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Topics - Strell

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Nintendo Gaming / FFS STOP IT
« on: September 22, 2007, 04:57:12 PM »

Nintendo Gaming / Wii Zelda Guides, both LE and non-LE, 9.99 at Best Buy
« on: December 19, 2006, 12:41:46 PM »
In short:  The Limited Edition Hardback and non-LE guides for Wii Zelda are 9.99 at Best Buy.  The LE retails for 20 at most places, 30 at others, and this appears to be a price mistake on Best Buy's part.  It was originally 17.99, but has dropped to 9.99.

A more lengthy explanation follows.

Copying from my CAG post:

I put in this thread, but people (Edit: Indeed, Sir Roufuss) are saying it deserves its own thread.

The LE Zelda Guide with the gold trim and cloth map is $17.99 at Best Buy in store.

I didn't know this. I saw it at 19.99, decided using a GGC on it was good enough for me, so I checked out. I noticed the clerk was taking a little longer than I thought he would. Turns out it rang up 17.99, but he overrode the coupon's 19.99 limitation anyway, giving it to me for 12.99.

At the worst you can get it for 17.99, aye?

Edit: Wanted to add this - oddly, the LE guide was next to the other Prima guides (both the Wii and GC versions), and they were marked 19.99 as well. So go figure on that.

Edit 2: The bullet list on the back states "written specifically for the Wii version."  

Edit 3: Holy crap.  Appears to be 9.99 now.  ....I OVERPAID THREE DOLLARS!!!

Edit 4: The Gamecube guide is STILL 19.99.

Nintendo Gaming / Weather Channel is live in North America
« on: December 18, 2006, 09:21:06 PM »
Note:  If there's an official thread for this, someone bump it up.  I am too lazy.  

This thing is kinda cool. Spinning the globe around is like a really reduced version of playing with Mario's face.

Also, the music in all of this is unbelievably soothing. I could see myself loading this up just to listen to it in the background. It's even more so than the normal Wii menus.

For example, when you are checking extended forecasts and so on, if the graphic shows a thunderstorm, you get to hear rain. Which means it is essentially like one of those relaxing sounds things. And I can totally see myself doing that once in a great while (and would suggest it to others as well, I have no idea why they work, but they do).

Dunno how well this things updates in real time as you are using it - i.e., do I have to exit the channel to get updates, and even then are they instantaneous? But this is a fun little channel, I'm going to go play with it some more.

Edit: November 19 at about 4 AM Central time is when it went live.  /will add to his FAQ

Edit 2: Yea.  The more I think about the music, the more I think it would be perfectly suited for the Wii version of Animal Crossing.  It has this nice "looking at stars" feel to it, at least with the globe music.  Kinda like Katamari Damacy, actually.  Very soothing.

Nintendo Gaming / So is Zelda:TP GC in short supply?
« on: December 12, 2006, 08:15:10 AM »
'Cuz I was planning on getting both copies to begin with, but was hoping I could wait it out and maybe get a used copy.

Seems like word on the 'net is that it had a limited run.  I realize pre-orders stopped a while ago, but I'm still curious at this point.

If anyone can let me know, I'd appreciate it.

Nintendo Gaming / G-Pak Wii Case Review (56K Friendly)
« on: December 02, 2006, 06:35:03 AM »
Edit: Fixed a few small spelling errors and added direct links to larger pictures.  I don't know the code to have the thumbnail picture link, so this will have to do.  I do thank MarioAllstar for making that easier for me to accomplish!

If this needs to be in the review section, feel free to move it.  It said it was games only so I was not sure, and I imagine it is a 5 second fix anyway.

Please know that you can skip to the bottom for a concise review/wrap-up.  But only heathens who hate fun will do this.  You'll see the giant "IN CONCLUSION" words at the bottom, and you are no longer invited to my birthday party.  

I am OCD to a terrifying level when it comes to keeping my things in order, particularly pieces of game equipment and their requisite accessories.  Do you know anyone who routinely orders 75 foot cords of velcro cable wrap, and actually looks forward to it?  Well you do now.  I regard these occasions as red letter banquets of glee.  

It's really kind of sad.  Really.

So it should not be surprising that this drips into other aspects of my life which - again - includes game equipment.  Where I given the choice, everything would be cradled in lush velvet, with several tiny gremlins to attend to the collective whims of my accessories, as I like to imagine they come alive after I've put them away.  Which is ironic for them, as they are tied up in cable wrap, so I imagine their dances are really more like furious wiggles in a gallant struggle for freedom, and the little gremlins just go back to their seven card stud card game.

Now when I must move my things, I like to give them a good home to ride in.  We currently lack transportation technology, and I am no Gepetto and thus will not subject my things to the bellies of whales, so I searched out a more sensible alternative -  G-Pak Case from Nakiworld.

In the past I owned a G-Pak for the Gamecube system.  The big draws for the case were both good - sturdy, durable, as stylish as could be wished for - and oddly innovative in a "you don't really need this, but it's kinda cool" way - namely, the "it has vents, so you can leave it in the case, but STILL play it!"  I imagine this would be like playing baseball with a bat that still had stickers on it, proclaiming outlandish things like "is great for killing baby seals!" and "Your mother doesn't love you!"

This case retains those same qualities.  BEHOLD ITS MIGHTY BIGNESS.

Picture #1

Awwww, the handle makes it look like a face.  He's saying HMMMMMM!!

Here we see it from the outside, sans the packaging it came in, which I hope to use to build a tiny fort for no reason at all.  It is straightfoward enough, adorned in black and standing upright (awwww).  You can see a front pocket and a handle, as well as really atrociously-colored cartpetting.  Huzzah!

Picture #2

This shot from the ground emphasizes the horizontability of the case.

Onto the meat and potatoes -

Picture #3

This is the most innovative thing the case does, and has been championed by several websites.  As you can see, the flaps can be lowered (they are velcro) exposing the nougat center.  Upon opening the case,

Picture #4

You see that the Wii is strapped in and ready to go.  For the sake of this review, I could refer to it as "Your Mom" for the remainder, and even though this is a two bit operation, I gotsta try and deliver something in a halfway not-unprofessional sense.  

So we see that it's air vents are clear.  It does not have asthma.  It does not need an inhaler, and it does not cry for its momma.  It lives in here in the case, able to function without issue.  The implication is that you do not need to remove it for operation.  This is the crux on which the design rests.  IGN loved it, but IGN loves all sorts of silly things.  I imagine they put ketchup on peanut butter sandwiches and proceed to rate it a 7.3, claiming "last years version felt more fresh.  And tangy."

I don't plan on playing the system in this position, simply because it destroys the Nintendo-happy vertical idiom, and also looks like the Wii is flanked by a giant nylon spider.  But know that it is possible, and that if you are in a place for a short period of time or are very lazy, know that Naki is thinking of you late at night with various salves at the ready.  

Know also that it is quite difficult to get the case in that harness.  It is very tight (resist the jokes, Strell) and requires some brute force to fully execute the wrap around securely (oh ye gods).  You can do it, but plan to be frustrated slightly by it.  This is obviously an over sight in their design, for they are driven by emotions.  .... I didn't really just write that.  

Picture #5

Here we see it extended from the inside.  There is a detachable CD case that covers....another CD case, which I guess is nifty (seen here  ).  Note the mesh pocket at the top for the sensor bar, which as we know now can be replaced by candles, television remotes, and, quite possibly, fruitcake.   It has a snug little home and is out of the way.

If we zip the case back up, you can get a better idea of just what you can lusciously cram into it, all the while wondering where safety notices politely asking you to not violate the case are:

Picture #6


Here we see the Wii still in it's cradle, now surrounded by a gaping black maw.

Picture #7

Adequate room for the stand, power and AV cords, a nunchuk, and two Wavebirds (if GC emulation is yo' thang).  Note how the games would be nestled up against the Wii, which seems to put them out of harm's way.  

Picture #8

I add two more Wavebirds and a Classic Controller.  Still some room left.  

Picture #9

Almost fully packed, I move the nunchuk into the main accessories compartment, added the four Wavebird receivers, and even put in a tiny GC-sized game case.

I want to note here that you can see two padded ....pads on each side of the accessories area.  These are meant to provide ....padding, as well as structure to the case.  I.e., if you were playing the Wii straight from here, these could help keep that flap stable.  It is worth pointing out that you could remove these and paste them to your buttocks, and thus increase both hindular padding and make the hole bigger to hold even more doodadz.  

But what about the Wiimotes?

Picture #10

Aww look at 'em!  Now he's saying HURRRRR!!!!!!!!

The front pocket holds 2 'motes without issue.  I have tried to measure it as faithfully as I can, and it appears that it would hold four without problem.  At the WORST it would hold three, and you could stow another into the main area.  The pocket is designed to stretch as needed, and it seems like placing the 'mote in there would keep them from going off repeatedly.  You could always remove the batteries and place them elsewhere.

So then, if we accumulate everything it can hold safely, we can easily surmise the following (that is, if you take out those pads):

  • System
  • AV/Power cords
  • Sensor Bar
  • Console stand
  • 4 'Motes
  • 4 'Chuks
  • A VC Controller (can probably even hold 2)
  • 4 Wavebirds + Receivers
  • GC Game Case (holds 12 games)
  • At least 12 DVD sized Wii games
  • Other small accessories, such as Wifi USB Adapter and SD cards
  • Your sense of self pride!
  • Your mom's sense of self pride!

Things it could hold that are extraneous at the moment, but good to think about:

  • External Hard drive, assuming this is implemented in the future
  • A Wireless Router
  • DS System
  • Extension cords for Gamecube controllers
  • Back-up video cords, such as A/V, component, or S-video
  • VGA adapters (for monitor hook-up) or RF Modulators (for really old TeeVeez)

Things it cannot hold:

  • Zebras
  • Leprechauns not of the micro variety
  • Scrooge McDuck's vast Money Bin fortune
  • My Wang, no matter its current state

Please note these lists are not conclusive.  If you don't do GC emulation, that frees up a lot of space for Wiimote shells, such as steering wheels and inevitable sports-themed add-ons (assuming they are small enough).  If you had a DS and it proves useful to keep it near your system, this could be stowed away.  Even an external hard drive could be towed pretty easily.  

I'm just trying to give you an idea of how much it can hold with what I have and with what I plan to keep in it.  It is a roomy case and can hold all sorts of things.  If you take out the pads, you get a good amount of extra space, easily enough for more 'chuks and VC controllers.  If you're feeling very cavalier, you could even leave the console stand out, and then you're really runnin' wild, brother.

The absolute bottom line is that the case is built Ford and Tonka tough, and I imagine would win many fights against cases of similar design from other not-Nakiworld manufacturers.  It is large and roomy and can easily store enough Wii accessories for the average to nerdcore Wii gamer, and will prove useful and invaluable for those worried about the dreaded Count Dustmito, who comes to break your Wii in the night and burn the thatched roof cottages with his incessant dustining.

I like mine.  I wish my two stupid Gamestops could have gotten more than four between them, and managed to get another color besides black, 'cuz I really am down for a blue one.

Out of 10, I give it a 9.  Out of 100, I give it a 9, but I put a zero behind it, so really it looks like 90.  Out of 5, I give it a 4.5.  Look, I could really continue this all day, really.

The only cons I can think of is the blasted color, and that maybe the whole "play it while it is in the case so you can too can practice bad parenting" is a novel, but not wholly awesome, idea.  

I guess if black is yo' thang and you share my ideals about the case in general, you can bump the score up to a 9.5.  


At $30, you really cannot go wrong, unless you wanted this thing to glow in the dark or float in lava.  I mean I guess it does float in lava, and you can put those little glowy star things all over it.  There, I just solved your two biggest complaints, whiner.

Just go buy the case and be happy.


Nintendo Gaming / The Wii Obscure Facts and FAQ
« on: November 21, 2006, 05:14:46 PM »
Version: 1.4  [Last Updated: 12/04/06@2:19 AM]

Menu Options (for fast searching):

  • Hardware Related: Wii Console System
  • Hardware Related: Sensor Bar
  • Hardware Related: Wiimote + Nunchuk

    • Syncing

  • Hardware Related: Secondary Controllers (Gamecube, Wavebirds, Joysticks)
  • Hardware Related: Audio and Video
  • Hardware Related: Internet Connections
  • Hardware Related: Accessories (Cases, Stands)
  • Memory System (File Structure, Game Saves)

    • Internal Memory
    • External Memory (SD Cards, USB Drives)

  • Online Communications (Mii Related, Address Book, System Codes)

    • System Codes
    • Mii Related
    • Address Book and E-mail

  • Registration Account
  • Software Related: Games
  • Software Related: Firmware Updates
  • Software Related: Channels
  • Software Related: Backwards Compatability/Imports
  • DS Connectivity
  • Virtual Console

    • Controller Configurations

  • Rumors
  • Miscellaneous (Links, Fun Stuff, Easter Eggs, Other FAQs)
  • Update History (Edits)

There's a lot of questions that keep getting repeated in various topics, and they hinge on the information that a few people know.  These are the borderline grey area hazy items that people ask about, but the answer isn't readily available.  

If a mod feels this is unneeded, could we incorporate it into another one of the Wii hardware/software threads?  I see these questions a lot and feel this is all useful info to have in one place.

If I have incorrect information, please post!  I'd prefer you'd quote what I said so I can easily access it for cross-reference, and then fix as necessary.  There's also a few questions I'm not sure about so I need all the info I can get.

===================Hardware Related: Wii Console System===================

Should I put my Wii vertical or horizontal?  Does it matter?
At this time I am told it does not matter in terms of running down the rotary motors inside the disc loading mechanism.  
Another issue was Gamecube disc usage, but it appears that the Wii can handle inserting the smaller discs in either orientation.
Perhaps air flow is better with a horizontal setup.  When vertical, the console base has a slot open for the Wii’s internal intake fan to vent the system and keep it cool.  (Note: The organizer cases available at many stores do not have this opening, which is something to consider.)  lebowsky is the man with the plan on this one.  He also wonders if there is a heat dissipation difference between a vertical and horizontal system, and thus see which might be cooler.

Is my Wii's disc slot supposed to glow blue the whole time?
No – it glows blue at certain times.  
For example, when you turn on the machine, it will blink for a split second during the boot phase.
It also glows blue when you have a message waiting for you that someone has sent.  This can occur after you shut off your Wii, as it will still periodically connect to WiiConnect24 and look for messages to download from your registered friends.  FriskyTanuki says it can also do this as you are inside the Wii Menu, but not while playing a game.  
Shecky adds that "it illuminates when the system is in the process of exchanging data with other systems or the central servers."

My Wii's power light is all sorts of colors!  THEY SCARE ME!
When the Wii is on and in a game/channels/etc, it will be green.  jezebelseven and FriskyTanuki add the following, which I have paraphrased: orange means standy but WiiConnect24 is still on, red means standby by WiiConnect24 is off.  There is no “suspend” option, and thus no color light to indicate such a state.

Can I shut the system down completely without unplugging it?
No.  However, Nintendo made sure it uses very little power in this state, and this is rapidly an accepted practice in consumer electronics (the PS2 did it, for example).

My Wii froze!  It won't detect my controller, I can't turn it off!  HELP!
This seems to have happened to a number of people (myself included).  I tried to sync via the battery compartment and the slot on the Wii's front, but this did not help.  The best solution as of now is to unplug the Wii so it shuts down completely, wait a few seconds, then power it on.

Can it play DVDs?
As of now, no.  However, Nintendo has said - via announcements from partner Sonic Solutions - that a DVD-enabled Wii will arrive in 2007.  There is speculation, however, that this is merely a software upgrade, meaning that the current Wii generation will be upgradeable (via firmware) to play DVDs.  I have been told the Wii's discs are DVDs already, and so it has the compatible hardware to pull this off.

===================Hardware Related: Sensor Bar===================

Speaking of the sensor bar, its cord is too short!
This is bothering lots of people with projection screens, and while it is a very legitimate complaint, the best option is to move things as close as possible.  In the near future, third parties are supposed to release extension cords, and supposedly a fully wireless bar (battery powered) is in the works as well.  You can also rig up a homemade bar yourself using two TV remotes as seen here, which do an okay job.  The bar is just a transmitter.
New information shows that you can even use two candles.

What interferes with the sensor bar?
It is well known that too much direct sunlight can cause issues.  Daroga also showed that – ‘tis the season – white Christmas lights can cause problems as well.  Because the sensor bar is just an IR transmitter, anything sending out IR waves can be interpreted by the Wiimote as additional sensor bar sources.  Therefore, it is best to play in a room that is moderately light.  You’re all little basement dwelling gremlins anyway, so you’re used to it.

===================Hardware Related: Wiimote + Nunchuk===================

Is there lag with the Wiimote?
In my personal experience, there is little to no lag at all.  Super Monkey Ball is especially adept at proving this.  Others have said there is lag with games like Wii Tennis, and some tech gurus have even explained exactly why 1:1 immediate response on-screen can never be fully achieved.  While this sounds scary, understand that the lag is hardly noticeable.

At the expense of fellow Ugamer_X, yes you do.

Ok now I fear for my life.  Also other people fear for theirs.
It's ok.  It's good to know that the only thing that will get hurt in a head on Wiimote + object collision is the other object.  Reggie said he was gonna kick our asses, and I believe this is what he meant.  Joking aside, it should be easy to hold onto the Wiimote directly, and you shouldn't mistake the wrist strap as a viable means to swing around the Wiimote like some kind of cousin-of-the-iPod weapon.  More than likely, third party straps will help alleviate this issue, but because it first demands you be doing something you shouldn't be trying to intentionally do to begin with, you should be able to avoid this.

Why doesn't the Wiimote have rechargeable batteries built-in!?!?
Probably to keep cost down.  It's better to get some AA rechargeables yourself.  The cheapest place I know of online is  You can get a bundle shipped quite cheap.  There's several reasons to use your own instead of a built-in, namely as it keeps cost down on manufacturing and allows you to repalce a potentially faulty/loses-charge-over-time battery.

But I still want rechargeable packs!
It is speculated that third parties will provide these.  Joytech appears to be at work on one, and it might plug into the USB ports of the Wii in order to charge.

But I want to make sure I'm playing well!
Then be smart about how you are playing - stand four to six feet away from the Wii and make sure you are not in direct sunlight.  It might also help to level the TV more to your arm's outstretched level, as this might make it a bit easier to do on-screen motions.  Of course, experimenting works wonders.  Also, try both above/below the TV positions for the sensor bar.

How do I turn off a Wiimote?  My friend left me because I kicked his ass at Wii Baseball because he totally sucks.
The easiest way is to just leave it be, and it will shut off automatically after a few minutes.  lilboo adds that it might help to not have it near/in front of the sensor bar, as that will quicken the process.  abilyk gives a more in-depth solution: "Hit the home button, click on the Wii Remote bar on the bottom of the screen, and then hit the Reconnect (or something like that) button. It will turn off all controllers, and you can reconnect them in the order you want. Of course, you don't have to reconnect those you want to leave off."

The Wiimote's internal speaker is too loud/quiet!  How can I fix this?
From  "If you don't believe in the use of instruction manuals -- and lord knows we don't -- than you too may have been confused on how to change the volume on your Wii-mote. Yes, it actually can be lowered to avoid that tinny noise that is driving gamers mad ... especially during Zelda.  To change the volume, hit the home button on your Wii-mote and then select the controller you are using from the lower-third of the screen. Voila! A volume screen is clearly displayed so you can adjust that shrieking banshee noise to your heart's content."
It is helpful to note you can also check battery power through this.

I just HAVE to know something useless about the packaging of controllers!  TELL ME NOW, EARTHWORM!
Okay.  Wiimotes and VC controllers will have small plastic adhesives to remove if you buy them seperately.  Inside the Wii box, they will not have these!  Huzzah!  Thank you exRounder, Oops! I did it again., Kirra, and abilyk for this!

I want to learn fun things about the nunchuk!
Then have I got a surprise in store for you.  MJRx9000 might be part of the Xmen and has noticed things no mere mortal would dare observe:  "The tag that instructs you how to hook the remote's strap into the nunchuk hook on retail nunchuks is GLUED to the cord, whereas nunchuks included in Wii boxes have tags that are LOOSE, a little bigger, and the print is not as bold. Also "Nintendo" is branded onto the boxy plastic part of the connector piece facing up and there are various things on the bottom such as "C E," "Made in China," and a "do not dispose" sign, whereas on retail nunchuks, the top is plain and only "Made in China" and "Nintendo" is branded on the back."

Syncing and Multiplayer

How do I add more Wiimotes, such as when friends come over?  Are they permanently synced with my Wii?
Shecky says that you can hold the 1 and 2 buttons down at the same time to sync a Wiimote temporary, such as when a friend is over.  For permanent results, use the sync buttons (either on the front of the Wii under the flap/slot, or under the battery cover of the Wiimotes themselves).  This should be used for your own personal Wiimotes.

My Wiimote won't resync!  I was using this 5 minutes ago!  I hate you Nintendo!
Seems that this happens to a few people occassionally, and apparently the sync buttons won't solve the issue.  Powering down the Wii to a red light (not the orange "still connected to the 'Net" light), turning it back on, and synching up appears to solve it.  A full power down (i.e., removing the power completely) might be required in extreme cases.  Thank you sixersballernum3 for bringing this issue up, and the numerous CAGs who helped out from this thread,  including Robobandit, hohez, Oops! I did it again., smellytim, and lilboo.

How many Wiimotes can be used at once?  I.e., could we have 12 player games in the future?
Athrun Zala is on it: no more than 7 wiimotes could be used at the same time, so 8 players simultaneous can't be done (that is a Bluetooth limitation, so it isn't up to Nintendo to fix).  He speculates that clever programming could work around this.  
JonLeung speculates the following:  The light indicators could do the following: 1+4=5P, 2+4=6P, 3+4=7P, 1+2+4=8P, 2+3+4=9P, 1+2+3+4=10P.  
Speaking personally, I heard once that another way around this would be to have an external Bluetooth receiver, which could then have Wiimotes attached to it, creating a wireless daisy-chaining of Wiimotes.  Meaning, you could have 4 working, then a receiver as the fifth unit with four more on it, making for an eight player game.  (Need more information on this.)

===============Hardware Related: Secondary Controllers (Wavebirds, Joysticks)===============

Can I use Wavebirds with the Wii?  That slot looks like it would cut off the receiver.
Yes.  The recievers fit just fine, as they point in the direction opposite of the slot's door.  

But the Wii looks ugly with the slots open for those!
I guess that's to personal taste.  I have four Wavebirds and a memory card in mine right now, and I think it looks kinda funny and comical, like the Wii is tipping an odd shiny thin white top hat to you.  I like to imagine it has a rough Scottish accent, not unlike Mike Myers's "WE HOV THREH SIZES - WII, NOT-SO-WII, AN' FRIGGEN HUUUUUUUGE!" voice from SNL.  Unclebob adds that you can remove these doors pretty easily (they snap on/off), which might be more to your personal preference.
UncleBob adds that you can easily snap off the doors, which might be to your liking.

You know, it would have been really awesome if Nintendo had let you plug in your NES and SNES controllers to play those games…
While Nintendo isn’t officially doing it, you can find cords that will allow you to do this at RetroUSB,  which will essentially be adapter cords to plug in those controllers through the Gamecube controller ports.

===================Hardware Related: Audio and Video===================

Will Japanese A/V accessories work?
Yes. Gameboy415 assures me that confirmed this.

What’s a D-Terminal cord?  Looks like a VGA cord…
This is the Japanese equivalent to component cables, and will not allow you to connect to a VGA monitor.  Again, thanks Gameboy415!

I need an RF adapter.  Shut up.  I really do.
While an actual adapter probably won't appear, DT778 has got you covered: "just get an rf modulator. here's a link to one from CircuitCity but you can get cheaper ones at Walmart.  RF Modulator

Can I use VGA or DVI monitors with the Wii?
The short answer is yes.  Check this thread.  When I don't have 6 days to catch up on for this FAQ, I'll cull the information more specifically, but I think that link will let you know more than you'd ever need to know for that question.  

You can get them at's store, but they are currently out.  The next option are third party branded React cables at Best Buy, which are $25.  Combined with a GGC, it takes it down to $20, which is not a bad deal.  There is concern it might not match the first party for quality, but that is most likely negligible.  More info will be provided as needed.

I’m sneaky, so can I use the Gamecube's component cables witht he Wii?
Sadly, no.  FOILED AGAIN!  The connector on the Wii's back is different.  This also makes composite cables - the same since the SNES - unusable with the Wii.

===================Hardware Related: Internet Connections ===================

How can I take my Wii online?
The easiest way is to get the Nintendo WiFi USB adapter, which is a small thumb-drive sized device that plugs into a nearby computer connected with a broadband ethernet connection.  It creates a "soft AP," or "soft access point," and essentially allows the Wii (as well as the Nintendo DS) to connect to the Internet via the computer's hard wired connection.

But that thing is expensive!  Can't I use something else that is wireless?
This is true, and it doesn't do anything special.  Therefore you can get online with a regular wireless router.  It is suggested that you go with a name brand, and make sure that it is a B or G router, as A routers won't work (this can all be checked with the router's documentation well before hand, but in most cases, you'll find G routers everywhere in retail stores).  I personally have a Linksys WRTG54, which is one of the standard models around.  Note that you must have it broadcasting in what is normally called "Mixed Mode," or "Mixed B/G Mode," meaning the router can accept connections from both B and G devices.  Because the Nintendo DS only operates on a B signal, there is good chance the Wii will only as well (though I'm not sure).  Most routers come configured this way by default.  Also, BiLdItUp1 suggests that if you continue to have problems, change your router to channel 1 or 11.  I heard this from a few other users, and after doing it myself, I can confirm channel 1 resolved an issue with my Linksys.  He also says you can try adding your SSID manually, which is the name of your network, as opposed to searching for it.  
For more information, hit this post by lebowsky.  I might add this later.

Screw wireless!  I wanna go online through wires!  I am a caveman and/or worried about security!
While the Wii does support WPA encryption standards for its wireless communications, there is always a risk of security breaches from outside, unauthorized sources (hackers, nosey neighbors, Powdered Toast Man, etc).  That would suggest that you want to plug in directly to a router with a standard ethernet Cat5 cord.  For the time being, you cannot do this, but Nintendo is going to release a USB Ethernet adapter that will plug into the USB ports on the back of the machine, thereby letting you do this.  Kind of crappy, but that's all your going to get.  Others have reported that third party peripherals are incompatible at this time.  It is hoped maybe a firwmare update will solve this, but unfortunately all signs are pointing to "buy the official Nintendo one."  DonSeer elaborates:  "The reason is each and every usb device has a VID/PID pair (vendor id/product id) and these are used for identification and the loading of the correct drivers)."  BiLdItUp1 thinks hacking the OS might be a work around.
Note: USB to Ethernet adapters will also not work, particularly because the USB ports are currently not functional, as indicated by botticus.
Note: The USB adapter won't be around until January 2007.  Sorry guys.  lebowsky wants to add that you can check page 51 of the Wii Operations Manual - Channel and Settings for more information.

So does this mean I can surf the 'net on the Wii?
Nintendo has partnered with Opera to allow their browser to be downloaded and installed onto Wii systems.  It was first speculated that this would be at cost to the consumer, but then Nintendo reps stated it would be downloadable for free in the first six months of the Wii's life.  This has yet to happen, and as such you cannot get online at this time (barring the messaging capabilities).  It is thought that Nintendo is still readying servers for such things.  Until then, the software will become available on the Wii Shop channel.  Certain sites are even preparing for inevitable Wii surfmanship, such as WiiCade, which will be a small collection of Flash games that the Wiimote should be able to play easily.  (Note: You can play these with your mouse in the meantime.)

===================Hardware Related: Accessories (Cases, Stands)===================

Can you recommend me a good case?
Brother, you don’t know how well I can.

===================Memory System (File Structure, Game Saves)===================

Internal Memory

What is the file structure of the Wii?
The Wii's internal memory is 2163 blocks.  stevey corrects my previous information: There are 64 blocks in 1MB and a block of data is .015625MBs.  rohlfinator and hohez both confirm that roughly 280 MBs of space are available for game saves on the Wii's internal memory.  

Can I save Gamecube game saves onto the hard drive?
No, unless there's a way to do it natively from inside the Wii's memory management system, which I have not confirmed yet.  But as can be seen above, the GC memory cards have two slots.

How many games can I hold on the system?  And what about saved data?
This all depends on the number of blocks required for each component.  Game saves will probably run on average anywhere from 5-20 blocks maximum, and a TG16 game (according to Blaine) runs 29 blocks.  Judhudson quotes directly from Nintendo: "Games vary in size but approximately NES games will be 1MB, SNES 5MB and N64 32MB."
Genocidal adds: "It appears that all of these games are "wrapped" with either a large amount of encryption data or each download is actually the full executable, in which case Nintendo could very well be writing individual emulators for each game. The reason I say this is because a friend of mine showed me his Super Mario 64 download, which was 11MB. The original game was 8.00MB (64 megabit) so there's 3MB of 'padding' there."  soonersfan60 adds that the instruction booklet is also downloaded, accounting for some of that extra space.  

External Memory (SD Cards, USB Drives)

Do I HAVE to get a Wii branded SD card?
Of course not.  I hope you don't.  They are overpriced.  They are nice for clueless people, but we are gamers, and of the cheapass variety.  It is best to get any brand SD card - I suggest Kingston or Sandisk - from any number of places. tracks deals, which include and various other retailers.

What is the maximum SD card size I can use?
Not sure at the moment.  I would wager you can't go above 4 gig, but further information is needed.  Given the small size of VC games and save data, a 2 gig card should last you quite some time.  2 gig cards have been verified, but anything larger might pose an issue.  Blaine reassures me it is 2 gig max, and Friend of Sonic says Nintendo's own site says this.

Can I move downloaded VC games to SD cards?  What about extra Wii Channels?
CAG lilboo writes: "All VC games and game saves CAN be put onto the SD card. (I haven't tried it, but I think you can transfer the info from the GAMECUBE memory card onto it too..)
However, ALL VC games and game saves need to be on your Wii to actually be used."  Blaine adds: "You can add VC games to the SD card two ways. Either in the Wii Memory or in the channels mode. You can copy them back and forth. So if you do run low on space, you can just copy them to an SD card and delete them from the system memory.... add them back later."  Otherwise, I imagine we'd all be pissed at Nintendo over this.

What about other external storage, like USB drives?
Nintendo has stated this is possible via the USB ports, but nothing is possible at this time.  I imagine a firmware update will allow such things in the future.

So does that mean I can load up movies and things on my Wii?
Unless you've got them on an SD card, no.

Well that's stupid.
Fear not.  There is talk that a group is working on a way to boot the Wii into Linux, at which point it is possible that it might function nicely as a media center PC.  If this is the case, and if DVD capabilities are added later on, the Wii could prove to be one heck of a movie center.  Here is their site - Wii-Linux.

===================Online Communications (System Codes, Mii Related, Address Book)===================

System Codes

What is a System Code?  Why do I have one?  What can I use it for?
Much like Friend Codes on the Nintendo DS, a System Code is a unique number for your Wii system.  In essence, it is your Wii's address/phone number/IP address/ID number.  You use it to identify your system to others.  This is important because online games will have "Friend Code" options where you can choose who you want to play, but you must have first exchanged a System Code with them.  Note: It remains to be seen if you will be able to directly pick opponents, even in the Friends option - the Nintendo DS does not really allow this, and there is speculation that the Wii will be handled in the same way, despite being mostly unpopular.
eldad9 clarifies that: "It identifies the device; so it's not like a phone number, but a International Mobile Subscriber Identity (the mobile phone ID in the SIM card); not like an IP address (which can change) but a MAC address (which is constant)."

Where is my System Code?
Go to your Mail (lower right envelope icon from Wii Menu).  You'll see a Lerrer/Memo icon in the lower left corner.  Press A over it, and you'll have 3 options now, one of which is the Address Book.  In there, you will find your system code, which is 16 digits long (easiest to think of as 4 groups of 4 numbers).

What are some online repositories of these codes?
One is available at the Cheapassgamer forums, created by lordwod here.  There are others online, such as BenMii.

Mii Related

What is this Mii Parade?
The Mii Parade is where any Mii set to Mingle will appear from someone in your address book.  
FriskyTanuki states: "Think of the Mii Parade as an online version of your Mii Plaza where only your friends' Miis can gather. Specifically, it's the Miis that have the mingle option turned on. All of these Miis are able to be added to your own Plaza by grabbing them and dragging them to the add to Plaza option."
It is worth noting that Miis added to your Mii Plaza through here will not have information on who made them.  

So can I send a Mii and have it show me as creating it?
Yes.  To do this, go into Mii Plaza and choose the option to send a Mii to someone.  You choose a Mii, choose a recipient from your Address Book, and off they go.
Note: If you message someone directly and attach a Mii, it doesn’t actually send the Mii.  It only sends their face as a sort of picture attachment.

What if I make a Mii and send him to people, then I update him later.  Do they get the updated Mii?
All I know about this currently is that FriskyTanuki sent me a Reggie Mii originally, and then I got another one from him.  I got a message that said, basically, “you already have this, so one got deleted, but you still have this Mii.”  I then noticed the Reggie Mii had changed.  So I want to assume that if you send a Mii to someone, either it automatically updates from then on (doubtful), or you can resend the Mii and it will overwrite the old one (more likely).  The bandwidth required for the former would be astronomical, even with an always-on connection.
If you have a Mii on your Wiimote and connect to a Wii, it might also update that Mii.
The forums at have helped me with this question.  

Okay, last question about updating Miis.  What about any relevant information traveling with them, aside from who made them?  For example, because there will be a few games where Miis are used as the primary avatar for players, if you earn points for them such as in Wii Sports, can those travel with you?
Seems like the answer is no at this point, and that such information remains solely on your Wii.  Stats do not transfer.  Svevan and Smash_Brother confirm this themselves, with the former saying “this is why the Wii warns you that you will lose stats if you delete them on your system.”

When new Miis show up, they don't list their author.  What gives?
I thought you said the last question was the last question about Miis, jerk.  Spluh.
It seems that if you get a Mii from the Mingle option, it will not tell you who made it.  However, if someone mails you a Mii directly, it will.  

What does the "favorite" mean when I design my Mii?  It just changes their pant color...
This does two things – 1) it gives them red pants, and 2) it essentially lets you create a list of favorites, so that when you are in your Mii Plaza, you can access your favorite Miis quickly (your personal Mii, celebriMiis, etc).
Originally I thought this made someone a “commander” of sorts in game options.  For example, my girlfriend had her Mii as a favorite, and I thought only she could set options in Wii Sports.  vudu has told me that this is not the case.  

Did you just make up “celebriMii” up there?
Yes, yes I did.  And I will be submitting it to, so there.

Address Book and E-mail

I was told I got an e-mail address with my Wii.  What is it?
The address is "w(your system code here)" and can be used to send small messages to any e-mail address.  However, you must first send a message from your Wii to someone's e-mail, and they must respond to it directly.  They can write back in it or just send it directly back.  Note: Your receiver will get the message asking them to reply with a generic "only if you know this person," but it doesn't include any specific details such as your real name, console name, Mii name, etc.  So you might want to contact them through an outside venue first.

Can I send pictures/photos to people?
Updated: Blaine assures us that: "You can email images to the Wii, you can not email images from the Wii."  Note also (via other posters) that while you can send a Mii, it won't show up in the e-mail (thanks hohez).

What about video?
Yes (from what I know).  This site - Wii Video 9 will allow you to download movie files and convert them into a format the Wii can handle.  The software is free.

Why are some names in my address book grayed out and some are black?
Black implies that your system and your friend's system both have registered each other.  I.e., if I register Yourmom69 on my system, she has to register me - StallionStudSauce - on hers.  Once your Wiis are off, they will eventually contact each other.  At that time, you can send each other messages, Miis, play games online, etc.  

Can I only have 100 people/address registered?!
At this time, yes.  Hopefully we can get more later on, as 100 will be very small very quick, especially when you consider new owners as bigger online games come out.

Can I re-organize my Address Book?  I want to put all my CAG buddies next to each other...
I think the only way this is possible is to delete certain names and then re-add them.  I don't know if this requires that you re-authorize on the other person's Wii, but I doubt it, since your actions shouldn't affect their consoles.  In other words, if I had a CAG at 1 and then a friend's e-mail at 2 and another CAG at 3, I'd have to delete either the first CAG and re-add him, which I'd assume would push everything up a slot, meaning the e-mail becomes 1 and the second CAG becomes 2, etc.  (Note: A+B does not move these around.)  Doing e-mail addresses might prove more difficult. Registration Account===================

What is this?
You can create an account at, which requires a working e-mail address.  There, you can register any Nintendo systems you buy and any Nintendo-published games on any systems (i.e., mostly franchise games such as Mario, Kirby, Smash Bros., but others such as Tales of Phantasia are valid as well).  Your Wii has a specific serial number tied to it, and this is a good starting point for first timers.  Primarily, this helps you register your games and systems with Nintendo, which can help speed any customer service you might need in the future.  Please see the next question for more elaboration as to why you’d want to do this.

And what's the deal with the Nintendo membership that the Wii says I can hook up to my Wii Shop account?
I want to first note this question/answer is stolen entirely from JudHudson, who rocks the casbah.  After account registration, you can put in all official Nintendo Products codes (serial numbers) to give you specially items such as desktop paper, icons, etc from those various products. They also had a deal where you register some products, you can get a 3 issue subscription to Nintendo Power for free. Dunno if it is still going on. But if you register your Wii with them, you get an additional 90 day warranty.

So that’s kinda cool.
It seems that about once a year, Americans are given the opportunity to get something fairly neat.  In the past, a Zelda compilation disc, containing both NES games and both N64 games, was given out.  This is a rarity among collectors and considered a great addition to anyone’s collection, as well as has four incredible games in the Zelda series.  Another offer was a demo disc for Metroid Prime 2, which was good purely for collecting purposes.  However, most gamers are not happy with the American system, as it is widely known that Japanese gamers get access to much nicer items, such as limited edition controllers.  It is hoped that this system will become more dynamically rewarding in the future.  The general opinion is a casual “Why not?”

===================Software Related: Games===================

Can the Wii do custom soundtracks for games?
It is possible to have custom soundtracks in games by loading MP3 files off an SD card, but the game must support this feature.  As of now, ExciteTruck is the only known title with this functionality.

Being that Wii Sports comes in a cardboard sleeve, several gamers have expressed disappointment, and instead have opted to make their own DVD-sized case.  It doesn’t help that, apparently, the cardboard sleeve appears to scratch the disk.
Some retailers - notably Target and Best Buy - had demo DVDs available for free that came in white DVD cases, thereby matching the Wii's game cases.  Because of this, many people realized a Wii Sports DVD case insert was of the utmost important.
Sir or madam, I suggest either of these:
Juka's Custom Cover or IazyBandit's (Direct Download), which is also mirrored here thanks to ckendal

How do I set widescreen for Wii Games, and does this affect Gamecube games?
To set this for Wii games, you go into the Wii's setup.  For Gamecube games, because it boots outside of the Wii's OS and essentially acts like a Gamecube, you must still do the "hold B" trick to get Widescreen.  However, most games automatically detect component cables and will Widescreen on their own, and some will ask you before you begin.  Thank you Fox5 and Scrubsy for your help on this.

===================Software Related: Firmware Updates===================

What do the firmware updates do?
In short, they resolve issues with the Wii’s proprietary OS and add features to the Wii console as time goes on.  
Coming from BiLdItUp1, the first few have added the option to manage data on the SD cards and the addition of burn-in reduction for plasma TVs.  I will try to update this further as more updates come down the line, but there are no promises.  This is valid as of 11/26/06.
A third update fixed a small glitch that allowed people to surf the Internet via the Wii Shop channel by altering their DNS information.  This is no longer possible.
Latest version: 2.0U

But are they really firmware updates, or just software updates?
RickPowers explains: " It is important to know the difference.  Wii is getting both software AND firmware updated, because the Wii is a rare case where you have software that is loaded in firmware. If this were purely a software update, people would be able to wipe the software layer when this error code situation started, and boot from the original image. That you are unable to do that suggests that this is firmware that we're dealing with. "

Where can I get these?
Anywhere that you can currently get a Wifi connection will be sufficient.  So if you are really cavalier and need to do so, you could take your Wii to a local free wifi area, set up the connection there, and get the updates.  This requires that you setup the connection, meaning that the Wii cannot just grab onto any open signal unless you first configure it.

Anything I should worry about?  Such as viruses?
Viruses will probably not appear for quite some time, if ever, as I imagine these updates come from central servers Nintendo runs themselves.  
However, it is worthwhile to mention that the Wii updates its firmware as it downloads it, which means that if something interrupts the download, there is a good chance your Wii will “brick,” and thereby have its OS essentially fried.  This will prevent the Wii from ever booting.  Because of this, do not turn off the power, and make sure nothing else might interrupt the process as best you can.  The chances of this happening are low, but it is worth keeping in mind.
There is hope that, maybe, Nintendo will solve this with a firmware update, thereby making updates after the fact safer by forcing them to be downloaded and then installed, as opposed to doing it on-the-fly.

===================Software Related: Channels===================

I can't connect to the Wii Store!  It just sits there like it is frozen!
This appears to be from strain on the servers, and will (hopefully) subside soon.  Unfortunately all you can do at this point is turn off the machine, and more than likely you will need to hit the reset button physically on the Wii.

Why aren’t the Weather and News channels working yet?
lilboo asked me to add that the Weather Channel will be available December 20, and the News Channel will be available January 27.
Nintendo didn’t have them ready for launch, either because the infrastructure still needs to be built, or they want to ease into online components so that people won’t have issues overloading the servers.
It is unknown if there will be a cost to get these channels and/or use them.  I highly doubt it, since everyone has them in their system.

Nintendo said each VC game gets its own channel.  What happens will I fill up all the channel slots?
There are 48 channels, and at least 6 are already taken (Game, Mii, News, Weather, Shop, Photo).  This is an issue, but not immediately.  We will have to wait for a firmware update.  If Ninendo is smart, they will have the main channel lobby into sub-channels specific to their system - so an NES channel, an SNES, etc.  But this is not resolved at this time.

Can I move the channels around?
FriskyTanuki: "Just like the Mii Channel, hold A+B and you can move them around."

================Software Related: Backwards Compatability/Imports================

Can the Wii play imported Gamecube games?
I have heard from people that it can and cannot through the use of a Freeloader, and it might appear that it depends on the version of the Freeloader that you have.  Try the latest for best results.  furyk suggests that you insert it, reboot the Wii, then load it inside the Disc Channel.
Updated: It depends on what version of the Freeloader you are using.  I have tried to condense this as best I can, with the help of FriskyTanuki, Rig, and dragonjud:
1.0 - Unconfirmed
1.04 – Unconfirmed
1.06 – Works via dragonjud
1.06b – Works via FriskyTanuki
1.06B – Doesn’t Work via FriskyTanuki
The Freeloader-booting Action Replay – Works via
Note: I will make a chart out of this later.

After I’m done playing a Gamecube game, can I get back into the Wii channels menu?
No.  When you boot a Gamecube game, the Wii becomes a Gamecube for all intents and purposes.  Therefore it has no connection with the Wii, and thus you cannot get back into that menu.  The only option is to reset the machine.
There is a small chance this can be solved with a firmware update, but it would require booting the OS somehow with a GC controller, meaning the Wii would have to constantly check for this sort of user input.  Thus, I highly doubt it will happen anytime soon, if ever.

===================DS Connectivity===================

Does the Wii interact with the DS?
Short answer: Yes, via:

  • Downloading DS Demoes to a DS
  • Being used a controller wireless

At the moment, no.  But Nintendo has said it will be able to in the future in at least two ways.  The first is that the Wii will be able to download small game demos - much like you'd get at any retail outlet with a DS Demo Download Station - into the DS's internal RAM, allowing you to play new games for as long as you have your DS on.  The second is that, supposedly, the DS will be able to be used as a controller for the Wii, much like the Gameboy Advance was utilized for games like Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.  More will have to be added as it appears.
Update: As seen here, it is possible for the DS to be used as a controller for various Wii games.

================Virtual Console (Games, Controller Configurations)================

What is the release schedule for VC games?
Nintendo has stated new games will come out every Monday.  Nintendo has given different numbers for how many games will be released per day, but it is thought that 4 will come out at a time.

How do I save progress in Virtual Console games?
botticus FTW: When you shut them down, they save automatically via ROM save states.
Need more information on whether or not this means games that had actual saves in them work in the same manner, such as RPGs.

Do VC games get registered in any way?
They are registered automatically if you have a account.  lilboo delivers a small but satisfying find: So as you know, you can link your My Nintendo account with your Wii. Cool. I just went on today to finally register Zelda and my Wii system. I looked at my list and I saw "Bonk's Adventure" and "Super Mario 64". Oooh, that's cool. I know that registering stuff really doesn't do anything..but maybe in this case if you do have an account and you do download games, and your Wii crashes.. at least you have them registered under your account.. so this may be this way they can let you re-download your games on a new Wii! "

Do Virtual Console games get enhanced in any way?
Gamers over at's forums (now called noticed that games look better, particularly Mario 64, as originally proposed by D_Man87.  Brandogg responded that "It's running in 480p instead of the original 320x240 resolution, so it's going to look a lot better."  TrueNerd also says that the Wavebird trumps the N64 controller, something I will test myself.  Bartman3010 adds: " Super Mario 64 does indeed run faster, since its not using N64 hardware, though some of the nifty effects are gone, such as the Invisible Cap Mario doesnt look like colored static as was on the original; just transparent. Try looking at the pyramid after standing on the four pillars. The debris and the explosion cause no slowdown whatsoever."
I need personal clarification if this only affects N64 games, as I have no tried the VC at all yet.

Controller Configurations

So what controllers can I use to play what in the VC?
In short, the VC Controller can play everything but Gamecube games.  A Gamecube Controller can play everything on the VC.  This mostly makes the VC Controller a luxury and not required.  The following graph should be helpful, and was originally found on, but I have modified further:

While the Wiimote works with TG16 games, it is questioned how it handles the Turbo functionality of the original TG16 gamepad.

Can I use the VC (aka Classic) Controller to play Gamecube games?
No.  When you boot into a Gamecube game, the Wii essentially acts like a Gamecube.  It no longer runs the Wii's proprietary OS, so it cannot sense the wireless controller input.  To play GC games, you must use a GC controller, which can be plugged in on the top slot of the Wii.  

Will the VC controller dangle from the Wiimote?
Yes.  There was speculation that it would latch onto the Wiimote via clips (the VC controller has small slots on its back that resemble a -_- face).  But it does not appear that this is the case, so it will dangle.  This isn't that big of a deal, but kinda annoying.

What about joysticks?
IGN has stated that these will work with Virtual console games.

What controller would you recommend?
There is something called the Hori Digital Pad that can be found for $10 plus shipping at  It is a perfect fit for both VC games (as well as Gameboy Advance games on a Gamecube using the GBA player) because it features an oversized and more comfortable D-pad.  The button layout mimics the regular Gamecube controllers (with the oversized A button and “bean” X and Y), so it is useful for backwards compatability as well.  Note also that there is a retro controller by Pelican that can be found at Gamestop, which might your only choice, as the Hori pads have been discountinued (and the above is your only chance to get some).  I have one – it rocks.  

On a related note, what about VC game multiplayer?  Bomberman '93 could support 5 players on the TG16.
Theoretically you could have 4 Wiimotes (plus whatever attachments might be needed, meaning a VC controller) connected wirelessly, and then 4 Gamecube controllers connected, making for 8 player games.  It remains to be seen if this is possible.  It probably depends on very smart programmers and a robust emulator, which we have no way of knowing at this time.


I  thought the Wii had 3D projection and could make waffles out of thin air.
Before all was officially revealed on what the Wii was capable of (primarily in September 2005 with the official unveiling of the Wiimote, and actual demonstrations and gameplay at E3 2006), it was largely speculated that Nintendo was planning a more pseudo-virtual reality system with the Wii.  This was fueled by things such as the infamous Nintendo ON video, which showcased a VR helmet.  Other clues included the HMD device in Animal Crossing: Wild World on the DS, which is a Head Mounted Display, and a series of short viral videos that loaded on shortly before E3 2005.  It was only further believed with the advent of the “secret slots” that the Wii had, which turned out just to have SD card slots and a Sync button.  Furthermore, a mysterious poster on IGN claimed that he had inside information on the Wii’s unveiling, circulating that the Kodak Theatre would be the Mushroom Kingdom.  This was hot information at the time because the official invite/pamphlet from Nintendo mentioned this phrase directly.  

Toys R Us said you don't need the TV on to play the Wii.
Now that's just silly.  That's like saying I don't need your mom on Saturday night.  

itachiitachi asks that "I thought I read somthing about the Wii using LEDs to change colors. Was this a cut feature or just a rumor or am I just mistaken?"
Actually, I suggested this myself somewhere on CAG, I think back when there was a small hoopla about "WTF, NO LAUNCH COLORS OTHER THAN WHITE?"  It was merely a wish on my part.  Sorry for the confusion!

What was this about Reggie saying there was a big secret still left for the launch of the Wii?
This was a miscommunication.  Supposedly he said something like "If there is a secret left, then it must be a big one," meaning that he himself did not know.  This led to speculation about VC games getting online capabilities, a more robust online experience, etc etc.  There was no secret.  Thissupposedly clears that up.

Does the stand hold any kind of charge?  I heard it did.
This was falsely reported in Summer 2006 by a UK magazine, which suggested that the small plastic grey stand of the Wii (used when making the Wii vertical) might be where the actual power cord plugged in, which then transferred power to the Wii (there is a term for this I don't know off the top of my head, but lots of electronics use it, and I definitely had an electric toothbrush that did this exact thing once).  This led to rumors about the Wii being a hybrid portable/home console game machine, and that perhaps one of the final secrets was a sort of hologram and/or LCD screen attachment.  Which a screen attachment might appear later on (as has been the style recently from third parties), for the time being none of these things are true.
iufoltzie corrects me (and probably said "STUPID!" right after doing so, and I couldn't blame him) with: "The term is Electromagnetic Induction."

What is the MEGATON everyone screams about so much?
In short, it’s just a long running Internet joke among Nintendo fans whenever it is thought something big will get announced.
As quoted from Wikipedia:  "Megaton is a meme among Nintendo fans that resulted from a vastly over-hyped rumored announcement around 2002. Individuals on the Gaming-Age Forums uncovered an article from Japanese magazine JUMP! that mentioned in one of its pages that Nintendo had a very big announcement to make... such that it could make their GameCube console a bestseller worldwide... Eventually it came out that the Japanese magazine that had reported the Megaton in the first place had merely been hyping up an unannounced game... leaving Nintendo fans with something of an anticlimax.”

===================Miscellaneous (Links, Fun Stuff, Easter Eggs, Other FAQs)===================

Notice any running themes?
The Wii is shaped like a rectangle with a notch in a corner.  The wrist strap dongle is also shaped like this, as well as the power brick and several of the cord connectors.  

I the wittle Wiimote, and I want to put it all over my body...
I suggest contacting CAG redgopher at  He has more information here.

What is this....wangmotation you speak of?
Given the size and shape of the Wiimote, it only comes natural to a man of my talents and skill to suggest strappin' one on, in order to feel the mightiness of playing Wii Tennis with naught but a wide grin in a wide-statured and proud pose.  Know that it will happen.  Man has dreamt of this kind of gaming legacy since the dawn of time.

Any fun easter eggs?
I didn't want to copy and paste this entire thing here (though I might if it proves useful later on), but JonLeung clued me onto this: GoNintendo has a list of several fun things you can do with the Wii, including a co-op jigsaw puzzle in the Photo Channel.  

Any other FAQs to read?
Here's a good one.  I might steal the information and place it here (while giving credit of course).

===================Update History (Edits)===================

Version 1.1
Updated again 11/22/06 at 12:58 AM.  Next update: Hopefully divide into sections with relevant data in each (Online, Hardware, Software, Channels, Miis), and hopefully answer more questions as they come.

Version 1.2
BIG update on 11/26/06 at 3:56 PM.  I didn't get to the sections, but I might do that tonight.  This is the culmination of several days of vacation, including information from CAG and NWR, in any thread I thought that contained useful information that might be a little obscure.

Version 1.3
Another big update today, 12/3/06.  I have added sections!  The thing to remember about the sections is this: some of these questions are a little vague, so I had to place answers as best I could.  These will probably be better organized as we move forward.  In fact, tonight I hope to add some more information, update the graphs, and reorganize everything.

Version 1.4
Fixed a lot of sections by placing information that is relevant to each other in order, so the FAQ flows better.  Also added submenus for sections that had too much information going on.  Fixed a few small errors.  

Nintendo Gaming / The "I have added you" Wii List Topic
« on: November 21, 2006, 11:26:54 AM »
My number:
Strell - 6569 1652 7708 9370

I am in the process of adding the following:

Smash_Brother - 4563 5682 5599 5867
Caliban - 1297-3530-0165-1882
Vudu - 4584 8871 6512 0150
Rhoq - 4176-6255-2557-5223
Capamerica - 7892 2887 0643 1974
Shyguy - 2639 4438 4537 3501
Lord_die_seis - 6564 0802 7064 2744
Shecky - 0746-0851-2440-2764
Spak-Spang - 5480-5588-0612-6339
Rick Powers - 7294 0910 3012 6153
Crimm - 1035-6652-4119-0356
BlkPaladin - 3518 4357 4611 1064
VGRevolution - 5112 6543 5702 4633
PartyBear - 3896-5984-8968-1451

General Gaming / Most. Awesome. Game related movie. Ever.
« on: October 17, 2006, 08:29:35 PM »
Watch it via Streaming video here

I cannot believe how incredible this is.

(Warning: It's 16 minutes long, but so worth it.)

There's also a download button if you don't want it to buffer/stream on that page.

This should be the direct download link:

Direct Download here

Obviously you'll need DivX, but that's easily solved.  

Nintendo Gaming / Speculation: Wii logo movie reveals final secret
« on: May 01, 2006, 10:29:53 PM »
I don't really subscribe to the idea that all the supposed 3D stuff is real, but if there's one thing I know about Nintendo, its that they always give clues that almost exactly tell us what they are up to.  Miyamoto talking about how he wanted to player to pull the level like Link, or Silicon Knights saying "Gosh we'd sure luv to play with Metal Gear Solid."  Even Miyamoto calling the Wiimote "the big gun" wasn't too far off.

Also, this theory has more or less been said in other respects.  I'm hardly adding anything new.

So I'm thinking about the Wii logo...and it has a lot of 3D space to it with the dancing i's.  For example, the bullets fly at you, then fly back at the i.  Then four i's are playing essentially pong with each other.

Then there's this really odd "twisting" of the i that I haven't really figured out...

But anyway, speculation.  What "gives it away" to me is the four i's playing pong with each other.  

Let's assume you had four players, each with a Wiimote.  They are playing the new Mario Tennis.  The idea I'm envisioning is that the gameplay takes place in two different universes.  1) You play on the regular television, no big deal.  But 2) You play in real world space with others via the Wiimote.  So maybe you and your partner are playing, and all of a sudden the game goes in "real" mode, and you start hitting the ball towards each other in real time.  In other words, it's out of the television at this point. So you can bounce the ball off a table if you want, or maybe you have to volley it the entire time in a hacky-sac sort of thing.

The catch would be that the Wiimote physically interacts with the game world/objects.  So an enemy appears and you thrust the Wiimote into them.  Perhaps there's a way it looks like an actual sword (though I cannot imagine that is possible).  Or you hit the ball with the remote.  Whatever.

I keep trying to think about all the odd rumors we've seen in the past.  Nintendo supposedly experimented with 3D real time displays at E3 2-3 years ago.  Then there was IGN's cryptic remark about "seeing the sensor bar only sometimes."

So maybe games are jumping from 2D to full 3D space.  

I'm trying to think of how this could be utilized for various genres, but honestly my head hurts enough as is.

Do I think this is it?  No.  Do I want it to be this?  Hard to say.  There's no way for us to know if it would work well or not.  I'm excited enough about the way the Wiimote works.  I'm fairly sure my head would melt if there's all of a sudden some sort of 3D-on-steriods stuff.

//just sayin'  

General Gaming / Component cable vs. VGA cable (Gamecube)
« on: March 17, 2006, 12:22:55 PM »
Hey all,

Just picked up an LCD tv this morning (found a great deal), and it has both inputs for component and VGA cables.  I'm sort of a cable/accessory junkslut (junkslut TM of Penny-Arcade), so I've got both such cables available for my GC.  Question then, is which one would produce the best picture quality?  I keep thinking it will be the HD cable purely because I don't know if VGA cables can produce the same progressive scan output.

Anyway, if anyone knows (I'm asking on various sites), please let me know!  Thanks!


Nintendo Gaming / 20th Anniversary Micro $10 coupon?
« on: December 06, 2005, 04:20:48 PM »
Hello everyone.

Today I purchased the 20th Anniversary Micro.  I was aware - as shown on Nintendo's official site - that there was a $10 coupon usable towards several Nintendo GBA games (such as Donkey Kong Country, etc) available with the system.

Now, this might be a stupid question, but WHERE is this coupon?

I know that on the outside of the box, there was a small red sticker saying that the coupon was included. But I saw the Gamestop employee take it off when he handed it to me. I figured it was included in the box so I didn't think anything of it.

Then I come home and look through everything and I can't find it.

Did the employee take it? Was that little red sticker the coupon?

If so I'm going to go back to Gamestop tomorrow and raise hell.

Let me also add that I did get it for the 89.99 price point, same as the other Micros. Is this normal? My gf just suggested that maybe he took it off and put it towards the Micro, but I looked at the receipt and it says "$10 off, Reason: New Micro System."

Wtf is going on? Where's the coupon? Even the official site shows the coupon as available. Did I just not get it or did the employee take it?  I'm hoping someone here might have more information about this if possible.

Thanks everyone.

Nintendo Gaming / Still left unanswered by IWATATON
« on: September 16, 2005, 05:47:21 AM »
I think this thread will write itself in the other topics, but meh, I got a few minutes to burn.

1) Power.  Still don't have an idea of the power of the Rev.  (**Note: I will continue to call it the Rev until otherwise noted.)  Not that I'm worried about this, but still.  Have you seen the in-game footage of the newest Madden on the 360?  Yea, looks like sh*t.  Looks HARDLY better than the current gen.  So if Nintendo can make good on the "2-3X Gamecube" figure, I'd say there will be little, if any, difference between all 3 systems.

2) Downloads.  I wanted to know about this badly.  I wanted to hear "400 games for download, more by the day as we secure more rights/companies."  Also, how they save, can I transfer them to SD cards, etc.  Also some info about updating classics.  Goldeneye 64 online would attract COUNTLESS people, I can assure you.

3) Online service.  We know it's wi-fi and some scant other details, need some meat quickly.

4) Third parties.  We heard some comments from big name 3rd parties, but of course, given the nature of the controller, we all still, I'm sure, are very edgy about ports.  I really, really hope Nintendo is driving support as hard as they can with cheap, affordable dev. costs and attractive license proposals.

5) Controller interfaces.  I NEEDS teh info on teh shells, attachments, costs, everything, Ninty.  A more "traditional" controller, eh?  Will it come with the system?  Be a pack in?  

6) Games.  NO TALK OF GAMES.  MARIO 128's mechanics are said to be built on the Rev, so let's see it in action soon.

7) Indie/home brew.  This is your perfect chance to strike on this, Nintendo.  Let people make simple platformers and such for your system. There have been some really great ones lately online, no reason why you shouldn't be granting licenses for this sort of thing.

8) Number of simultaneous players for multiplayer?  Probably 4, but that's just a guess.

Sure we got the controller, and that was HUGE and will buzz around in my head for days, but we're still seeing some characteristically Nintendo jedi-ness.  

The cat is out of the bag, Ninty.  Let's spill the rest.

Nintendo Gaming / So, list of Games you'd download?
« on: May 17, 2005, 04:16:01 PM »
Off the top of my head...I'll try to keep these by system but I doubt I'll succeed.  I'm at work so my attention is divided.  

Castlevania 1/2/3/4/X
Contra III: Alien Wars
Goldeneye 64
Sin and Punishment
Tetrisphere (never got a chance to play it)
Blast Corps
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 4/6 (maybe even 3/5???)
Secret of Mana
Secret of Mana 2 (i.e. Seiken Densetsu 3...maybe there's a way to patch Japanese games???)
Mario Paint  (Usb ports...mouse and keyboard?)
Earthbound 1/2 (i.e. Mother 1/2....hmm...maybe they'll finish Earthbound 64??)
Mario All Stars
Kid Icarus

Dammit now I have more questions than when I began...and I'll edit this with more later.

General Gaming / I want to make a Reggie fansite
« on: May 13, 2004, 09:05:18 AM »
He is the greatest man ever.  He's like the Howard Dean of video games.


We need to see more of him, he's even more entertaining than Yamauchi.

Nintendo Gaming / Did any long-time NP subscribers get the Zelda disc?
« on: January 25, 2004, 04:52:24 PM »
I've subscribed to NP since it's beginning.  For some strange reason, I didn't get 175 - the subcriber's bonus January Issue that supposedly came with the Zelda compilation disk.

Since it's now almost Feb., I requested that the January issue be re-sent to me.  I go to My Nintendo, log in, and try to re-order it.  The Jan. issue shows up as 176 on there.  I figure what the hell and order it anyway, hoping it'll show up with the disk.

A week later I get the February issue again, which I had already received.

At this point I e-mailed asking where my mag. was and where my disk was.  I got a response saying "please respond with your name, address, etc."

So I do that.

Today I get a response that says "we'll send you the Jan. issue, but the disc comes with no magazines.  It comes with a paid subscription, and you haven't renewed since last September."

So let me get this straight.  You HAD to renew OR get a brand new subscription to get the disc?

I renewed last September because I wanted to get FF:TA along with the subscription, which I did.  And yet I don't get the Zelda disc?

Did this happen to anyone else?  I'm just trying to see if this is only me or everyone.  

Nintendo Gaming / Might be last chance to get Playcube cables
« on: October 23, 2003, 04:51:55 PM »

I was looking for these things a few weeks ago.  Looks like is trying to get rid of theirs.  I bought 4 and got them today.

This deal was found on Cheapass

They find some really good deals.  I just saw that they had Harry Potter/Secrets for GC for 5 bucks.  But it's already sold out, wish I could have seen it!

Oh well.

Enjoy everyone.

Nintendo Gaming / Prediction about Star Fox 2
« on: September 02, 2003, 08:26:02 PM »
It will use Lan capabilities.

I hope this hasn't been confirmed already or this post is going to make me look really stoopid.  :B

Nintendo Gaming / Playcube no longer available?
« on: August 28, 2003, 08:29:28 PM »
Yea, I dunno if this belongs here or not, but I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can pick up a Playcube cord?  I've checked stores all over the place online and they ALL say it's out of stock or discontinued.  

I mean, hell, if there's a store near someone and they have some, could anyone let me know?

SCII owns me in all ways imagineable, but I'd really rather be playing it with a PS2 controller....

Thanks all.  I hope someone has an answer for me

Can someone like me to some articles please?  I have a skeptical (read: idiotic) friend saying otherwise.

"But CNN said it!"

Oh, yea, CNN, *cough cough.*

Nintendo Gaming / I've figured out Nintendo'd 3rd Party Problem
« on: May 20, 2003, 10:18:12 AM »
Note: This is all speculation, it's pretty simple theory that has been hit on in several topics, so if it gets closed, feh, no big deal.  I'm going to try and keep it short and sweet and not too well-written, because I'm kind of tired of being on the computer for the day.

I realized what the problem is with Nintendo and getting third party games on the system.  It's Nintendo fault themselves, in terms of the games on their system.  The problem is that Nitnendo released their own first and second party "must have" games at least one a month (at least), and quite frankly, the average gamer doesn't have enough money to pick all these games AND third party games.  I dunno about anyone else, but I'm lucky to get one new game a month, if that.  I mean, what was probably the last game a lot of GC owners got?  Zelda.  And before that?  Metroid.  And before that?  Mario.  Animal Crossing, Eternal Darkness, Pikmin....the list goes on and on.  The point is that there's always a first or second party title worth owning at all times, including future games - MGS, F Zero, etc.  

There's always some game worth owning from Nintendo.  Of course there are people that won't buy Nintendo's games, but this seems like the minority of GC owners.  Most people have a GC to get Nintendo's games, just as people own a PS2 to get GTA or an Xbox to get Halo.  It's simple exclusitivity.

So when a generic gamer decides on what game to buy, they can either get an AAA title from Nintendo or a generic port from some other company.  Zelda or Freekstyle?  Give me a break.  

So Nintendo can be assured that their games will almost always reach the million mark.

And therein lies the problem.  

Third parties are whining that they can't sell their games on the Gamecube.  ANd why is this?  Because NIntendo beats them at their own game.  Midway wants to make a crappy port of some stupid extreme bike sports game, and they wonder why they can't sell well?  It's like choosing between McNuggets versus filet mignon steak.  Water versus champagne.  The only difference HERE, though, is that the McNuggets and the steak cost the same.  

Honestly.  If you're going to put yourself in direct competition with a thousand other developers, and you're only going to commit to your own proect 10%, and you expect it to SELL?  Are you kidding me?  You couldn't make a console specific game good, what makes you think you can code a port better?

I'm sick and tired of people using this argument against Nintendo.  Miyamoto needs to have a press conference where he says, plainly, "It's not my fault that you suck."  It also doesn't help that we get GOOD third party games also, with Capcom's five, Camelot, Treasure, etc.  So there's another whole WORLD of developers you've got to beat.  And the problem with this is that it takes a lot of polish and good gameplay to overcome such obstacles, and this is something the third parties don't want to do because it would cut into their profits.  Killer 7, Viewtiful Joe?  Versus..what, Backyard Soccer?  If you don't see the logic here, then just give up.

Now I will agree that Nintendo isn't helping the situation.  All the same companies that whine about sales on the Gamecube ARE competing in the same manner with the PS2 and Xbox.  They still have to trump whatever first and second party games Sony and Microsoft will put out, as well as other third parties.  So their facing the same competition minus Nintendo's games, which we've already established create a MASSIVE chasm that they seeminlgy can't overcome.  But why would the games sell better on PS2 and Xbox?  Well, PS2 has a huge userbase, and it's proven that people in ANY market will buy crap, no matter what.  (This is, of course, how Microsoft stays in business, har har.)  So third party games will just naturally sell better there.  Xbox is harder to debate.  Supposedly has a smaller userbase than the GC and "hardcore gamers."  Yea, by that you mean PC gamers, the same people who can play Counter Strike all day and proclaim it the best game ever.  So NATURALLY crummy third party games will sell better there too.

This really only leaves one more factor to discuss - advertising.  I see Sony and Microsoft ads all the time on TV, magazines, the news, etc.  Everywhere.  And it's not just that, it's that they are advertising third party games also.  We all know Nintendo has a massive advertising problem with their OWN software.  But they pretty much refuse to advertise third party games, telling them that it's their OWN game, THEY do the advertising.  (Additionally, this is how they expect online gaming to pan out.)   That's Nintendo logic and understanding with advertising - you made the game, you advertise it.  

So I have to at least acknowledge that the third parties have a significant and valid excuse here, and it's really apparent when Nintendo doesn't advertise games like Splinter Cell, which is supposed to be really good (I don't know, I haven't played it).  Sony, of course, had a pretty massive blitz for it, relaunching the commercial and making it KNOWN that there were enhancements to the game.  Nintendo, however, just stuck the GC logo at the end and nothing else.  Not even a "also on Gamecube."

So it boils down to this:  Third parties whine that they don't sell well, so they cut back on GC support.  This is caused by a few factors: Nintendo's own stellar games, excellent third party games to contend with, making no effort to port well or even make a DECENT console-specific game, and the advertising problem.

In short what it amounts to is that Nintendo is always going to have less third party support because, well, they simply make games that drive away the competition.  Nintendo is out for a profit, they want their games to sell.  They don't want people to see some third party's game on tv and PAY for it, they'd rather blitz their own games and maximize their own income.  That might be a hard pill to swallow, but it's pretty dead-on and true.  I hate myself for saying it, but let's not sugarcoat the truth - Nintendo makes the biggest profits.  They don't do it underhandedly, they do it with excellent games.  But they will continually alienate third parties because of their own innate excellence.

Bottom line: Nintendo's games will always sell because they rock, and this will always put third parties in the shadow of their greatness.  Since the gaming industry is SO competitive these days, this is going to cause disdain between the companies, and they will simply cut their losses and pull out support for Nintendo.  Sad but true.  Combined with Nintendo's refusal to advertise third parties and the fact that Sony and Microsoft can offer better incentives (due to the fact that they are not JUST video game companies), it's only going to continue.  The only way Nintendo could combat this problem would be to A) make worse games, B) advertise third parties, C) be more competitive with Sony and Microsoft on the publishing/licensing level, and/or D) spend money to encourage more third parties to bring their games over.

But you know what?  Screw them.  I'd rather see Nintendo put their money towards second parties and expanding themselves.  Out of the 11 games I own, 2 are third party.  And that suits me just fine.  



General Gaming / Confused about Star Fox
« on: May 14, 2003, 02:03:34 PM »
Don't flame me until you read this.

We all know Namco was supposed to be making Star Fox Armada, assuming this would be another extension of the Arwing-style shooter gameplay.

And then we hear about Star Fox coming from Nintendo itself. reported that there must be two Star Fox games in development - the Namco shooter and the mysterious Nintendo one.

Now that we've seen the footage of Fox, and assuming that E3 is officially underway and everything is out in the open, I've only seen some shots of one Star Fox.

So was just wrong, and Namco is co-developing it with Nintendo?  Or has one of them not surfaced?


Nintendo Gaming / Random thoughts on WW (few minor spoilers)
« on: April 01, 2003, 10:14:31 PM »
Just a collection of random stuff.  I'd say if you've played the game more than a few hours, none of this is a spoiler (although, honestly, I don't think any of them are, with the exception of the labeled ones.  These things are mostly just my random thoughts about the game).

1. There are true-to-life constellations in the night sky.  Specifically I see Orion.  I dunno too many but I know that one when I see it.

2. Miyamoto sure seems to have a thing for water lately.

3. I also think he's been watching some Miyazaki films.  The little forest-y creatures seem inspired from Princess Mononoke.

4. Found a nice way to exploit the travel lengths, but it requires a Wavebird controller.  You set your ship in the direction you want and hold the controller in that direction (probably "up" in most cases, since you want to maintain the fastest speed).  Once you are in this position, turn the controller off and on quickly.  When it turns on, the control stick's neutral position is fully in the "up" position, meaning you can put the controller down and your ship will maintain speed to your destination.  Of course, be ready to pick it back up and reset it if you run into some sort of trouble, such as the octo's.

5. My GOD.  The number of side quests and things to do is amazing.  It rivals Animal Crossing and smashes the hell out of GTA.

6. Would have been nice, when bombing on the ship, if you could lock on, instead of having to manually aim.

7. Also would have been nice to have context sensitive item selection, meaning you automatically get different items assigne to X/Y/Z dependent on situation.  For example, when you run across a fish, you should switch to bait automatically.  If you slow down for treasure, the hook should come up automatically.  This option could always prove a pain, so you would be able to turn it off.

8. Otherwise, allow you to setup a few customized item menus, say one for boating, one for fighting, etc., and then you could somehow switch instantaneously.

9. The game also takes a page from the Megaman Legends series, in my opinon, for a few reasons.  One, the idea of a LOT of water and a few islands.  I know that theme is far more prevalent in MML, but it's kinda present here too.  Two, I could swear I hear some of the same sounds in WW, although it's been a long while so I could be wrong.  Three, ....well I'd say it but it's kind of a spoiler, so you've been warned.  When you raise the Temple of Gods, there's some markings on the outside of the tower that resemble some of the glyphics from MML, but that could just be me.

10. Why can't I ever find Beedle when I need him.  I got his locations, but MAN, he's never near the islands.  Super annoying.  Plus, half the time he's not carrying what I need....

11. *Minor sidequest spoiler* If you talk to the "sad" girl on the steps in Windfall, you can get a sidequest to photograph something that is dear to her.  She says it is perfectly round and pale.  I could have SWORN it would be the moon (in full state obviously), but I was wrong.  DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT tell me what the answer is.  I'll figure it out.

12. *Fairly large spoiler****AVOID****  I find it quite funny that, despite not having done the Tower of Gods, I've already gotten two Triforce Charts.  Lol.  Since I decided I'd rather sail around and see what there was to do, I ended up finding two of them.  Haha.

13. Ok, in Windfall, the rich dood.  He wants me to rescue his daughter, and if you talk to him enough, he says he'll help fund you.  He then throws coins into his pots and says to find them.  So I broke up the three he wanted and he got pissed.  Sigh, stupid old man....

14. *Minor sidequest spoiler* I did the Flying Birdman competition.  I eventually got 263 feet/yards/whatever.  I wanted to see if I could get anything else, so I did it again.  I ended up hitting my banner and fell down, but it still credited me with beating my old distance, even though it says I went 260.  GG game.

15. *Minor spoiler*  I swear the magician enemies are Toucan Sam.  And I find that sad, because I'm killing TOUCAN SAM.

Guess thats all for now.

Nintendo Gaming / Conversation in Oot (GC version)
« on: March 27, 2003, 05:39:31 PM »
I'll admit I didn't play it too much yet, but for the little I toyed around with the GC version of OoT, it seemed like you couldn't speed up the text conversations.  If you hit a button, it would immediately go to the end over the conversation and completely bypass all of the middle texts.

Is this the same with everyone else?  Do you just have to put up with reading it slowly?



Nintendo Gaming / Zelda and misprints go hand it hand it seems
« on: March 25, 2003, 06:46:01 PM »
Check out the story in the Wind Waker instruction booklet.

First sentence of the second paragraph: "And then a day came when a fell wind began..."

"Fell" wind? Pretty sure they meant "foul."  Although, admittedly, it's incredibly hard to believe such a typo could exist.  You'd have to really screw the word up and then just blindly let spellcheck do your job for you to really let this happen.

This is right up there on the OoT box, when it said "environonments," or something to that effect.

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