Me to Include Digital Version in Japan

by Danny Bivens - October 10, 2012, 12:10 am EDT
Total comments: 8 Source: http://www.inside-games.jp/article/2012/10/10/6042..., Inside-Games

The first third party digital title will be delivered in a unique way to gamers in Japan.

The packaged retail version of the upcoming Japanese idol simulator for the Nintendo 3DS, AKB48+Me, will also include a digital version of the game, Kadokawa Games revealed. This marks the first third party title to offer a digital 3DS game, and the first time that the digital version is included with the packaged release. 

Nintendo plans to launch eight previously released retail titles on the 3DS eShop on November 1 in Japan and is also making digital releases available for all upcoming first party published titles.

AKB48+Me is set to release in Japan on October 25 and will retail for 5,670 yen. There is currently no information about the file size of the digital version of the game. 


Oh wow... oh god... why Do I want them to localize this so bad? I never even knew who AKB48 were until that one fateful Nintendo Direct featuring this game...

blankfallOctober 10, 2012

So basically I can buy the retail hard copy and get a digital copy for free? I like the resell value lol.

azekeOctober 10, 2012

Why? What's the point?
Aren't they literally cutting their own sales by half this way?
Or do they expect their audience not to have any friends that they can give additional copy to?
But then what's the point..

I'm just as baffled as the rest of you. I'm almost even tempted to buy this and resell it. Heh, almost.

AVOctober 10, 2012

isn't the japanese resell market totally different than the west? I thought it was illegal or something

TJ SpykeOctober 10, 2012

Quote from: Mr.

isn't the japanese resell market totally different than the west? I thought it was illegal or something

I think that is for rental games, used games do exist in Japan. I remember reading a article about one of the more famous ones in Tokyo called Super Potato, who have used games dating back to the NES/Famicom.

Oh yeah, used game shops exist in Japan. If I ever get stinkin' rich, I'm pulling a Gertsmann and raiding the country.

steveyOctober 11, 2012

Quote from: Mr.

isn't the japanese resell market totally different than the west? I thought it was illegal or something

I think you're referring to rentals
IIRC used game sold in japan pay some sort of royalties to the publisher. So this probability isn't costing them that much in lost sale, also incomplete games get far less back when being sold.

Quote from: azeke

Why? What's the point?
Aren't they literally cutting their own sales by half this way?
Or do they expect their audience not to have any friends that they can give additional copy to?
But then what's the point..

Quote from: The_Dan_x

I'm just as baffled as the rest of you. I'm almost even tempted to buy this and resell it. Heh, almost.

Some people (like me) want to own the physical copy of games while wanting to be able to download the game off the carts so I can carry them all with me at all times.

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