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No Local Multiplayer in The Conduit; Possibility for Sequel

by Neal Ronaghan - February 7, 2009, 6:48 pm EST
Total comments: 74

In addition to the confirmation of no split-screen multiplayer, the game's release date is set, and High Voltage's Animales de la Muerte is still in the works.

Much to many people's chagrin, there won't be any local multiplayer in Sega and High Voltage Software's The Conduit when it hits stores on June 9. Eric Nofsinger, Chief Creative Officer at High Voltage Software, resolved earlier conflicting reports in speaking to Nintendo World Report at NYCC 2009. He also heavily hinted that split-screen multiplayer could be implemented in a potential sequel. Apparently, the developers tried to get LAN multiplayer running, but Nintendo would not allow it.

When asked about High Voltage's long-ago-announced title, Animales de la Muerte, Nofsinger confirmed that it is still alive but currently on hold. Due to the focus on comedy and its accompanying large quantity of audio, Animales de la Muerte would not fit into the WiiWare size limits and the game is instead planned for a disc release if and when it comes out.


I guess this shouldn't be a surprise considering how far they're pushing the hardware in single player.  It sucks that Nintendo retains still so much control over their hardware.

TJ SpykeFebruary 07, 2009

What is up with Nintendo and the lack of LAN play? They themselves showed Mario Strikers Charged and Battalion Wars 2 using LAN play when they where unveiled a few years ago at the Leipzig Games Convention, only to later remove this feature. And they are still not allowing third parties to use it.

King of TwitchFebruary 07, 2009

LAN is the new DVD

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorFebruary 07, 2009

Just guessing - Nintendo wants to force people to use WiFi Connection so they can keep track of everything?  With LAN, there's always a chance someone can rig something up (a la Warp Pipe) to circumvent the need for WiFi Connection to play online (and thus the need for Friend Codes?)

Mop it upFebruary 07, 2009

I already figured it wouldn't so this announcement is of no surprise to me. Oh well, I'm going to wait for this to hit the bargain bin/cheap used price anyway... because I'm a cheapskate. :)

MorariFebruary 07, 2009

Split-screen multiplayer has to be one of the dumbest things ever in a FPS. On the other hand, it is kind of ridiculous that there won't be any LAN play. That goes for other games as well, like Mario Kart. The Wii has BUILT IN wireless. It's a no brainer, really.

SpinnzillaFebruary 07, 2009

June = NWR's wifi Conduit month.

can't wait for June.  Too bad I'll be out of town around June 9th.

Mop it upFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: Morari

Split-screen multiplayer has to be one of the dumbest things ever in a FPS.

Why? With online-only, if you had three friends who wanted to play the game, each one of them would have to own the system and the game, then lug their TVs over to your place so you can all play together. Plus, allowing more than one player per system to play online makes it easier for matches to contain a large number of players.

It isn't like having the option of local/split-screen multiplayer detracts from the game so I don't what's wrong with it. If it isn't your thing then simply don't use it.

SpinnzillaFebruary 08, 2009

Voice chat really helps with the friends not being there-ness.

Mop it upFebruary 08, 2009

True, and even if there's no voice chat you could still use cellphones and whatnot to communicate. Even so, that isn't the same as gathering everyone together for a game; people need to see my victory dances if by some slim chance I happen to win. That also doesn't eliminate the requirement of every player having the system, game, and possibly the voice chat accessory (in this case I guess that would be Wii Speak?).

I wonder if a third party could make a LAN solution.

BloodworthDaniel Bloodworth, Staff AlumnusFebruary 08, 2009

Ugh, online has almost killed multiplayer for me. I honestly feel like local and LAN play are way more fun, and it actually seemed easier to get together with people back before all the big games were online too. I'll have to see if Eric's willing to say anything more the next time I talk to him.

After talking to various people from High Voltage that were at the Con, I've got a lot more hope in the online multiplayer...but damn it I want split-screen! I like playing with my friends in person!

I'm happy that the one question I really wanted answered got an answer. Albeit it wasn't the one I wanted, I feel very confident that if split-screen could've been done right now, it'd be done. I like High Voltage.

GoldenPhoenixFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: Mop_it_up

Quote from: Morari

Split-screen multiplayer has to be one of the dumbest things ever in a FPS.

Why? With online-only, if you had three friends who wanted to play the game, each one of them would have to own the system and the game, then lug their TVs over to your place so you can all play together. Plus, allowing more than one player per system to play online makes it easier for matches to contain a large number of players.

It isn't like having the option of local/split-screen multiplayer detracts from the game so I don't what's wrong with it. If it isn't your thing then simply don't use it.

I agree, I think it is completely ridiculous to say that split screen is the dumbest thing in a FPS. I'm not sure about Morari, but I had a blast with Goldeneye and also Perfect Dark back when they were out. Split screen added a different experience since you could see where everyone is at and plan according to that. It created a different kind of environment.

No split screen is disappointing but really, can we be angry at High Voltage? They are pulling off stuff that no other company has done yet on Wii, and have done their best to add everything they could.

I loved split in Goldeneye.

KDR_11kFebruary 08, 2009

Sales cut in half right there. Many Wiis are used with multiple local players and on shared TVs, The Conduit is thus not playable when multiple people want to use the Wii. Also a lot of "cross pollination" of game libraries happens when someone plays a game at someone else's place and likes it enough to buy it, that possibility is lost for TC. One theory says that this kind of arcade test at other people's houses is what made the Wii more successful in the US than other territories.

Spak-SpangFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: Bloodworth

Ugh, online has almost killed multiplayer for me. I honestly feel like local and LAN play are way more fun, and it actually seemed easier to get together with people back before all the big games were online too. I'll have to see if Eric's willing to say anything more the next time I talk to him.

I have to agree with this statement.  I understand that for FPS online is technically better than local, but it just isn't as fun. 

DasmosFebruary 08, 2009

This has basically killed any chance of me buying this game.

SpinnzillaFebruary 08, 2009

We always find things to nag about. :P

NemoFebruary 08, 2009

If the game is still fun, I'll still buy it.

KDR_11kFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: Spinnzilla

We always find things to nag about. :P

People have been saying they want that for months already. HVS doesn't seem to care. Okay, online-only multiplayer is apparently standard on the HD consoles but it still sucks.

NovaQFebruary 08, 2009


Sure, split-screen cramps your visual field and lets the other players "cheat" by glancing at your screen to find your exact position. But like others have been saying, it's a lot more fun to play with friends in the same room. (My favorite FPS memories come from muiltiplayer GoldenEye and PD.) It's too bad that there will only be online, but it sounds like HVS has done all they can or are willing to do at this point. Plus, it's not like most people on these forums will have a hard time finding others to play with.

AVFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: NovaQ


Sure, split-screen cramps your visual field and lets the other players "cheat" by glancing at your screen to find your exact position. But like others have been saying, it's a lot more fun to play with friends in the same room. (My favorite FPS memories come from muiltiplayer GoldenEye and PD.)

yeah that cheating is strategy and makes it very unique experience. My friends still play mk64 on  Virtual Console splitscreen in the block fort. It's fun because we see each other coming and drive away.

Online has its place I won't deny that, but why does have to take over ?

Call of Duty 4 is tons of fun local splitscreen multiplayer with friends.

I understand graphics will be reduced, but I don't care its fun playing FPS with real life friends. This is crazy why not include Both? I don't care about LAN, its stupid nintendo didn't allow it but I honestly don't care since its such a rare thing.

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusFebruary 08, 2009

Without local split screen I highly doubt I'll buy this game anywhere near launch time. I'll probably check it out when it hits about $30.

After playing through the demo at NYCC a few times, my bitterness towards the lack of local multiplayer gets less and less. It's not amazing, but it's very good.

Flames_of_chaosLukasz Balicki, Staff AlumnusFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: Mr.

Without local split screen I highly doubt I'll buy this game anywhere near launch time. I'll probably check it out when it hits about $30.


KnowsNothingFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: Mr.

Without local split screen I highly doubt I'll buy this game anywhere near launch time. I'll probably check it out when it hits about $30.

Definitely.  What a bummer.

blackfootstepsFebruary 08, 2009

I love split screen and this is a real dampener. My favourite combo now is online that allows guests. Playing Halo 3 with my brother online against others is great fun. I'm not sure why other games eg CoD don't do it too.

NinGurl69 *hugglesFebruary 08, 2009

LOLOLOLOLOL owned so bad.

I'm look forward to single player.

My geographically close friends are FPS-inept.

I'll be hitting up NWR for multiplay.

EasyCureFebruary 08, 2009

I'll be there.

Hell, I might be there too. And I don't even really like playing games online.

Mop it upFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: GoldenPhoenix

I had a blast with Goldeneye and also Perfect Dark back when they were out.

Perfect Dark owns. Hard.
Split-screen multiplayer is the difference between having fond memories of the game itself or having fond memories of the people you played the game with.

I don't really care though because I'm not into shooters, I won't be buying this at launch no matter how good it turns out. I might get it later out of curiosity when it hits the bargain bin or a cheap used price.

AVFebruary 08, 2009

Quote from: Mop_it_up

Quote from: GoldenPhoenix

I had a blast with Goldeneye and also Perfect Dark back when they were out.

Perfect Dark owns. Hard.
Split-screen multiplayer is the difference between having fond memories of the game itself or having fond memories of the people you played the game with.

I remember my friend Steve playing Perfect dark against revenge bots, turtle bots and kamikaze bots . We used to play in the facility and the king of the hill. We would grab tons of ammo and be a team us against them. We would be in the colored spot and just wait for bots to try to capture it. We killed so many bots and had tons of fun, occasionally the bots would overwhelm us but it was great.

I much rather they delay the game until November and add Local Multiplayer , anyone else with me ?

EasyCureFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: nron10

Hell, I might be there too. And I don't even really like playing games online.

agreed, though i only dislike playing online when connecting is a pain in my ass... I'm lookin at you Brawl!

SpinnzillaFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: NinGurl69

LOLOLOLOLOL owned so bad.

I'm look forward to single player.

My geographically close friends are FPS-inept.

I'll be hitting up NWR for multiplay.

I'm in the same boat with pro.  Either my friends hate FPS's or aren't around anymore (out of state colleges and what not).  June= NWR death matches. ALL DA TIME.

EasyCureFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: Spinnzilla

Quote from: NinGurl69

LOLOLOLOLOL owned so bad.

I'm look forward to single player.

My geographically close friends are FPS-inept.

I'll be hitting up NWR for multiplay.

I'm in the same boat with pro.  Either my friends hate FPS's or aren't around anymore (out of state colleges and what not).  June= NWR death matches. ALL DA TIME.

Quote from: EasyCure

I'll be there.

It bears repeating ;)

I'm not sure I'd want to play a Wii FPS splitscreen with pointer aiming, it'd be a lot harder to be accurate with a smaller screen. Everything I hear about the game apart from these two missing features has been overwhelmingly positive; as long as that doesn't change I'll be picking this up day one and I'll be with you guys online in June.

EasyCureFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: insanolord

I'm not sure I'd want to play a Wii FPS splitscreen with pointer aiming, it'd be a lot harder to be accurate with a smaller screen. Everything I hear about the game apart from these two missing features has been overwhelmingly positive; as long as that doesn't change I'll be picking this up day one and I'll be with you guys online in June.

I had no problems with it in Red Steel, and we all know how bad those controls were at time.. In fact I remember playing RS with 4 players on a pretty tiny screen, and we were all relatively spaced out in the room, enough as the sensor bar would let us (the space in front of the tv was limited too, so we were all within 5ft from the sensor bar), enough to be comfortable and the aiming was fine. In fact i pulled off some awesome long distance headshots!

Ian SaneFebruary 09, 2009

Only one of my friends has a Wii and one-on-one deathmatch is no fun.  Local multiplayer was the only way I could play with all my friends.  What I REALLY would like to do is have my friend bring his Wii over and connect it to the upstairs TV and then we split into seperate teams in different rooms.  But since Nintendo hates LAN for no reason that can't happen.  These Nintendo enforced restrictions for no reason are exactly the sort of thing that cost Nintendo the top spot in the first place and is the exact sort of thing that will cost them it again.  Why enforce a restriction that the competition doesn't have and not even provide a reason for it?  That's just ASKING people to go to the competition and until Nintendo figures that out they'll always be vulnerable.  They're safe on top right now but that won't last forever unless "we'll f*ck it up just because" is no longer part of Nintendo's way of doing things.

I value single player in first person shooters a lot more than most people though so this is more of a "ah nuts" bummer for me than a deal breaker.  I always see multiplayer as a cool bonus so if the single player is great then this is an easy purchase.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterFebruary 09, 2009

Well, if HVG is trying hard to please everyone with this release there might be a small chance that they might add local multiplayer if the reaction is strong enough. The game won't see release till June I believe so they can add local multiplayer using the same options as the online game.

GoldenPhoenixFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: pap64

Well, if HVG is trying hard to please everyone with this release there might be a small chance that they might add local multiplayer if the reaction is strong enough. The game won't see release till June I believe so they can add local multiplayer using the same options as the online game.

My guess is that will not happen because I'm sure Sega wants a solid release date now.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: GoldenPhoenix

Quote from: pap64

Well, if HVG is trying hard to please everyone with this release there might be a small chance that they might add local multiplayer if the reaction is strong enough. The game won't see release till June I believe so they can add local multiplayer using the same options as the online game.

My guess is that will not happen because I'm sure Sega wants a solid release date now.

Hence why I said "small chance".

They can still do it and it might take less time than expected (unless they work hard towards balancing the game).

...There is a solid release date. June 9

KDR_11kFebruary 09, 2009

Makes me wonder how simply using multiple Wiis in one house for "local" online play would work out, if the server only does matchmaking and the game itself is run P2P between the consoles it should theoretically turn into a LAN game once you start it. Wouldn't really need a separate LAN play option then...

Quote from: KDR_11k

Makes me wonder how simply using multiple Wiis in one house for "local" online play would work out, if the server only does matchmaking and the game itself is run P2P between the consoles it should theoretically turn into a LAN game once you start it. Wouldn't really need a separate LAN play option then...

It works pretty well with Mario Kart, which was lag-free in my experience.

Mop it upFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: Mr.

I'd much rather they delay the game until November and add Local Multiplayer, anyone else with me?

I'm with you. A delay to add local multiplayer would totally be worth it. I don't care if it would have to run at 30FPS or something; how many people complained that Mario Kart Wii ran at 30FPS in the multiplayer mode? Certainly not as many complaints as if the game had no local multiplayer whatsoever.

That reminds me, A.I. bots are another feature I'd like to see in more modern shooters. People say that online modes have made bots obsolete, but I think they are more valuable than ever. Bots provide the best practice because you can customize them: make them move fast or slow, give them lots of health or one shot is all it takes, make them cowards or risk-takers. You can't learn anything from playing with somebody who headshots you every time you've just respawned.

GoldenPhoenixFebruary 09, 2009

Well you guys have to realize the game has to come out sometime. ;)

Mop it upFebruary 09, 2009

Didn't somebody legendary once state something along the lines of "A delayed game is eventually good; a rushed game is bad forever"?

GoldenPhoenixFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: Mop_it_up

Didn't somebody legendary once state something along the lines of "A delayed game is eventually good; a rushed game is bad forever"?

Well I don't think Conduit is being rushed, but there are just some things you have to wait on when it comes to including them! About every game in the universe, polished or not has things they could not implement.

Quote from: Mop_it_up

Didn't somebody legendary once state something along the lines of "A delayed game is eventually good; a rushed game is bad forever"?

I had a big post arguing against delaying the game but then you had to go and quote Miyamoto on me.

GoldenPhoenixFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: insanolord

Quote from: Mop_it_up

Didn't somebody legendary once state something along the lines of "A delayed game is eventually good; a rushed game is bad forever"?

I had a big post arguing against delaying the game but then you had to go and quote Miyamoto on me.

Hey I bet Miyamoto had to ::gasp:: not include things because of time restraints. ;)

What i care about with Conduit is a well designed and fun single player mode with a solid online system that is stable. Yeah it is disappointing split-screen isn't included but really we are already getting quite a bit for a first effort!

SpinnzillaFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: Mop_it_up

Didn't somebody legendary once state something along the lines of "A delayed game is eventually good; a rushed game is bad forever"?

lol, Too Human.

Quote from: GoldenPhoenix

What i care about with Conduit is a well designed and fun single player mode with a solid online system that is stable.

What GP Said.

Mop it upFebruary 09, 2009

Quote from: GoldenPhoenix

Well I don't think Conduit is being rushed, but there are just some things you have to wait on when it comes to including them! About every game in the universe, polished or not has things they could not implement.

True, very true. This means that I want to see this game be successful, as it's the sequel I'm waiting for.

Also, I should have known it was Miyamoto who said that quote (I don't think it is word-for-word correct either). He says everything meaningful.

GoldenPhoenixFebruary 09, 2009

Yeah Miyamoto is especially poetic when he says "I command thy tea table to upend!"

I'm sure they made the decision really early on not to do split-screen multiplayer.  My guess is that's because they wanted to focus entirely on the online experience, since that's a much bigger technical challenge than split-screen multiplayer.  They aren't a big company so I'm sure they had to pick their battles from an engineering standpoint.

KDR_11kFebruary 10, 2009

The saying I remember is "A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned." There's always something you could add or improve or whatnot but you want to wrap it up and ship it at some point. A released game may be little fun but a game that ran out of money before it finished won't be any fun at all.

Focussing on online and split screen is not mutually exclusive (though running the system at the limit of its abilities with one screen and having splitscreen might). Keep in mind that Halo 1 didn't have online yet it already sold like hotcakes.

NinGurl69 *hugglesFebruary 10, 2009

Cuz Halo was an inferior product for customers that didn't know any better.



I wasn't aware that online multiplayer would be in The Conduit. That kind of makes me excited.

By the way, "The Conduit" is best said when you use the same voice the computer in Venture Bros. used to say "The Nozzle," including the brief pause between the last word said and "The" in "The Conduit."

NinGurl69 *hugglesFebruary 10, 2009

In her shorts you will find... The Conduit.

"I wasn't aware that online multiplayer would be in The Conduit."

Your staff license is hereby revoked.

Hey, ever since PAX, my interest in the game had kinda fallen off a cliff. It is now piqued.

GoldenPhoenixFebruary 10, 2009

Quote from: NinGurl69

In her shorts you will find... The Conduit.

"I wasn't aware that online multiplayer would be in The Conduit."

Your staff license is hereby revoked.

You don't have that power. You liar.

StratosFebruary 13, 2009

All of my hopes for reviving my Goldeneye and Perfect Dark memories are shattered. :'(
I don't have as much fun with online games as I do with local games. Though maybe that's because I don't really have any online Wii-friends.

Though there is always hope for Red Steel 2 which I bet will be out this Christmas.

NinGurl69 *hugglesFebruary 13, 2009

If you get Far Cry: Vengeance you can relive the framerates of yesteryears, you'll love it.

StratosFebruary 13, 2009

Is that the only game along with Red Steel 1 that has split screen multiplayer (that is an FPS)?
Since Conduit is still a ways out I thinking about getting World at War. Does that have split screen or just online.

Far Cry...didn't that play horribly on Wii?

KDR_11kFebruary 13, 2009

Onslaught doesn't have any local multiplayer either...

StratosFebruary 13, 2009

I didn't really expect it to 'cause its for WW.

KDR_11kFebruary 14, 2009

I think local coop would have helped it since that way you can actually coordinate your movements, just silently killing stuff is kinda boring.

NovaQFebruary 14, 2009

Oh, no WiiSpeak for Onslaught?

Wait, let me ask this in the Onslaught thread...

NinGurl69 *hugglesFebruary 14, 2009

Quote from: KDR_11k

Onslaught doesn't have any local multiplayer either...

Because it's a modern game.

Quote from: NinGurl69

In her shorts you will find... The Conduit.

"I wasn't aware that online multiplayer would be in The Conduit."

Your staff license is hereby revoked.

You have to understand that Zach is a strange bird.  His gaming knowledge is vast, yet he has random pockets of complete ignorance that are positively baffling to the casual observer.  He also has a penchant for asking very obvious questions that he could answer for himself with a Google search in under a minute, yet it is not in his nature to do so.  Indeed, he is a fascinating subject.

NinGurl69 *hugglesFebruary 15, 2009


Lindy speaks the truth. I am something of a technological (non-avian) dinosaur. In fact, It's a miracle I can use Trac or Excel.


1) Mesozoic ornithodirans (dinosaurs + pterosaurs)
2) Seinfeld
4) Some video game genres (see below for exceptions)
5) Paleoillustration


1) Non-reptilian tetrapods, excluding crown Mammalia, which I'm getting better at
2) Friends (the show)
3) Com-poo-tors
4) FPS, RPG, RTS, and GTA video game genres
5) Math--it is my enemy!

StratosFebruary 17, 2009

Quote from: Halbred

5) Math--it is my enemy!

Then I hope you don't have to play Math Coach.
That would be like poison to you.

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