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Treyarch Hints at Call of Duty: Black Ops II Wii U

by Patrick Barnett - May 2, 2012, 4:09 pm EDT
Total comments: 11 Source: (neogaf), http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=3750837...

Wii U may be getting some Call of Duty love.

Treyarch studio head, Mark Lamia, hinted at the possibility of a Wii U version of Black Ops II in an interview with PressFire.

When asked about a Wii U version of Black Ops II, Lamia said "Ah! We’re not... we’re only talking about the other platforms at this time. But here’s what I can tell you: Treyarch has a long tradition of working on the Nintendo platforms. A long tradition."

Lamia went on to explain that Treyarch has developed many different Wii Call of Duty games, including the Wii ports of the Modern Warfare series. He said "So yeah, we enjoy the Nintendo Wii. We enjoy working on that."

A Wii version of Black Ops II is already strongly rumored, and a Wii U version of the game could be possible. As we approach E3 2012 we will most likely learn more about the possible existence of a Wii U version of the game.


Chozo GhostMay 02, 2012

Everyone needs to know that Treyarch is a true friend of Nintendo. They aren't like Infinity Ward or a lot of other 3rd parties that ignore Nintendo hardware.

ROiDSMay 02, 2012

I'll rather wait for a new Metroid, thank you. :P:

OblivionMay 02, 2012

Even if you want Metroid, having CoD on the Wii U would be very nice for Nintendo. Especially if it sells well, which would force other developers (including Infinity Ward) to make games for it too.

StogiMay 02, 2012

Seeing how Blops is possibly the best shooter to come out this generation, having Blops 2 would be a huge asset, especially at launch.

jarodeaMay 02, 2012

Not that interested in CoD anymore, but will be interested to hear what they do with the tablet controller.  I can imagine all kinds of neat applications for the spec op co-op missions.

Chozo GhostMay 02, 2012

Quote from: jarodea

I can imagine all kinds of neat applications for the spec op co-op missions.

Treyarch COD games don't have spec ops. They have Zombies.

ShyGuyJune 10, 2012

We didn't see this at E3. Still coming to Wii U?

I really want this game for my Launch Wii U.

EA's Wii U launch stuff wasn't there, so it wouldn't surprise me if this didn't make the cut either. I think we're going to see more announcements in the coming months.

BlackNMild2k1June 10, 2012

There were quite a few games we know are coming that weren't at E3, so I wrought be worried in the slightest.

Chozo GhostJune 10, 2012

While I don't doubt this game is coming to the Wii U, it is possible it won't make for a simultaneous release to match that of the PS360 version. That might be a good thing though, if it means they are taking more time to work in new features.

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