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Japanese 3DS Sales Top 5 Million

by Andy Goergen - February 20, 2012, 10:04 am EST
Total comments: 13 Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/2012/1..., Nintendo

The sales figures in Japan begin to show some depth.

Nintendo 3DS system sales in Japan have reached the five million mark, according to Media Create, as of February 19, 2012. The system launched in Japan on February 26, 2011.

Previous successful Nintendo handheld systems have taken longer to reach this milestone; for instance, the Game Boy Advance reached five million systems sold in 58 weeks; the Nintendo DS in 56 weeks. The 3DS has reached the feat in 52 weeks, making it the gaming system to reach this milestone the fastest in Japanese history.


CericFebruary 20, 2012

52 Weeks.  That means in its first year the 3DS has reached $5 Million units but, couldn't take Nintendo to a profit.  How would you gauge success internally as Nintendo?

TJ SpykeFebruary 20, 2012

Quote from: Ceric

52 Weeks.  That means in its first year the 3DS has reached $5 Million units but, couldn't take Nintendo to a profit.  How would you gauge success internally as Nintendo?

When you lose money on every unit you sell (which the 3DS is doing now), it's hard to make profit. Game sales have picked up as a result and eventually hardware will make a profit again too.

KDR_11kFebruary 20, 2012

Are they really losing money or are they just not making much? The 3Ds doesn't look that expensive to make to me.

TJ SpykeFebruary 20, 2012

I don't have it in front of me, but Iwata said that at the current 3DS price, they are in the red with each unit sold.

Chozo GhostFebruary 20, 2012

The 3DS was selling at $100 markup before the $80 pricedrop, so logically there should still be a $20 markup. If that disappears because of some other factors I don't understand like exchange rates or whatever I don't really know, but I don't think Nintendo is losing much money off each 3DS they sell (if any). They are probably right around breaking even.

Chozo: that price you saw ignores manufacturing, packaging, and shipping costs.

ROiDSFebruary 20, 2012

But Nintendo's DOOMED! /sarcasm

motangFebruary 23, 2012

Awesome news! Who says dedicated handheld systems are dead?!?

Chozo GhostFebruary 23, 2012

Quote from: motang

Awesome news! Who says dedicated handheld systems are dead?!?

Nintendo shareholders.

oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusFebruary 23, 2012

The Angry Birds crowd. Seriously, fuck that company coasting on that one game.

So in other words, morons?

TJ SpykeFebruary 23, 2012

Angry Birds is a pretty addictive game. I don't think Rovio should focus on just that IP (and I don't think they are right in believing its worth $1 billion), but it's not bad.

I hate Angry Birds. I'm in this weird position where I defend the quality that exists on the iOS platforms but can't stand the most prominent and popular game for them.

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