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Modern Warfare 3 Confirmed for Wii

by Aaron Kaluszka - June 8, 2011, 5:44 pm EDT
Total comments: 27

Special black Headbanger Headset will join the upcoming shooter.

Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be arriving on Wii, if an upcoming accessory is any indication. A black version of PDP's Headbanger Headset is set to be released in October this year.

Activision has not officially confirmed the game for Wii, and a tweet by Infinity Ward specifically excluded confirmation of a Wii version, throwing its existence into question. The previous version of Modern Warfare, Reflex Edition was developed by Treyarch, but the developer of Modern Warfare 3 on Wii is still unknown.

The black Headbanger Headset, which follows the original white version and black Call of Duty: Black Ops version, will retail for $29.99. The headsets currently support Call of Duty: Black Ops and Conduit 2.


ShyGuyJune 08, 2011

Interesting. Probably the next one for the Wii U?

Mop it upJune 08, 2011

If this is indeed true then I have to say I'm a bit surprised. I figured that if another Modern Warfare game came to the Wii, it would be Modern Warfare 2, released on the same day as Modern Warfare 3.

EnnerJune 08, 2011

This is surprising news. When I heard of three studios working on Modern Warfare 3, I didn't think a Wii version would come of it. Perhaps it's four or five and Treyarch/Eurocom is pulling weight along with Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, Raven Software, and whatever outsourced work studio.

FZeroBoyoJune 08, 2011

Weird, since Modern Warfare 2 isn't on the Wii. I thought we'd be getting a port of that game this year on the same day as MW3 just like last time.

Oh well, it's still welcome news.

BlackNMild2k1June 09, 2011

How is this confirmed if it isn't confirmed and purposely omitted?

Shouldn't the headline be followed with a question mark?
or be changed to "all but confirmed"

Killer_Man_JaroTom Malina, Associate Editor (Europe)June 09, 2011

The giant Modern Warfare 3 Wii box art in the picture is pretty telling.

Anyway, good to see the new Infinity Ward is more open to the idea of developing on a new Nintendo console. Great news for the people who really enjoy Call of Duty, though I'm not one of them.

Mop it upJune 09, 2011

Infinity Ward likely isn't developing the Wii version, they still stay firm on avoiding the Wii. I'd be surprised if they actually were. It's probably being handled by Treyarch, who created the Wii version of the original Modern Warfare, and if not, then someone else.

BlackNMild2k1June 09, 2011

Quote from: Killer_Man_Jaro

The giant Modern Warfare 3 Wii box art in the picture is pretty telling.

I didn't click through to the site. just saw the story on the forum where is says everything but confirmed and only mentioning a headset.

As always... it's best to read the site on the actual site. Forums are for discussion, and we provide article text in Talkback threads only for convenience.

BlackNMild2k1June 13, 2011

can you provide pics in Talkback threads too for further convenience? ;D

It would also help if clicking links in Talkback OP didn't lead you away from the site but instead opened the link in a new tab/window. I can't tell you how many times I've clicked an NWR article link then closed the tab so I can go back to NWR only to realize that it was the same tab.

or does that only happen to me?

StogiJune 13, 2011

Chrome already does the second request. I agree with the first one though.

BlackNMild2k1June 13, 2011

I use chrome though, and it only happens in NWR Talkback OP and actual site news stories.

everywhere else it opens in a new tab. So I guess it must just be me then.

Please actually READ our site guys? Please? T_T


EnnerJune 13, 2011

Quote from: BlackNMild2k1

I use chrome though, and it only happens in NWR Talkback OP and actual site news stories.

everywhere else it opens in a new tab. So I guess it must just be me then.

You don't middle click every link? If you don't have a mouse with a middle button, you can get a Chrome extension that adds mouse gestures. Smooth Gestures can let you right click+hold+drag up+release on links to open them in a new tab. You can drag down than up to open a link in a new tab without changing the browser's focus.

StogiJune 13, 2011

Quote from: Kairon

Please actually READ our site guys? Please? T_T


We are, just through a prism which are the forums.

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusJune 14, 2011

Quote from: BlackNMild2k1

can you provide pics in Talkback threads too for further convenience? ;D

It would also help if clicking links in Talkback OP didn't lead you away from the site but instead opened the link in a new tab/window. I can't tell you how many times I've clicked an NWR article link then closed the tab so I can go back to NWR only to realize that it was the same tab.

or does that only happen to me?

I usually read the main site, but I have had that happen other places when I think a link opened a new tab rather than in the same window. Control+Shift+T is my best friend. It reopens closed tabs.

MelonYoshiJune 29, 2011

i wonder if this is true or not

Chozo GhostJune 29, 2011

Quote from: FZeroBoyo

Weird, since Modern Warfare 2 isn't on the Wii. I thought we'd be getting a port of that game this year on the same day as MW3 just like last time.

Why? MW2 sucks. Its best that it be skipped. MW2 is nothing but boosters.

~JaReD1234September 23, 2011

I have COD black ops and i playwith the classic controller pro and I LOVE IT!!!!! if this game is for sure going to come out on the WII and it has the classic controller pro feature i will surely buy it!

KDR_11kSeptember 24, 2011

Throwing West and Zampella out probably resulted in this.

Kytim89September 24, 2011

I actually liked Black Ops, so if this game gets good reviews then I might pick it up down the road when I have a little more cash.

Chozo GhostSeptember 24, 2011

Quote from: KDR_11k

Throwing West and Zampella out probably resulted in this.

I don't know if they were the reason MW2 sucked so much, but maybe MW3 will be better now that they are gone. I also heard the Medal of Honor game which they were involved in also bombed badly, so maybe these guys just suck.

EnnerSeptember 25, 2011

Quote from: Chozo

I also heard the Medal of Honor game which they were involved in also bombed badly, so maybe these guys just suck.

If you're talking about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, that is one of the best of the series. It sold well as a PC exclusive. It was after Allied Assault that members of the developer 2015 broke off and formed Infinity Ward.

I don't know how you can hear that the Medal of Honor title they were involved in was one that bombed when the only Medal of Honor title they did was very well received.

Chozo GhostSeptember 25, 2011

Quote from: Enner

Quote from: Chozo

I also heard the Medal of Honor game which they were involved in also bombed badly, so maybe these guys just suck.

If you're talking about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, that is one of the best of the series. It sold well as a PC exclusive. It was after Allied Assault that members of the developer 2015 broke off and formed Infinity Ward.

I don't know how you can hear that the Medal of Honor title they were involved in was one that bombed when the only Medal of Honor title they did was very well received.

They were involved in the most recent one also, which is the one I was referring to.

DasmosSeptember 25, 2011

That doesnt sound accurate at all. I think you're making stuff up.

EnnerSeptember 25, 2011

Quote from: Chozo

Quote from: Enner

Quote from: Chozo

I also heard the Medal of Honor game which they were involved in also bombed badly, so maybe these guys just suck.

If you're talking about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, that is one of the best of the series. It sold well as a PC exclusive. It was after Allied Assault that members of the developer 2015 broke off and formed Infinity Ward.

I don't know how you can hear that the Medal of Honor title they were involved in was one that bombed when the only Medal of Honor title they did was very well received.

They were involved in the most recent one also, which is the one I was referring to.

Medal of Honor (2010) was made by Danger Close games and EA DICE. Respawn Entertainment, where Jason West and Vince Zampella currently work, is not credited to have helped in the development. As an aside, Medal of Honor (2010) had a cool critical reception but sold well.

HEROSiLVEROctober 04, 2011

It is also odd that it only says October 2011 and no day .......... it already is October and i would like to know when it comes out!!!!!! This is ridiculous even though I would assume that it comes out on the 8th or 9th but will it come out earlier or later ???? And if so it leaves the question ..................... WHERE DO I BUY IT?!?!?!?!?!?!????!!!!!???

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