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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1125 on: September 29, 2010, 01:46:38 PM »
I'd like to think the extra cost will help bring a more robust and streamlined online situation from the 3DS. Since the DS has launched it's had some form of web browsing that just become something that's so terrible we act like it doesn't exist. Aside from being able to download whatever kind of games, trade any kind of data, but what I would like to see improved is that damn Opera browser. I'm not even hoping it has Flash, but least make it usable.
I feel that the price range isn't that bad if Nintendo pulls the stops and refreshes the effectiveness of the hardware.
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Offline MaryJane

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1126 on: September 29, 2010, 02:00:25 PM »
Honestly the 3D looks like a neat gimmick but if it was the sole new feature of this it would be pretty damn weak.  As Nemo points out the other option is like the Wii where we pay for an entire new system that has some new features but is otherwise pretty much the same hardware.  I know that not everyone feels this way but I feel ripped off by the Wii and I would feel the same way about the 3DS if it was just the same thing... IN 3D.  This is the direction I want Nintendo to go with all future systems.  I don't want the Wii 2 for example to be just the Wii with some new gimmick feature.  I think having a step-up in hardware is a mandatory change.

I think the 3DS will do fine if it has good games.  The casual audience is a little unknown.  They bought the DS and the Wii but they've never been asked to upgrade before.  We don't know what it would take to make them go to a newer model.  I think something that really shows off the 3D stuff is the best bet but for all we know this might just not work.  Casuals and non-gamers might be cool with sticking to the same thing for good and that's that.  It was always a risk Nintendo was going to face at some point.

3D is a graphical upgrade, not just a 'gimmick' and it also has the benefit of adding immersion to gameplay in away that a standard graphical bump would not do. Also, for some games (I'm hoping a lot of games) the 3D effect will also add to the gameplay by revealing an aspect that couldn't be done as well as in 2D, obviously this will be much more apparent in a puzzle game than say MGS.

But you're right about the Wii, my X360 has been getting a lot more playing time recently despite the fact that I love all the games I have for the Wii, it doesn't have the robust game support that the X360 enjoys.

Lastly, casual gamers were asked to upgrade to the DSi and they did so in droves. Why would they hold back on the 3DS when it offers so much more? Personally, I'm hoping there is even more, like email and video calling over wifi, but even as is, it is quite impressive, and well worth a purchase. Also, I think the release date is well placed; after Christmas so the DSi can still make them money, and early enough the next year to be part of people's summer, and build up a head of publicity steam before Christmas 2011.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1127 on: September 29, 2010, 02:07:49 PM »
One other thing. The 3DS OS:

The first icon is the game, the question mark is the AR cards, the next seems to be like the WiiChannel mail you get telling you how much time you spent playing, and possibly how many people you meet and exchange info with. On the bottom; wifi, Mii channel, and pedometer. Then next to that it also looks like a music channel. Then there are icons along the top which going from left to right look like: brightness, possibly two choices for menu view, messaging (which I hope can be utilized in wifi), an icon I don't know (maybe something like Facetime, maybe just the camera), the icon the girl presses to view the updates she got in Tag mode, and the browser. There is more space to the right, as indicated by the arrow icon, which will likely be for 3DSware and V.C like on Wii, but I was hoping for something a little more robust, so hopefully there's more to the OS than meets the eye. Which also begs the question: when is the full reveal going to be?

That face icon is actually the icon for PictoChat on the DSi menu, so it would make sense to assume that's what this is. You'll also notice, just on the right-hand edge of the screen, what appears to be the Music & Sound application, another returning feature from the DSi.

The Home menu seems to have a nice layout, more akin to how it is on the Wii. I was personally expecting the menu to have some sort of 3D effect going for it, but this looks perfectly functional.

For anyone who has not heard the news, Nintendo has confirmed that some Augmented Reality software will be preloaded onto the system's firmware. Special paper cards will be packed in to allow the camera to create new images on the 3DS screen while playing the AR games.
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Offline TJ Spyke

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1128 on: September 29, 2010, 02:38:31 PM »
I think $250 is if we are lucky. Man if its bare bones and no pack in that is pretty rough. Anyone else kinda amused Nintendo is making the same mistake Atari, Sega, Nokia, Sony hell everyone else except wonderswan and neogeo made launching a handheld at console price.  History has shown us it didn't work and nintendo did well cause it was at a mass market price especially affordable for kids who handhelds are better suited for. Personally I like underdog Nintendo way better than king fo the world Nintendo of the last 3 years. Seriously if anyone can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory it is Nintendo.

Actually, no. It's pretty much guaranteed to be $250, the US price is always lower than the Japanese price. Also, what mistake do you claim Nintendo is making? All those other systems you named failed because they went up against Nintendo's handheld. The DS is the biggest selling system of all time, so that alone will get a lot of people to buy the 3DS.

Now what will happen?  PSP2 at a resaonable price?  Or will it be even more outrageous?  Knowing Sony they will be idiots and sell it for like $500.  But If PSP2 dev isn't that far along maybe they should consider being the budget item.

Also man this makes iphone especially the cheaper ones a way bigger deal. Why would parents buy their kids 3DS for $250-300 plus games (which for all we know are going to be $40-50) when they could get a touch for $100 and give them points cards here and there?

Where are you seeing iPod Touch's for $100? Maybe if you find a first gen one at a pawn shop. The cheapest one out there is the 8GB version of the 2nd gen Touch at $180, the cheapest 3rd gen one is $230. Most iOS games are not that good (visually or power).

Hate to be a negative nancy but I think Nintendo messed up big time...

but if they bundle OoT 3D with it and charge $300 I'de probably begrudingly buy it.

Edit;  Nintendo's stock is plummeting between from this price point and profit forecast cuts.  Investors are mad.  Sounds like form the various business sources that they were trying to get it done for japan before xmas.  Also analyst say that Y25k instead of Y20k is a major factor in why stocks are falling.

Not sure what you are talking about. Their stock has been up today. It only dropped after they said holiday sales would be lower than expected (which has NOTHING to do with the 3DS. It was never gonna be out this year, that was just a rumor. Do I wish it was $200? Yes, but Nintendo is doing everything right about it and it looks like the system will be worth $250.
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Offline Halbred

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1129 on: September 29, 2010, 02:42:03 PM »
If they include a pack-in game and some free 3DSWare stuff like the DSi did, then I can see $250. Otherwise, just the bare-bones system should be $200. If Nintendo wants to capture the market like they did with the DS, they're gonna have to come down in the West.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1130 on: September 29, 2010, 03:18:28 PM »
but if they bundle OoT 3D with it and charge $300 I'de probably begrudingly buy it.

Bundle a PORT?  If you're going to bundle something (ie: force people to pay for a game they may or may not want) at least make it a new game.  Ocarina of Time is one of the most ported games around.  I myself own THREE versions of it and I typically never buy multiple versions of a game (of course the extras were promotional freebies on the Cube).  I would absolutely hate it if I was forced to pay extra for a game I already have.
I say go for the lower price and not bother with a pack-in unless it's a demo or something.  Getting the price down seems like a higher priority.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1131 on: September 29, 2010, 03:31:35 PM »
Personally I think including the cradle was a great idea. Now it forces you to create space for your 3DS somewhere in your personal space. It adds to the cost, but im really hoping there is more to it than a charging dock.

Like a usb computer connector for synchronization and alarm clock settings and movie dock or something along those lines.

Was there any info on the dock?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 03:38:22 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline EternalRain

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1132 on: September 29, 2010, 03:58:51 PM »
man, i wish i didnt have to pay more den 200$ for a 3ds but seeing its Nintendo ima trust dem on dis one, but also i want those horrible friend codes to dissapear, id be nice if i only had a 1 fc for my ds and all my games . . .
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Offline TJ Spyke

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1133 on: September 29, 2010, 04:27:30 PM »
I myself own THREE versions of it and I typically never buy multiple versions of a game (of course the extras were promotional freebies on the Cube).

There only exists three versions (the N64 original and as part of the two Zelda promo discs on GCN, maybe four if you count VC). It may not be my favorite Zelda game, but bundling this remake would probably help sell a lot of systems.
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Offline alegoicoe

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1134 on: September 29, 2010, 04:39:14 PM »
handheld gone perfect, man cant wait for this, and the game lineup is just nasty
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1135 on: September 29, 2010, 04:51:51 PM »
There only exists three versions (the N64 original and as part of the two Zelda promo discs on GCN, maybe four if you count VC).

Well why wouldn't I count the VC?  There are four different ways to have obtained Ocarina of Time.  Soon there will be a fifth.  Including an original game pleases the most people so if you go with a pack-in I think that's the way to go.  The issue of someone already owning the game and not wanting to buy it again goes completely out the window if you use a new game.

Offline KisakiProject

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1136 on: September 29, 2010, 04:59:35 PM »
My mistake I meant iphones are $100 if you go low end.  Not touches.

Also keep in Mind that when Lynx launched Gameboy wasn't established.  Game gear went up against gameboy when Sega was at their peak and gameboy wasn't complete king until Gameboy pocket hit.  They failed cause they cost too much inspite of their features.

Nintendo's handhelds have suceeded because they sold to children and casual gamers.  That is impossible at a $250-300 point.  Hell thats impossible several price cuts later.  They are shooting themselves because after the inital rush of tech nerds, nintendo fanboys with good jobs, and some people who are irresponsible with money who is this gonna sell too?  I would say 3DS to DS is gonna PS3 to PS2.   Love to be wrong.

Also people who are thinking it is gonna be $250.  When DS launched at Y15000 and $150 in the US the US price was HIGHER than the Yen.  Wii and DSi are higher in japan but this isn't always the norm.  Also the yen to dollar is rarely like this.   $250 is possible but I think $270-90 is more likely to avoid 300 stigma but still be high enough for them.  Given the current trend in world economics in 5 months the Yen will liekly be even better agianst the dollar.  It will be increasingly larger than $250.

In detail

Original DS @ launch - Japan: 15000 yen ($146 at release) / North America: $149.99
 DS Lite @ launch - Japan 16800 yen ($144 at release) / North America: $129.99

25,000y = Wii launch price At the time, $204. We got 249 with the game.
 DSi @ launch - Japan 18900 yen ($171 at release) / North America: $169.99
 DSi XL @ launch - Japan: 20000 yen ($224 at release) / North America: $189.99

$50 or more less than japanese value isn't gonna happen.

In regards to their stock plummeting in direct result of the price (granted the no japan until feb seems to have bothered investors more) see
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 05:08:48 PM by KisakiProject »

Offline Stogi

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1137 on: September 29, 2010, 05:09:51 PM »
Oh man....*drools*

I can't wait till the homebrew community figure out how to convert 3D movies onto this thing. BnM, you may have been right about Netflix. If they are trying to have 3D TV channels on the system, then what's stopping a service like Netflix? Seems obvious to me.

The price point is pretty steep, but I'll wait and see what they actually charge before I get upset.

I can't believe how good Resi looks. In 3D, i'm sure it'll be much scarier as well. SF looks great, as does Paper Mario and even Animal Crossing. I wonder what killer app is coming next christmas. Metroid maybe? I'd love to see what Fifa would look like on this thing.

Overall, the system looks good.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1138 on: September 29, 2010, 05:27:15 PM »
Isn't the Yen stronger than the dollar right now? $250 is about right. Nintendo would be wise to lower that price as much as possible. I'm still not touching 3DS until it's sub-$200.

I would guess that the cost of components and manufacturing is no where near $300 and Nintendo is going for greater profits margins. They're a business; that's kind of what business do and Nintendo, if I remember correctly, only ever took a slight loss on hardware with Gamecube after cutting the price to $99 (don't ask me to verify that, it's not that important). Nintendo could probably still make a profit, just not as large of one, if they sold at or closer to $200. For comparison's sake, I believe the iPhone 4's components come to roughly $188 and Apple sells it for like $600 (16GB) out of contract. The discrepancy between components vs. MSRP isn't that outrageous so maybe we should count our lucky stars? I still can't justify spending that much on a handheld. Just can't. Cheap gamer is cheap.

Nintendo is in a tough position. Because of shortages, Wii consoles routinely sold for hundreds more online than Nintendo's MSRP. Nintendo saw none of that sweet sweet cash. Think of all the money they could have made if they anticipated the demand. At the same time, 3DS is decidedly less dramatically new or innovative than the Wii or even the DS, more evolutionary than revolutionary. If people aren't willing to pay $300 for it, Nintendo effectively shoots themselves in the foot.

Anyway, I'm still a little miffed at the different sized screens. I still don't see any benefit to that.

Offline TJ Spyke

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1139 on: September 29, 2010, 05:27:55 PM »
With iPhone you also have a rip-off price to pay every month. Also, where do you see them for $100? The low-end model is the 16GB model and that is $200.

Game Gear failed because it took 6 batteries and last about 4 hours (Game Boy Classic took 4 batteries and lasted about 10 hours, sometimes more). Lynx just had severe lack of games, cost twice as much (Game Boy was $90, Lynx was $180), and not in as many stores.

Minor, but the Wii price at launch was equal to $214. As you mentioned, they also included Wii Sports with it outside of Japan, and the game went for about $60 in Japan.

You don't realize, but you are proving my point. Over time the price difference has gotten bigger. The DSi XL is about $40 cheaper. A $250 pricepoint is the most probably pricepoint and the odds on favorite. I would be willing to bet you on it.

The price drop is almost certain (based on timing) to be based on lower predicted earnings this holiday, not 3DS coming out in February. And you again say the stock plummeted. I disagree. It did drop, but 9% is not what I would consider plummeting.

As for who buys the DS, pretty much everyone buys DS's. Casual gamers, hardcore gamers, kids, adults, men, women. And there are games for all of them. People said the DS wouldn't sell at $150 (their most expensive handheld to date), it did. They said the DSi wouldn't sell at $180, it did. The DSi XL will still sell very well, especially with all of the stuff confirmed to be included with the system.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 05:29:32 PM by TJ Spyke »
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Offline Kytim89

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1140 on: September 29, 2010, 05:42:22 PM »
Nintendo could be setting up a 2-tier system. The DS is still a very viable system for the lower price range. What could happen is that once the DS sales begin to really fall off once the 3DS has settled, Nintendo will reduce the price of the 3DS. Nintendo might not want each system to cannalbalize each other.
I mean with money as tight as it is right now, I might not be able to buy this thing at $300. My ceiling was $200 and now I am going to debate whether I should invest the money or not. I love the DS brand, but I can not help but shake my head no at the the price point of the 3DS.
I wonder if the induction charger and 2 GB SD card have anything to do with the price tag? If so, I have a 8 GB SD card and Nintendo can keep their card so they do not have to charge me for it. As for the induction charger, I wonder if you can just plug a charger cord into the 3DS like the older DS systems? If so, Nintendo can keep the induction charger and reduce the cost.
I have to wonder how much trade in value Gamestop will be offering for the DS systems towards the 3DS. I figure that I might use my DSi as a down payment towards a black 3DS. Before I do this though, I want to see how DSiware titles are transfered over to the 3DS.
Overall, I have no doubts that the 3DS will be a massive seller, but I can not shake this feeling that the $300 price tag will turn a lot of people away from buying this on day one.
As for the wii 2, if they are going to charge $300 for a system of this magnitude, I am almost affraid to ask what the price for the wii 2 will be when it is revealed. $500?
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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1141 on: September 29, 2010, 06:01:58 PM »
Really no online play info? Why do I have a feeling no talk of a online overhaul means there will be a very limited one...
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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1142 on: September 29, 2010, 06:07:34 PM »
I think this would be a day one purchase if i didn't already have a DS even at 300, but now I'm going to have to see exactly what I get for the money to buy it.  If all the secondary features are functional (media player, camera, etc) and easy enough to use I could see myself picking it up soon after release since I have to travel quite a bit for work and it would be nice to have an "all in one" for entertainment use instead of all the devices and their various chargers everytime.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1143 on: September 29, 2010, 06:34:47 PM »
As for the wii 2, if they are going to charge $300 for a system of this magnitude, I am almost affraid to ask what the price for the wii 2 will be when it is revealed. $500?

That's interesting to think about.  The PS3 is $300 now and I don't really expect the Wii 2 to dwarf it in specs.  For $500 I better not get the same Super Mario Sunshine models from the Gamecube days.  Nintendo would have to make some impressive games to get me to pay that much.
When the 3DS was revealed I thought that it would look rather bad that Nintendo's portable appeared to be a more powerful system (or at least equally powerful) than their console.  I figured it would "expose" the Wii's shortcomings too much in the eyes of the casual/non-game market that had not being paying attention to the other consoles but would pay attention to the 3DS.  This brings up the fact that the Wii may also cost less than its portable cousin.  So either the Wii is a really out-of-date dinosaur system that can't hold a candle to a damn portable OR the 3DS is vastly overpriced because it is even more expensive than a damn console.  Either way one of the two systems looks bad.
The best solution is probably to just get the Wii 2 out.  If the 3DS is $250 and the Wii 2 is $300 and has WAY better graphics then at least we've got a reasonable price difference between the two of them.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1144 on: September 29, 2010, 07:03:35 PM »
Did anybody watch the new Super Street Fighter IV video?

Did you notice the other new feature besides the Tag Fighting?
No Friend codes, random stranger local connection VS fighting!

It looks like you can just challenge anyone within range that has the game to a fight, even if they were in the middle of a match(trying to beat the game on solo) without so much as having to enter any kind of code.

Offline Kytim89

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1145 on: September 29, 2010, 08:29:53 PM »
As for the wii 2, if they are going to charge $300 for a system of this magnitude, I am almost affraid to ask what the price for the wii 2 will be when it is revealed. $500?

That's interesting to think about.  The PS3 is $300 now and I don't really expect the Wii 2 to dwarf it in specs.  For $500 I better not get the same Super Mario Sunshine models from the Gamecube days.  Nintendo would have to make some impressive games to get me to pay that much.
When the 3DS was revealed I thought that it would look rather bad that Nintendo's portable appeared to be a more powerful system (or at least equally powerful) than their console.  I figured it would "expose" the Wii's shortcomings too much in the eyes of the casual/non-game market that had not being paying attention to the other consoles but would pay attention to the 3DS.  This brings up the fact that the Wii may also cost less than its portable cousin.  So either the Wii is a really out-of-date dinosaur system that can't hold a candle to a damn portable OR the 3DS is vastly overpriced because it is even more expensive than a damn console.  Either way one of the two systems looks bad.
The best solution is probably to just get the Wii 2 out.  If the 3DS is $250 and the Wii 2 is $300 and has WAY better graphics then at least we've got a reasonable price difference between the two of them.

I believe that the wii is starting to show its age despite having very pretty first and third party games. If Nintendo can create such a radical leap from the DS with the 3DS, then I think they can pull off a pretty good leap from the wii to the wii 2.
As for the 3DS being over priced, I could agree with that statement one-hundred percent. Nintendo has always been good at bringing good handhelds to the market with a reasonable price tag. Three hundred dollars is just too much for a handheld. Sony found this out the hard way with the PSPGo and Nintendo might learn a lesson from the 3DS.
The roster of launch titles is very impressive, but the only games I am interested in is Kid Icarus and Resident Evil Revelations and what ever third party games that have not been officially revealed such as Ninja Gaiden. I have no taste for ports and the Star Fox game seems like it should be a DS titile.
I have to wonder if the pricing of the system is not so much Nintendo's doing, but a move by their investors. I could easily imagine Iwata going to an investor's meeting and being told that they could have made more money on the DS and wii and thus will have to charge more their successors when in fact the sales prices on those successors can be more flexible if they wanted it to be that way.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1146 on: September 29, 2010, 08:36:59 PM »
I really wish everyone would stop trippig on the price as if a 25000Yen price tag will directly translate to $300 in US stores.

We aren't sure what the price will be, but I'm hoping it translates to something inbetween $229 & $249.
But either way, unless you are buying a Japanese unit, don't stress the price just yet. It could be a situation like the N64 where is was supposed to launch for $250 and last minute it was $200 @ launch. Let's wait and see.

Offline Kytim89

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1147 on: September 29, 2010, 08:41:56 PM »
I really wish everyone would stop trippig on the price as if a 25000Yen price tag will directly translate to $300 in US stores.

We aren't sure what the price will be, but I'm hoping it translates to something inbetween $229 & $249.
But either way, unless you are buying a Japanese unit, don't stress the price just yet. It could be a situation like the N64 where is was supposed to launch for $250 and last minute it was $200 @ launch. Let's wait and see.

Does currency fluctuation have anything to do with this? If so, how does it work?

I just said that I find ports distasteful, but another way that 3DS will burry the PSP is if it can capture all of its major third party games. Of course the 3DS has its own repitore of third party games, but I would like to see Peace Walker, Birth by Sleep, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and what ever Square Enix games that in the pipe to be ported the 3DS. If this were to happen then we may be attending the funeral of the PSP.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 08:51:06 PM by Kytim89 »
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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1148 on: September 29, 2010, 08:49:30 PM »
Talking it over with a friend of mine...

He suggested that Nintendo may wait to see how pre-orders/sales in Japan go before announcing pricing in the US.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« Reply #1149 on: September 29, 2010, 09:07:15 PM »
I just said that I find ports distasteful, but another way that 3DS will burry the PSP is if it can capture all of its major third party games. Of course the 3DS has its own repitore of third party games, but I would like to see Peace Walker, Birth by Sleep, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and what ever Square Enix games that in the pipe to be ported the 3DS. If this were to happen then we may be attending the funeral of the PSP.

The PSP died years ago.  Japan's just been living in a state of denial, continually trotting around the corpse and pretending the occasional twitch means it's still alive.

As for ports, if Valkyria Chronicles made the jump to 3DS I would consider it distasteful (that series belongs in the console world where it began) but I might actually buy it then.  I'll take nearly anything over a series being relegated to the PSP or Apple devices.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 09:08:57 PM by broodwars »
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