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Angry Birds Headed to 3DSWare

by Andy Goergen - February 5, 2011, 12:38 pm EST
Total comments: 6 Source: http://twitter.com/RovioMobile/status/338929487099..., (Twitter)

The popular mobile game is headed to the third dimension.

Rovio Mobile has confirmed via their Twitter account that they will be bringing Angry Birds to Nintendo 3DS via the eShop. When asked which versions of the game would be making their way to the handheld, they replied "we would bring all 3 current Angry Birds games over..." referring to Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons, and Angry Birds Rio.

Angry Birds has become one of the most popular games on mobile platforms such as iPhone and Android, and was confirmed for WiiWare last year.


I know this game is a huge hit, but it just never clicked with me. It's not bad, but I don't understand how it became the sensation it is. I'd say they should bring Cut The Rope to 3DS, but it would probably need to be modified to work without multi-touch.

TJ SpykeFebruary 05, 2011

I love the game on iPad. I would consider buying it again on the eShop so I could have a portable version (yes I know it's on iPod Touch). I haven't played the two updated versions though. Some of the levels are pretty hard, luckily there are YouTube videos for every level.

MorariFebruary 05, 2011

I still don't understand how this game got as big as it is. I played it on the PC and it's ridiculously boring. It's just a glorified Flash game...

I'm pretty sure I played similar games 15 years ago on Windows 3.1.

So at least from here, not one fuck was given that day.

shainentinpockAugust 14, 2011

I am really sick of angry birds and would not want it anywhere on my 3ds. I heard they are bringing it to google + even. I getting a little sick of angry birds.

Mop it upAugust 14, 2011

See this is Nintendo's plan all along. Instead of releasing games on phones, they are going to get all the popular phone games on the 3DS...

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