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Dead Space 3 'Not Currently in the Plan' for Wii U

by Neal Ronaghan - June 14, 2012, 11:14 am EDT
Total comments: 9 Source: https://twitter.com/leveluptime/status/21265154196..., (NeoGAF)

The series' Executive Producer Steve Papoutsis says Dead Space 3 on Nintendo's new system is not a thing right now.

Dead Space 3, which is set for a February 2013 release, is not coming to Wii U as of now, according to Visceral Games' Steve Papoutsis, who is the company's vice president and general manager as well as an executive producer for the Dead Space series.

Papoutsis was asked by a fan on Twitter about the game's possible Wii U release. He replied, simply, "not currently in the plan."

We know that EA has at least two other Wii U games yet to be revealed. We learned at E3 2012 that Mass Effect 3 is definitely coming, and Madden and FIFA are likely coming as well. Madden and FIFA are likely included the "at least two other games," which will be revealed at some point this summer, according to our sources at EA.


Kytim89June 14, 2012

Two words: Bull Crap!

Chozo GhostJune 14, 2012

Their attitude is probably that this game is too "mature" for the "kiddy casual" Wii U.

Dear EA. I'm buying Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U. I will also buy Dead Space 3 on the Wii U.

broodwarsJune 14, 2012

I really wouldn't worry about this too much.  A week ago, this year's Madden wasn't announced as "in the plan" for Wii U either, and it really makes no sense to have a Wii U version of Mass Effect 3 and not one for Dead Space 3.  On the other hand, EA might still be bitter about the utter and expensive failure of Dead Space Extraction, so they're being cautious about announcing M-rated games for Wii U.

leahsdadJune 14, 2012

Well, even though I'm sure EA bases all their decisions on money, and money alone....if we lived in a strange alternate dimension where EA considered game design, gameplay, and the feasibility of such in terms of hardware platforms....I don't see Dead Space as a whole working well on the Wii U.  How would they use the Gamepad screen?  It seems like one of the central UI tenets of the game is an economy of iconography on a single screen.  There are no menus or inventory screens (well, kinda, but not really, because you always view Isaac's backside and the surroundings).  They've integrated everything onto the main screen, and the blue light pretty much eliminates the need for a mini-map.  So except for maybe a lock-picking or computer-hacking mini-game (and if I get paid a nickel every time a Wii-U game will use that in the next 5 years, I will be a rich man) what could they throw down there on the gamepad?

MagicCow64June 14, 2012

Quote from: leahsdad

Well, even though I'm sure EA bases all their decisions on money, and money alone....if we lived in a strange alternate dimension where EA considered game design, gameplay, and the feasibility of such in terms of hardware platforms....I don't see Dead Space as a whole working well on the Wii U.  How would they use the Gamepad screen?  It seems like one of the central UI tenets of the game is an economy of iconography on a single screen.  There are no menus or inventory screens (well, kinda, but not really, because you always view Isaac's backside and the surroundings).  They've integrated everything onto the main screen, and the blue light pretty much eliminates the need for a mini-map.  So except for maybe a lock-picking or computer-hacking mini-game (and if I get paid a nickel every time a Wii-U game will use that in the next 5 years, I will be a rich man) what could they throw down there on the gamepad?

I agree with your characterization of the Dead Space UI aesthetic, but I think this could actually be enhanced with the second screen. It's really kind of silly that Isaac's suit would just project all of the information you'd get in a UI in the first place, along with a spinal tap life bar, but you could design the screen to be a belt-view or some such, where you could see the weapon loadout on Isaac's body and the ammo amount, and more organically incorporate the upgrade tree.

I'm not saying the game definitely will be there, but if it were coming we wouldn't learn about it via this guy's Twitter. I spent a lot of time trying to get people in the EA booth to talk to me about Wii U stuff, and their response was always "get back to us in late July." This response is the standard company line, so don't read too much into it.

PodingsJune 15, 2012

You better fix this Riccitiello.
Or Ubisoft is going to outpace you in earnings on Nintendo platforms quite quickly again.

YmeegodJune 15, 2012

Both EA and Activision stated announcements for summer?  WTF is up with that?  One has to wonder if nintendo's having another Spaceworld after all.

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