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Topics - ThePerm

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16]
Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo in a patenting rampage?
« on: April 07, 2004, 01:26:33 PM »

i was looking throught the us patent and trademark office today and i notice that theyve put up a gajillion things within the last few days...alot of recent stuff....they even patented jumping in a game.....

sorry if i posted with no content the damn thing sent before i got a chance to write anything

also it seems nintendo is releasing a new controller?

Nintendo Archive

New controller

General Gaming / The rumored and newsed specwar
« on: April 02, 2004, 08:07:37 PM »
as of recently i can't get my facts straight..i just can't remember who is working with who.

anyways in the mix there are a few companies
Nintendo , IBM, ATI, NVIDIA, Sony, Microsoft

anyways who is with who supposedly?

so far
Nintendo with IBM/ATI

General Chat / Happy Birthday Mouseclicker!!!!!!!
« on: March 01, 2004, 06:38:52 PM »

Mouseclickers birthday is soon so i want to wish him a happy birthday. Taking a cue from infernal for nitsu i made a song!!!!!!!!

go mouseclicker
you go mouseclicker

you go


hey mouselclicker
its yo
and you
to open
all yo
presents presents

man i hope you get soem games
like breath of fire 2
and final fantasyyyyyyy

while you open up your presents
why dont you
get up
and grab

man have

you deserve some cool

from yo friends at pgceeeeee

General Chat / The Infernal monkey song thread
« on: February 14, 2004, 06:34:54 AM »
Infernal monkey makes hillarious um yeah...lets discuss the hillarity...maybe a thread will encourage him to make more weird songs...and link em to us..and like then i could upload em and mirror em.  

General Chat / Theperm is doing a report on games
« on: February 11, 2004, 03:39:31 PM »
Im doing a report on getting into the industry, Miyamoto and hideo kojima. Anyways, i need all the help i can get.
Its due next wednesday..i should have a considerable time to do the report this weekend..although i wish i was getting
some final fantasy chrystal chronicles game on... and make some girlfrie...  Anyways......yeah my Report....Helpify me.

General Chat / official aussie avatar discussion
« on: January 26, 2004, 06:03:15 PM »
As you know i have been aussie aprovofied and it is quite an honor. Anyways if anyone uassie invited person needs an aussie seal of aproval this is the place to like discuss about it and whatnot.

General Chat / Dawn of the Dead
« on: January 22, 2004, 07:19:17 PM »
i was lookign through trailers when i came across a new Dawn of the Dead movie. I am a big fan of zombie movies/semi zombie movies and evil flesh eating bacteria outbreak movies.....anyways..yeah looks cool. Kindam akes me think of resident evil, only the resident evil movie was a poor zombie move..good action..poor zombie..anyways...i will prolyl also check out the classic version too so i can hate the new one lol.  

Nintendo Gaming / Prince of Persia kicks so much booty!
« on: January 05, 2004, 10:12:49 AM »
Ok if there was a thread its in the graveyard....anyways My net was out for a week and such i got to play my christmas games. Anyways, Prince of Persia kicks sooo much ass. As far as games go its been a long time since i have played a game that good. I hope Ubi soft gets some awards. This is a killer app and im suprised not more peeps are talking about this game.

Nintendo Gaming / on Turkey Week they were #1
« on: December 02, 2003, 05:24:29 PM »

very sweet to hear that Ninty is back on top and is havign soem good sales. Sure you could say Ps2 sales are weigning because everyoen who wanted one has one? But then agai nyou could say people are buying gamecubes as of now and not ps2s. lol damnit jsut delete the thread...berto just msned me that it was in talkback i feel dumb

well i checked for an exsiting this thread but only in the gamecueb discussion...whoda thunk talkback

General Chat / halloween and/or cosplay
« on: October 23, 2003, 08:03:32 PM »
halloween is coming up and i usually have a party.....anyways i was wonderign if you were dressing up what are you going to be? I am prolly not dressing up...but um yeah i play with toy swords....and ill jsut like you to the last costume i wore which was a mario costume.

General Chat / i cringe at the future
« on: October 19, 2003, 02:24:57 PM »,4364,1338730,00.asp

reading this article and thinking about today's kids inability to have fun with a classic game makes me cringe.

Nintendo Gaming / More Games with Editors :P
« on: September 27, 2003, 05:22:14 PM »
In the Future i'd love to see more games have more editors. Imagine a Zelda game in which you could build levels and make your own story line and characters. Or just all the whacked out mario levels someone could make. Imagine if the next system had more online capabilities and we could download dungeons made by people from around the the games replay value would like soar.

NWR Feedback / some things to spice things up
« on: September 21, 2003, 08:55:06 PM »
Pgc has alot of great stuff like interviews and some editorials...however i  wish there was even more editorials. I love them. I know they are some hard work and you do a great job....but im begining to read the front page less and less often. For some reason i seem to remember alot more editorials in the olden days....oh well maybe im imagining things. Keep up the good work and stuff.

General Chat / The What if Thread.
« on: August 02, 2003, 08:25:54 PM »
This is what me and Piac like to call the What if Thread.....What if. The purpose of this thread is to create a situation
that never happend in the Industry and try to imagine how the industry would be now had the fictional change in history had happened. Its perfectly possible for us to be able to make up stuff about what would happen. Eventually we'll move on to a new made up industry situation on the next page...

ok heres the situation Piac came up with and is a damned good Situation

Imagine if the Sega Master Sytem had done quite well. Imagine if it had captured enough market share from the NES that the NEs became the minority system. Now this was before Sega had games like Sonic and soem other games.

My theory is that Golden Axe would be the top franchise. Atari would have made a comeback and it would be Atari vs Sega right now and also there would be some other ocmpany we'll call them Rockvision.  

General Chat / Official Avatar Discussion
« on: July 22, 2003, 11:13:03 AM »
Everyone has an Avatar now it seems. We all had avatars on the old forums...but we didn't have them for quite a while. Anyways. Each one of us who have avatars have them for a reason. The reason they mean somethign to us. What does your avatars mean? Mine is a character i created just to be an avatar. I could however spin him off into a flash cartoon series. He was created in flash because i wanted a very clean look to it. I don't have any vector programs other then that. I used to use illistrator when i took a class for it. But anyways yeah. I gave him a fro cus i call myself theperm and i associate fros with disco suits and stuff. He also has sort of a pulp fiction vibe.<BR>So what does your avatar mean and where does it ocme from?   

General Chat / Your Megaton Game Setup
« on: May 22, 2003, 10:14:33 PM »
Alot of peopel have some cool cribs...iv changed the subject slightly from just game setups to cribs. It be cool to see what all your houses look like.

here is a friends room...i call him the Nintendo Cleric because he spreads the ways of Nintendo and he once lived in the holy land of fandome. This was his house.

my room should be up soon as i clean is small things fall of the shelves..i keep alot of toy swords....  

Nintendo Gaming / The Voice of link
« on: April 27, 2003, 10:28:54 PM »
ever wodner what link soudns like in may already know and not know it.....

as it turns out the voice actor has been on a bunc hof things.

Nintendo Gaming / Hits of 2003, Rumors, Big Guns, speculation
« on: March 01, 2003, 07:51:49 AM »
There is alot rumored to be going down in Nintendoville. A bunch of games are coming out that will or should be hits.
  First we have Zelda. This game is a must have for gamecube owners. The puzzles, battles, adventure. Must have.
 Then theres the capcom 5. Not all of thse are comign out this year, but their worth listing.
Viewtiful Joe, killer 7, Dead Phoenix, Project No. 3, and of coarse resident evil 4
 Then konami has soem games coming, Teenage Mutent Ninja Turtles, a mysterious Metal gear game and a rumored castlevania game.
 Then theres Squaresoft with Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles. Final Fantasy on a nintendo console thats just awesome.
 Silicon Knights said that they are cooking up some projects. We might not necassarily get too human, but i think after playing ED. any game from SK should be worth checking.
 Whats retro doing. Who knows with metroid prime ready to ship in europe they shoudl have a clean development plate. Rumors of Metroid Prime 2 have surfaced and the engine can be reused maybe wiht a bit of upgrades. Also, who knows what could happen...kid icarus anyone?(i wish....however i dont think it needs the metroid fps treatment..though metroid rocks...its jsut not right for a flying cupid game)
   Thq has sphinx....Eurocom is highly respected by me. Their great programmers yet theyve been stuck with liscenced stuff. Their bond games are really good the only reason why their not great is because they have to differentiate themselves from rare...if they didnt have to then they wouldnt.
  Nintendo has pikmin 2, rumored animal crossing 2, mario 128, kirby's air ride. A rumored new zelda..that isnt far along...but its still there.
  NST has 1080° Avalanche. This game looks pretty good. Snowboardin g games are still pretty popular.
  Treasure is making Wario World. The idea of wario gettign his own 3d game is just a sweet
idea. The greedy bastard can steal money and wrestle his way ot the top.
  Sega is making F-Zero
  Namco is making Starfox.
nuff said.

Nintendo Gaming / Sega!
« on: February 03, 2003, 05:03:58 PM »
Sega has been giving everyone ports. Old games. Take Sonic adventure battle and dx and skies of arcadia...they all have taboo becaus ehtye are dreamcast ports. If Sega wewre to make mroe new
games they wouldntr have this type of Taboo. Do you know how big Sonic Adventure 3 would be.
I mean it would be designed for next generation systems. I bet it totally would be a hit. Not passed up.

NWR Feedback / PGCs Effect on Nintendo's Userbase.
« on: February 02, 2003, 01:16:07 PM »
Here you are, probably the biggest Nintendo fansite. Sure, theres proffesional gaming sites(though you are quite proffesional yourselves) but really it seems as though if your a Nitnendo fan and want to Talk about
Nintendo with other people this is the place to go. Like i said there is IGN... a bigger audience(but PGC has higher standards)but IGN is dominated by more general groups rather then just Nintendo fans(the idea is the overall topic areas desaturate the potency of their boards). Also, it seems as though those boards only reflect what these boards beleive. PGC sets the Nintendo forum trends.

So how do you go about managing such a thing. So powerful you have become. Really, i hope this new board can keep the moral up. This new board has started off on a very positive note; for some reason the other boards are dismal. Often times spammed by illiterate trolls and jaded whiney close minded bitches.
Lets keep the positive up.

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