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Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara Pushed to August

by Andy Goergen - July 16, 2013, 4:03 pm EDT
Total comments: 18

Keep your quarters ready for next month.

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara is being aimed for an August release on Wii U. Capcom told Nintendo World Report that the game had experienced some "unexpected dev issues." The game, which released on competing platforms last June, is an arcade two-pack featuring late-era Capcom arcade beat-em-ups. We wrote about the game in the ramp up to the original June 18 release date.

While the development issues were not specified, rumors have circulated that they were related to the "drop-in" online multiplayer mode.


Ian SaneJuly 16, 2013

Yes, even ports of old arcade games get a delayed release on the Wii U.  *Sigh*

ArganosJuly 16, 2013

This is ....... Disappointing..... :-\

PaladinrjaJuly 16, 2013

What the hell. Whats with the media over Wii U users? You guys coulda found this out 6 weeks ago for us!
Bloody media and publishers are sticking thier heads in the sand because they don't wanna deal with angry Nintendo gamers but you guys are the ones driving us insane!
Not the state of things, not those ridculous fanboys and trolls even. Just the seer lack of information! Bloody hell.

PaladinrjaJuly 16, 2013

Ya know, just so you know, we don't give a fucking rats ass about market stanza and bloody sales thats Nintendo's problem and we're obviously firmly in thier corner. We bought the goddamn console!
But this constant media trollery against the platform instead of giving us news that IS fucking relevant to us as gamers IS FUCKIN IMPORTANT!
What a waste of goddamn time the media has become.

Paladinrja, if you are implying that we are somehow late to this story, or trying to sweep it under the rug, you are wrong.  I personally have emailed Capcom's PR rep about 6 times trying to figure out what the problem is, and our site director Neal Ronaghan has been bombarding them on twitter ever since June 18th passed without any sign of the game.

So before you call out the media for lack of information, understand that we're trying.  Developers and publishers are not always willing to give out the information that we're asking for, and that you're interested in.

I've also emailed the PR rep about 5 times asking about the presence of Off-TV play on the Wii U version of D&D, and have yet to hear anything substantial back.

FireponcoalJuly 16, 2013

Jokes, keep em' coming Nintendo.  Those 3rd parties are rushing back to the Wii U soon.

the asylumJuly 16, 2013

Cancellation in three, two, one...

I think this game will definitely come out, but this is a terrible, terrible precedent. The most worrisome thing to me is that Capcom, like WB with the Injustice DLC, was almost completely unresponsive. Just like in the WB/Injustice debacle, they only responded to a barrage of tweets.

And in this case, you're welcome, everyone who was curious about D&D on Wii U. My Twitter spamming of Capcom's Twitter finally garnered the response that the usual, ideal email method did not get us.

the asylumJuly 16, 2013

I dunno man

capcom likes to cancel things for little to no reason

see also: legends 3, megaman

Retro DeckadesJuly 16, 2013

It seems to me that if there is any issue to be taken here, it is between the Wii U and third party publishers. Enthusiast sites like Nintendo World Report only want to update us on the latest Nintendo-related news, and I am relying on them to do so. This is the first I've heard about the newly-projected D&D: Chronicles of Mystara release date -- a game that I have been eagerly anticipating.

PaladinrjaJuly 17, 2013

Quote from: NWR_DrewMG

Paladinrja, if you are implying that we are somehow late to this story, or trying to sweep it under the rug, you are wrong.  I personally have emailed Capcom's PR rep about 6 times trying to figure out what the problem is, and our site director Neal Ronaghan has been bombarding them on twitter ever since June 18th passed without any sign of the game.

So before you call out the media for lack of information, understand that we're trying.  Developers and publishers are not always willing to give out the information that we're asking for, and that you're interested in.

I've also emailed the PR rep about 5 times asking about the presence of Off-TV play on the Wii U version of D&D, and have yet to hear anything substantial back.

Ok, thankyou. Thats what I was wanting to know. I can appreciate that it must be frustrating for you.

So why isn't the media vilifying this? Surely NWR isn't the only site thats up against this info block and its become obvious every site, wanting to report on Nintendo related content and news, is hitting the same brick wall.

To me it feels like the western gaming arm is fostering a block towards foreign trading in the west. Which as it stands is pretty much Nintendo only.
It feels as if the industry is trying to keep American gaming money in the US. The XBOX One and Playstation 4 are American boxes both, afterall; and have mostly failed to further the gaming narrative or profit. Special mention to Sony's case in which the PS4 is mostly about thier Electronics division (which is fine, thats what Sony do).

Sure, consumers have a retroactive right to feel Nintendo isn't competative or is without business in the west and thats definately the reaction.
Of all the legions of gaming participants predisposed against the platform, its largely due to no one, in any sector of the industry, makng any noise about matters.

The media is just circulating what is self-evident in most respects and it feels as if any opportunity to 'call the industry out' has long since passed by; all we're left with is sour grapes if anyone feels inclined even.
I'm referring to Nintendo fans and those whom are multi-platform gamers, as well as those whom hold thier allegiances to other corporate entities.

Gaming in Japan is currently under very close scrutiny by the Japanese gamers, whom are largely dissatisfied.

Microsoft are just about to head into the release phase of Windows 8.1 and further thier mobile efforts as well; whilst having shut down MSN-TV this past week, has very much signaled that they won't be investing too much time in XBOX brand anytime soon and who can blame them?

So I guess we come to it then. The gaming industry has once again moved past mediocrity (the last two years) and is now mere moments away from death.

Publishers are battening down the hatches, retreating on thier business models. None of them will be supporting medium and small content development; with Ubisoft recently, openly announcing, no interest in any IP that can't be franchised due to no money.
If your business is to manufacture and market gaming to the world, then you have no business doing that just around your immediate neighbourhood. Why would anyone invest in that?

I was in high school when the industry crashed in '83 and it was very much like this. Years of hype and mediocre prolific content (actually alot of it became downright horrible) completely out of context to the gaming narrative, as it is now. Also, as it is now, there was this same corporate backtracking and 'quiet' concerning the industry, where mere moments before you couldn't turn on the set without hearing something about gaming. Many companies attempted to hoarde thier demographic and save some vestige of thier business income, just that bit longer.
When '83 ticked over the industry announced it was dead and having hindsight I'm feeling this now.

PaladinrjaJuly 17, 2013

Anyway, why just take it, from them? If tey're gonna self-destruct, your business is going down with them one way or another.
For every journo that gets blocked out by Moore, Hines, Nintendo, MS, Sony or whatevr - 6 others should take his/her place.
Get a concensus going by your media group and literally crucify those that won't concede interview.
Wana know why? Because you don't get your chunk of $18bln anually without answering to someone and thats the bottom line.
Go full retro journo and hand these bastards thier asses. 5 emails with no reply? I'm assuming thats over a week right? Hell no!, given you guys circulate everything via back channels like twitter, its cool, if one of you get one proper reply right? Theres a reason these corporations hire community directors and liason officers.

I'm in mining and I can tell you, an industry that profits $220bln anually, when the media come knocking someone drops everything and they answer; because we dig chunks outta the Earth, people wanna know who we hire, how we do it, are we professional and if we have respect.

One thing the media does is keep information free flowing but the best thing you do is keep things relevant and in perspectve.
If EA goes down tomorrow, c'est la vie but if that happens and no one knows about it then theres no business the day after that.
I'm an investor and right now, all this year and for the past two; I'd sooner invest in the resurection of Elvis than I would in any part of this industry and thats a fact, no matter if Wedbush or a hundred other securities jabbermouths greenlight it.
I'm not in it for the fast buck or safe bet. I'm looking for educated risk and high return over the longhaul. Sustainability.

These constant doom'n'gloom articles most sites are writing up don't make me worry about Nintendo as much as they make me concerned for the industry as a whole.

Good luck.

ShyGuyJuly 17, 2013

So I heard a rumor that this game released on other platforms with some significant bugs, and Capcom failed the Wii U test so Nintendo is making them fix some issues.

broodwarsJuly 17, 2013

Quote from: ShyGuy

So I heard a rumor that this game released on other platforms with some significant bugs, and Capcom failed the Wii U test so Nintendo is making them fix some issues.

Well, I can tell you from personal experience that Nintendo has one of the most annoyingly thorough/anal certification processes in the entire industry, so I wouldn't be surprised if that were true.  And no, I can't elaborate on that.

It's the reason Bethesda doesn't do WiiU stuff.

broodwarsJuly 17, 2013

Quote from: Shaymin

It's the reason Bethesda doesn't do WiiU stuff.

Bethesda couldn't survive 5 minutes with a Nintendo certification team.  They wouldn't even have to reach one of the undoubtably 2 billion crash bugs in a given Bethesda game to get bounced.

smallsharkbigbiteJuly 17, 2013

Quote from: Paladinrja

These constant doom'n'gloom articles most sites are writing up don't make me worry about Nintendo as much as they make me concerned for the industry as a whole.

Ironically, Nintendo is the only big player losing money right now. 

I disagree that the market will crash.  There are lots of things different right now than at that time.

The biggest is $.  In 2011, the games market was worth $65 billion.  In 1982 it was worth $3.2 billion.  The market has grown so much that video games are a part of our culture and that is not going to just disappear. 
The big players all made money, Sony games, Microsoft games, Ubisoft, EA.  They all made money last year.  The games crash was led by a series of disasters for the big players and we are yet to hit that first disaster this time.  (Unless you consider the Wii U ;P)

You say that's it bad that Ubi and EA and the industry and moving towards a big game only approach, but that's really where Nintendo has always been.  They don't want to make a Fire Emblem because it would have to sell 750,000 units to be worth it to them.  The big games are the ones that drive profits in the industry.  Nintendo has always focused on the big games and let third parties make filler titles.  Plus the difference now is that Indie developers have legitimate tools to create games to fill the more niche genres.  This wasn't true back in the early 80's. 

Look to some of the Sony/Microsoft sites.  They are filled with articles of how the industry is continuing to grow.  Doom and gloom articles seem to be more of a focus of Nintendo filled sites as they look for reasons to think Nintendo is doing it right in spite of the Wii U not being a commercial success. 

This gloom shouldn't really be in this thread though.  I'm excited that this has gotten a date as it's a game I'm interested in.  Two month delay sucks, but I've had enough games (through my backlog) to keep me busy in the meantime. 

the asylumJuly 17, 2013

The only reason why Bethesda is still in the black is because they have an army of dedicated fans who find and fix problems that they should be doing in the first place. They must save a fortune, what with having no apparent QC department

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