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Rayman Legends Delayed to September

by Tyler Ohlew - February 7, 2013, 11:17 am EST
Total comments: 88 Source: http://joystiq.com/2013/02/07/rayman-legends-delay..., Joystiq

Not only is he missing limbs, but Rayman is missing a release date!

Rayman Legends has been delayed past its February 26 release date. Ubisoft has confirmed that the game is now scheduled for release in September.

The announcement comes on the heels of news that the title will also be released on the PS3 and 360. There is no confirmation that the delay comes as a result of this decision.

Legends was initially scheduled for the Wii U's launch date, alongside Ubisoft Montpellier's other title, ZombiU. Leading up to the launch, the title was delayed to its February release date.


broodwarsFebruary 07, 2013

Well, I was really looking forward to play Rayman in a few weeks, as one of the few February 2013 titles I still had interest in, so in the short-term this is disappointing.  In the long-term, when this game was originally announced I wanted to play it on other platforms, so in the end I'll get the experience I prefer anyway.

That said, it was a real **** move of Ubisoft to not only announce the game's delay 3 weeks before it was due to release, but  also to announce it was delayed for a simultaneous release on the other HD platforms. I can't blame Ubisoft for cutting the exclusivity, but they could and should have handled this so much better.  Wii U owners have a right to be angry at Ubisoft about this.

The big issue, of course, is what this means for the Wii U: now the Wii U will be without anything anyone could call a notable title until at least Monster Hunter in March.  I personally could not care less about Monster Hunter, so for me there probably isn't a notable title on Wii U until Pikmin 3 or Wonderful 101 (whichever comes first) sometime in the Summer.  That's a long time for a new platform to go without major new software, and it makes the prospects of Nintendo having to announce some sort of price cut to reinvigorate Wii U sales all the more likely.

For the time being, it looks like my Wii U will be going into storage, as I have neither the reason nor the desire to play it and Nintendo doesn't seem terribly interested in filling software voids right now.  I had hoped when they released the thing last year that we'd be seeing major new Virtual Console releases at the very least to fill in the gaps. However, it seems Nintendo is satisfied with merely re-releasing games I already bought until at least the Summer.  Maybe I'll take the Wii U out again in a few months to play Xenoblade or something, but for the time being it's taking up a slot by my TV my 360 could be using right now, so into the storage bin it goes.

ShyGuyFebruary 07, 2013

Guess I won't be buying Rayman. YOU LOSE UBISOFT

HairyChestFebruary 07, 2013

Thank goodness for targets 90 day return policy on systems

I like to think that I don't get too hyped for unreleased games. I don't really read previews, I never preorder, I look squarely at the now or the very near future. But the news of the delay was like a punch in the gut. I'm still feeling physically ill over the news.

That, or I just had some bad chicken.

ejamerFebruary 07, 2013

Glad I didn't buy a Wii U at launch. This was the "launch game" I wanted most... and although Wii U has a couple games that look interesting there is not nearly enough to justify the expense.
If I had bought a Wii U then I would be pretty pissed at this announcement. Not so much the loss of exclusivity (which was expected eventually), but at the huge delay for a meaningful Wii U release. 

What's the deal with Rayman on Nintendo consoles lately?  The massive delay of Origins on 3DS was also ridiculous.

Pixelated PixiesFebruary 07, 2013

The delay is a bummer. Ultimately though, the release on other consoles is in the best interests of the series. We can still fault Ubisoft for the way they handled this release, but I don't think we can fault them too much for their decision.

FjurbanskiFebruary 07, 2013

One of the dumbest smart moves a company could make.

Making it multiplatform is smart. Rayman doesn't sell like crazy, so it needs those extra install bases. Good move.

Pushing the release back, and having what we can only assume to be a finished product just sitting around while Wii U owners (of which there is a sizable amount) get pissed off at you? Bad move. You know how many games I'm going to want to play come Sept. that are not Rayman Legends? One of the main reasons I was going to get this game was because it was being released now.

Quote from: Pixelated

The delay is a bummer. Ultimately though, the release on other consoles is in the best interests of the series. We can still fault Ubisoft for the way they handled this release, but I don't think we can fault them too much for their decision.

Is it, though? Because right now, they're just going to repeat what happened with Origins: it was completely overshadowed by the AAA releases of Q4, I was the only one to buy it at launch (and mostly because amazon.ca was selling the Wii version for $30 at launch), and most people picked the game up a month later after severe discounts.

Had they released the Wii U version in three weeks like they were supposed to, they would have been the biggest fish in the pond. The only fish in the pond. And I think it would have sold not only at a higher price, but also more copies in the long run.

They shouldn't have delayed the Wii U version because of the ports.

HairyChestFebruary 07, 2013

If this decidion was made because the game wasnt finished i understand. If not, then i fully expect a wiiu price drop and ambassador program incoming within a month.

Jet PilotFebruary 07, 2013

So all of a sudden, less than 3 weeks before launch, they realize that they are going to miss the release date?

SorenFebruary 07, 2013

Cutting off the nose to spite the face.

Sacrificing the sales from being the only Wii U game releasing in February (with no other game of note releasing until late March and Wii U owners desperate for games) just so PS360 owners don't whine and ignore the game in September (when they'll be busy with other games).

Smart move Ubisoft!

Pixelated PixiesFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Pandareus

Had they released the Wii U version in three weeks like they were supposed to, they would have been the biggest fish in the pond. The only fish in the pond. And I think it would have sold not only at a higher price, but also more copies in the long run.

They shouldn't have delayed the Wii U version because of the ports.

Are you suggesting that Wii U owners won't now buy the game because it was delayed, or that they won't now buy it because it's going to be available simultaneously on other systems?

If you're suggesting the former, then I can point to multiple instances of Nintendo having a game in the can but delaying for one reason or another (the European release of FE:Awakening was announced for Fall 2012 and we're now going to have to wait until April, seemingly to plug a software gap!). I'm sure Ubisoft did their homework before coming to this decision.

If you're suggesting the latter, then I simply don't believe gamers are that childish. Who's stupid enough to pass up playing a great game just because it's now available on other platforms.

The release being in the same window as a game like GTA perhaps isn't ideal, but let's be honest they have very few options at this point in the generation. There's very little room for maneuver with the Durango and Orbis on the horizon. They've got to sell what they can, while they can.

DamabaFebruary 07, 2013

The little fire that burns in my heart for Nintendo just got pissed on again. Nintendo needs to seriously rethink its strategy. I bought this console with pure excitement and enthusiasm, now that has dwindled down to nearly nothing..... Bad Day.

Quote from: Pixelated

Quote from: Pandareus

Had they released the Wii U version in three weeks like they were supposed to, they would have been the biggest fish in the pond. The only fish in the pond. And I think it would have sold not only at a higher price, but also more copies in the long run.

They shouldn't have delayed the Wii U version because of the ports.

Are you suggesting that Wii U owners won't now buy the game because it was delayed, or that they won't now buy it because it's going to be available simultaneously on other systems?

No, I'm saying they'll be busy playing other games in September, just like everyone else, and Rayman will fall by the wayside. In February it would have had its day in the sun.

azekeFebruary 07, 2013

Maybe it is Ubisoft's idea of cutting cost on marketing? Instead of two launches they will have one unified launch...

CericFebruary 07, 2013

Whatever money Ubisoft thought to save if that was why they made their decision will be counteracted by lost sells on at least the WiiU sku.  Just think the delay portion more than anything else is the part that is really going to bite Ubisoft from the games potential.

ejamerFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Jet

So all of a sudden, less than 3 weeks before launch, they realize that they are going to miss the release date?

But they only missed it by a tiny 7 month window.  It's easy to have something small like that sneak up on you.

Pixelated PixiesFebruary 07, 2013


Are we talking about any games in particular that will take attention away from Legends on Wii U? What's coming out in September on Wii U? I genuinely don't know.

DamabaFebruary 07, 2013

I don't think Ubisoft needs to explain their actions as much as Nintendo needs to comment on thire situation with the Wiiu. This clearly was preventible by Nintendo.  Why can't they secure a titles exclusivity? Even if it was for the first 6 months.
Iwata stop starring at all that dam fruit and focus on the task at hand, and Reggie....... I don't want to see your face till I get Pikmin 3.  God that felt good.

DamabaFebruary 07, 2013

I don't think Ubisoft needs to explain their actions as much as Nintendo needs to comment on thire situation with the Wiiu. This clearly was preventible by Nintendo.  Why can't they secure a titles exclusivity? Even if it was for the first 6 months.
Iwata stop starring at all that dam fruit and focus on the task at hand, and Reggie....... I don't want to see your face till I get Pikmin 3.  God that felt good.

SorenFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Pixelated

The release being in the same window as a game like GTA perhaps isn't ideal, but let's be honest they have very few options at this point in the generation. There's very little room for maneuver with the Durango and Orbis on the horizon. They've got to sell what they can, while they can.

Normally I would agree. But man...I just don't know if this is a good business decision. If the game had released on Feb. 26 as a timed exclusive it would have gone head to head with:
a) a 30cent Virtual Console SNES game
b) Runner 2 (maybe)

With no other notable Wii U game on the horizon until late March. Is Ubisoft really going to make more money on this game with a multiplatform release in September instead of a timed exclusive now? By September we might be looking at the Wind Waker HD release, and who knows what else.

FjurbanskiFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Pixelated

They've got to sell what they can, while they can.

So they should sell the finished Wii U version in Feb. like they planned? Guillaume is right. They had a chance to have one version that wouldn't be overshadowed by any other releases. And even without that, there is a serious hunger for Wii U games right now. Even people who didn't care about this game would snatch it up just to have something to play. They lost that chance, and are now going up against GTAV and other games. Will it be a failure? Probably not, but it's a missed opportunity for them.

Side note: The U-play community in Miiverse is being blown up by protestors. It's pretty funny.

Quote from: Pixelated


Are we talking about any games in particular that will take attention away from Legends on Wii U? What's coming out in September on Wii U? I genuinely don't know.

It might not be on Wii U, but Grand Theft Auto V will eat this game alive.

Let's put it this way: there will be considerably more Wii U games in September than the ZERO that are coming out in February. From Nintendo, I could see Wind Waker HD hitting that window, and we'll see what else is slated for that window in the future. September is a more active month in the games industry; February isn't. You don't need to list too many specific titles to know that.

Pixelated PixiesFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Fjurbanski

Quote from: Pixelated

They've got to sell what they can, while they can.

So they should sell the finished Wii U version in Feb. like they planned?

There's two reasons why I would answer no to that question. Launching a game twice is more expensive than launching it once. There is also an acknowledged phenomena that when a game is launched several months later on another platform it sells less (partly that's to do with the fact that it's often deemed to be a port, which for some holds negative connotations, and it's partly due to the fact that game websites and media report less on a game if it's already been available on other platforms).

There are very good reasons to not want to release on Wii U several months before they plan to release on other platforms. Look man, I'm no damn analyst. All I'm saying is that I can see why this decision may have been taken. I still think it's a bummer that it's being delayed, but I have to disagree that it's a bad financial decision.

AdrockFebruary 07, 2013

The irony of saying that they ported the game to "give the fans what they wanted" is what a lot of fans really wanted was to play Rayman Legends in February instead of September.

Pixelated PixiesFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: NWR_Neal

Quote from: Pixelated


Are we talking about any games in particular that will take attention away from Legends on Wii U? What's coming out in September on Wii U? I genuinely don't know.

It might not be on Wii U, but Grand Theft Auto V will eat this game alive.

As I've said, we're getting to that point in the generation where publishers really have little choice as to what they're up against in any given month. If you're going to release a game on this current generation of consoles then you have limited options. I'm sure Ubisoft would have preferred to launch the game earlier (that in fact is the biggest tragedy here, that they didn't take the decision to make the game multi-console sooner and, in so doing, get it out sooner), but clearly they couldn't.

FjurbanskiFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Pixelated

There are very good reasons to not want to release on Wii U several months before they plan to release on other platforms. Look man, I'm no damn analyst. All I'm saying is that I can see why this decision may have been taken. I still think it's a bummer that it's being delayed, but I have to disagree that it's a bad financial decision.

Haha, you don't need to be an analyst for me to take your thoughts seriously (God knows most of them aren't very good at their job anyway).

And at the end of the day.. I feel like none of this talk of business and sales matters much. Rayman will be mostly fine, and Ubi certainly isn't going under after this. But, sometimes its better to just please your fans and give them the game you promised, instead of taking it away from them weeks before it comes out. Especially since they're blatantly lying to us when making this announcement.

From IGN:

"When we saw all the comments when we announced the game would be focused on Wii U, all of the people that have both the PlayStation 3 and 360 were really disappointed,” Poix told IGN. “So we thought it was making more sense to also bring the game to where it was originally from. That means Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. So we decided to go for a multiplatform launch simultaneously."


"As for the reason for the delay, Poix explained that 'it’s really about the fans. It’s really about having a very interesting universe, a mix of craziness and poetry mixed all together. We are very happy that we can bring that to many, many Rayman fans and the more we can, the better.'"

It's not about the fans, it's about the money. If it was about the fans, you wouldn't screw over one group just to please another group. So if they wanna do all this fine, but they're either lying, or they genuinely don't understand how a 7 month delay could anger people (which is obviously not true).

Ian SaneFebruary 07, 2013

The demo for this game is the only hands on experience with the Wii U I've ever had and now this is neither an exclusive or a "launch window" title like the demo would suggest.

In the last few days we've had this and EA not announcing Madden when the other versions were announced and losing that Ninja Gaiden exclusivity.  That's a lot of bad news for Wii U owners in such a short time and so soon after launch.  The Wii U hasn't exactly recreated the frenzy the Wii had.  The third party support wasn't so hot to begin with but even the publishers that were on board at launch appear to be distancing themselves from it.

It appears that Nintendo has been teh DOOMED for ten years but now I'm starting to really believe it, in a scary way.

SorenFebruary 07, 2013

I have never seen so many gamers turn on a game so harshly after it had garnered so much goodwill. Ubisoft had done so much good for Nintendo, and they threw it all away.

Does no one remember how Rayman Origins sold? It was a flop until it dropped to $20, but the sheer volume of sales made it turn a profit. If they'd hit the February launch on Wii U a large portion of the system's user base, already predisposed toward liking 2D platformers and desperate for something new to play, would have bought the game for the full $60.

If you honestly think things are going to be any different this time and the 360/PS3 crowd will flock to at at full price, then fine, but I don't see that. It won't sell until the price drops, and that'll be true on the Wii U now as well, due to ill will Ubisoft brought upon themselves with this decision and launching at a time where there will (hopefully) be other things coming out, making people less in a rush to grab any one particular game.

AdrockFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Soren

Ubisoft had done so much good for Nintendo, and they threw it all away.

Let me preface this by saying that I'll continue to buy Ubisoft games so long as they're good. This doesn't change anything for me as a consumer. I still like fun and will get it in any way I can (legally?).

However... As a Nintendo fan and a Wii U owner...

I realize that this was especially shitty for us in terms of 3rd party relations (I openly admit that I probably wasn't buying the game day 1). Rayman Legends was an exclusive title originally set for launch... then launch window... then it's delayed to almost a year after it was supposed to come out and it's probably being delayed so the other versions could launch simultaneously. This is after Nintendo went out of their way to make Rayman Legends then ONLY demo available for the console when they were sent out. To anyone who says Nintendo hasn't stepped up to the plate for 3rd parties, they totally did here and got shafted big time which means Nintendo fans got shafted big time. Ubisoft just bricked in every Wii U owner's mouth who bought the console specifically for this game. I'm sure some of them even had a PS3/360. Could Ubisoft have released the game then announced ports to PS3/360? I'm sure the general consensus from Wii U owner's would have been, "Ehh, kind of lame, but okay. At least I got to play it months ago."

This is especially difficult for Nintendo fans because Rayman Legends being ported to PS3/360 is the reverse of how they're treated with regarding 3rd party games.

3rd parties: We're porting to PS3/360 to give fans what they wanted.
Wii U owners: Well... we want ports of your PS3/360 games on Wii U.
3rd parties: Fuck a jug.

Mop it upFebruary 07, 2013

This is a strange move. I don't have a problem with the game releasing on other systems, but to delay the Wii U version again makes no sense, unless it wasn't ready yet but that seems unlikely. The game would have definitely sold better had it been released this month with no competition.

SorenFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Adrock

3rd parties: We're porting to PS3/360 to give fans what they wanted.
Wii U owners: Well... we want ports of your PS3/360 games on Wii U.
3rd parties: **** a jug.

I eagerly await Ubisoft's Wii U port of Far Cry 3.

LouieturkeyFebruary 07, 2013

I'm almost positive Ubisoft will be leaving money on the table with this decision. 

roykoopa64February 07, 2013

I fell in love with Ubisoft when Wii U launched. I bought, finished, and enjoyed ZombiU and Assassin's Creed III, and I was highly anticipating Rayman Legends after played the demo from the eShop.

Now I just feel sick.

TrueNerdFebruary 07, 2013

Just a reminder that Pandora's Tower comes out March 26th.


Delaying the Wii U version to maybe sell more on the other systems is not a good enough reason to delay for 7 months.

I don't think anyone would really care if PS3/360 versions of the game were coming in September if we were still getting the game this month. After all they'd talked it up to be and it being probably the biggest game in Q1 for the system, I think Ubisoft owed them at least that.

AdrockFebruary 07, 2013

That's exactly what would have happened. When Tecmo announced Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge for PS3/360, people weren't really complaining about the port. They mostly found it odd because Nintendo published the game on Wii U (though I realize that being a port itself, enhanced but still a port, probably contributed to the blasé reaction). It didn't matter because it came out November 2012 on Wii U and is coming out April 2013 on the other platforms. Here, Ubisoft seemed to go out of their way to troll Wii U owners.

EasyCureFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: EasyCure


“We heard from many Xbox & Playstation owners and Rayman fans who told us they really wanted to play Rayman Legends on their current system”, says Geoffroy Sardin, EMEA Chief Marketing & Sales Officer. ”We decided to give the fans what they wanted while at the same time broadening the audience exposed to this innovative and memorable game.”

This is what pisses me off about this whole situation. I've never liked a single Rayman game I've played, I downloaded the demo because everyone here claimed it was awesome but outside the Castle Rock level, I wasn't feeling it. It seemed like it could be fun, but I'd most likely pass on it unless I could get it for cheap - in other words, the game delay or it going multiplatform don't affect me one bit. However, when your PR people say "well we're doing it for the fans" I say "well what about all those times Nintendo fans tell you they want games on their current systems and you ignore them??" This isn't about Ubisoft in particular, mind you, but in general. This is 100% PR bullshit and they know it, but they're going to just keep on smiling while they spit in the face of fans.

Quote from: Adrock

The irony of saying that they ported the game to "give the fans what they wanted" is what a lot of fans really wanted was to play Rayman Legends in February instead of September.

This, also I'm stealing "fuck a jug"

Quote from: roykoopa64

I fell in love with Ubisoft when Wii U launched. I bought, finished, and enjoyed ZombiU and Assassin's Creed III, and I was highly anticipating Rayman Legends after played the demo from the eShop.

Now I just feel sick.

Your post seems a little melodramatic, but I love your avatar/username ;)

ResettisCousinFebruary 07, 2013

  I'll freely admit to giving a closer look to console exclusive games. I'll freely admit to paying more for them than I would a multi-plat game. Maybe it's my age, but exclusive games give a system its character and are worth more to me. It was easy to have this philosophy with the Wii because most of its best games were console exclusive and almost none of its multiplats were better than the PS360 versions.

In the case of Legends and this statement, of course the corporate half-truth of “fan service” irritates anyone with intelligence and integrity. Of course this is first about maximizing ROI. I don't object to that on a moral level but it moves the game from a pre-order, full price purchase to a 'maybe for $35... at most' purchase for me. Yet obviously there are many fans of Origins on the 360 and PS3, maybe more than from the Wii. Given the tablet's presumed integration with the game design, squeezing this game on to the older consoles may be no small task. Why not create two parallel games, not unlike some good SNES / Genesis series had? Legends would remain basically as we've seen it (and oh my have we seen it, and for some time... bring it out, already!) and for the other platforms you have Rayman Chronicles.

StogiFebruary 07, 2013

So......how are they going to make co-op work?

If I remember correctly, you launch projectiles by tapping the touch screen.

EasyCureFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Stogi

So......how are they going to make co-op work?

If I remember correctly, you launch projectiles by tapping the touch screen.

Oh don't you know? Dual analogue can do ANYTHING! I'm sure you use one stick to aim a cursor on screen and then.. click int he same stick, throwing off your aim, to fire! instead of.. you know.. making it a button press, or at least the other god damn stick.

RazorkidFebruary 07, 2013

The only good news for me is that I get to save some money in the short term and can focus on clearing out some more of my backlog. Very disappointed by this news and my intelligence feels insulted by the reason given by Ubi's PR. Just say its about money and I'll at least respect your decision.

EasyCureFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Razorkid

The only good news for me is that I get to save some money in the short term and can focus on clearing out some more of my backlog. Very disappointed by this news and my intelligence feels insulted by the reason given by Ubi's PR. Just say its about money and I'll at least respect your decision.

I know, right? It would help humanize a company if their PR did that.

"Look, the industry is in a tough position right now where almost every game is either going to make or break us. We simply can't afford to release an exclusive game when there are so many other gamers out there who may not have a Wii U to enjoy Rayman Legends on. We've decided it'd be not only best for our company, but best for ALL gamers, if we release the game on all currently available home consoles. Unfortunately, to make the most of this we're going to have to delay the Wii U version."

That'd be an honest, reasonable answer to our customers or potential customers. We didn't get that though.

Vrgin XFebruary 07, 2013

(;,;) That sucks. Now that it's been delayed, I've got $60 that will go to payoff another game.

(Thank god I read this before I went to GameStop to pick up FE:A)

Even the developers of the game are pissed.


The thread is in Spanish, but a translation exists...


I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decission taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don't pick on the game.

If you're pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we've been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescon, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc...) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn't finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we're being told it's not going to be released? I couldn't believe it.

For practical matters, you'll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we've spent 6 months barely seeing our wifes, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn't needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news.

Even then I'm firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that's making it doesn't deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice. This industry is really that shitty

(Translation source)

EasyCureFebruary 07, 2013

see that's the kind of honesty I like to see, if only the people in charge were that honest.

TizonaFebruary 07, 2013

All I can add to this conversation is that, I didn't play Rayman Origins. I played the Rayman Legends Demo and enjoyed it. I would have bought this game this month, because I really want something on my Wii U. Come September, I will have many more Wii U games as well as PS3 games.
I won't end up buying it.
Not because of bias, or hate, or revenge, or anything like that, just terrible terrible timing.

EasyCureFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: Tizona

All I can add to this conversation is that, I didn't play Rayman Origins. I played the Rayman Legends Demo and enjoyed it. I would have bought this game this month, because I really want something on my Wii U. Come September, I will have many more Wii U games as well as PS3 games.
I won't end up buying it.
Not because of bias, or hate, or revenge, or anything like that, just terrible terrible timing.

And that's whats so unfortunate about this. I'm sure there are more gamers like you than there are the ones that will boycott it or purposely wait until they can get it dirt cheap at gamespot in order to spite a game company.

StogiFebruary 07, 2013

They should probably take down those demos....

FireponcoalFebruary 07, 2013

The WiiU is a fucking joke.

AdrockFebruary 07, 2013

Quote from: EasyCure

And that's whats so unfortunate about this. I'm sure there are more gamers like you than there are the ones that will boycott it or purposely wait until they can get it dirt cheap at gamespot in order to spite a game company.

A bigger message would be to buy the game (if you were going to before the delay) to show that 3rd party games can succeed on the console.

Additionally, an organized fan movement that opens a dialog with Ubisoft to calmly and respectfully address fan discontent from a Wii U owner perspective would also be far more productive than flooding Miiverse with angry posts or wishing the game to fail. It may very well get ignored, but they're probably far more willing to listen if criticism is presented in a more constructive manner. It's important to be annoyed because this is annoying and it needs to be address because it matters and we need to treat it like it matters. Throwing a tantrum on Miiverse is not the way to do it though.

EasyCureFebruary 08, 2013

Quote from: Ad[quote

Quote from: EasyCure

And that's whats so unfortunate about this. I'm sure there are more gamers like you than there are the ones that will boycott it or purposely wait until they can get it dirt cheap at gamespot in order to spite a game company.

A bigger message would be to buy the game (if you were going to before the delay) to show that 3rd party games can succeed on the console.

Additionally, an organized fan movement that opens a dialog with Ubisoft to calmly and respectfully address fan discontent from a Wii U owner perspective would also be far more productive than flooding Miiverse with angry posts or wishing the game to fail. It may very well get ignored, but they're probably far more willing to listen if criticism is presented in a more constructive manner. It's important to be annoyed because this is annoying and it needs to be address because it matters and we need to treat it like it matters. Throwing a tantrum on Miiverse is not the way to do it though.

While I agree with you, it's the sad truth that a lot of people game on a budget and if the game comes out when either you don't have money, or you have some but have to make a choice between that and something you'd prefer, the game loses - not the player.

AdrockFebruary 08, 2013

I just meant that in terms of sending a message. Buying the game sends a bigger message than boycotting it. If the game doesn't sell, they'll blame it on Wii U owners, not the discouraging and unnecessary delay. If it sells well, it kind of justifies the delay (in their mind), but it encourages more support. Not ideal, but it's the best case scenario from this (completely avoidable) mess.

Since we don't live in a fantasy world where people buy products based solely on sending messages from companies that dick them over, that's not realistic. Like I mentioned in another topic, if Rayman Legends launches near the Wind Waker remake now, forget it. Game over. 9 out of 10 people are going to pick Zelda because it's Zelda and ultimately Ubisoft will have traded solid sales on a single console with next to no competition on the platform for mediocre-best-terrible-at-worst  sales on 3 consoles due to strong competition.

azekeFebruary 08, 2013

Was watching miiverse reaction video:
Good one.

Also boycotting is stupid. When making statements on the internets start to matter to you more than your personal fun from playing the game you kinda lost the plot.

EasyCureFebruary 08, 2013

Quote from: Adrock

I just meant that in terms of sending a message. Buying the game sends a bigger message than boycotting it. If the game doesn't sell, they'll blame it on Wii U owners, not the discouraging and unnecessary delay. If it sells well, it kind of justifies the delay (in their mind), but it encourages more support. Not ideal, but it's the best case scenario from this (completely avoidable) mess.

Since we don't live in a fantasy world where people buy products based solely on sending messages from companies that dick them over, that's not realistic. Like I mentioned in another topic, if Rayman Legends launches near the Wind Waker remake now, forget it. Game over. 9 out of 10 people are going to pick Zelda because it's Zelda and ultimately Ubisoft will have traded solid sales on a single console with next to no competition on the platform for mediocre-best-terrible-at-worst  sales on 3 consoles due to strong competition.

I'd hate to sound like Ian but it (most likely) wouldn't generate the kind of support we'd want. If it sells they'll think the market is full of desperate idiots and provide only lackluster support. I guess some is better than none? Again, doesn't affect me because I won't buy something I don't like and in this example, I wasn't impressed by Rayman Legends so I was never planning on getting it anyway.

Yes, boycotting is stupid but I wasn't talking about that. I was referring to the people who will end up picking up a better game that will be released around that time, whether it's for wii u or any other system. That's happened to me before, a game kinda falls by the wayside and you forget about it. Could've been good but it missed its chance. Thats what I feel might happen with Rayman, and its unfortunate because it could've been avoided. People who declare boycotts probably weren't going to buy it anyway.

AdrockFebruary 08, 2013

Encourages ≠ Generates

A game selling better at least shows that there are people interested in buying Ubisoft games even if Ubisoft was responsible for the controversy to begin with. Even if you're referring to a game that people wait to pick up later, the same basic message is sent. Ubisoft will have made less money on the game when people wait to buy it for $20 or nothing if people buy it used.

PlugabugzFebruary 08, 2013

The market doesn't support more than two methods of consumer/manfacturer responses - we buy or do not buy. Interest, or little/no interest. Other things do not weigh in as heavily as those two.

Ubisoft are at the beginning of a circular argument - they delay a game so far to the point nobody wants it, nobody buys it, they release something else but because of what they did before people are turned off from Ubi, consumers expectations are raised even further (e.g. if they want me to buy this game it better be VERY good!), but because they delayed the first game nobody wants it... and so the circle goes on.

Eventually they don't release games and the consumers complain they're not releasing games.

ejamerFebruary 08, 2013

Interesting to see the very candid developer remarks. Hopefully there won't be any repercussions for speaking out.  Can't imagine that Nintendo is happy with this news either after giving the game a huge amount of marketing support, although doubt we'll hear anything from their camp on the matter.

Also have to say that, even assuming mediocre sales across all platforms, the delay probably makes sense for Ubisoft's bottom line.  Getting a small bump in sales (due to better marketing and removing the perception that PS3/360 versions are "just a port of an old game") across the massive PS3/360 install base will probably generate more sales than being a dominant game on Wii U at this point in the lifecycle.

That doesn't make announcing a delay so close to release any more acceptable for gamers, and I think the Ubisoft suits deserves ever bit the harsh criticism they'll end up receiving for this move.

Pixelated PixiesFebruary 08, 2013

Quote from: ejamer

Also have to say that, even assuming mediocre sales across all platforms, the delay probably makes sense for Ubisoft's bottom line.  Getting a small bump in sales (due to better marketing and removing the perception that PS3/360 versions are "just a port of an old game") across the massive PS3/360 install base will probably generate more sales than being a dominant game on Wii U at this point in the lifecycle.

That was my point exactly.

CericFebruary 08, 2013

I truly feel for the Workers on this game.  Everyone below managament who is actually making that project.  I just had almost the same thing happen to me just last week but, on a smaller scale and to say that it stinks is an understatement.  Especially since these people are probably being paid Salary and actually making less than a McDonald's employee pushing that long.

Now while I can feel for them they do not make the decisions.  Which is unfortunate from my perspective.  I will not be buying this game.  I was impressed enough initially to move from a probably not to getting it.  This just dropped me out.

For me its like knowing someone who you really enjoy spending time with.  Then you find out that they had beaten up your child one night, hospital level.  It may still be the same banter and everything but you are no longer going to enjoy it because, you know they have abused your child.

Their is almost no way that Ubisoft PR could have handled this worse.  Also almost no way that NoA PR could be handling it worse.  "We're still the only platform with the Demo."  Go F yourself.

Nintendo needs to take a hard look at their NoA branch.  At least in the Gamecube days they could keep fans interested.  Now they are a joke that are costing Nintendo more sales then helping.  Take Fire Emblem. 

With the hype that it has been getting from non-Nintendo sources it should have had a very large initial batch.  Instead you think it was a stinking Atlus Niche of Niches game.  You could have never guess it was 1st party.

Something going to need to happen in the gaming Industry and soon.  I'm in the generation of gamers and they are pushing me away.  I understand business but their not picking up a newer generation for the trade off.  The average age of a gamer is STILL in their 30s.


Quote from: Pixelated

Quote from: ejamer

Also have to say that, even assuming mediocre sales across all platforms, the delay probably makes sense for Ubisoft's bottom line.  Getting a small bump in sales (due to better marketing and removing the perception that PS3/360 versions are "just a port of an old game") across the massive PS3/360 install base will probably generate more sales than being a dominant game on Wii U at this point in the lifecycle.

That was my point exactly.

This would have been better.

slim1980February 08, 2013

its like this ubisoft  messed up like the company who made epic mickey.when it was on just Wii it sold like hot cakes then they make epic mickey 2 and put it all consoles.now they are closed down.should have left rayman legends for just the wii u.but no matter nintendo wii still come on top been doing it since the 80,s

Ian SaneFebruary 08, 2013

That statement from the developers really hits home.  I remember about a year ago I had to a project that the client really needed in two weeks that was realistically a month of work.  My company trusted me and we needed all the income we could get so I busted my ass working 12 hours days including weekends to get the project on time and was just stressed out of my mind doing it - and then the client said they weren't ready on their end like the day before the due date.  There was no reason whatsoever to push myself so hard and that SUCKED.  A videogame is even worse since crunch time can be a lot longer than two weeks and in this case it's really more like their boss moved the deadline, instead of the client.  At least my employer appreciated my hard work, the Rayman devs realistically don't get that.  Hell, the delay will probably cause the game to underperform and Ubisoft will just lay these guys off.

ejamerFebruary 08, 2013

"Thanks for all your feedback regarding Rayman Legends in all of its forms. We have heard you and we will continue to listen. We understand your frustration and that you want to get your hands on the game.

We are working with the development team to provide you with a new, exclusive demo for the Wii U soon. Stay tuned for more."


Somehow, I think Ubisoft missed the point. "Exclusive" demo or not, seems like they might've been better off to not say anything at this point.

Read speculation somewhere (maybe GoNintendo?) that the delay is due to XBox 360 licensing agreements that clearly state third party games must not be released earlier on other platforms.  If true, that would help explain why the delay is necessary - otherwise you'd assume that Ubisoft could at least drop the finished Wii U game on eShop, even if they didn't do much advertising until the other versions were near release.

CericFebruary 08, 2013

Quote from: ejamer

Read speculation somewhere (maybe GoNintendo?) that the delay is due to XBox 360 licensing agreements that clearly state third party games must not be released earlier on other platforms. 

Nintendo should have put that clause into their licensing.

ejamerFebruary 08, 2013

Quote from: Ceric

Quote from: ejamer

Read speculation somewhere (maybe GoNintendo?) that the delay is due to XBox 360 licensing agreements that clearly state third party games must not be released earlier on other platforms. 

Nintendo should have put that clause into their licensing.

I have no idea how accurate it is for 360, but I doubt Nintendo could get away with that. Third parties already have enough excuses for not bringing games out on Nintendo platforms, they'd scream bloody murder if Wii U had anything like that in the contract.

broodwarsFebruary 08, 2013

Just to make the 360 situation clearer, here is the original interview that "policy" originated from. I'll post the pertinent sections.


Eurogamer: What is the policy regarding multiplatform downloadable games? Do you have a policy to make sure that downloadable games released on both platforms are at the very least launched on Xbox 360 at the same time with feature parity, or you won't publish them on Xbox Live Arcade?

Chris Lewis: Yeah, as you can imagine, we focus on that. We're a little biased, so obviously we're going to look to protect our own space as best we can and get exclusivity. Whilst I can't be specific about the terms and conditions, you can be very confident we seek to maximise our own advantage to ensure the playing field is even, and certainly plays to our advantage wherever possible.
As you can also imagine, our partners have to be mindful of the relationship they have with all platform holders, and they need to be equitable. But there are contractual situations where we get agreement with different people to do different things, and through what we have available on Xbox Live, we are able to offer things other people can't offer, that allows that exclusivity and unique elements to it that might not otherwise be available elsewhere.

So basically, you release on 360 at the same time, or you offer a substantial content increase. Otherwise, Microsoft may (and the key word is "may") not allow a game to be published on the 360. However, we've never heard of any concrete occasions when this has actually occurred, and this probably doesn't have anything to do with the Rayman Legends situation, the original quote largely being about downloadable games.

Also, I'm pretty sure that policy only applies to Xbox Live Arcade.

Ian SaneFebruary 08, 2013

A new demo from Ubisoft?  If I didn't assume they were clueless, I would figure they were intentionally mocking us.  All the demo will do is remind everyone about how they CAN'T play it now, even though the game is done.  The best move right now is to just shut up.  Personally nothing pisses me off more then when I'm being patronized and that's what this is.  Either Ubisoft is knowingly offering a bullshit olive branch or they're so out-of-touch that they're unaware that they're patronizing, which might be worse.  I prefer when someone intentionally insults me than when I'm such a blip on their radar that they don't even realize they're doing it.

While it would get them in trouble I would LOVE it if in the new demo the developers either added some Easter egg sticking it to Ubisoft or, better yet, they hid the WHOLE FUCKING GAME in the demo and made it so it could be found with a simple hack or code.

LouieturkeyFebruary 08, 2013

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

Also, I'm pretty sure that policy only applies to Xbox Live Arcade.

Which is also stupid but not relevant to this situation.

bobhobobFebruary 08, 2013

Everyone is in the middle of this heated debate, and I'm just sitting here eating my popcorn.http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/085/028/PLCVBJX4TBPYBVAHCXJS74J2OB7B4HVP.jpeg?1318992465

Mop it upFebruary 08, 2013

It'd be hilarious if there were already copies of the game shipped to stores. It'd also be funny if the game still mistakenly appeared on the eShop on its original release date.

smallsharkbigbiteFebruary 08, 2013

Maybe they can accidentally release it for a day on the Wii U eshop?  It's not like it hasn't happened before :). 

I played Rayman Origins and I didn't really get into it that much.  This was never a $60 game for me.  I think I got Origins for either $10 or $15 which seems about right to me.  I'm much more upset that EA is showing no support.  They have a great collection of games even if you don't like their sports games. 

I'm really upset at Nintendo for letting this occur.  We may legitimately be looking at another Gamecube generation in terms of sales.  I get that the Wii U is lacking in games and that was probably the game of the first quarter.  But we shouldn't be that upset over the delay of one game.  After a decent launch (though many ports), Nintendo hasn't given us anything until summer.  Way too long of a drought for a new console. 

I would love to see the storm that would erupt if Nintendo released the demo with a $60 price tag and it contained the game as it stood prior to the delay announcement.

Yes, you know what I want. But I enjoy seeing the world burn.

Well, this guarantees I don't play the game until it's in the bargain bin.  If it was releasing this month, it wouldn't have any competition from other games in my case, but in September it's going up against Skylanders Swap Force, which it'll lose spectacularly against in our household.

CericFebruary 09, 2013

Quote from: Shaymin

I would love to see the storm that would erupt if Nintendo released the demo with a $60 price tag and it contained the game as it stood prior to the delay announcement.

Yes, you know what I want. But I enjoy seeing the world burn.

$60 shoot try $30.

TrueNerdFebruary 12, 2013

Michel Ancel is displeased by the delay.


Probably won't effect anything, but if anyone is gonna get Ubi to change its mind, it's this guy.

Fatty The HuttFebruary 12, 2013

ejamer and others touched on this above.
Here is another source that suggests the real reason for delay is due to Microsoft's parity policy on multi-platform releases.


AdrockFebruary 12, 2013

Isn't that the same kind of overbearing bullshit 3rd parties (rightfully) hated from Nintendo back in the day? It seems like every company does arrogant nonsense like this when they get ahead. On top of this, with rumors of always online, mandatory Kinect, and no used games, Microsoft seems to keep pushing the boundaries of acceptability until people (hopefully) throw their hands up and say, "Enough!" Sony and Nintendo both got a big slice of humble pie when they tried pushing anti-3rd party/anti-consumer shenanigans. I hope 3rd parties stand up against policies like this in the future (as it doesn't seem like they have this generation), just as I hope consumers stand up against the numerous facepalm requirements Microsoft supposedly has planned for Durango. I hate to see these companies fail to learn a lesson, but they need to be told that some things aren't okay. You can't bully 3rd parties, Nintendo. You can't put the burden of a $600 console on consumers, Sony. And you can't... everything we've heard about Durango, Microsoft.

azekeFebruary 18, 2013

Wii U Demo will have online leaderboards and no play limits:


That's cool i guess.

SorenFebruary 18, 2013

But it's not a demo. They're just giving us the Challenge Mode 5 months before anyone else.

I'll believe it when I see it. Ubisoft can say "exclusive" all they want, nobody believes them anymore.

TJ SpykeFebruary 19, 2013

Quote from: Soren

But it's not a demo. They're just giving us the Challenge Mode 5 months before anyone else.

I'll believe it when I see it. Ubisoft can say "exclusive" all they want, nobody believes them anymore.

Ubisoft never said Rayman Legends was gonna be exclusive to Wii U.

I'm pretty sure they did, or at least strongly hinted at it. I don't think anyone believed them, but they were certainly talking like that.

TJ SpykeFebruary 19, 2013

People assumed it would be exclusive, but all Ubisoft said was that it was coming to Wii U. I remember even when the game was announced people thought it would get ported to other platforms because of Ubisoft's wording (like never saying the word "exclusive").

StogiFebruary 19, 2013

Delay and exclusive are not the same word.

azekeFebruary 19, 2013

Even in that first leaked video, when they showed NFC functionality with figurines  (whatever happened with that) the wording was: "exclusive Wii U features" which implied project was meant to be multiplatform from day one.

EasyCureFebruary 20, 2013

so why wouldn't they have gotten the other versions some for a simultaneous launch? wii u version has been confirmed completed by ubi themselves, delaying it until september in order to have the other two versions ready. sound like it was meant to be exclusive originally and changed it up lay minute to me.

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