Vote in bracket style to help us determine the Nintendo World Report Game of the Year.
The challenge of an enthusiast site filled with volunteers deciding on a Game of the Year has always been something tough to do. Games that everyone played always had a clear advantage, and while those new Mario and Zelda games were great this year, it’s hard to take into account the breadth of Nintendo’s 2017 through a vote or a deliberation among our staff. So now we’re involving everyone. Welcome to the first NWR Tournament of GOTY. The tournament where everybody votes in bracket style to determine our 2017 Game of the Year.
Here’s our methodology. Our staff and Patrons have been voting on Games of the Month for each of the 12 months of 2017. Those 12 games all have automatic entry into the tournament. We also have eight Wild Card games that were determined by staff deliberation and the runners-up of each month. In total, we have 20 games that, across the board, we think are generally awesome (even our pair of early 2017 Games of the Month that won by virtue of little competition). The seeding was done by using MetaCritic scores as a guide with a little bit of randomness to decide tiebreakers. Anyway, let’s get to the Wild Card Round.