Radio Trivia
Episode 188: Wario's Moist Eyes
October 31, 2024
Alex, Perry, Casey, and TYP return for another Halloween special of Radio Trivia X Talk Nintendo.
Episode 187: By Jiminy, It Isn't Over Yet!
August 13, 2024
Jonny Metts and TYP keep ye olde trivia music show alive. Internet Relay Chat server not included.
Episode 186: A Mediocre Waudio Technician
March 18, 2024
Redundancy fosters resiliency.
Episode 185: Super Happy Fun Time
December 25, 2023
Guillaume and TYP give 2023 a proper sendoff with one last episode. This is not the last episode.
Episode 184: Waluigi Ambassador
October 19, 2023
Alex, Perry, Casey, and TYP join forces for another year of Radio Trivia X Talk Nintendo Wahloween madness. Are you sweating?
Radio Trivia 183: Only the Finest Electric Guitars
September 10, 2023
Remember Greg? He's back, in Radio Trivia form!
Episode 182: With Every Fiber of Your Diet
June 12, 2023
Check. Check. Is this podcast still on?
Episode 181: Planet Trivia: Legacy Edition
January 15, 2023
Windyman, Windyman, What Do You Hear?
Episode 180: The Host of Halloween Past
November 10, 2022
Huzzah for the annual Talk Nintendo Podcast crossover / Halloween episode. Never mind that pesky calendar.
Episode 179: Mining the Repertoire
August 4, 2022
TYP picks, and Jonny plays along. Game No. 5 will blow your mind! #ClickBait
Episode 178: Discordienting
May 23, 2022
John Rairdin helps Radio Trivia clean off its mud (because dirty is meaner than clean).
Episode 177: Blue Collar Mud
March 6, 2022
Warning! TYP and James Jones have brought you a new episode of Radio Trivia. TYP sincerely apologies for the poor quality of his audio; a backup recording is better than none at all.
Episode 176: Anger Management
December 19, 2021
Usher the year that was 2021 out the door with Guillaume, TYP, and Radio Trivia.
Episode 175: Talking Points
October 29, 2021
The Talk Nintendo Podcast crew and TYP team up once again for our annual crossover episode!
Episode 174: A Game by Any Other Name
July 4, 2021
Happy Fourth of July! Please enjoy an episode of Radio Trivia with TYP and The Windiest of Men, Steven Rodriguez.
Episode 173: 201X -- The Munster Years
April 1, 2021
The most excellent Greg Leahy guides "Hot Mic" Mike on a journey through the 2010s.
Episode 172: Handbaskets Ahoy!
January 24, 2021
New year, same podcast. Jonny guests for an old-fashioned round of Radio Trivia.
Episode 171: Can't Stop Talking!
October 28, 2020
Casey, Perry, and TYP each pick a game for another Talk Nintendo Podcast crossover episode!
Episode 170: Heroic and Music
September 13, 2020
Are you desperately in need of something to fill your auditory canal? We've got just the thing: Radio Trivia! Fossil Fiend Zach (with an "h") fills the guest spot.
Episode 169: It's Better Than Bad, It's Good
June 26, 2020
Join Dr. Metts and TYP for amusement and bemusement.
Episode 168: Next Time, J.J. Next Tiiiiime!
March 29, 2020
To denounce the evils of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above. TYP! James!
Episode 167: Off Is the New Brand
January 17, 2020
The Windy Man himself swooshes in for co-host duty. Fear the wind.
Episode 166: Still Talking About Nintendo
October 25, 2019
Talk Nintendo and Radio Trivia combine forces once again for their annual crossover episode! Only this time, another contestant joins in the fun…
Episode 165: Trust Your Instincts!
October 23, 2019
NWR Site Director John Rairdin brings his foxlike charm to Radio Trivia.
Episode 164: The Ol' Loop de Loop
August 24, 2019
Summer is almost over! Make the most of it by listening to Radio Trivia on the beach, in an airplane, on a stroll, or around the house! Doctor (Jonathan Metts's) orders!
Episode 163: The Ultimate Gaming Machine
June 9, 2019
Steven "WindyMan" Rodriguez graces us with his presence for this piddling pre-E3 podcast production.
Episode 162: The Voice Botcher
April 8, 2019
Radio Free Nintendo regular Guillaume Veillette avoids editing duties by guesting on some crummy video game trivia show.
Episode 161: Not That Kind of Discharge
March 15, 2019
Zach celebrates his not being in the hospital with a hearty round of Radio Trivia.
Episode 160: Live from the Internet, It's Technical Difficulties!
January 28, 2019
The 2019 live stream fundraiser event for Child's Play may be over, but now you can relive the experience with Jonny, Greg, and TYP, in glorious stereo!
Episode 159: No More Mettsing Around
December 10, 2018
Good friend of the show Jonny Metts and TYP huddle around a warm microphone.
Episode 158: Talking More About Nintendo
October 24, 2018
Casey and Perry return in another Talk Nintendo crossover episode.
Episode 157: Haggling at Barron's Video Game Emporium
September 15, 2018
We're back! And this time it's a Daddy-cast with Neal in the co-pilot seat.
Episode 156: The Fox That Got Away
June 24, 2018
The co-hosts of this episode maintain that Star Fox Zero is a fun game. (You’ll never guess who’s co-hosting!)
Episode 155: You Say Tomato
March 19, 2018
Not even Zach Miller can prevent TYP from bumbling his proper nouns.
Episode 154: Think Tranquil Thoughts
January 27, 2018
As is the tradition, Greg Leahy helps kick off a new year of Radio Trivia.
Episode 153: 2017 NWR Child's Play Telethon Live Show
December 6, 2017
This remastering of the livestream features "The Brown Note" and other haunting melodies.
Episode 152: Janky Kong Rides Again
October 23, 2017
Remember Neal? He’s back! In Pod(cast) form!
Episode 151: Gotta Teach the Young'uns!
August 22, 2017
It's all sunshine and rainbows for TYP and this episode's co-host, James Jones. Positive thoughts!
Episode 150: Sesquicentennial Odyssey
June 12, 2017
No, we haven't been recording this podcast series for one-hundred and fifty years. Yes, we still went with that episode title.
Episode 149-1: X Talk Nintendo
April 28, 2017
TYP guest hosts on Talk Nintendo Podcast in a mini-episode, and fun ensues.
Episode 149: Horse Names on a Budget
February 26, 2017
We've been through the desert on a horse with no games. With some luck no more of the same. On a budget you can come up with a name, 'cause there ain't no one for to ride him again.
Episode 148: Calamity Ganon's Ruinous Time Zones
January 15, 2017
Radio Trivia fans rejoice! A new year brings another appearance from RFN's Greg Leahy.
Episode 147: The Inadvertent Huge Jerk
December 17, 2016
RFN’s James Jones hosts with TYP in the hot seat. Can TYP hold his own ground?
Episode 146: Podcast Babies
November 14, 2016
Don't be a turkey! Dig into what quite possibly may be the last episode of Radio Trivia before the New Year and stuff(ing) with TYP and Zach Miller.
Episode 145: 2016 NWR Child's Play Telethon Live Show
October 16, 2016
Did you miss the telethon this year? Do you want to listen to the Radio Trivia segment again, remastered with higher fidelity audio? Is this teaser shamelessly cribbing from last year? The answers to these questions and more, after the show.
Episode 144: The Grossest Episode Yet!
August 14, 2016
Test your musical recognition skills with a new episode of Radio Trivia, featuring guest co-host Neal Ronaghan.
Episode 143: The Land of Daiso
May 10, 2016
No amount of troll repellant can dissuade James Charlton from a good round of Radio Trivia!
Episode 142: J.J. Slider Remix Special
April 17, 2016
Radio Trivia goes off the rails for this special episode featuring official video game remixes.
Episode 141: Herman Munster Tribute Band
March 19, 2016
Celebrate video game (and surf) music with TYP and long time co-host Steven "WindyMan" Rodriguez.
Episode 140: Sequelitis
February 9, 2016
A (Chinese) new year brings with it a new installment of Radio Trivia with guest co-host Greg Leahy!
Episode 139: If IRC, Then It Is the 2015 NWR Child's Play Telethon
December 7, 2015
We couldn't afford hint questions.
Episode 138: Just Blame Lindemann Syndrome
October 17, 2015
James Jones visits Radio Trivia. Brace yourselves.
Episode 137: Play the game Existence until the end.
September 6, 2015
Tomorrow never knows which games Guillaume and TYP will pick.
Episode 136: TYP the Tongue-Tied
August 5, 2015
Featuring guest co-host Zach Miller and the usual helping of awesome video game music.
Episode 135: POW! THWACK! RAGE QUIT!
June 4, 2015
Neal discusses obscure favorites from the past and the site's E3 plans. Oh, right, and video game music.
Episode 134: You're Wrong If You Think You're Wrong
April 14, 2015
Jonathan Metts ventures forth once again in hopes of stumping TYP at his own game!
Episode 133: Good Neigh-boars, Baaad Beavers
March 1, 2015
Podcast co-founder Steven Rodriguez shares one of his old favorites, while TYP discovers a new one thanks to a listener request!
Episode 132: Excellence Ahoy!
January 17, 2015
Former RFN host Greg Leahy makes his annual appearance, with an import game selection in tow. This one's beefy, folks!
Episode 131: Neva Givu Apuuu! Please understand.
December 21, 2014
Let's everybody go! Curtis Bonds joins the show for some holiday cheer. Contents may contain traces of Engrish.
Episode 130: 5th Annual NWR Podcast Telethon for Child's Play
November 13, 2014
We did it live for the kids. Now you can revisit the Radio Trivia Live segment any time, remastered with higher fidelity audio and background music added.
Episode 129: Not-a-Kill Twilight
October 10, 2014
James "Jimmy C." Charlton and TYP navigate the time zone differential to bring you five games of goodness.
Episode 128: One and a Bunch of Zeros
September 14, 2014
Site Director Neal Ronaghan puts his various review copies down to appreciate some fantastic game soundtracks…as well as at least one of dubious quality.
Episode 127: A History of Love Hotels
July 18, 2014
Guillaume takes a break from his RFN editing duties to co-host this Radio Trivia episode full of quality music and games.
Episode 126: Scat Man Do
May 21, 2014
Radio Trivia veteran Jonathan Metts joins the podcast for good music and good times.
Episode 125: Return of the Wind King
April 19, 2014
Podcast co-founder and former site director Steven Rodriguez rejoins the podcast for some jolly jaunts and gaming memories.
Episode 124: Disc of Deceit
March 14, 2014
Greg Leahy brings his arsenal of game music knowledge back to Radio Trivia for another go at it, complete with a mystery import selection!
Episode 123: Luigi's Lost Mind
February 2, 2014
Sanity effects are in full force when Josh Max comes to play.
Episode 122: Your Very Own Pet Rocket Launcher
December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good episode of Radio Trivia. Featuring guest co-host Alex Culafi.
Episode 121: Radio Trivia Live - 4th Annual NWR Live Podcast Telethon
November 25, 2013
NWR's Child's Play Charity drive over the weekend was a huge success! In case you missed it, we've got you covered with an enhanced recording of the Radio Trivia Live segment!
Episode 120: To Take a Beautiful Harmony
September 29, 2013
Australian Correspondent Andrew Brown brings a tucker bag-full of his favorite games for your listening pleasure.
Episode 119: Mando-loony
August 5, 2013
A dry-throated TYP and his late-night companion, Guillaume, discuss some quirky games and their tunes.
Episode 118: Annual Gift Greg
June 30, 2013
Radio Free Nintendo alumnus Greg Leahy brings his charismatic presence and musical expertise to discuss a broad swath of games and soundtracks.
Episode 117: Request THIS!
May 28, 2013
The James Jones that everyone (but you) loves rejoins Radio Trivia to test his game music knowledge.
Episode 116: Running to the Goal
April 17, 2013
NWR Site Director Neal Ronaghan discusses some of his favorite games, and TYP recalls a regrettable game purchase.
Episode 115: Nintendoweissbier
February 28, 2013
Radio Trivia returns from hiatus with superstar podcast co-host Jonny Metts and an equally supercharged song set.
Episode 114: Peanut Butter Martini
December 30, 2012
Celebrate video game music with Jared Rosenberg and TYP as they squeeze in one final episode before the year's end.
Episode 113: Console-ation Prize
December 4, 2012
With the charity event and Wii U launch behind them, Zach and TYP embark on another Radio Trivia voyage.
Episode 112: Platform Ascot
October 9, 2012
Franchises run amok on the latest episode of Radio Trivia, featuring co-host Zach Miller.
Episode 111: Toodles
August 22, 2012
Guillaume brings his grab-bag of retro gaming goodness.
Episode 110: Very Serious
August 4, 2012
Jonny and TYP keep Radio Trivia alive to die another day!
Episode 109: Something for Everyone
June 26, 2012
Alex Culafi makes his Radio Trivia debut with a dynamite lineup of games.
Episode 108: The Tire Bounces On
May 16, 2012
Zach and TYP prepare for E3 with some wholesome Radio Trivia!
Episode 107: True Form
April 19, 2012
Podcast Editor Extraordinaire Greg Leahy shares his wisdom.
Episode 106: Super Cheesy
April 9, 2012
Famicast star and old friend James Charlton rejoins Radio Trivia for transpacific madness!
Episode 105: Directional Magnitude
March 11, 2012
Radio Trivia continues its multi-cultural tradition with guest co-host Guillaume Veillette from the Negative World Podcast.
Episode 104: K-Mark
February 22, 2012
Pedro assists a recovering TYP in this overdue episode of Radio Trivia.
Episode 103: Kids in the Harr
January 15, 2012
NWR's Jonny Metts tames this dangerously-numbered episode of Radio Trivia with his Southern charm.
Episode 102: Not What I Needed!
December 25, 2011
J.P. shares one of his favorite game soundtracks in his Radio Trivia debut.
Episode 101: Guitar Battlefield
December 8, 2011
Guest co-host James Jones keeps it classy with some bombastic songs and his unique brand of charm!
Episode 100: Questioning Answers
October 27, 2011
Neal, Zach, and Jonny celebrate a hundred episodes of game music with some of their personal favorites alongside a friendly Jeopardy match.
Episode 99: Eyeballs on the Prize
October 13, 2011
Pedro brings his bag of games for Radio Trivia fun!
Episode 98: It's Hard to Say
September 20, 2011
TYP and Europe Correspondent NintenDaan battle time to bring you this trans-Atlantic episode!
Episode 97: Mime Language
August 26, 2011
Zach complains about a game conceived just for him. The culprit: crummy gameplay.
Episode 96: Leahy to the Party
August 3, 2011
RFN's British American football pundit and Nintendo aficionado Greg Leahy graces us with his presence.
Episode 95: Canine Take Your Order?
July 19, 2011
Jonny and TYP dig up an episode full of listener requests for you to gnaw on.
Episode 94: Eisa Cap Zone
June 25, 2011
Nick from Australia joins Radio Trivia in this international episode.
Episode 93: Trouble With a Capital "T"
May 20, 2011
Pedro picks games that surprised and others that underwhelmed.
Episode 92: I Can't Believe It's Not Beta
May 6, 2011
Zach Miller returns to Radio Trivia! Is paleontology somehow involved? Probably, but we make no promises.
Episode 91: Unsettled Creepiness
April 17, 2011
Australia Correspondent Andrew Brown represents the southern hemisphere in this knife-less episode of Radio Trivia.
Episode 90: Neal Before Me
April 4, 2011
TYP and Neal discuss forgotten and not-so-forgotten gems, as well as how to thoroughly mismanage a video game franchise.