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Buy Metroid: Other M and Get a Bonus

by Nathan Mustafa - August 20, 2010, 1:33 pm EDT
Total comments: 41 Source: http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.asp..., (GameStop)

GameStop customers will enjoy a nice extra with their Other M.

Those who pre-order Metroid: Other M from GameStop will receive an exclusive 16 card art folio. This bonus will be available to both online and in-store purchasers.

As is to be expected, we have only a partial view of what one of these cards will look like. The image provided does not include a reference for how large the cards will be either, so whether these are the size of a postcard or a postage stamp is unknown.

Unanswered questions aside, these cards are at the least a small token to further excite Metroid fans for the August 31 release date.  


AVAugust 20, 2010

$20 deal from Amazon is better deal.

Either way I can't afford it  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

Art_de_CatAugust 20, 2010

I will hopefully get this on Christmas.  Along with Unwound Future for the DS.

gojiraAugust 20, 2010

The amazon deal is quite good, but I Metroid is a game I can't wait for.  So I'm going to do the instore pickup at Gamestop.  I have a $25 gift card to use anyway.

TJ SpykeAugust 20, 2010

You can't wait 3-5 days? Free shipping from Amazon and you get it less than a week after it comes out. Saving $20 by just waiting a few days is worth it. Actually, I just checked Amazon and see that it's just a $20 credit for a future purchase. Still a good deal though. I am still reluctant to pick up the game though as all of the previews I have seen have me convinced that this is a $30 game.

This is a Nintendo game, though, which means the price isn't going to come down anytime soon. You're not going to be able to do better than that Amazon deal for a while.

TJ SpykeAugust 20, 2010

If the game bombs, it will drop. Even Nintendo games tend to drop in price sooner rather than later if it sell poorly.

I really don't think it's going to bomb, though. I wasn't sure for a while, but opinion toward the game has become much more positive recently than it was a month or two ago. It's not going to put up huge numbers, but it'll meet Nintendo's expectations, which means the price won't drop.

Quote from: gojira

The amazon deal is quite good, but I Metroid is a game I can't wait for.  So I'm going to do the instore pickup at Gamestop.  I have a $25 gift card to use anyway.

If you have Amazon Prime (free for a year if you're student, free for a month otherwise), they have guaranteed release-day delivery.

broodwarsAugust 20, 2010

Given the strong tradition of Metroid soundtracks, I would have preferred an OST CD.  Still, the artwork's rather nice so it's an alright preorder bonus if you're into the game.

Mop it upAugust 20, 2010

Eh, I was never one for pre-order bonuses unless it's a free game, so Amazon's deal was the better choice.

AVAugust 20, 2010

When I bought Super Mario Galaxy 2 from Amazon I received it Monday and it came out Sunday. That was free shipping too, so it ended up being cheaper than to buy in store. (no taxes)

It comes out the 31st which is a Tuesday so I can't imagine waiting more than Saturday to get it (more likely Wednesday or Thursday) .

FZeroBoyoAugust 20, 2010

Sounds intriguing, but since this is GameStop, will we see something like the Monster Hunter Tri demo dilemma?

NemoAugust 20, 2010

I just thought "Oh hey, I can use the $20 credit from when I bought Galaxy 2." But, that $20 credit expired at the end of last month. -_-

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorAugust 20, 2010

I pre-ordered from Walmart.com.  I was able to use my $20 credit from Galaxy 2 because Walmart.com credits do not expire.  Game also comes with a "Pre-order promise" of release day delivery for 97 cent shipping.

gojiraAugust 20, 2010

Quote from: TJ

You can't wait 3-5 days?

Not for Metroid!  There are a very few games I don't mind spending money on and Metroid is one of them.  And I'm happy some people have no trouble with Amazon.  I shop there often, but I never trust them to get a game quickly.  I've been burned far too many times.

TJ SpykeAugust 21, 2010

I don't think I have actually bought a game from Amazon, but I have bought plenty of DVDs.

Quote from: gojira

Quote from: TJ

You can't wait 3-5 days?

Not for Metroid!  There are a very few games I don't mind spending money on and Metroid is one of them.  And I'm happy some people have no trouble with Amazon.  I shop there often, but I never trust them to get a game quickly.  I've been burned far too many times.

Even if you paid the $10 for release date shipping on Amazon, you'd still come out $10 ahead in the long run because of the credit.

KDR_11kAugust 21, 2010

Over here you get a stupid key attachment if you preorder. I have the game on preorder (from Amazon, I don't bother with preorders unless they also include shipping or downloads in the case of Steam) and I'm not even bothering with that.

Quote from: TJ

If the game bombs, it will drop. Even Nintendo games tend to drop in price sooner rather than later if it sell poorly.

We have bargain bins full of Punch Out and Disaster.

YankeeAugust 21, 2010

Gamestop burned me with my last Metroid related preorder bonus. I was promised a shirt and I believe some kind of art or something for the trilogy and received neither. Fool me once Gamestop...

PlugabugzAugust 21, 2010

The cheapest UK price is £29.85 with shopto (i've bought with them many times before, they're fine):


Metroid art swag is so rare, I had to bite on this.  It's like the steelbox trilogy, you just aren't going to see it again.

T-shirt swag is garbage to me.  The shirts are never really THAT rare, or that cool.  And of course, the more you wash them the more they fade.  Just not good swag to me.

I may very well dork out completely on this, and frame this art so I can hang it on a wall.

CalibanAugust 21, 2010

I would have gotten the game even if it didn't come with a bonus. Thanks Nintendo.

balzzzyAugust 21, 2010

I know these bonuses are supposed to entice us to pre-order the game, but to be honest I received an artwork folio in the Metroid Prime Trilogy game case and I looked at it once briefly. Just like the in-game content bonuses I looked at once as well as I unlocked them. I'm sure the Metroid Database will have all of the images scanned in so we can all view them online anyway. Stick with the deals where you get some money towards another purchase.

balzzzyAugust 21, 2010

Here is a link to the folio so far that I know of. http://www.destructoid.com/metroid-other-m-art-folio-demands-frames-181971.phtml

gojiraAugust 21, 2010

Quote from: insanolord

Quote from: gojira

Quote from: TJ

You can't wait 3-5 days?

Not for Metroid!  There are a very few games I don't mind spending money on and Metroid is one of them.  And I'm happy some people have no trouble with Amazon.  I shop there often, but I never trust them to get a game quickly.  I've been burned far too many times.

Even if you paid the $10 for release date shipping on Amazon, you'd still come out $10 ahead in the long run because of the credit.

But I wouldn't get the bonus, and I'm a Metroid whore.  ;)

Mop it upAugust 21, 2010

Quote from: TJ

If the game bombs, it will drop. Even Nintendo games tend to drop in price sooner rather than later if it sell poorly.

Reminds me of the mounds of ExciteBots and the New Play Control! games I've seen untidily piled in bargain bins.

broodwarsAugust 21, 2010

Quote from: Mop

Quote from: TJ

If the game bombs, it will drop. Even Nintendo games tend to drop in price sooner rather than later if it sell poorly.

Reminds me of the mounds of ExciteBots and the New Play Control! games I've seen untidily piled in bargain bins.

Where?  I've been meaning to pick up NPC Pikmin ever since I got rid of my GCN Pikmin and Excitebots could be interesting for the right price.

Mop it upAugust 21, 2010

Best Buy and Target, and maybe a third place I don't remember. This was many months ago though so I don't know if they would still have them.

I just checked Best Buy's website real quick, I didn't see a listing for the stand-alone ExciteBots (with Wheel was $50), although they have Pikmin listed for $15.

broodwarsAugust 21, 2010

Quote from: Mop

Best Buy and Target, and maybe a third place I don't remember. This was many months ago though so I don't know if they would still have them.

I just checked Best Buy's website real quick, I didn't see a listing for the stand-alone ExciteBots (with Wheel was $50), although they have Pikmin listed for $15.

Pity, just ran a check of my local Best Buys, and there isn't a store in the Central Florida area that has a copy of Pikmin.  I guess I'll just keep an eye on Gamestop's shifting stock of the things.  Especially due to recent problems with online purchases (including Best Buy's), I'm trying to avoid having to deal with online stores.  And $50 is way more than I want to spend for Excitebots.

balzzzyAugust 22, 2010


Especially due to recent problems with online purchases (including Best Buy's), I'm trying to avoid having to deal with online stores.

Amen. I too have been having problems with online purchasing including Best Buy. Ordering from Amazon.com in Canada is a chore and a half. You have to hope that the place will ship up here. My problem of recent was with the Metroid Prime Trilogy. Even though you have your credit card ready in hand they choose not to ship. So I ship to friends in the states and have them send it here.

TJ SpykeAugust 22, 2010

Why not just use Amazon Canada? Or are they more expensive than regular Amazon?

balzzzyAugust 22, 2010

Quote from: TJ

Why not just use Amazon Canada? Or are they more expensive than regular Amazon?

They are almost always more expensive and this was a matter of available quantity at a good price. Were talking $50 in the states vs. the cheapest copy in Canada on Amazon at $96 plus shipping.

balzzzyAugust 25, 2010

A couple days early but here are the pics from the Art Folio. While I may not be the best photographer out there you can at least get a sneak peak as to what you will be getting for pre-ordering the game. Enjoy! Had to create a temp website to host the pics online. Mind the URL.


Got any pics of the text portions?

balzzzyAugust 25, 2010

Quote from: MegaByte

Got any pics of the text portions?

You bet, I just didn't have the time this morning. I am cropping the images and will post them shortly to the gallery link I uploaded so stay tuned.

balzzzyAugust 25, 2010

Uploaded the pics of the text on the backs of the cards. As the writing itself is faint with a thin lined font, the text is legible but not too clear. I typed up the text in each caption for the cards for easier reading. Here is the link to the album. Enjoy.

Looks like the text is ripped right from the game monologue.

balzzzyAugust 25, 2010

Yeah, the print and card stock are quality. While we've seen some of the screenshots already some are new to me.

gojiraAugust 26, 2010

I didn't realize until I saw the Art Folio image of Zero Suit Samus that they gave her high heels.  Sexy!  ;)

balzzzyAugust 26, 2010

Lol, her suit is so "streamlined" that it covers the heels. I think the most interesting card has to be the Aquatic Dangers card. Mostly because we haven't heard a single thing about it. And furthermore, I vaguely remember hearing in an interview at some point that they explored the possibility of an underwater segment but it felt like it slowed down the gameplay or something. But in order to incorporate the Gravity Suit, one would expect an Aquasphere or (AQA). The cards measure in at 7 1/8" x 5 1/8".

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorAugust 31, 2010

FedEx shows my copy arriving from Walmart.com tomorrow.  I wish it was Professor Layton.

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