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Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies DLC Coming Later This Month

by Kimberly Keller - November 13, 2013, 2:08 pm EST
Total comments: 5 Source: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.53239713..., (Description), Ace Attorney Facebook Page

A killer whale defendant? This is going to be awesome.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies will receive a downloadable add-on available Thursday, November 21. The full-length episode, Turnabout Reclaimed, will cost $5.99 (€4.99 / £3.99).

The episode “recounts the first case Phoenix Wright took on after reclaiming his Attorney’s badge,” according to the game’s Facebook page. Players will have to defend Ora Shipley, a real live killer whale who lives at the Shipshape Aquarium. Pearl Fey will also join in the investigation to assist as the team goes up against prosecutor Simon Blackquill.

Check out the gallery below for episode screen caps.



KhushrenadaNovember 13, 2013


Wow. I must say, I never really thought there would be additional cases or content released for this game. This is a welcome surprise. I wonder how much more might come in the future.

I'm all over this. $6 is a fair price.

ShyGuyNovember 14, 2013

Capcom is making good on there promise of DLC for every title.

Khush, this is the only DLC chapter that has been released in Japan. While it's cool we get one it is a shame they didn't do a few more.

KhushrenadaNovember 14, 2013

Oh thanks Crimm. Nice to start the day with some bad news.

Still, I guess it isn't too surprising considering how long it takes for them make a single game with 4-5 cases. To release, say, another 4 cases over the course of a year would be like a whole new game and I just don't see Capcom going through that sort of effort.

Oh well. Hopefully they will release AA: Investigations 2 in awhile to keep that AA itch scratched.

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