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Toki Tori 2 Delayed Due to Issues with Open World, Visuals, Frame Rate

by Tyler Ohlew - February 1, 2013, 2:29 pm EST
Total comments: 5 Source: http://twotribes.com/message/why-we-delayed-toki-t..., two tribes

The reason behind the delay, and why players will benefit in the end.

Toki Tori 2 was delayed for many reasons, a point Two Tribes' Collin Van Ginkel summarizes by referring the state of the game before the decision as "ugly."

The Wii U eShop title was just two days away from submission, Van Ginkel recounts, when he decided to implement a new puzzle. The process left him uneasy about sending the game to Nintendo so early. Upon a full playthrough, he and the studio came to the conclusion that Toki Tori 2 was "ugly." The team had convinced themselves that shipping in late December was possible, when in reality the title was worse off for it.

As for the improvements, Van Ginkel says that the game's open-world systems are far more approachable to both expert and novice players, the visuals have been redone in areas so the environment can better explain to the player what needs to be done, and the frame rate now runs at 60 frames per second.

Van Ginkel explains that up to the point of the delay, he had been the only person to have played the game from beginning to end. Since then, the team has allowed more testers to get their hands on Toki Tori 2, allowing the studio to fine-tune the experience.


StogiFebruary 01, 2013

That's wonderful developer ethics. I hope the game turns out well.

Mop it upFebruary 01, 2013

That's a lot of issues to fix, I hope they can manage it.

Pixelated PixiesFebruary 01, 2013

Isn't it kind of weird for them to be so forthcoming about how 'ugly' the game was? I'm not saying it's a bad thing for developers to be up front, but usually they'd just say something to the effect that it needed more time for 'polish'.

It must have been in a pretty bad state for them to feel compelled to come forward and state exactly what was wrong with the game.

ShyGuyFebruary 01, 2013


I saw the game back in December, and honestly it wasn't nearly as bad as they make it sound. Yeah, there were still some crash bugs and stuff, but for the most part it looked and sounded really beautiful and polished already; it was pretty impressive. But even while I was playing it, they were paying attention to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible... they also had a cool recording feature in the Steam beta where they could analyze players' moves.

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