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Hudson Announces New Wii Game in Japan

by Andy Goergen - December 21, 2009, 11:37 am EST
Total comments: 7 Source: Andriasang

What did one mini-game say to the other mini-game?

Hudson revealed their newest Wii game, entitled "O-warai Party Game 100 Bakusho!", at last week's Jump Festa in Tokyo, Japan. Loosely translated, this means "Funny Party Game 100 Roaring Laughter".

The game contains 100 mini-games, all with simple controls. Hudson provided some sample game names, such as "Tank Battle 2", "Super Stunt", "The Hard Puncher" and "Dive Danger 50%". No gameplay details for any of these mini-games was revealed, but in most cases the title of the game seemed to give a good indication of what the game entailed.

O-warai Party Game 100 Bakusho! will be released in Japan in 2010.


BlackNMild2k1December 21, 2009

It's about time some 3rd party developer tapped into the underserved minigame market on Wii. I was beginning to think all 3d parties hate money

TJ SpykeDecember 21, 2009

Ugh, reminds me of "101-i-1 Mega Party Mix" (or something like that), a collection of 101 mini-games that were mostly mediocre (but with a few good ones).

Mop it upDecember 21, 2009

Why is Hudson now creating games like this and sitting on the would-be multi-million seller of Mario Party 9?

TJ SpykeDecember 21, 2009

They don't have to share profits on this game, Nintendo would get most of the money on Mario Party since they own the IP. There is no doubt that Mario Party 9 would sell more, but Hudson Soft may make more money on releasing a low-budget minigame collection they own.

Mop it upDecember 21, 2009

Hudson will get more money from a game which probably won't break 100,000 sold than a game which has sold over 7 million like Mario Party 8? That doesn't sound right. Does Nintendo really take THAT big of a cut?

TJ SpykeDecember 21, 2009

I doubt Hudson makes money based on how well Mario Party games do. I would love if someone from NWR could ask them, but I would assume the only money Hudson gets is for making the game, so they make the same amount whether the game sells 2 copies or 10 million copies.

StratosDecember 22, 2009

Quote from: TJ

I doubt Hudson makes money based on how well Mario Party games do. I would love if someone from NWR could ask them, but I would assume the only money Hudson gets is for making the game, so they make the same amount whether the game sells 2 copies or 10 million copies.

Which would be nice for companies like Monster that make the ill-fated ExciteBots.

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