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Nintendo Weighing Multiple 3DS Zelda Options

by Andy Goergen - June 13, 2012, 12:43 pm EDT
Total comments: 31 Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/06/12/zelda-3ds-i..., IGN

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

Nintendo is considering either a remake of Majora's Mask or a follow-up or remake to A Link to the Past as its next 3DS Zelda project, according to an IGN interview with Shigeru Miyamoto.

In the interview, Miyamoto said "We haven't quite decided yet, whether we're going to do A Link to the Past, because there's also the possibility of doing a remake of Majora's Mask. This is something we've certainly been talking about and doing a little bit of experimenting with, to figure out which way we're going to go."

This isn't the first time Nintendo has teased the possibility of a Majora's Mask remake on the 3DS. In a July 2011 interview with Nintendo Power, Zelda Producer Eiji Aonuma stated that such a remake might make the game more accessible to players with time constraints. The original Majora's Mask required players to rush through the dungeons within the 72-hour time constraint and limited the ability to save without losing several hours of progress.

The other option would be returning to A Link to the Past in either the form of a 3D remake or even potentially a sequel. The beloved game is widely considered by many as one of the tent-pole titles in the Zelda series. 

In both the IGN interview and the Nintendo Power interview, Nintendo executives asked the interviewer if they would be interested in these titles. It seems as if they are interested in fan feedback before committing to a decision regarding the next Zelda title on 3DS.


AdrockJune 13, 2012

A Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda game, but Majora's Mask would benefit more from a remake/upgraded port to 3DS. No fuzzy textures here, no sir.

If Nintendo were to ever remake A Link to the Past, I'd prefer it on Wii U with HD sprites.

Sleeping LessonJune 13, 2012

Ideally I want a wholly new game, and a successor to Link to the Past would be fantastic, but any of these options would be great.

8bitsdeepJune 13, 2012

A Link to the Past (or sequel) could have some really cool effects with 3D. The multilayer dungeons with holes in the floor immediately jump to mind.

Whatever they choose, I'm definitely interested.  I was too tired of OoT to grab its 3DS remake but any of these possibilities would be day one purchases for me.

CericJune 13, 2012

Quote from: Adrock

A Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda game, but Majora's Mask would benefit more from a remake/upgraded port to 3DS. No fuzzy textures here, no sir.

If Nintendo were to ever remake A Link to the Past, I'd prefer it on Wii U with HD sprites.

I have to agree here.  On a side note I just started Majora Mask and now I truly understand how Tingle came in to existance.

TurdFurgyJune 13, 2012

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"Yes, I have. I can't decide :(

MataataJune 13, 2012

Why not all three?

syrindigoJune 13, 2012

I'm pretty sure they didn't want to do 2 Zelda remakes in a row on the 3DS... and I don't want them to either... I mean Majoras mask and Link to the past were great! But I want something totally new! Maybe with Toon Link! Or, i don't know. Just a game that will completely take advantage of what the 3DS has to offer.

cL7oudJune 13, 2012

You guys should check out the fan made MM trailer on youtube. Here is a link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyazYYev7Nw
Also Im a longtime reader but new member. happy to finally of joined the site

Chocobo_RiderJune 13, 2012

MM on 3DS pleeeeeeaaaassseeee!!!!


Because they have finite staff members and resources.  Magically as Nintendo may be, they are not a genie.  And if they were, that would make them a Game Genie... which as we all know, would make them property of Galoob.

Ian SaneJune 13, 2012

A sequel to A Link to the Past would be a new game.  It's a no-brainer that I prefer that one.

Though I wonder what element of LttP Miyamoto is thinking of when he talks about returning to it.  The 2D Zeldas on the different Game Boys all have similar gameplay.  Maybe he specifically likes the parallel worlds things.

leahsdadJune 13, 2012

Quote from: syrindigo

I'm pretty sure they didn't want to do 2 Zelda remakes in a row on the 3DS... and I don't want them to either... I mean Majoras mask and Link to the past were great! But I want something totally new! Maybe with Toon Link! Or, i don't know. Just a game that will completely take advantage of what the 3DS has to offer.

I also agree they don't want to do that.  Just from everything that they, from the way they handle their IP's to the way they dole out VC in a trickle, you sort of get the impression that Nintendo considers their existing games and IP's as some sort of limited resource.  I'd imagine they don't want to do both because they want to save either MM or LttP for the 4DS or whatever.  I also think the reason they've stopped Wii VC (and the slow rate of 3DS VC) is "banking" things for the future. 

Of course, this is why the flood of Mario platformers is befuddling, but then again, they want to make investors happy, don't they?

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJune 13, 2012

I always thought of FSA as a partial sucessor to LttP...

house3136June 13, 2012

Are they talking about a remake in addition to a new game? Skyward Sword was finished over a year ago and I’m pretty sure Aonuma said they wanted make a new game before another remake. However, who knows what team is actually handling the game. If it’s a remake, it’s more likely a cooperative effort, like what they did with Grezzo for OoT. It’s strange how Miyamoto used the word “experiments”; a whole year is a long time just to be performing experiments. I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but if they wanted to get MM on 3DS, they could have already done it. I wonder what the development cycle for OoT was? Obviously Miyamoto knows more than he’s leading on, but for some reason I feel like he’s trying to throw people off the track of what’s really happening at Nintendo. From the tone of the interview it seems like they haven’t even started making whichever game it is they want to make.

house3136June 13, 2012

I just looked it up and Aonuma sent out a Swapnote this past February saying: "Did you enjoy The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D? Thanks to everyone, the Legend of Zelda series had a very happy 25th anniversary. I hope you're looking forward to new Legend of Zelda games."
That would be a strange thing to do if they didn’t already plan of making a new title.

EJtheKJune 13, 2012

Can we get an official/sticky poll on this?

If they want fan input, let's give them the NWR reader stats!  ;D

Loyb11June 13, 2012

I think they should make Majora's Mask 3D and also release a 3D classics version of A Link to the Past on the eShop

RodrigueJune 13, 2012

I'd prefer A Link to the Past, because it was my first Zelda game and I love it, but I didn't play Majora's Mask, so I wouldn't mind it either. As long as I get another portable Zelda, I'm good.

AVJune 13, 2012

what they should have done is remaster MM for Wii U as launch game.
Use the LTTP engine and concepts to make a new game (sort of like New Super Mario Brothers takes world concepts) and that's for 3DS.

I've never played Majora and would like to, and that plus the fact that I don't like LTTP means I vote Majora.

(x) Comedy "original game" option

LOZmanJune 13, 2012

Honestly, I really don't care which one it ends up being. Any new Zelda is enough to get me very excited!

steveyJune 13, 2012

Adding 3D to ALttP would either destroy the game or be barely noticeable pop up sprite. The original A Link to the Past was absolutely perfect anyway, sprites and all. I rather have a new Fours Swords+1 Zelda for the WiiU with ALttP 2D sprite.

I'd love to see a WW remake on 3DS (with the missing dungeons added back in and more content+difficulty)

Spak-SpangJune 14, 2012

This is a tough decision for me. 

Honestly, I would have liked it if Nintendo would have included the M.M. remake in the remake of OoT for the 3DS.

I would have loved for the game, to be included after the final credits and give more understanding to the order of games.

However, since they didn't do it that way...I really don't want a M.M. remake...it is actually my least favorite Zelda despite having some really cool themes. 

I actually want Nintendo to take Zelda a different direction...back to its roots.  They have sorta done that with DS Zelda games but I feel the touch screen controls have been a horrible mistake. 

So I want a follow up to Link to the Past on the 3DS...one that is not a remake, but a new game in that art style and storytelling style.  That just screams beautiful classic game play...and I actually think the 3D effects could be quite breathtaking with the game. 

Bman87301June 14, 2012

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I DO NOT want a MM remake!

Don't get me wrong, I love MM, but as part of the Zelda series, it's less of its own game than it is OoT 1.5. Since we already got OoT 3D (and since OoT has already been pretty much milked to death at this point anyway) it's about time one of the more sadly overlooked Zelda games finally got some new attention.

And I don't want simply a ALttP-styled  follow-up that simply reuses ALttP's sprites and 2D environment the way Four Swords Adventures did either...

The original ALttP concept deserves the full remake treatment-- a cel-shaded 3D remake of ALttP with OoT-gameplay mechanics... As long as they don't do anything stupid like use a WW-styled character design for Link. They need to stick to the art-style of the original SNES artwork, and portray Link as being in the 13-15 year old range like how Pit was portrayed in Uprising.

This SO needs to happen! Please don't let me down, Nintendo.

Chozo GhostJune 14, 2012

Why must they pursue only one option? Why not do all of them?

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJune 14, 2012

Quote from: NinSage

Because they have finite staff members and resources.  Magically as Nintendo may be, they are not a genie.

I do have to say, I'm rather amused by some of the same folks on here who complain about Nintendo reusing the same themes/characters/concepts also wanting more Zelda - specifically, Majora's Mask and LttP remakes. :D

Chozo GhostJune 14, 2012

Why does it amuse you that core gamers want more of a core franchise?

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJune 14, 2012

So everyone's happy with New Super Mario Bros. 2 and New Super Mario Bros. U?

Chozo GhostJune 14, 2012

Quote from: UncleBob

So everyone's happy with New Super Mario Bros. 2 and New Super Mario Bros. U?

Its better than the casual games it could have been.

And with that said, I think a lot of the griping you see over Nintendo milking too many sequels out of a franchise mainly revolves around the Mario franchise. How many Mario games have we seen the last 5 years or so? Every year we get multiple Mario games. I think that's what 90% of the griping is about. Other Nintendo franchises like Metroid, Zelda, Star Fox, etc. aren't getting these endless yearly repetitive sequels the way Mario does. That's why talk about a new Zelda still holds a lot of excitement, whereas talk of another Mario game isn't quite as exciting because there's just so many of them.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJune 14, 2012

*actual* Mario games, still, aren't that common.  Sure, we get Mario-skinned games like Mario Tennis and Mario Party, but an actual Mario platformer (2D or 3D) isn't something we tend to get more than once a year.

Hell, it took nearly 20 years to get an original, new Mario 2D Platformer...  And now, because we're getting a few more (mind you, a new game for new systems... not even a same-system "upgrade"), well... Mario's played out.

TJ SpykeJune 14, 2012

13 years, not 20 (1992 to 2005). NSMBU looks like a really great game, I plan to get it (not sure on NSMB2 yet).

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