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Mass Effect Jumping to Wii U?

by Nate Andrews - June 5, 2012, 6:12 am EDT
Total comments: 10 Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47697..., (NeoGaf)

Could there be an announcement at today's Nintendo conference?

A short post on the official German Mass Effect Facebook page caught the eye of some on NeoGaf this morning.

The post, which (translated) simply reads: "Don't forget: Tune into the Nintendo press conference today at 6 pm..." and links to the official E3 Nintendo site, has some wondering if BioWare's lauded series will come to Nintendo's newest console in some form.

Nintendo is expected to spend much of today's press conference showcasing games for the Wii U.

Image via NeoGaf


Well, they can't get the first one, but if they can get the second and third on one disc at launch, you bet your sweet ass I would consider that purchase

IgnoramusJune 05, 2012

Mass Effect or a Bioware title in general would certainly add core credibility to the console.

CericJune 05, 2012

Quote from: Webmalfunction

Well, they can't get the first one, but if they can get the second and third on one disc at launch, you bet your sweet ass I would consider that purchase

Considers how the contract is written.

ShyGuyJune 05, 2012

Didnt the first mass effect get released on ps3 eventually?

DasmosJune 05, 2012

Quote from: ShyGuy

Didnt the first mass effect get released on ps3 eventually?

Nope, they had some interactive comic thing instead.

CericJune 05, 2012


Quote from: ShyGuy

Didnt the first mass effect get released on ps3 eventually?

Nope, they had some interactive comic thing instead.

But it is on PC.

Mass Effect 1 was published by Microsoft. There's your roadblock.

broodwarsJune 05, 2012

Hopefully it's a new Mass Effect project if it really exists, because I see just as little a point for ME2 or 3 to be on Wii U as it already is on PS3.  Without ME1, you're just not getting the real experience, and it does the series a disservice.

Now watch Nintendo announce Mass Effect 3 for Wii U with the exclusive "good" ending the other versions didn't get.  :P:

CericJune 05, 2012

How I would personally get around it is to make the Mass Effect Trilogy with all the DLC into one super long game.  Thats pretty much how I've played them.  Which reminds me I need to finish up 2.

ToraJune 05, 2012

This will be beast.  I loved the first 2. 

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