Dengeki talks a bit with two of the higher-ups on the prequel to the original on GameCube.
The game's producer, Hiroyuki Kobayashi and director, Shinji Mikami, talked to the Japanese magazine about how the game is coming. Xen Gamers was swell enough to make some sense all of it and put it in plain English. Here's a bit of it.
Dengeki: How did the decision to transplant Biohazard 0 to GameCube come about?
Mikami-san: It was becoming impossible to fit everything on a cartridge. [laughs..] We consulted Nintendo frequently, but we decided any ideas to fit the game on cartridge format wouldn’t be economically viable. The GameCube was announced shortly thereafter, and then we decided to resume development.
Dengeki: Did you have to start from scratch on the GameCube?
Mikami-san: The concept and story were carried over, but all the data and graphics had to be completely redone.
Dengeki: What’s the status of development now?
Mikami-san: Having already finished the remake of Biohazard 1 for the GameCube, we used much of that process as a foundation for designing backgrounds and character motion in Biohazard 0. It’s a time consuming process, but overall development is progressing well.