Author Topic: What can you post in Talkback? Why has it become more "sacred" lately?  (Read 9691 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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A brief article is posted in Talkback which mentions a statement from Nintendo regarding their supply issues on Amiibo. (Remember those? Are they still a thing?) Readers of the article begin to post comments about their thoughts on what they've just read and what other users have commented about. The discussion unsurprisingly goes back to complaining about how bad Nintendo has handled the supply of Amiibo. It's a conversation that has been repeated since about 2 weeks after Amiibo first launched and a conversation in which very little new ground is being covered.

One user, finding the repetition of comments on the subject of Amiibo supply to be growing stale, decides to make a humorous comment instead about the conversation of the subject as a whole instead of just complaining about reading the same complaints. This is what is posted:

Complaining about Amiibo Supply Issues is still a thing?!?

Yes. Time to do the Harlem Shake!

The poster expresses his frustration that complaining about Amiibo and making the same old posts almost 6 months later is still happening. Ah, but then a twist. The user posts a pic to show how happy he is that he can still make posts complaining about Amiibo supply issues with starry eyed wonder. To celebrate the continuing ability to keep making Amiibo complaint comments, he wants to celebrate by doing the Harlem Shake which is a fad that has stopped being of interest to people just like Amiibo Supply talk should be and has become of no interest to him. A brief funny video relating to the Harlem Shake is shown in order to keep the humour up. Then, to make the final point, one more pic of an old meme, this time of "the most interesting man in the world", to again point to the staleness of Amiibo Supply talk and sum up that the whole conversation has become an old joke.

But is this the type of comment that should be allowed under an article or added to the ongoing conversation about it? Do you find something offensive about it? Does it ruin the conversation or article for you on seeing it? Do you think it sends a bad message about a website if they were to allow it in their comment section?

Evidently, for one member, they did think this way. Commenting on the post, they said: "Talkback, dude.  There's a limit to what's allowed - meme gifs are a little much, man". Commenting further, the member also stated "The deleted post in Talkback wasn't about the quality - it was about the content.  A bunch of meme images in a Talkback thread isn't what Talkback is about." Finally, they summed up their feelings by stating "not only is your post without any real relation to the OP of the thread, but it's just a couple of meme gifs and a dash of insult towards another poster that posted something you don't like."

Do you find yourself agreeing with the member who removed the post? Or do you think they may have reacted too strongly?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 04:21:52 PM by Khushrenada »
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Offline Khushrenada

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While it might be easy to dismiss this single occurrence as something between two users, a poster and moderator, and thus not of any concern to you, it actually is more than just a simple disagreement. You see, the terms "There's a limit to what's allowed" and "A bunch of meme images in a Talkback thread isn't what Talkback is about" suggest that there are special rules to this subsection of the forum. Yet, do any of you know what those rules are or what makes this forum section so different from other sections?

Moreover, stating there is a limit to what is allowed for one user means there is a limit to what is allowed for all users. Thus, it is an issue that affects all posters. Even if you may not see yourself posting something as the example in the original post, you may feel that shouldn't deprive other users of being able to have that freedom and you may even enjoy seeing such comments made. Even if you don't find such a post of any benefit, you may still be leery of limits because if extra limits can be imposed in one area, they can be imposed in more. And more limits may be added which may then affect you or other users. Since other extra limits were allowed in the past, it makes it harder to then argue against further limits in the future. Thus, learning and speaking up about the issue now helps us all for the future.

So, what is Talkback about? When one looks under the Talkback forum, they will find no rules or explanation as to how it differs from other forums. If one looks under the Rules thread in the Announcements forum, they will find no special instructions for this type of forum. (Barring a quick edit by Insanolord following the posting of this comment. I'm on to you!) Thus, it seems to be a non-existent rule which varies from different ideals depending on who is enforcing things at a certain time. How can we then know what Talkback is about and what its "limits" are?
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Shaymin

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Speaking personally for a moment: Since Talkback (and Podcast Discussion) posts show up on the main site, I can see why they'd want to clean up for content. Meme pics just show up as links, so I wouldn't have ran it for that, but I could see the personal attacks causing it - we're trying to present a reasonable discussion and calling someone a douchelord isn't going to facilitate that. And yeah, we probably should formalize "Don't f**k with Talkback" at some point.

Disclaimer: I've only cleaned up a couple of blatant personal attacks and removed somebody posting a stupid amount of line breaks for making the article page itself unnecessarily long.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.

Offline UncleBob

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I'll be the first to admit that the forum rules need a major overhaul (for example, if I really just wanted to hand-wave off your criticism, I could pull this one:
* For posts including images, be aware that images over 100k and 640 pixels wide are not permitted except in threads marked for giant images in the thread title. Using bandwidth that is not your own without permission is not permitted. Images must be safe to view at school, work, and in front of grandma.

but since it's no longer 1993 and we're not using AOL dial-up...)

In addition, posts that are deemed inappropriate or detrimental to discussion may be removed at staff discretion. This may occur even if such posts do not warrant disciplinary action, especially to keep the conversation smooth in Talkback threads.

It's not often it comes up, but as Shaymin said, Talkback has always been a little special because the posts there show up on the main site.  The rule is already formalized, although it is a little hard to miss.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Khushrenada

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To try and understand what Talkback is about and what its limits are, I decided to conduct a brief study of it. In the case of meme type gifs, have there ever been any examples of memes, gifs or pics that have been posted? Well, the answer is yes. But don't take my word for it. Here's a small sampling of such occasions.

In the case of a news article about Pokémon Surpasses Four Million Sales in Two Days, if we scroll through the comments, we will see a large comic pic posted by Azeke which is much larger than the deleted post.

In a news article about New Ace Attorney Set in Meiji Era, the user Khushrenada posted a large comic highlighting the way the series is having trouble converting Japanese elements to American elements.

In the news article about Wii Fit U Co-Developed by Pandora's Tower Studio, the user ShyGuy has posted a gif about the success of the Wii at the end of the comments.

In the news article on Top 5 Pokémon Games, there is an exchange at the end in which UncleBob states swearing isn't grounds for reporting a post and Oblivion posts a gif of Michael Jordon laughing about the report.

In the news article reporting Nintendo Fifth Largest Company in Japan, the user AzureNightmare (who was also a staff member at that time) simply posted a meme gif of Zoolander characters as Nintendo employees.

In the news article on Discontinued Amiibo Figures Could Come Back in Card Form, the user Pokepal148 posts a meme pic about card games.

And in a news article on New Smash Brothers Characters Revealed, you can see Luigi Dude post the Super Saiyan Coach gif in response to the news. A popular gif that has been used a few times in Talkback.

It reminds me of the link to the YouTube video for The Critic in which he says "And nothing of value was lost." which has also been posted in Talkback and I should have grabbed a link for. I didn't because I feel this small sampling is enough to prove that images, memes and gifs are something that have been posted in Talkback both recently and in the past by many users.

However, perhaps you don't have the time to click on all the links. I understand. Consider this the reference/citation page for my next post which will show all of these posts and what they look for you to more easily compare them with the post in question in the original post of this thread.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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This is what the cited posts look like:

Nintendo needs a Pokemon game for the Wii U.

The meiji era is actually not THAT well represented.  Think the clash between classic and modern, a la BRISCO COUNTY JR.
I really liked Brisco County Jr.  back in the day.

Also I can't wait to see what Meiji Era California looks like.

I hope this developer uses this as an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles and learn a new type of game.

There is no creativity to be gained working on a fitness shovelware game.

Yeah, finding a creative new way to exercise would be a pretty big deal. :)

Yeah it was kind of a big deal back during the first one. ;)

This is a forum for adults.  Mild swearing isn't grounds for reporting a post.
Wait, did he report my use of the word "****" in my rant? Or was it nickmitch's? Either way...

Wait, did he report my use of the word "****" in my rant? Or was it nickmitch's? Either way...

Don't assume you know who reported it. :D

-A Fire Emblem character that uses magic is finally playable
-Reveal shows there are still new characters the leaker didn't reveal, meaning Ridley still has a chance

On seeing these posts, does one still think the original post is "a bit too much"? Does it seem like it went beyond the "Talkback limits"? Or do you feel it fits right in with what has always been allowed?
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Offline pokepal148

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I generally don't use more then one image per TalkBack post.

That said I've basically inadvertently derailed that Pokemon thread at least twice and gotten away with it so...

Offline UncleBob

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So, your argument that your post, containing multiple gifs and a little bit of snark directed towards users posting something you didn't like is digging up old posts (seriously, one is from 2007), each with a single image, many which are somewhat related to the topic at hand (seriously, one is referencing the importance of Wii Fit in the industry and shows a giant group of people going crazy over Wii/Wii Fit...) and only one of which is in any way snarky towards another user (and in that case, I think it was more disbelief over the fact it was reported in the first place)?

I'm out.  If this is the argument being made, I'm out.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Khushrenada

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It was mentioned that the deleted post was not in the spirit of Talkback. What is the spirit of Talkback? Perhaps it comes from what is posted in it by the staff. What do the articles about Talkback tell us. Obviously, there are news articles about Nintendo gaming. There is also impressions and previews of games. There are also reviews of games. Sounds like serious stuff. And I'm sure the articles reflect that with none of the bold bylines ever making a joke or the staff takes on the news displaying any kind of humorous comment about a news item or that a review would be written in a hilarious fashion at it eviscerates a game. I'm sure the staff is always shown to be super serious. And if you really need links showing otherwise, you clearly don't read Talkback articles.

Yet, in addition to that, we see other kinds of articles posted to Talkback. For instance, famicomplicated posted an article called Star Fox Wii U Dream Reviews in which he states "This feature is the written form of those two dreams" and "this is entirely fictitious and thus far has only occurred in my fevered dreams!" That's right, folks. The article is about two reviews of a fictitious game that occurred in a staff members head while sleeping. This is serious stuff. No joking please.

There is also the Staff Sez feature. An example of which can be found here talking about the Smash Ballot. These articles never feature jokes by the staff or about them through the use of nicknames. No, these articles are very serious roundtable discussions so please no humour.

Perhaps a staff member would like to write a sort of blog post or personal experience like Halbred did in Of Nerds and Men: Singularity. The article clearly features no tongue in cheek type statements. Yes, it may feature a Picard face palm which is a meme pic but it is in the spirit of Talkback and if you were to post a meme pic in response, that would be going against what Talkback is about.

Or maybe you are a staff member who has made some images of Shantae. Why not post a Talkback article for you to show off those pictures with the tenuous link of it being related to the Shantae kickstarter soon to close as shown in this thread called A Flirtatious Figurine Sure, it may seem like making thread to just show off personal artwork might not sound like it belongs in Talkback but you, my friend, don't understand the Talkback spirit. And as the article states at the end, "You can read about Shantae's series and the Kickstarter campaign in the feature I wrote a few days ago, but due to the nature of the feature, I had to force myself to be unbiased and impartial. Here I can let loose with unbridled opinion: go pledge on the game! Do it now!" Encouraging readers to pledge to a game you like and helping promote it is alright. One might think that would be solicitation or spam but it was posted in Talkback so you know nothing.

And who doesn't like a Top 10 list? That is always serious business as shown in this thread highlighting Top Ten Ways to Boost Wii U Sales. You'll notice that multiple pictures are not used in the article and it list real and important steps that could be implemented. Talkback is not place for unbridled humour.

The top ten feature was so great that it became the Top-Tendo. It continued the tradition of serious video game reporting as shown in this article, the incredibly long titled, The Nintendo Top-Tendo #3: The Top Ten Games That My Uncle Who Works For Nintendo Told Me Were Coming Out The video listing the ten games was clearly serious as shown by one comment stating that "This was painfully unfunny." That's the spirit of Talkback.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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I'm not sure if you're just being you and stirring up **** for the hell of it or you seriously can't understand what he's trying to say. No one's saying TalkBack has to be serious. It's perfectly fine to joke around in that section, it's just a matter of degree. In the same way you can get crazier and weirder in the Funhouse than the rest of the forums, it goes the other way in TalkBack. That's the most visible part of the forums, and we'd like to make the community here seem approachable, and users taking shots at each other and spamming image memes doesn't do that.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
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Offline Khushrenada

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Yet, perhaps you are still unsure as to what can be posted in Talkback. Perhaps like UncleBob you feel that "digging up old posts (seriously, one is from 2007)" is no clear defense even though it was stated that they were shown to prove "memes and gifs are something that have been posted in Talkback both recently and in the past." 2007 equals the past. Or perhaps you feel that one image is fine even if it is large but 3 images is a 7.5 for Too Much Images. Just a bridge too far.

Well, let's compare the original post against other posts that have been allowed in Talkback. Remember, these posts have all been allowed in Talkback since I'm clearly linking and posting them. They were not deleted which means they must be in the spirit of Talkback and weren't past the limit.

On the subject of 7.5, perhaps we remember the Mario Kart 8 Review and some of the comments it brought out. Gems like:

wow this is fucked up, is the worst review on the net, taking points off metacricit and is totally wrong, you fucked up neal, you really did, you are the new gamespot.

And the video has been removed. Or as Neal would say, it has been colored over like the gray hair of a 30 year old woman.

This is by far the most unprofessional review of any type of media I have ever had the displeasure to read/watch. Not only does the reviewer drone on about how he hates how much a Mario Kart game feels like a Mario Kart game he goes out of his way to insult women and with that ruined all respectability this site has gained over the years since it was Planet Gamecube in the days of old. Never have I been so disgusted by an opinion... is this what modern journalism has come to? Comparing a fantastic game to to some poor woman this shallow journalist dated once in College? I'm done here. It was a great site while you hired respectable staff but this level of insult is only expected of foul mouthed teenage rage gamers that set up channels on Youtube.

And while I could go on, I think we get the picture that negativity and harsh criticism are clearly things allowed in Talkback.

Yes, heated debates are nothing new here. For instance, going back to the time the Wii name was announced, we received articles like this one Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii? in which Rick Powers was unsure of the decision to call the console Wii. It brought forth such comments as:


The people Nintendo wants to reach with the console will not be caught dead walking into a store and asking for “Wii" within earshot of friends.

Nintendo is aiming at the eight year old boys market? I thought they already had this one.

Pathetic editorial, Rick should drop his hate or leave forever.


For all of the wonderful things that the name is supposed to evoke, you lose all of them as soon as you have to explain them.

Why the **** do you need an explanation? There are thousands of names that nobody asked for an explanation for.

The people Nintendo wants to reach with the console will not be caught dead walking into a store and asking for “Wii" within earshot of friends.

Non gamers.
Casual gamers.

Different groups.

Overall it sounds like a horrible editorial from a  fanboy with his head stuck in his Nintendo sandbox, and one I wouldn't expect from my favourite website. Get some perspective

Oh yeah it's gotten to the point where haters should be killed

And then thread was bumped 3 years later because


The people Nintendo wants to reach with the console will not be caught dead walking into a store and asking for “Wii" within earshot of friends.

Nintendo is aiming at the eight year old boys market? I thought they already had this one.

Pathetic editorial, Rick should drop his hate or leave forever.
Rick what you have to understand is that crap senses of humour and toilet humour beyond age 10 is exclusive to gamers. New gamers could not give a damn.
Just bumping this because I was RIGHT ALL ALONG.

Anyone wondering why gaming isn't as respected as movies or books or whatever simply needs to read this thread.

 DS was disruptive because of the gameplay that the dual screens offered.

Rick doesn't even know what disruption is. More proof he had no clue what he was talking about.

Gotta keep up the attacks. It's one of the things that doesn't go beyond the limits of Talkback.

Just to digress for a moment but bumping old threads in Talkback is also something in the spirit of Talkback. For instance, there is this thread about Mortal Kombat that was made in 2002 and which UncleBob bumped suddenly in 2009. 5 years later, he re-bumped it to let us know "Can you believe I once got moderated for bumping this old post? Man, time flies... :D" So, bumping old threads for a laugh is endorsed by staff and Talkback allowed

Back to harsh comments, here's a fun little example. In the article Why the Donkey Kong Country Delay Isn't That Bad, we will find the following comments:

Ian Sane, whenever I catch myself feeling too happy or optimistic, I just read one of your posts, and then I go into my bedroom and cut myself.

Ian Sane, whenever I catch myself feeling too happy or optimistic, I just read one of your posts, and then I go into my bedroom and cut myself.

Seriously,  get a grip. Its a video game, not life or death.

Uh...yeah, that was kind of my point. I just want to enjoy Nintendo and their games. I don't come to a site like NWR to be told by a bunch of eternal pessimists that the Wii U is the biggest failure since New Coke.

Guess what, buddy? People have different opinions and viewpoints than you. What a surprise! :o

Guess what, buddy? People have different opinions and viewpoints than you. What a surprise! :Q

Guess what, buddy? I hate certain things too, but I'm not up in everyone's face all the time about it. What a surprise! :Q

Guess what, buddy? People have different opinions and viewpoints than you. What a surprise! :Q

Guess what, buddy? I hate certain things too, but I'm not up in everyone's face all the time about it. What a surprise! :Q

I never realized voicing one's opinion on a discussion forum was being in everyone's face!

Ah, brilliant. Now lest you think this was a case where the moderators missed this, you'd be wrong for Insanolord himself acted on the matter stating:

Okay, this spiraled ridiculously out of control. MetalMario, I know it was a rhetorical point, but still, way out of line.

Secondly, MetalMario and Oblivion need to stop acting like children feeling the need to one-up each other. It's incredibly immature, and as was shown here, disrupts the forums.

So, why bring it up if a moderator told them to cut it out? Well, simply put, none of the posts were deleted. Hence, this means that although there was a showing of great immaturity and negativity displayed in this "battle", none of the posts were over the limits of Talkback to be deleted unlike the meme post in the original thread which was "too much".

But now, as I come to the end of my argument, I want to show some last few glimpses of what is allowed in Talkback.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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I'm not sure if you're just being you and stirring up **** for the hell of it or you seriously can't understand what he's trying to say. No one's saying TalkBack has to be serious. It's perfectly fine to joke around in that section, it's just a matter of degree. In the same way you can get crazier and weirder in the Funhouse than the rest of the forums, it goes the other way in TalkBack. That's the most visible part of the forums, and we'd like to make the community here seem approachable, and users taking shots at each other and spamming image memes doesn't do that.

The point that I'm making and am about to finish making is that this idea is very untrue. There are plenty of things done in Talkback that make the removal of the original post so weird and at odds of what has come before. In the case of Lucariofan99, UncleBob has continually stated that the reasons for the bans and time limits come from what was established before and past history. Such as S-U-P-E-R circumventing his ban from 2 years ago. Clearly, UncleBob is all about the past and precedents that have been set even if they are from 2 years ago. That is why I'm willing to show all manner of precedence that have been set in Talkback most of which occur within this 2 year timeframe. Thus, I don't get why he's suddenly trying to dismiss this argument because the examples given were months or years ago. To me, it's a two-way street. If precedence applies to rulings against forum members than it should apply to the judging of posts. I think, by the end, my point will be proven that there is no such thing as a Talkback standard and that the whole notion that the meme pic was too much for Talkback will shown as a fallacy.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline ObbyDent

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EDIT: Nevermind.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 06:32:13 PM by ObbyDent »

Offline Khushrenada

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Continuing on, we've established that negative comments and harsh attacks are ok on Talkback but what else has been allowed?

Want to give someone the finger? It's ok as shown in the article Still Looking for the Best Way to GBA? Look No Further than Rose Colored Gaming and this post:

Unless you've experienced it yourself, (which, by the way you responded, you clearly haven't)


Yes, that middle finger is for you.

"Illegal" is relative.

No, it isn't. Morals are relative. Illegal is illegal.

Want to get into homosexuality and politics? You can wade into ever so slightly thanks to Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games Impressions in which we have:

The event requires Wii Remotes and starts off with the pair of players selecting one male and one female partner. No same-sex couples are allowed.

Well, yeah, same-sex couples would be "homosexual propaganda" according to the Russian authorities and get you arrested.

Thanks, Putin.


Want more politics and government talk? Don't worry, you can make government jokes thanks to this talkback article mention how the government shutdown has
Pokémon X and Y Delayed at US Military Commissaries
with posts like:

When does the coup start?  :cool;

Want to talk about racism and sexism? It's Talkback worthy thanks to this article Second Opinion: The Wonderful 101 in which we have this great conversation:

It's called having a sense of humor. I swear people get offended way too easily nowadays.

It's called having a sense of humor. I swear people get offended way too easily nowadays.
Yeah, racism and sexism is hilarious.

It can be.

I hate how conservative this country is with sex. Get over yourself. I want to move to a European country where you can quite often see topless women as a daily occurrence.

As long as the topless women are hot. If they're old and/or ugly, then I don't want any part of it.

That's holding to the Talkback Standard!

But perhaps Penis imagery is more your thing. Well, don't worry. You've been covered there also my friend. This one will take a little explaining. In the article Wii 'Classic Controller' Revealed, Vudu posted this:

Have you guys seen this yet?

To which Strell responded:


Originally posted by: vudu
Have you guys seen this yet?


Now, it may seem strange what that means but Vudu provides the answer:

I can't believe no one got the joke.  It was photoshopped to look like a big wang (Wii, if you will).

Originally posted by: Strell
Well, one person got the joke.

Yes, the image was a Penis controller. Now, the only reason you can't see the image is not because it was removed by a moderator but rather the link to Vudu's photobucket account is no longer valid. But it and the Strell post were allowed in Talkback all that time.

Yes, whether it was posts by NinGurl69 *huggles consisting of:



1:1 erection indeed

total immersion


or Halbred's collection of girlie figures with a cup size ranking or just other users  talking about boobs

I still insist that "sexy hardware" is not a valid label for something without boobs.

Without boobs it's maybe... sleek or... cool or something but NOT sexy.


Video games = never sexy. Fact of life.

the talkback threads have clearly and always been a place of great decency with a lot of concern about it being such a visible part of the forum and making sure the community seems approachable.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline UncleBob

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I know I said I was out, but to clear up any confusion that a few of you might have, Khush received no official moderator action when the post in question was deleted.  He received no ban, nor any kind of official warning, nor any kind of mark on his profile.

This is because *one* post by him was determined to be detrimental to the ongoing discussion in the thread and was removed - with absolutely no other action taken.

And with that, I'm out again.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Khushrenada

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I leave you now with two final links.

The first one is a link to the article Pikachu Starring in New Pokémon Game in which the comment section became a large joke about the name of this new Pokémon game.

The other link is from the article Reggie Fils-Aime Appearing at The Game Awards in December in which I make a series of Cranky Kong jokes which one user states:

This is the best thread I've seen on this website so far.

You could call those comments more Funhouse like but I think they are better than most of the other examples of Talkback posts listed in this thread. I think at the end of this all, to state that the original meme pic was somehow worse or over the Talkback standard is ludicrous especially considering what has come before. I don't know why humour has to be so feared for the Talkback section. I feel these last two examples show a more inviting community and place to visit than many of the other examples listed. The idea that arguments over Nintendo sales figures, over review scores, and just general negativity to Nintendo news is somehow going to attract a better and more lively clientele is beyond me. But those are the types of posts that make up the majority of Talkback and are felt to be worthy of making others want to join the community or creating a better image. If you can have the optimists and the pessimists constantly posting away at each other, why not a bit of the anarchists like the NinGurl's, the Infernal Monkey's and sometimes the Khushrenada's to provide levity? When you consider some of the ideas and topics that have been posted as Talkback threads and articles, I don't know why the comments are being so scrutinized as turning people away when the articles themselves are sometimes just as questionable.

Must we really get into semantics about every post? This post has 3 images but this one only has 1 so it is acceptable. What about 2 images? Or one large and one small? How many rules and standards and criteria do we have to start listing for posts that are ok and not ok? This is why I feel that there is a growing strictness lately that goes counter to what has come before is potentially misguided.

The funny thing about it all is that I posted a comment like that in Talkback for the specific reason of it perhaps being more visible on the chance it would be humorous to other readers because I'd like to see the community gain more members, particularly lighter-hearted ones. I'm just trying to help the community look more attractive and am doing so of my own free time. I don't have to post here or worry about making the site grow. Yet, I want to do so. On the other hand, I've made pics and comments directed particularly at users in a Talkback thread that did not get deleted or receive a reprimand. Thus, the direction from the staff seems to be let's not have silly jokes in Talkback but rather just encourage the users to keep fighting and arguing with one another and ranting and raving at each other. And that's a beautiful image to put out.

So, I end this defense after this look through Talkback by asking the questions I asked in the beginning. Is this the type of comment that should be allowed under an article or added to the ongoing conversation about it? Do you find something offensive about it? Does it ruin the conversation or article for you on seeing it? Do you think it sends a bad message about a website if they were to allow it in their comment section? Do you find yourself agreeing with the member who removed the post? Or do you think they may have reacted too strongly?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 07:25:14 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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And if you were still not sure if I am right or not about this Talkback talk, then I direct you to the smoking gun evidence:

we haven't given a specific set of rules for TalkBack

This means there are no rules for Talkback and the oppression of humorous posts should stop. Thanks Insanolord!
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline pokepal148

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Speaking personally for a moment: Since Talkback (and Podcast Discussion) posts show up on the main site, I can see why they'd want to clean up for content. Meme pics just show up as links,
They aren't even full on links if I'm not mistaken they are just the text url to the image.

I'm about to do a little test to see if embedding a url into an image will make it display as a full on link on the article view.