We're down to eight and things are about to get wilder.
Well, that just about went as we expected, though our top four seeds did not go unscathed. Super Mario Odyssey dunked on Sonic Mania 91% to 9% and Zelda: Breath of the Wild clowned on Snipperclips 82% to 18%. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe held on against Stardew Valley 60% to 40%, but our biggest upset happened when SteamWorld Dig 2 triumphed over Metroid: Samus Returns 58% to 42%. Seems people might like Dot more than Samus in 2017?
But who will those four games go on to play?
After Xenoblade Chronicles 2 eked out a win over Splatoon 2 53% to 47%, Rex and the gang earned a battle with Link and the Champions, setting the stage for Breath of the Wild vs. Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Rocket League fired off a goal at Fire Emblem: Heroes and won 76% to 24%, meaning that Rocket League or its next-round competitor SteamWorld Dig 2 will ensure one non-Nintendo-published game will make the final four. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle defeated Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia 80% to 20%, putting up Nintendo's major Mario game Odyssey against Ubisoft's major Mario game. Arms dunked Dragon Quest VIII, winning 58% to 42%, setting up a match between Arms and fellow Switch multiplayer game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Anyway, make sure to vote and check out the list of games below and the bracket.
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo; March 3) vs. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo/Monolith; December 1
- SteamWorld Dig 2 (Image & Form; September 21) vs. Rocket League (Psyonix Games; November 14)
- Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo; October 27) vs. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (Ubisoft; August 29)
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo; April 28) vs. Arms (Nintendo; June 16)