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Namco Bandai Files New Trademarks

by Jared Rosenberg - December 31, 2009, 1:04 pm EST
Total comments: 7 Source: Siliconera

The publisher of Klonoa and We Cheer recently filed two new potential game titles for the great continent of Europe.

Over the course of December, Namco Bandai has filed numerous trademarks with The Trade Marks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union. The latest filings to become public knowledge are trademarks for "Joint Assault" and "Voyage of the Planet."

"Joint Assault" may join a long line of Namco titles with 'assault' in the title including Assault (re-released earlier this year on Virtual Console Arcade in Japan), Ninja Assault, and Star Fox: Assault.

Other recent filings by Namco Bandai are:

  • Pac-Man Battle Royale
  • Drill till you Drop
  • Deadheat
  • No platforms are indicated in these filings.


    BlackNMild2k1December 31, 2009

    I sense a Dead Rising: CTYD joke in there somewhere.

    TJ SpykeDecember 31, 2009

    I think it's safe to assume that Pac-Man Battle Royal will be a mini-game collection on Wii.

    BTW, it's "Star Fox: Assault" (it's a common misspelling for people to write "Starfox").

    NinGurl69 *hugglesDecember 31, 2009

    It's actual StarFox, on all the boxes.

    Lylat Wars

    TJ SpykeDecember 31, 2009

    That is just how it looks because of the font. The name is correctly "Star Fox" (it's how some people incorrectly write "SoulCalibur" instead of "Soulcalibur"). Check Nintendo's site and you will see they have it written "Star Fox".

    NinGurl69 *hugglesDecember 31, 2009

    Nintendo is wrong, but there is no helping them, is there.
    Just look at this generation.

    The space has been added. Thank you for pointing out the error.

    Happy New YEAR!

    KDR_11kJanuary 01, 2010

    Star Wing!

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