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Messages - NWR_Lindy

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Podcast Discussion / Episode 753: All My Joannas, Gone
« on: January 09, 2022, 12:14:00 PM »

Listening to Radio Free Nintendo MAY make you rich. Listen now to find out how!

Look, I'm going to start this article with a negative attitude, but it is your fault. You, right now, reading this, are to blame. You, who Time Magazine stupidly named "Person of the Year" in 2006, have created this. The fault is yours. All of you.

We are unblemished; our hands are clean. You will sleep the restless sleep of the guilty, we the sleep of cherubs with conscience unburdened. You shall see. You shall all see.

Welcome to 2022, and Radio Free Nintendo is back. We had a week off to play games and prepare New Year's New Business Feast.

Jon had an extra week off, due to his travels in the land of his birth. He continued to work through Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition but it is beginning to dawn on him that this kind of game cannot be left for infrequent plane rides and trips abroad: it is far too long for such unfocused play. At only 20 hours, of an estimated runtime of 2,000 hours, he really needs to settle in for the ride. He also took advantage of his time away from The World's Most Powerful Video Game Console™ to play Forza Horizon 5 via xCloud streaming. He, Gui, and James talk a little bit about the seasonal objectives in Horizon, the holiday decorations of Mexico, and how it plays on Microsoft's streaming service.

Guillaume has finally completed Shin Megami Tensei V, while Greg has used the time off to continue to delve deeper into the 100 hour RPG. Gui reiterates his position that these kinds of games should be significantly shorter to better comport with his preferred length. That said, he did do all of the optional content. As a quick aside, if you've held off on purchasing Shin Megami Tensei V, it is presently on sale on the eShop in a number of regions. He's also playing Mighty Goose - via Xbox Game Pass, but also available on Switch. He compares it to Metal Slug, which is extremely exciting. However, the co-op play is lacking, with P2 being limited to a comedy support role. It is probably only good if you really like the idea of laying eggs. We don't judge, except when we do.

Greg has used the holiday break to sample from a buffet of games. Dynamite Headdy, the very first RetroActive, is part of the Switch Online Games Expansion Pass. Also on the premium version of the premium service is Paper Mario, which he spent the holidays enjoying yet again. The rest of his New Business is spent on a couple of interesting purchases. First, he imported the Kid Icarus: Uprising soundtrack from Japan. Having finally settled to an acceptable price, he decided to pull the trigger and now talks about the package he received. He also decided it was time to buy a new GameCube controller, and by that I mean the Smash Bros. GameCube controller. We spend a little time talking about how faithful reproductions these controllers are and why they aren't (but should be) WaveBirds.

James spent the break doing James-like things. He could have spent this time exploring 2021's big games: SMTV or Metroid Dread, unburdened as he was by the toils of work. He opted otherwise, finding a more self-destructive path to his liking. Rather than playing a widely-regarded JRPG from this year, he pursued a marginal 2019 remake of Langrisser I & II. There is no justification beyond curiosity and a sale. Now he is left to study this Fire Emblem contemporary, featuring the art of the "Master of Breasts." Not content there, he decided to continue what might be a new, horrifying, annual tradition and spend his break with a Switch Visual Novel. This year, Worldend Club - a supernatural murder mystery that spends way too much time on cookie cutter romance stuff, and not enough on undead killers. Turns out the NWR Review was right on. But hey, it too was on sale.

After the break we decided to examine our inbox for a Listener Mail segment, but you all sent us literally zero questions over our break. None. Nil. I've never been so distraught, because it left us with a single to question, one we had left to fester in the inbox: "What moments from RFN would make good NFTs?" This question is impossible, as there is no such thing, but it also insults on a number of levels. It implies that we are incapable of coming up with a better - more fruitful and less obvious - scam to extract your currency, and I assure you we are far more deft at deceit than disinterested primates. This question also required we examine why and how NFTs happened, and lead to us coining the worst euphemism in our long history of wordcraft. The euphemism treadmill is now in reverse, we pursue worse terms still. We do not stray from God's Light; rather, we wander in perpetual darkness. Our sin is your sin. The only ablution is sending fresh, new, and safe questions. Failure to so may only lead us deeper into this well of depravity.

A voice echoes in the darkness; it is your own, and yet you find you cannot speak. Email is the only path to Logos.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 751: Kindergarten Cook
« on: December 19, 2021, 02:45:58 PM »

Who's YOUR daddy and what does HE stew?

This week we start the show with a look at last week's Indie World Showcase. Foxes, Girlfriends, and a free Europe are all dead; but look at the cute foxes! This spirals into a conversation on the timing of the Showcase, just before the holidays, and how it has to slot into larger conversations on Nintendo's 2022 line-up. With Pokémon, Kirby, Advance Wars, and Zelda all on the horizon it stands to reason that finding a place to talk about these games could be tricky. Speaking of news, we also talk about the release of five Mega Drive/Genesis games for the Nintendo Switch Online service. It's time to answer the big question: "Bigger sprites: China Warrior or Altered Beast?" With everyone hunkered down in their current games, New Business is just a quick check-in on some games, and a look at new NSO title Paper Mario.

No emails this week, but you can fill our Santa's Sack with your emails here.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 750: Nowhere Left to Go but Backwards
« on: December 12, 2021, 02:24:00 PM »

Stay tuned for episode 749.

It's episode 750, and that's just horrifying. On the positive side, we decided it was time to flip the script - literally. You'll see what I mean.

Emails for our momentous non-occasion this week: willingly playing lesser ports, non-spin-offs that probably should have been spin-offs, modifying gaming for your health, and an uncompensated ad read for eShop alternatives. You can compensate us for your ad read by sending us an email.

Relatively light New Business this week. Greg and Gui are "linearly further along" in their respective quests to beat Shin Megami Tensei V, but don't have a tremendous amount to share this week. Guillaume is so enraptured, he finally decided to dig into Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse on the side. He has some thoughts on how demon negotiating has evolved between the last 3DS entry and the first Switch one. Jon wraps-up New Business with single player impressions of Halo Infinite.

Just a reminder, the RFN Patreon Episodes ARE BACK! You can catch up for $1 at the NWR Patreon. A new episode will be posted this Monday!

Podcast Discussion / Episode 749: All My Homies Hate Pinsir
« on: December 05, 2021, 01:10:23 PM »

He still doesn't have an evolution, because he isn't worth it.

We're back after a one week break, and we generated a lot of New Business. Gui and Greg give a dual update on Shin Megami Tensei V. Guillaume really loves this game, and has put over 20 hours in, and Greg is right behind. Gui dares to call this the best place for a newbie to the series to get their feet wet, so prospective neophytes to the series should listen up. Guillaume also gives an update on Pikmin Bloom, and an apology for his lack of pictures of park signs. Jon and James also give a dual update on the advanced couponing that is Black Friday gaming sales. This year its all about the gift cards and the digital sales. Jon has impressions of Returnal and the remake of Demon Souls, both on PS5. James has impressions of Lost Judgment, and advice on how he really "stuck it to the man" with Sega's new pricing models.

After a break, we dive into a trio of email. This week we commemorate the completion of a journey, always remember our first time, and get to know Metroid Dread Biblically. You too can send us your weird missives via the inbox.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 747: Like the Plane
« on: November 14, 2021, 02:47:18 PM »

I'm too sad to know the episode number.

It's Xbox Game Pass Season on RFN. James starts the show with a duo of games on Xbox Game Pass: Project Wingman and Star Wars: Fallen Order. Project Wingman is what happens when fans of Ace Combat try to make their own game, and Star Wars: Fallen Order is what happens when the developer of the best shooter of a generation gets Star Wars. He and Jon then get revved up for Forza Horizon 5. A vehicular Olympics in Mexico hides a dark, "pay to win" secret. James, a martyr stood up to oppose such plans. Jon, a natural follower, happily gave Bill Gates his money. Jon also has been playing Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, also on Game Pass. It's not a Wonder Boy, and Gui is finally able to explain to us how all these series are related. Guillaume gets us back to Switch, with Ys Origin and WarioWare: Get It Together! Ys Origin is a prequel to the Ys series, and returns to the more traditional game play, rather than the 3D world of VIII and IX. Greg closes out New Business with a look at the 3DS port of Kirby's Epic Yarn, Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn. It is one of a bunch of Wii and Game Cube games that found their way to 3DS, and he's got thoughts on its place in that pantheon.

After a break, we dive in on a couple Listener Mail. First we propose some Joy-Con Alternatives for the discerning (and cheap) consumer, then we talk a little bit about IGN's review of Persona Shin Megami Tensei V. You can ask us to critique other people by sending an email.


Jon amiibo watch is officially on.

This week Guillaume kicks the show off with a look at dungeon crawler/dating sim Boyfriend Dungeon. We have a literally "man who's only played Persona" moment, and he concludes he's about to fall off the game. Greg has a 12 year old's fever dream: Cruis'n Blast. It's a racing game with UFOs and dinosaurs. It's like Excite Truck but without all the restraint. Jon proves James right (yet again) by breaking his one week old vow to buy no more amiibo. This time he has the Monster Hunter Rise set, which listeners will remember, he already had preordered and then cancelled. James closes out New Business by closing out Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars. Stay tuned for the inevitable sequel.

After a break, we dive into Listener Mail. This week we: argue over what "indie" means, figure out what game we bought the most times, and create SP versions of N64 games for the Switch Online Expansion Pack. You can create our SP version by sending an email.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 745: Chateau de WinBaque
« on: October 31, 2021, 01:23:50 PM »

The counter reaches two.

It's Halloween so I'm going to rush through the article; none of you read my expertly-crafted prose anyway.

This week we did almost nothing but New Business. James starts the show with one of two minimalist Role Playing Games published by Square Enix this month: Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars. He's very early, but already there's been at least one swerve for players of the demo, and significantly more silliness. Jon has rolled credits on Metroid Dread, and he gives a "contrarian's opinion" on a game he largely likes. Greg and Gui add their informed commentary, while James examines his own life choices. This goes on for almost an hour.

I'm serious.

After a break, or an exorcism, Guillaume kicks off the second segment with Pikmin Bloom. The topic immediately turns to how we can not walk and play this game about walking, despite the fact none of us actually want to play it anyway. It's really the principle of the thing. Greg closes out the show with a look at the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack, and Jon jumps in to remind everyone that he can't refuse paying for even more games he wont play. Alarmingly, neither have played WinBack. This is unacceptable. We also receive some corrections that are... incorrect.

You can feed the inbox here.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 744: Nintendo Switch Online Expansion WinPak
« on: October 24, 2021, 04:18:47 PM »

I see you've selected WinBack.

This week we start the show with a boatload of emails: the Online Expansion Pack (and chat about the Animal Crossing DLC), playing Ogre Battle 64 in 2021, the qualities of a reproduction Nintendo 64 controller, Dynasty WAHiors, and Nintendo's next big DLC pack. We didn't clean out the backlog, but we got a good start. Be sure to dump your email here.

After we finish our email, we dive into a little bit of New Business. Greg and James are playing with "literal f***ing clown shoes" Sora, the final DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and confront the nothingness that now awaits. Guillaume and Jon are playing review copies of Tetris Effect: Connected for Switch.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 743: Little King's Cow Communication Network
« on: October 17, 2021, 10:28:08 AM »

I can't think of anything more DREAD-ful than that. Get it? GET IT?

It's a huge episode this week, as we release a slightly polished version of last Thursday's RFN Live Show.

We covered the dual launches of Metroid Dread and the Switch (OLED Model). Interestingly, nobody was using Switch (OLED Model) to play Metroid Dread, so we completely messed up the Venn Diagram. With over an hour of normal New Business-style content, you might be surprised to hear that it still encompasses less than half the show's runtime.

After all, the Live Show was to cover our RetroActive #50: Little King's Story. Not quite as many call-ins as we would have liked, but it was still a fun conversation about this extremely strange kingdom-building game. We dive into the design, the story, the music, and of course the very odd boss fights.

We even find a little time to check-in with NWR's Xander Morningstar to document his tremendously foolish attempt to play all of Dr. Mario World before it goes offline. Please don't do this.

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the live recording, and if you didn't sit back and enjoy one of the longest episodes in history.

As always, you can send questions here.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 740: Mario Creator Jim Davis
« on: September 26, 2021, 05:02:11 PM »

I hate Mondays.

There was a direct, and you probably know that. But, did you know it was mere hours before we recorded this episode? You want our unvarnished reactions to the casting of a Mario movie? What about to a 3D Kirby game? The first new Bayonetta 3 trailer in years? Some weird Square Enix game where cards talk or some nonsense? Yeah it's all here.

Did you want to hear anything else? Too bad.


An unexpected cancellation is rewarded with a look at what's brewing on the NWR Patreon. Be afraid.

Due to a scheduling issue that came up at the last minute, we were unable to record a new RFN this week. As such, we wanted to make sure we put some content out, lest you forget about us.

It also gave us a chance to remind you about the Little King's Story RetroActive and the inbox.

So, here's the now unlocked RFN Patreon episode for December, 2020. In true RFN fashion, it came out in 2021. Below is the text that went with the initial publication:

2020 was a year of wrecked plans, and human suffering.

It's hard to quantify all the things we missed out on, but here's a taste. RFN is here to talk about all the things we did in an alternate reality 2020.

From: teeth-controlled Mario remakes, to attacking Tony Hawk with a skateboard, to Jon one-upping Geoff Keighley, the RFN Alternate 2020 will make you think "You know, maybe 2020 wasn't as bad as I thought."

We're asking the big questions: what would Smash have done with more office-time? Can Bradley Cooper speak Akkadian? What's E3 like with Sting? Would the Sumerians enjoy Gamer Grub?

So, f**k-off 2020. This episode is your fault.

More Nintendo World Report Patreon content is available here.


There's only three timelines. One involves a fake moustache. It isn't this one.

James is back and kicks-off the show with a retelling from the story of Dr. Metts' wedding, in which Jon is the predictable villain. After an introduction that is in no way whatsoever self-indulgent, he allows Jon to redeem himself with a report on his newfound love of roguelikes, and in this case for Dead Cells. Guillaume is playing the recent re-release of Quake, one of the seminal first person shooters. James has a deep dive on the somewhat shallow Indie World title Islanders. Lastly, Greg concludes New Business with final thoughts on Axiom Verge 2 before advising you go watch NWR's documentary on Star Fox Command.

After a break we tackle a trio of Listener Mail. This week we pad the Switch's launch line-up, excoriate bad endings, and play a dumb Amiibo trivia game. You can send us your quizzes via the inbox.

RetroActive number 50 is at hand. Little King's Story's time will soon follow. Post comments here.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 737: Raining Destruction Sideways
« on: August 30, 2021, 05:28:19 AM »

Get ready for a more refined episode of Radio Free Nintendo.

James is out this week, so Gui sits down in the hosting seat. The result is a civilized, well-paced discussion that's free of tangents, self-indulgent rants, and idiosyncratic babbling. There's also an unspoken love of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes that's positively palpable. Perhaps this is the heralding of a new era of a kinder, gentler RFN.

On that note, Gui immediately reminds us of our grim reality for New Business by recounting a tale of how UPS lost his Joy-Cons when he sent them in for repair. He also spends some time with the disgustingly anime shooter Cotton Reboot!. Greg chimes in with his thoughts on the recent Warioware: Get It Together! demo, along with Axiom Verge 2. Meanwhile, Jon goes purely isometric with a renewed interest in Hades, and his hellfire-hot takes on the recent beta for Diablo II: Resurrected.

This week's mailbag has us discussing underappreciated games, the state of Western third-party releases on Switch, and our preferences in terms of carrying over stories and characters between games in a series. All in all it's some meaty discussion that even the ever-vigilant Gui couldn't keep under two hours.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 736: Obi-Wan Kenobi's Drunken Rage
« on: August 22, 2021, 11:56:49 AM »

You try living in a cave for 20+ years.

Gui returns for an all email podcast. This week we each selected one question from the inbox and introduced it to the group. This week we: talk Visual Novels, figure out why sports games are so hard, identify Game Cube games that don't cost a fortune, and pick out some great final boss music. You can play our theme by sending us an email.

It's RetroActive L time! After much deliberation we have selected our next RetroActive game: Little King's Story. You can hear our deliberative process over at the NWR Patreon.

You can post your comments in our forums.


His actions and thoughts are between himself and God.

Guillaume is on vacation, so again we roll along with a three man podcast.

Greg kicks-off New Business with a look at Axiom Verge 2, the sequel to the only Metroidvania that required an RFN disclosure. Launched as part of the Indie World event this week, Greg offers perspective on this more "naturalistic" sequel for those who already played its predecessor. We also spend a little time discussing the utility of shadow drops as part of events like Indie World, and if it diminished when there are just so many of them. James wrote a dumb thing, this is his New Business, I guess. Jon is playing Homefront: The Revolution in order to play TimeSplitters 2. Why? For some no reason the developers embedded a 4K TimeSpliters 2 port in Homefront: The Revolution and then hid it away in an Easter egg. TimeSplitters 2 remains a great game that needs official re-releases, but the real surprise is that Homefront: The Revolution is actually more fun than its reviews would indicate.

Listener Mail this week: asks us for our gaming achievement bucket list, asks us to prove we don't know anything about tabletop gaming, and forces us again to explore the line between collecting and hoarding. You can send us YOUR Bandai Playdia via email.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 733: Can't Tread on Me in Zero-G
« on: August 01, 2021, 12:52:32 PM »

This seminar will teach you how to maximize your social impact via strategies that: create invisible synergies, foster long-term strategic partnerships with the intensity of a blood pact, and let you abandon the societal costs at the feet of society.

It was a pretty big week for RFN; we had a number of games launch that are of note for one or more of us.

For James this means it's time to descend into the Ace Attorney bunker, which if you look closely you'll see is just the Layton bunker with the walls painted a slightly different color such that it confuses witnesses. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles' release is a moment for celebration. Two Takumi written games we seemed destined to never get both launched at once and James, as well as Greg, are here for it. Impressions obviously early.

Not strictly new this week, but Guillaume has the new Streets of Rage 4 DLC. We know about Gui's love of belt scrollers, and this DLC lets you play as number of bosses. The DLC had a rough launch on Switch, but its here now, so we'll say it was also a "this week" thing to maintain theme. He's also playing Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered, which came out last year and is a remake of an older game. It does have lots of FMV video, which I know is standard for a racing game, but sadly we've deviated from our plan for this Newest Business.

Jon has taken to the skies, and multiple governments have scrambled their air forces to address this newly mobile threat. Unbeknownst to them, the threat is fully contained as he's playing Microsoft Flight Simulator, which just launched on Xbox. This new addition to the GamePass service lets you experience the joy of travel during a pandemic. Now you have the chance to stalk your foes from the skies virtually, until the day when the world is made new again and we can do it via actual stolen airplanes. Eyes on Lindemann.

Greg has, surprise, a new release this week: Blaster Master Zero 3. This is not how numbers should work, but Inti Creates does not care. Veterans of the Mega Man Zero series know they will not stop until... this game, as this is the final Blaster Master Zero title. The previous Blaster Master Zero title had a number of improvements over the first Blaster Master Zero, and this sentence is impossible to diagram. Zero 3 looks like it does the same. Once again, fairly early impressions here.

After a break, we dive into a session of "spiritually uplifting email." This week we finally slew Dr. Mario World, Nintendo's home-grown source of medical disinformation. In our after action report, we break down what fraud would have been the next addition to the medical staff. Our second email asks us to project what the successor to Switch will be, burdened as we are with the knowledge that Nintendo will not simply rest on its laurels and create a New Switch. We know the innovation is coming, but what is it, and perhaps is it already at arm's length, hidden in plain sight. Our last email asks us to move into executive transportation. Moving your CEO in today's business environment is a complex challenge, and truly it might be The Final Frontier.

We continue to solicit your emails. You can send us questions, comments, subpoenas, and other digital finery here. Likewise, we continue to seek your input for RetroActive L. We're going to pick a game from 2009, and we're looking for your suggestions. Keep in mind, games that launched on other systems in 2009 but made their way to Nintendo later are eligible.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 732: The Blaster Master Bombshell
« on: July 25, 2021, 06:11:00 PM »

Welcome to Hot SOFIA Summer.

This week Greg finally reclaims his time to talk about Luigi's Mansion (3DS). James then wraps up his thoughts on Ys IX, which he enjoyed despite its issues, and waxes nostalgic about Where's Waldo while discussing Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective. Meanwhile, Jon - who reads books and is definitely more cultured than the rest of the podcast - briefly discusses Bioshock 2, which leads into a discussion of Jason Schreier's new book "Press Reset: Ruin and Recovery in the Video Game Industry". Spoiler: the game industry is cutthroat and not for the faint of heart. Guillaume then attempts to be timely yet vintage by talking about The World Ends With You (DS), using his save file from 2007 because why not.

On the email front, we offer our gaming suggestions for our listeners with kids (because who else would you go to for parentingadvice?), and then give our thoughts on the wild million-dollar game auction sales that seem to be all the rage these days. Both of these topics get darker than you'd expect, or exactly as dark as you'd expect, depending on your perspective. Regardless, we all survive to podcast for another week.

We also talk about our upcoming retroactive, which will be a Wii or DS game from 2009 and a definite conduit for your enjoyment. Please email your suggestions here.


This Mii goes for 80 grand.

Karen joins us for a very New Business heavy show! In fact, she's here to explain outwardly-inexplicable Miitopia. How does a game that expects you to have a backlog of friendly Miis fare on a system that's not exactly "post-Mii" but at least "late-era Mii?" Turns out its pretty fun. Karen and Guillaume have also been playing Gears of War 5; your surprise is by design. Gui has also been scratching his point-and-click itch with Unavowed. James is up to no good with Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!, a game he literally feels like he can't talk about. He's also deep into Ys IX, a game that asks you to map a highly-populated city. Jon is on the hunt for "the first remaster" with Super Mario All-Stars, available as part of Switch Online.

After a break, we dive into Listener Mail. This week we: cite Greg's news sources, decode the purpose of "limited time games," and debate the morality and economy of mobile monetization strategies. You can pull "acceptable" figures from the air by sending us an email.


Think of the savings!

We set aside an entire episode to do email, and only complete a grand total of three. Are we serially incapable of concise or do we choose this for ourselves? I'd ask you to answer, but you all are responsible for the reading of the email address 13 times. There is blame for everyone.

We devote the entire first half of the show to the recently announced Switch Pro OLED model. We're talking: hardware specs, desirability, rumor mongering, and an economic opportunity for you. We didn't even need a siren this time.

After a break, and another half-dozen reads of the email address (again, your fault), we address emails about Nintendo's "Horny Summer" and what's going on with Earthbound. Answer: stationary. You can tell us about your Seiso Winter by sending us an email.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 729: The Fallout of Mario Golfs
« on: July 04, 2021, 08:13:34 PM »

There's no time for an abstract.

It's late on the Fourth of July and I've not got time to write my normal sublime testament to a broken podcast. Its a holiday, bullet points will have to suffice. I'm not sorry.

New Business:

  • Greg + James: Kazuya Mishima in Smash
  • Jon: Mario Golf: Super Rush
  • Gui: Human: Fall Flat
  • Gui: The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors

Listener Mail:

  • Gui and Greg's Charm Studios.
  • Your cast suggestions for a Nintendo heist film.
  • Exhortations to send questions here.


Animal Friends hate it!

E3 2021 is over, at least I believe that to be true. We have been in a perpetual state of quasi-E3 for the entirety of June. July is at hand, ending 2021's Schrodinger's E3 and with it Caesar's month offers a bounty of games that will undoubtedly dominate RFN conversations for months.

But this week we have a deep backlog of New Business to get to. It's been about ten days since we last recorded, and multiple weeks since we did a proper New Business. James decides to retread some ground this week: KUUKIYOMI 3: Consider It More and More!! and Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind are very similar sequels to games he's already spoken about and Donut County was already covered on the show. He does have newer content in the demo for Game Builder Garage and early thoughts on review title Mutazione. Sun's out guns out for Jon, with SNES baseball classic Super Baseball Simulator 1.000. Never has a game had the audacity to call itself a simulator while pitchers are using cruise missiles to buzz the batter. He's also received his highly rare PlayStation 5, but predictably doesn't have a lot to say about it this week. Instead, he talks about Mortal Kombat 11, and maximizes the irrelevancy of the PlayStation 5 he managed to obtain by playing it on Xbox. Guillaume closes out New Business with regular dose of Kawazu: Romacing SaGa 3

After a break we spend a little time on Listener Mail. This week we try to put a brave face on a Forever Entertainment/Nintendo deal and then cast the unceasing flow of garbage Netflix original movies using only Nintendo characters. You can put the Hollywood machine at our disposal by putting out a casting call.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 727: In With the Old (E3 2021)
« on: June 15, 2021, 09:25:09 PM »

It's an E3 of (old) dreams in the shadow of a pandemic nightmare.

There were a whole lot of revivals, reboots, remakes, and anniversaries in the E3 2021 Nintendo Direct, and no I couldn't figure out how to preserve the alliteration.

The RFN crew talked Zelda, Metroid Dread, WarioWare: Get It Together!, Advance Wars, and an over-abundance of Mario Party, They even visited with Japan's toughest negotiator: Kazuya Mishima as he prepares to join Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Look out for his "Lava Dip" technique, it's a killer.

Quick article for this episode, but that lets us get it out the same night as the recording and saves you time to go read all the great E3 coverage here at NWR.

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the live show. Feel free to send in your emails.

Podcast Discussion / Episode 726: Peek Behind the Shower Curtain
« on: June 13, 2021, 09:41:00 AM »

Naked negotiations on the Internet.

Very short article for a very short show. We are mid-E3 and your eyes are elsewhere. However James has been "attending" the "virtual" E3 for a week, and it has been an experience. Jon got his Panamanian Haze, and no that's not a strain of marijuana. Gui is playing co-op prison escape A Way Out and Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Slaps And Beans. Greg has reached the end of Monster Hunter Rise's story.

Bigger news, join us for a live recording of Episode 727, where we'll cover Nintendo's announcements. That's this Tuesday, 8 PM Eastern/5 PM Pacific. Details here.

As always, the mailbox resides here.

TalkBack / RFN Covers E3 LIVE on Tuesday
« on: June 15, 2021, 03:30:00 PM »


It's E3 time again! Well, at least whatever E3 seems to have become this year. That means it's time for a live episode of Radio Free Nintendo with our reactions to what should be the biggest Nintendo Direct of the year. We'll also provide our thoughts on what other game companies had to offer during the course of the show, with extra points given for any company bringing any combination of an exotic car, Sting, or Tony Hawk onstage. Better yet, Sting and Tony Hawk in an exotic car. But I digress...

When are we commencing this journey into the abyss? I thought you'd never ask:

  • Tuesday, June 15th
  • 8pm EDT / 5pm PDT

Listen Here! Web Proxy

Talk to us in the NWR Discord.


It's a shell of its former self.

This week we all realized that E3 is basically happening right now, insofar as its happening at all this year. James is registered to "attend" but has literally no idea what that even means. The good news is we now know when Nintendo will be presenting their line-up for 2021, but it's happening on the last day of this black box masquerading as E3. This means they'll likely not be doing much at their "virtual booth," which again, is a nothing phrase.

After a break, Jon continues to tell us about ordering a PS5 and Haze in the year 2021.

So there's that.

Gui is playing R-Type Final 2. I would give more context but the title alone is enough of a punchline. Lastly we end the show with memories of our favorite E3 presentations.

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