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Wii U Could Connect to 3DS and Use StreetPass and SpotPass Updates

by James Jones - June 17, 2011, 8:31 am EDT
Total comments: 5 Source: http://diamond.jp/articles/-/12728?page=5

Nintendo is thinking about what they could do for people who don't connect Wii U to the Internet.

Nintendo is talking internally about applying changes to Wii U software using updates received on the Nintendo 3DS, says Satoru Iwata.

Since the 3DS is a portable device, with StreetPass and SpotPass, it is possible to interact and transmit changes to Wii U without a user specifically doing so. It is not expected that everyone will go online with the Wii U, so Nintendo is looking into what kinds of changes or new data can be sent to the Wii U using the 3DS.

This transfer method would be a way for people who don't connect their home consoles to the network to be able to experience changes on the system, rather than having nothing happen when it is not connected.

Japanese business publication Diamond Online recently posted an interview with Nintendo's global president. While most of the topics were related to Nintendo's business approach for the Wii U, the above information was in response to a question about how the 3DS will interface with the new system.

Translations by our Japan Correspondents.


KITT 10KJune 17, 2011

SWEEEEEEET!!!!!!! DO IT!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ok, now that that's out of my system), I love the idea of that happening. I ride the train going to work and I do encounter other people with a 3DS, (beats me what they look like or who the are), but this would add to that experience that I quite enjoy.

BlackNMild2k1June 17, 2011

That's a pretty good idea, but I just assumed they would continue to do updates through big software releases since not everyone would have a 3DS. I guess a combination of both would potentially reach the largest pool of non-connected WiiU users.

I wonder if it will automatically connect to anyone's 3DS and steal updates or would they have to be sync'd first.

Chocobo_RiderJune 17, 2011

I'm so confused.

Why is this good?

First of all, why is there still concern over Nintendo consoles being HOOKED UP to the internet?  Online """hardcore""" gaming? Sure, maybe.  But didn't the oodles of Netflix users on Wii pretty much prove that owners of Nintendo consoles HOOKE THEM UP to the internet?

Second, if someone can't be bothered/doesn't know how/isn't interested in getting their Wii U online, why would they bother to/know how to/be interested in all this connectivity jazz with their 3DS??

Help end my confusion!

TJ SpykeJune 17, 2011

Nin, how could it not be good? First, there are people who might only have dial-up or no Internet at home. This would help them get updates for their system. I don't know how many people would use this, but it's still a good thing.

CericJune 17, 2011

The Streetpass and Spotpass thing could lead to some interesting Gameplay goodies.  If you can get Streetpasses.  I carried my 3DS through Las Vegas for almost a full week with me everywhere and got 4 Streetpasses and one of them was Japanese.  Thats going to be the most people I'll pass in the next 3 months combined.

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