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David Lloyd


David Lloyd Reviews Editor

Systems Owned

  • Gameboy
  • NES
  • NIntendo 3DS
  • Nintendo 64
  • Nintendo GameCube
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Nintendo Wii
  • Nintendo Wii U
  • Xbox One
  • Currently Playing

    • Final Fantasy VIII
    • Minecraft
    • MK8 Deluxe
    • TumbleSeed

    Favorite Games of All Time

    • Blades of Steel
    • Captain Skyhawk
    • Final Fantasy Series
    • GoldenEye
    • Legend of Zelda Series

    Favorite Developers

    • Nintendo
    • SquareEnix

    Favorite Movies

    • Fifth Element
    • The Man Who Knew Too Little

    Favorite Music

    • The Raconteurs
    • The White Stripes
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New Releases

Switch Auto Empire: Car Dealer Simulator Jul 24

Switch Chrysolite Jul 24

Switch Super Woden GP II Jul 24

Switch Abathor Jul 25

Switch Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure Jul 25

Switch Astoria: Fate's Kiss Jul 25

Switch Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow Jul 25

Switch Escape Fear 2 Jul 25

Switch Exhausted Man Jul 25

Switch Fishing Break Jul 25

Release Schedule
