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Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Receiving Cloud Edition In Japan

by Donald Theriault - September 13, 2018, 6:34 pm EDT
Total comments: 1 Source: Nintendo Direct

Disclaimer: We are NOT making this up.

The Japanese version of today's Nintendo Direct revealed that one of the biggest games of the year is coming to Switch... in a fashion.

Similar to the previous release of Resident Evil 7, a "Cloud Edition" of Assassin's Creed: Origins will be releasing for Japanese Switch systems on October 5. Ubisoft has confirmed no plans to bring this version of the game out for the West.

The game will be sold for ¥8400 - the same price as the PlayStation 4 version in Japan - which will allow access for 730 days (or two years).


ShyGuySeptember 13, 2018

This is weird and it kind of irritates me.

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