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Six 3D Classics Developed for 3DS

by Karlie Yeung - June 3, 2011, 6:23 am EDT
Total comments: 9 Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/interview/eshop/vol1..., Iwata Asks

After Excitebike and Xevious, there are four more to come.

Six 3DS Classics titles have been made for the Nintendo 3DS. Following the release of Excitebike worldwide and Xevious at the Japanese eShop launch, there will be four more titles.

Development on 3DS Classics started at the end of 2009. The latest Iwata Asks has some insight on the process. The games may seem like straight ports, but there is a lot of work in making them 3D. For instance, the first title the team tried was Xevious, but when they made it they realized it looks off to have these enemies shooting at the flying ship from the ground, or having the ship drop bombs to the ground on 2 simple planes. 

In other words, there has to be a clear sense of intermediate depth between the 2 planes for it to look correct.



Here's hoping that the original Zelda and Metroid are included.

Rad Racer is the obvious choice!

RazorkidJune 03, 2011

Ahh....to have the first Metroid as a 3D classic on the go would be fantastic!

AVJune 03, 2011

I wonder if they are limiting it to any console and if 3rd party support will be included.

Here is a quick list of games that I think 3D would be great for:

Mach Rider
Star Fox (SNES)
F-zero (SNES)
Space Harrier (Sega: Specifically the arcade game  )
3D World Runner (Squarenix)
Rad Racer (Squarenix)
Descent (PC game)
Orb 3D
Star Wars (Arcade game)

Quote from: Mr.

I wonder if they are limiting it to any console and if 3rd party support will be included.

Well Xevious is a Namco game...

BlackNMild2k1June 03, 2011

Descent 3DS would be nice.

Wasn't Descent supposed to be coming to the Wii or 3DS already though? I remember hearing something about it a while ago.

Wasn't Yoshi's Island shown as a 3D Classic at last year's E3?

Quote from: BlackNMild2k1

Descent 3DS would be nice.

Wasn't Descent supposed to be coming to the Wii or 3DS already though? I remember hearing something about it a while ago.

It was announced for WiiWare, however the question is whether or not Interplay will get it out before they keel over and die.

You know, the on the Japanese music video (the clip with the band playing the Mario theme in 3D), they  have some still shots of the original Super Mario Bros. in 3D. Perhaps it was a tease? I hope so. From the still shots, it looked pretty amazing. You can bet that I'm going to be purchasing waaaay to many of the downloadable titles.

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