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Xenoblade Chronicles X

Nintendo World Report's 20 Top Games Of The 2010s: The Second Ten: #11 - #20

There's some real titans (or Skells) on this half....

by - March 9, 2020

Know Your Developers: Monolith Soft

It’s been 3 long years, but we’ve come back strong....

by John Rairdin and Neal Ronaghan - March 2, 2018

NWR Staff's 10 Favorite Games of 2015: Xenoblade Chronicles X

Somehow, it’s even better the second time....

by Donald Theriault - January 13, 2016

Donald's 2015 “B” Awards

Having already spilled his top 10 list, Donald takes aim at his personal picks for some other categories...

by Donald Theriault - January 10, 2016

Ranking Nintendo's Past 10 Holiday Lineups: Where Might 2015 Wind Up?

2015 isn't done but how does it compare so far to other years...

by Neal Ronaghan - November 2, 2015

NWR Hype Meter Results: #5 - #1

Your web browser can't repel hype of the magnitude!...

by Justin Berube, Neal Ronaghan, and Donald Theriault - September 10, 2015

Nintendo E3 2015 Booth Pictures: Nintendo VIP

Pictures from Nintendo's invite only area of their E3 booth....

by Justin Berube - June 22, 2015

Nintendo E3 2015 Booth Pictures: General Floor Pictures

A little of everything can be seen here....

by Justin Berube - June 22, 2015

Nintendo E3 2015 Preview & Video Discussion

Check out the big list of games that could appear on Nintendo platforms at E3 and listen to us discuss them all....

by Justin Berube, Neal Ronaghan, and Donald Theriault - June 9, 2015

What to Expect on Nintendo Platforms in 2015: Wii U (Part 2)

Even more retail Wii U games to look forward to....

by Justin Berube, Alex Osborn, and John Rairdin - January 28, 2015

Our 2015 Nintendo Predictions: Justin Berube, Features Editor

The King Nintendo Fanboy has a few 2015 Nintendo predictions....

by Justin Berube - January 12, 2015

The NWR E3 2014 Awards: Xenoblade Chronicles X

We only watched Nintendo's Treehouse play this game, but man, does it look amazing....

by Jonathan Metts - June 16, 2014

What to Expect At E3 2014: Wii U Software

The many games we could see for Wii U at E3....

by Justin Berube, Becky Hollada, Clay Johnson, Kimberly Keller, Neal Ronaghan, and Bryan Rose - June 3, 2014

E3 2014 Predictions: Neal Ronaghan, Director

Neal mixes the realistic with the absurd for his E3 2014 predictions....

by Neal Ronaghan - June 3, 2014

Nintendo World Report's 2014 Predictions: Danny Bivens, Japan Correspondent

Strong support from Japan could be what Nintendo needs (or gets regardless) in 2014....

by Danny Bivens - January 9, 2014

Nintendo World Report's 2014 Predictions: Justin Berube, Features Editor

The King Nintendo Fanboy leverages his expertise in order to guess how the world looks through Nintendo's eyes....

by Justin Berube - January 6, 2014

BLOG: Why the Donkey Kong Country Delay Isn't That Bad

2014 looks a little bit brighter with that big ape in it....

by Neal Ronaghan - October 2, 2013

The PrE3view: What We Expect at E3 2013: First-Party Games, Part Three

Two Zeldas, two Yoshis, two RPGs: the parallels between 3DS and Wii U...

by Andrew Brown, James Jones, Josh Max, and Neal Ronaghan - June 7, 2013

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 909: Hiding a Switch In Our Giant Vest Pocket

The silk fabric cleans the screen automatically....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - January 12, 2025

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 906: Greg and I Both Went "Man-Flesh"

This restaurant specializes in the tenderest of orders....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - December 22, 2024

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 893: It's Very Disney Police+

If you think of Disney, you're now disclaimed from suing in court....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, and Guillaume Veillette - September 22, 2024

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 879: Frequently Discussing Showponies

It's just what we do around here....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, and Jon Lindemann - June 16, 2024

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 835: Horus vs. Horace

Homonyms and mythonyms....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - August 13, 2023

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 827: Radio Foxtrot Nintendo Is Not NATO Approved

This is the best we can hope for from you-know-who....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - June 18, 2023

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 824: I Dare You to Play Eye of Judgment

This week we have an exclusive interview with RFN's host....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - May 28, 2023

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 802: Rejecting Your Family Portrait - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Spoilercast

We're going deep on Xenoblade Chronicles 3, FOR CHRISTMAS....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, and Syrenne McNulty - December 24, 2022

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 798: That China Warrior Je Ne Sais Quoi

I do know big sprites, and these? Big....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - November 20, 2022

CONNECTIVITY: Episode 332: The Nude Koopa Paradox

Featuring a trilogy's worth of Xenoblade but not the Xenoblade trilogy....

by Alex de Freitas, John Rairdin, and Neal Ronaghan - August 5, 2022

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 738: An Entire Timeline Devoted to Panther Caroso's Pheromones Lingering in an Elevator

There's only three timelines. One involves a fake moustache. It isn't this one....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - September 6, 2021

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 678: To Serve Pokemon


by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - June 21, 2020

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 644: HR Tiger Has 10 Years Experience

Primary skills include union avoidance, downsizing, and AD&D. Oh, and horrifyingly sexual imagery....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - October 20, 2019

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 550: Strip That Village to the Bone!

Jon "Business" Lindemann's plans lead where even James Jones cannot follow....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - December 10, 2017

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 531: Getting Down to Brass Max

Let me level with you, I need Jon to make sure that I don't make too many "Brass Balls" jokes in the episode titles. Yes, Jon is the guiding hand of maturity in terms of Brass Balls....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - July 16, 2017

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 521: Last.FM Towns

Your home for coverage of all the hottest anime games for FM Towns....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - May 7, 2017

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 474: The Day the Music Was Abandoned

Nintendo's uninspiring financial briefing didn't deter half of team RFN from their responsibilities....

by James Jones, Jonathan Metts, and Guillaume Veillette - May 1, 2016

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 466 Part 2: A Lot More than We Could Manage

The long awaited Xenoblade Chronicles X episode is finally here....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - March 6, 2016

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 463: Feel the Magic User

My boy Hector once axed 40 guys in a single day; do you really think he's going to be shy about me touching his face?...

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - February 14, 2016

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 457: Define Winning to the Persistently Non-Competitive

Not everyone can be a winner; thankfully the host of the show gets to define all terms to his advantage...

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - December 20, 2015

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 456: The Editor in the High Castle

Philip K. Dick didn't live to see the Game Gear, but if he did this would be his most harrowing alternate history...

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, and Guillaume Veillette - December 13, 2015

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 451: Just Add an H

Who would have thought finding a guest would be as easy as throwing around a letter....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, John Rairdin, and Guillaume Veillette - November 1, 2015

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 435: Discovery of a Superb View

An expert guest helps us preview some new games and revisit some old ones, mostly from Japan....

by James Jones, Jonathan Metts, and Guillaume Veillette - July 12, 2015


The world arcade scene, additional last minute E3 predictions, and Reggie rage!...

by Danny Bivens, James Charlton, and Ty Shughart - June 13, 2015


Come and listen to our E3 predictions, Danny's new robot Doll, and your listener mail!...

by Danny Bivens, James Charlton, and Ty Shughart - May 25, 2015


Xenoblade X, Splatoon, Yooka-Laylee, and of course - Japanese Power Rangers....

by Danny Bivens, James Charlton, and Ty Shughart - May 15, 2015

CONNECTIVITY: Episode 168: Well Written Writing

I would walk 500 miles, just from watching all these Xenoblade trailers....

by Nicholas Bray, Alex Culafi, James Jones, Mike Sklens, and Scott Thompson - February 15, 2015

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 413: Strip Club Regulars

Even this extra-large episode can barely contain all the Nintendo Direct news and our Top Five Games of 2014!...

by James Jones, Jon Lindemann, Jonathan Metts, and Guillaume Veillette - January 18, 2015

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: E3 2014 - California Dreamin'

Three regulars and special guest TYP join forces in one room to digest more E3 games, our favorite announcements, and those little moments on the floor that can only happen at gaming's biggest event....

by Michael Cole, James Jones, Jon Lindemann, and Jonathan Metts - June 15, 2014

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: E3 2014 - Home Team Assemble

What is the E3 experience for the half of RFN that isn't at E3 playing Smash Bros? Guillaume, Jon and special guest Greg Leahy give their thoughts on Nintendo's E3 2014 performance....

by Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - June 13, 2014

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 370: The Contemplative Podcast

Oven-fresh reactions to the latest Nintendo Direct, plus a Bravely Default roundtable and Listener Mail!...

by James Jones, Jon Lindemann, Jonathan Metts, and Guillaume Veillette - February 16, 2014

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 355: Gratitude: The Adventure

Here are a few of our favorite things... about Nintendo....

by James Jones, Jon Lindemann, Jonathan Metts, and Guillaume Veillette - October 19, 2013

CONNECTIVITY: Connectibite: E3 Nintendo Direct Reaction

The gang discusses today's E3 Nintendo Direct....

by Patrick Barnett, J.P. Corbran, Zachary Miller, and Scott Thompson - June 11, 2013

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 323: Bad Moon on the Rise

We discuss new game announcements from Nintendo Direct. Also, this episode contains a recording of RetroActive Live: Majora's Mask!...

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, Jonathan Metts, and Guillaume Veillette - January 27, 2013

CONNECTIVITY: Episode 70: Flu Game

We react to the recent Nintendo Direct bombardment and then play another game of "Who Wants to be a Nintendoaire?"...

by Patrick Barnett, Andy Goergen, Nathan Mustafa, Tyler Ohlew, Neal Ronaghan, and Mike Sklens - January 26, 2013



Game Profile

Xenoblade Chronicles X Box Art

Genre RPG
Developer Monolith Software Inc.
Online1 - 4

Worldwide Releases

na: Xenoblade Chronicles X
Release Dec 04, 2015
jpn: Xenoblade X
Release Apr 29, 2015
eu: Xenoblade Chronicles X
Release Dec 04, 2015
aus: Xenoblade Chronicles X
Release Dec 05, 2015
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