Author Topic: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM  (Read 30720 times)

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2005, 10:36:39 AM »
That idea of a 3D world with a 2D gameplay element, that one goal (or fewer goals, anyway) idea is very interesting.
The possibility of going through warp pipes to switch between 2D and 3D is really cool, too.  I don't think it should be older games, though, I want it to be new side-scrolling levels and maybe switch between.  That would be fun, if done properly.
I don't have any expectations for this game, though.  I'm just interesting in seeing what it has to offer.
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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2005, 10:46:41 PM »

having you complete a part of the level without hitting the ground by making you jump from enemy to enemy, etc.

Sounds like Jungle Beat's combos.
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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2005, 12:08:37 AM »
All I care about the next Mario? Two words, "Applied Innovation" SMS had innovation, what with the water pack and all. But I wouldn't exactly say it was applied all that well. At least not to the "beyond our expectation" level that we are used to being took to by Mario games.

Whatever the gimmick is this time. I just hope it is applied to the fullest of it's capabilities. Totally explored and flushed out. That would make Mario great again.

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2005, 07:45:53 AM »
I thought the water pack was very well applied.  Biggest flaw of the game was having 120 Shine Sprites when they only needed 100.  Screw blue coins and all that crap.  Anyway, it wasn't applied to the fullest potential imaginable, but that's hardly possible.  It was extremely well incorporated.

Doesn't mean something couldn't be done better in this game, of course.  Personally I'd like to see something completely different, rather than an additional innovation, that changes the gameplay and maintains the Mario flava.  But I'm very much open to possibilities, I'm trying not to come up with some notion of what it is, have it be way off, and then be disappointed for basically no reason when it's not what I thought it would be (having had no evidence to even suggest that it's what I thought).

Yeah, it's be nice to see air levels again.  Lots of moving platforms (not slow and boring platforms like Mario 64) and bunches of enemies and clouds and places to duck and jump and move to different platforms and all that jazz.  Those are the best levels ever.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2005, 08:24:33 AM »

Screw blue coins and all that crap.
Toally agree.  I'm sad to admit I never finished SMS for that exact reason.  I was missing 5 or 10 shines, and they were all from blue coins.  And since the game didn't let you know where you were missing blue coins (at least not that I could figure out) you would literally have to comb over every area for hours looking for a blue coin that you may or may not have missed.  
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2005, 09:53:24 AM »
I loved blue coins, but I agree that because people whine (ahaha) they should be for gaining extra unlockables rather than from getting all the stars or shines...
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2005, 10:10:08 AM »
It wasn't the blue coins themselves it was the lack of any sort of counter.  Every level should have had a counter indicating how many blue coins there were in total and how many you had found.

My biggest problem with Super Mario Sunshine was the restrictive nature of it.  In Super Mario 64 if I wanted to get a star out of sequence I could.  In SMS I have to do them in the order presented.  In SM64 I could get to new areas based on how many stars I had regardless of which ones they were.  In SMS you have to beat the Bowser Jr level in each area.  That hurt a lot of the freedom.  In SM64 if I hated an area I could skip it and still beat the last boss.  It's impossible to do that in SMS.

Plus in SMS you can't fly, all the areas have a tropical setting and that gets old real quick, and there were a lot of timed challenges that just seemed more tedious than anything.  These weren't crucial on their own but all these little irritations combined with the lack of flexibility hurt the game as a whole.

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2005, 11:48:37 AM »
A counter would have improved things a lot, but as I got near the end, I knew how many blue coins were left to find, I was just tired after spending 10 hours trying to find them.  Scouring every inch of the level was too frustrating....and I cleared Donkey Kong 64.

I think Nintendo should have included an item that will uncover the locations of Blue Coins if you so please.  They would still have taken a good number of hours to collect, even if you used the locator all the time, and players with some self-restraint could just not use it.  You could also "earn" use of the item, like the magnifying glass in Yoshi's Island.

In spite of my complaining, I liked Super Mario Sunshine a lot.  The only thing I really wish it had was a couple more levels.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #33 on: March 17, 2005, 06:14:38 AM »
I don't think 3D Mario is broken.  I really enjoy 3D Mario.  However, when I was playing 3D Mario, I thought to myself, it would be really cool to design a game that focused on 2D platforming with the movies from the 3D Mario games.  Basically I think if you bring the moves and skill needed in the 3D Marios (Specially Sunshine) and move them to a 2D Mario, you can make a more extreme Platformer.  One that is hard because it would require thought and skill to advance through the levels as well as the usual keen sense of timing needed for the harder 2D Mario games.

Adding in Dodge move I think would make it balanced and fair if an enemy is coming and you have already committed yourself to a jump or whatnot.  

Imagine having a level that required you move as fast as you can because a Chain Chomp or heat seeking Bullet Bills are constantly after you.  The level would start out normal run and gun platforming, but would quickly require you to start Wall Jumping, U-Turn Flip jumping, and such.  

This would obviously be a more advanced level.  

Or how about an Auto scrolling air level, where you are bouncing from flying Turtle Shell to flying Turtle Shell (or platform) and a blocking wall comes up, so you Jump towards it and Wall jump off it to a higher Turtle Shell, or Platform to Continue on.  If you are too afraid to try that manuever you can try to do the Backflip over the wall and land back on your Turtle Shell, but that takes incredible timing to perform correctly.

Basically it can allow you to make a Mario Platformer, that is designed around constant movement and skilled jumping.

As for the 2-4 player modes.  I think it would be fun to have bonus levels that designed for multiplayer modes.    Also included on these bonus levels would be a special level that randomly generates an endless level that you and your friends can play.  This level would calculate how far you go as a team and gives you a score on teamwork, time played, Distance achieved, and such.  It could be a great challenge to see how long you can play as a team and how far you can reach.  Later on (specially if its online) you Nintendo can have tournaments where they design special levels that test your teamwork and speed at getting through the levels.  Prizes can then be awarded.

I don't mind a new 3D Mario, in fact I desire one greatly, however I would love this even more.

Offline Spak-Spang

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #34 on: March 17, 2005, 06:20:16 AM »
Also it isn't the collecting Items that is annoying about 3D games.  Its when collecting the items do not lead to fun challenging objectives.  Super Mario 64, and Sunshine were fun, because to collect a Star or Shine you had to not just get to it, but also DO SOMETHING.  The challenge wasn't just finding the object, but solving the puzzle, or doing something skillful to earn it.  The only Stars that were really frustrating in Sunshine were the Blue Coins.  I have all the Shines but 1 or 2 in that game, but I won't collect anymore, because it is so frustrating trying to find those remaining coins.  

The next 3D Mario I think needs to stick somewhat to the basics.  I wouldn't mind an interconnected world hub, but I want to have definate indications of what is world 1 and so on, so I know how far I am advancing, and such.  One giant world can be too overwhelming sometimes, and can lead you into areas you aren't ready for yet.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #35 on: March 17, 2005, 06:35:08 AM »
Mario with more stunts available and more puzzles would be Donkey Kong '94. Best GB game EVER.

I didn't bother with trying to complete Sunshine. Secret hunting gets on my nerves and if a game requires it (like, say, Turok or Rayman) I hate it for that and never play it very far.

Offline Spak-Spang

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #36 on: March 17, 2005, 07:03:27 AM »
KDR_11K:  I really need to buy Mario Vs. Donkey Kong.  I don't know why I haven't yet.  I keep telling myself its worth it, but I don't like to just spend money.  I make a horrible gamer.

However, even Mario Vs. Donkey Kong isn't exactly what I mean.  That game is almost pure puzzle.  Very little twitch gaming platforming.  I want something to moves faster.  That includes larger more complicated levels.  

Note, not all the levels have to be such drastic examples and so hard.  You can easily slow incorporate all the new moves together, until you have a game where moves are required to be perfectly blended together.  

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #37 on: March 17, 2005, 08:45:53 AM »
Donkey Kong '94 does not equal Mario VS DK...DK '94 was basically an updated version of the arcade classic...

(And I still say save the 2D for Mario Brothers DS...From the original vid it appears that Mario will be bringing his 64/Sunshine moves in for a testdrive... .)
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RE:Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #38 on: March 17, 2005, 02:00:09 PM »
All collecting should be optional.  I wouldn't mind collecting powerups like in Mario Bros. 3, but powerups are used for something.  Collecting things in Sunshine was a requirement to advance to the next stage.  I didn't like the game despite how good it looked and how well Mario controlled.  I myself would like to keep hope that Mario can work better in 3D.  Sunshine also tried to be too different from what Mario Bros. was about, and so did Luigi's Mansion.  The things people liked the best about Sunshine were the things that reminded them of the old 2D games like the platforming levels with the oldschool music.  Look at how hideous GTA is, how lame the game design is, and how clunky and complicated the controls are.  GTA is still more fun, and truthfully more accessable to noncore gamers than Sunshine.  It means that Mario's world should be vast like GTA and Zelda with towns, but rather than accessing missions or temples you find platforming stages.

I want Yoshi back in a big way.  I want to be able to feed him powerups, make him as big as a t-rex, run fast, swim, fly, and spit fire.  I also want DK in the game because it allows for the two Mario Brothers, Yoshi, and DK to be used together back and forth any time with up to four players.

I want to see large dinosaurs and dragons too.  Look at this new game on PS2 from the makers of Ico.  

I had some other ideas about Mario's powerups.  Mario Bros. has always been a subliminal drug game.  You eat mushrooms things happen.  What if you rolled up the fire flower and smoked it in a cigar and you had the power until the cigar went out.  Same thing with the old school leaf that lets you fly.  Mario and Luigi could roll up the leaf and smoke it to grow white wings on their backs.  They would give you the same power as three racoon tails for flight and hovering.  College kids would eat it up.  It would be hillarious to see Luigi roll a cigar in the game and smoke it to get high.  

Also what about the whole "plumbers" thing?  Mario and Luigi could be Italian mobsters.  They need to rough up their voices too.  Mario should not sound like that.  No man sounds like that.  Look at what Disney has done with the voices of thier characters.  Some of the most memorable voices I remember from my childhood were from Pinochio and Alice in Wonderland.  
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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #39 on: March 17, 2005, 04:57:49 PM »
I'd love to see them go back to the overworld from Super Mario World on the SNES.  I used to love the branching pathes and the castles (with thier individual animation after you defeated them).  That game and Mario Bros 3 gave me the feeling as if I was really in the Mario's world.
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RE:Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #40 on: March 17, 2005, 05:36:39 PM »
I don't know why, but lately, I've been thinking about those castle animations as well.  They weren't overdone FMV, that took up a lot of time, but they were just enough to reward the player for a challenge.  Again, they weren't Hollywood clips, but then again, they didn't need to be.  They were rewards, in the games own style.  The style you agreed to when you started playing the game.  I think some companies lost sight of that, and try and reward you with a bigger budgeted cut scene.  I for one can say, that is not what I want.  It's been said before, that is what Hollywood is for.  (I'm a film major, so I'm not against cut scenes, believe me)  I just want game developers to take a "less is more" stance with FMV.  Only play them as rewards, not just for plot furthering.  Think about the scenes from Wind Waker if you want to know good incorporating this gen.

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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #41 on: March 17, 2005, 06:38:33 PM »
what if the game knew which system it was on..and adjusted the graphics accordingly?
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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #43 on: March 18, 2005, 01:54:52 AM »
*smacks Bill forclaiming DK'94 was just an updated version of the classic when it had really little in common with DK*

I agree with the sentiment that they should make it closer to SMW. That game had a world that seemed complete, not too many powerups to confuse you, lots and pretty long levels and a difficulty ramp that went slowly from "cakewalk" to "gauntlet". It had platforming and the old, "weak Mario" damage system which I miss in the 3d iterations. I guess a game consisting of levels similar to Sunshine's secrets with checkpoints (important, it sucks to have to start over if you died 5 metres from the shine) and a damage system where you die from one or two hits (in Sunshine death from damage was way too rare, enemies should pose an actual threat) would be much more fun than Sunshine. A game about trick platforming would be much better than Sunshine's "explore the world" style. Of course it would need a better camera system so perhaps this game wouldn't be very fun if it was made instead of Sunshine (I'd prefer Wario World's camera).

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RE:Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #44 on: March 18, 2005, 05:12:55 AM »

I had some other ideas about Mario's powerups. Mario Bros. has always been a subliminal drug game. You eat mushrooms things happen. What if you rolled up the fire flower and smoked it in a cigar and you had the power until the cigar went out. Same thing with the old school leaf that lets you fly. Mario and Luigi could roll up the leaf and smoke it to grow white wings on their backs. They would give you the same power as three racoon tails for flight and hovering. College kids would eat it up. It would be hillarious to see Luigi roll a cigar in the game and smoke it to get high.

What the?  You can't be serious!?  I know a lot of people love to go for the drug thing when it comes to Super Mario, but that's just for laughs - I don't think it was ever what Miyamoto and co. had in mind.  Even if it was, the series has obviously gone in a direction where doing something like this would be suicide.  Funny, but suicide.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #45 on: March 18, 2005, 08:03:43 AM »
If mario 128 had a 2D element......this is what I would like it to be like:

Level Starts:

I run, then jump up to a higher level, kill enemy, and run some more. I wall-jump, till I reach new hieght level, kill enemy, then start running. I pengiun slide down a huge ramp, jump up grab a swinging rope to not fall into lava, flip off the rope and grab the edge of deck (*whew* close one). I start running, do a triple flip into a wall, then wall-jump to come to a new height level (the wall was at first to high for me to wall-jump normally). I run, grab the frog suit, and jump into the water. The frog suit now, is more of fin attached to Mario's back, than an actual frog suit. (The screen starts to side-scroll automatically) I swim, then notice a hurdle. I jump dolphin style out of the water to clear it. Many more come and I do the same (battletoads!). Then one comes that's to wide for me to jump, so I jump and grab the swinging rope above the hurdle of death. While swinging, I notice a huge wall coming that covers almost the entire side of the screen, the only way to advoid it is diving back deep into the water. I flip off the rope, do a dive waverace style, avoid the wall and swim to safe ground.........and it goes on like that.

It would be easy enough for developers to make fun levels that require timing, skill, reflexes, and intelegence. It'd be great!
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RE:Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2005, 12:06:31 PM »
Mario's real problem was a complete lack of imagination. In Mario 64 you could look up at the ceiling and find yourself flying in the clouds. You could follow a rainbow on a flying carpet, ride a gaint penguin or take a ride on the loch ness monster. You could jump into a hole and find a hidden town, or jump into a painting and find a whole other world. Sunshine had some cool stuff, but Mario 64 made your dreams come true.

Anyway, Mario 128. I like nemo's idea about a 2-4 player co-op game. But, call me crazy, the demo from Spaceworld 2000 (is that right?) makes me want massively multiplayer mario. I'm not sure how that would work, exactly.... I have an image in my head of 100 marios on one end of a giant seesaw, all jumping at the same time to make something happen.
if I expand on that, I can imagine a whole world, a giant playground full of marios, with all kinds of crazy platforming puzzles and fun stuff. You could grab a partner and try to climb the treacherous extra-tall-tall mountain, or grab a shell and head out to the vast lava sea. See an item dangling from a distant height? Gather 10 Marios and stack up to create a teetering mario tower of power. Then, cool off in Freezing Cold land by starting an all-mario snowball fight.
It could work.
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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2005, 12:12:33 PM »
Don'tHate, sounds like you need to buy Jungle Beat.
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RE: Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #48 on: March 18, 2005, 01:38:52 PM »
Wandering_nintendo_fan.......hahahaha I love it! Not only is it funny, but it'd be fun to have "partner in crime."

Realistically, I'd think it would be utter madness. Nobody would want to do anything except jump and throw people around and such.
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RE:Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2005, 06:42:59 PM »
... and that alone would be worth the price of admission.
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