Nintendo is taking a hands-off approach toward eShop prices.
Nintendo is allowing publishers to control the prices, and sales, of Wii U eShop content.
In an IGN interview with Frozenbyte, developer of Trine 2, marketing manager Mikael Haveri said that "[the model is] very close to what Steam and Apple are doing right now, and very indie friendly."
In addition, Haveri stated that Nintendo is allowing developers to patch their games at no additional charge.
"Simply put they've told us that there are no basic payments for each patch (which were pretty high on most platforms) and that we can update our game almost as much as we want," Haveri said. "For indie developers this is huge."
Nintendo has historically taken flack for being too controlling with the Wii Shop Channel, forcing prices publishers weren't comfortable with or not allowing sales or demos. All indications are that Nintendo seems to have taken a wildly different approach with Wii U.