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Capcom to Have No Playable Nintendo Games at E3 2012

by Neal Ronaghan - May 15, 2012, 1:03 pm EDT
Total comments: 20 Source: (Capcom)

There will be no Street Fighting or Resident Eviling on Wii U or 3DS this E3.

Capcom won't have any games for Nintendo's systems playable at E3 2012, a company representative told us earlier today.

Previously, there have been rumors of a new Resident Evil 3DS game and the localization of Monster Hunter Tri G being unveiled at E3. While this does confirm the games won't be playable, this announcement does not completely rule out the possibility of an announcement about either game at E3 2012.

The only two projects that Capcom is officially developing for Nintendo systems are Monster Hunter 4 and Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney. Both games are supposed to come out on 3DS in Japan later this year.

Last year, Resident Evil: Revelations was Capcom's lone Nintendo project playable at E3.


EnnerMay 15, 2012

That's a bit disappointing if they won't be showing anything on the Wii U. As for Monster Hunter 4 and Layton vs. Wright, they seem more like games for Tokyo Game Show. Hmm, I hope we'll see playable Wii U games from Capcom in TGS 2012.

AdrockMay 15, 2012


tendoboy1984May 15, 2012

"No playable games" does not equal "no games at all". They could announce stuff in video form.


AdrockMay 15, 2012

No playable games is still disappointing. Also, that suggests Capcom will have nothing for Wii U launch which is disappointing as well. RE6 is apparently already off the table for this year at the least so this news isn't making that easier to bear either. I was really looking forward to that rumored 3DS RE game. Nerds.

Kytim89May 15, 2012

Resident Evil 6 announced for the Wii U, but not playable.

Chocobo_RiderMay 15, 2012

Quote from: Adrock



I hope they at least have been working on some titles to ANNOUNCE.

joshnickersonMay 15, 2012

They could at least announce a Mega Man title that they can later cancel.

tendoboy1984May 15, 2012

Quote from: joshnickerson

They could at least announce a Mega Man title that they can later cancel.

Mega Man Universe? :)

house3136May 15, 2012

It would shock me if there was absolutely no announcement for RE: 6 on Wii U at E3. I can understand not wanting to show the playable game on the new controller (whatever functionality it has, if any) at E3, but I think they may hold it until TGS. Is there any reasoning behind releasing the game on Wii U several months after its initial release if it doesn’t have any significant upgrade or difference? It just seems weird to me that with Capcom and Nintendo’s relationship, the RE: Revelations exclusive, and the rumor of another RE 3DS title, that one of the biggest games of the year, RE: 6, would skip the console.

@adrock  Love the Moleman reference, one of my favorite episodes.

leahsdadMay 15, 2012

Quote from: Adrock

Also, that suggests Capcom will have nothing for Wii U launch which is disappointing as well.

Yes....Capcom typically doesn't have games for system launches, with maybe the only exception I can think of being SSFIV3D.  Which was awesome, man, I still play that regularly.

AdrockMay 15, 2012

These are different times, my friend. Capcom can easily have something at launch because they wouldn't be making new game; they would simply be porting ones already in development (or already completed) for PS3/360. Apparently, Vigil Games ported Darksiders II in a matter of weeks so it doesn't seem terribly difficult to do so. This just seems like a conscious decision by Capcom to hold off of supporting the platform. Again, disappointing.

CericMay 16, 2012

That seems odd.  Very odd if WiiU is coming out this year.  So odd to the point that I'm thinking that Capcom itself won't have any, but there will be some that Nintendo is showing from Capcom.

Ian SaneMay 16, 2012

Adrock has a good point about Capcom having some PS360 projects that logically should also be released on the Wii U at the same time (or close to it).  Hopefully Capcom is just being conservative and playing it safe to see how the Wii U does.  Still what Nintendo really needs to get right is for their system to be comparable to the competition within the Wii U's life so that it does not get left out of multiplatform games.  That is what third parties do these days.  If your system is left out you have shit third party support.  This news is not encouraging.

ThePermMay 16, 2012

well, from all indications by the staff thats left Capcom...Capcoms management staff are a bunch of fucktards that will run the company into the ground. Exodus of both Inufune and Mikami is not a good sign.

nickmitchMay 16, 2012

I'm wondering what they will have playable, and if this is a matter of them wanting games available sooner than the Wii U launch to be playable or if there weren't enough Wii U demo units for them to use.

CericMay 16, 2012

I seriously doubt that Nintendo will allow WiiU demos in anyone elses booth . They may even control the 3DS as well for E3.

Chozo GhostMay 17, 2012

So Nintendo fans miss out on more Crapcom on rails spin offs? You will have to excuse me if I am not giving a crap(com).

AdrockMay 17, 2012

Quote from: Chozo

You will have to excuse me if I am not giving a crap(com).

I see what you did there. +1 for the effort.

The strangest part about this announcement is that Capcom won't have anything for 3DS either. It's doing much better now than it was the same time last year. I expected to hear more about Monster Hunter 4. I suppose Namco Bandai is going to show Project X Zone since they're listed as the publisher but maybe some Capcom reps (with Sega and Monolith Soft) will be on hand, assuming the game comes to America.

tendoboy1984May 20, 2012

Quote from: house3136

Is there any reasoning behind releasing the game on Wii U several months after its initial release if it doesn’t have any significant upgrade or difference?

Well there were many Xbox 360 ports on the PS3 when it launched. 3rd-party developers like to have their games on as much hardware as possible, so they are guaranteed sales. Limiting themselves to one console isn't good.

tendoboy1984May 20, 2012

Quote from: Adrock

Quote from: Chozo

You will have to excuse me if I am not giving a crap(com).

I see what you did there. +1 for the effort.

The strangest part about this announcement is that Capcom won't have anything for 3DS either. It's doing much better now than it was the same time last year. I expected to hear more about Monster Hunter 4. I suppose Namco Bandai is going to show Project X Zone since they're listed as the publisher but maybe some Capcom reps (with Sega and Monolith Soft) will be on hand, assuming the game comes to America.

Capcom will definitely show off Monster Hunter (Tri 3G or MH 4). If it doesn't come to the US, then they will show it at TGS.

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