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Pokémon Game Coming to Smartphones in Japan

by Danny Bivens - July 6, 2011, 8:19 am EDT
Total comments: 12 Source: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2011/07/c110701_01.h..., (Official Pokémon Website Japan)

Pokémon are coming to iOS and Android this summer.

A Pokémon game is currently being developed for release on the Apple App Store and the Google Android Market. The game, titled Pokémon Ie TAP? (Pokémon Say Tap?), is a music-based game that has the player trying to tap in game Pokémon cards with a beat. The Pokémon music and creatures are the ones featured in Pokémon Black and White.

The game will hit the App Store and Android Market this summer in Japan. It is compatible with iOS 4.3 or higher and Android Version 2.1 or higher.


CericJuly 06, 2011

Um... Wow.  I thought Nintendo went on record saying they would never make a phone game with one of their properties.

Retro DeckadesJuly 06, 2011

Wow. What does this mean for Nintendo?

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 06, 2011


Wondering - what ever came from this?

One tech podcast I listen to brought this up today and immediately leapt to "Nintendo's going 3rd party and making phone games".

The lesson is, of course, never trust the MSM.

StrawHousePigJuly 06, 2011

Quote from: OneTwenty

Wow. What does this mean for Nintendo?

This means that Nintendo should buy The Pokémon Company outright. Assuming that's possible. Nintendo doesn't see themselves as synonymous with Pokémon as most people do. It seems a no brainer to nab that property in whole.

nickmitchJuly 07, 2011

I thought Nintendo already owned The Pokemon Comany, having created it and whatnot.

TJ SpykeJuly 07, 2011

It was created as an affiliate of Nintendo's. So technically they are not owned by Nintendo, but for all intents and purposes they do. Nintendo also owns the Pokemon IP anyway, all The Pokémon Company does is handle the marketing and licensing for the franchise. Purchasing them wouldn't really change anything, Nintendo probably set them up as an affiliate rather than a subsidiary for a reason.

32% ownership apparently. I guess it does give them the flexibility to do something like this.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 07, 2011

I believe, from my limited understanding, Game Freak also owns 1/3rd.. and Game Freak is wholly owned by Nintendo as well...

No, Game Freak is private.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 07, 2011

Whoops - you're right.  It's Creatures, Inc, that I was thinking of.  They own the other third and are wholly owned by Nintendo.

So, 1/3 is owned directly by Nintendo.
1/3 is owned by Creatures, Inc., which is owned by Nintendo.
1/3 is owned by Game Freak.

Ryan CannonJuly 07, 2011

didn't see that coming...

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