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NWR Community Night 6/25/2012 - Mario Kart 7

by J.P. Corbran - June 24, 2012, 5:43 pm EDT
Total comments: 9

Join us Monday for racing action.

Join the Nintendo World Report community for Mario Kart 7 this Monday, June 24. The action starts at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 Pacific (1 a.m. UTC for anyone overseas). You can exchange friend codes in the Talkback below, or go stock up in our massive 3DS Friend Code thread. You can also add the Nintendo World Report Community Code, which is 15-7711-2023-1792 for Grand Prix at 150cc with All Items.

Do you like these weekly Wi-Fi meetups? Is there anything you'd like to see done differently? We do these events for you, the readers, so please let us know if you have any suggestions.

Join us in the chat room during the event. Having trouble? You can also connect with a dedicated IRC client. Server: irc.browsingtheinternet.com Channel: #nwr


Art_de_CatJune 25, 2012

I added the community and be looking forward to some races tonight! If anyone wants to exchange system codes, pm me here, I do have it in the code thread.

Fatty The HuttJune 25, 2012

Yay, I am so glad this is happening. I finally found our missing copy of MK7 (kids lost it!) and so can finally participate.
I have joined the community and will be there with bells on.

red14June 25, 2012

You need to start letting people know about this sort of thing sooner. I didn't find out about the last Kid Icarus night until the day after. Two or three days isn't a very big time frame..

oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusJune 25, 2012


Monday, June 24. The action starts at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 Pacific (1 a.m. UTC for anyone overseas)

Wait a minute June 24? That's Sunday, not Monday unless I live 2 days into the future. If that is the case, lottery numbers for everyone!

OblivionJune 25, 2012

I second red14's request. These need to be announced further in advance so more people will create time for these and join in.

Art_de_CatJune 25, 2012

In a room with KBK, and Clay.

I will try to get these up further ahead of time in the future. And yeah, oohhboy, I got the date right in the title but I accidentally put the date of the day I wrote it in the article text.

oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusJune 26, 2012

No worries, Time Travel is the shit, you never get it right the first time. I don't think any staff turned up for this one, but it didn't matter too much. Most of the people logged in to IRC so coordinating was easy. After helping out the last couple times, there is a working system to get big games going.

I won't mind having the next MK7 meet be a Balloon Battle. Change it up a bit.

OblivionJune 26, 2012

Ah, sorry that I didn't come back. I got into my game of Pokemon and forgot to show back up.

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