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Nintendo Begins Distributing Celebrity Miis

by Patrick Barnett - March 9, 2012, 12:58 pm EST
Total comments: 6 Source: (facebook), http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.286762064...

If you ever wanted Rainn Wilson's Mii on your system, now you can.

Nintendo has begun to release celebrity Mii QR codes through their Nintendo 3DS Facebook page.

The first celebrity released was Rainn Wilson, the actor who portrays Dwight Schrute on the US adaptation of The Office. The Miis distributed by Nintendo feature gold pants, distinguishing them from normal Mii's.

To get the Rainn Wilson Mii onto your system, open the Mii Maker and select the QR code option. Simply align the QR code, and in a matter of seconds your system will have obtained a new Mii. Be sure not to delete the special Mii; you will not be able to scan it in again.


Vrgin XMarch 09, 2012

8) Got mine.

BlackNMild2k1March 09, 2012

Can someone just post the QR code so people like me never have a reason to visit facebook.


Edit: just clicked through to the link.... Really wish front page story pics posted into the forum so I wouldn't have to ever leave the forum either, but maybe that's asking too much

BlackNMild2k1March 09, 2012

Quote from: MisterE13

I totally posted about this earlier :D


and you likely made them aware of it. congratulations.
if you submit it through the "submit news" button on the front page next time, they might credit you with the tip.

Chocobo_RiderMarch 10, 2012

I got Rainn's Mii a few days ago but I honestly think the fan ones I've seen online are more accurate.

Ah well, I think this service is a cool little feature and I hope it continues for the life of the system!

That way, I can someday download a Katy Perry Mii and then repeatedly toss it into lava when NSMBMii comes out  ;D

MisterE13March 10, 2012

Quote from: BlackNMild2k1

and you likely made them aware of it. congratulations.
if you submit it through the "submit news" button on the front page next time, they might credit you with the tip.

Thanks for the advice

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