I just want to see Jill from Drill Dozer, Ray 01 from Custom Robo, Saki from S&P, Little Mac, Krystal (her SFA setup), Shulk from Xenoblade, Palutena, and Midna (on Wolf Link)... as far as Nintendo characters go.
From the third-party side of things: I'd like to see Simon Belmont, Travis Touchdown, Viewtiful Joe, Black Mage (from FF), Rayman, Klanoa, Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia, and.. of course, Mega Man (though, I'm more partial to his X variant.)
Gimme those as far as new characters go, and I'll be beyond a happy camper.
...and take out the clones! ...but keep Falco...
Edit: I also think whichever new Fire Emblem lead character is gonna be in the new 3DS game has got an automatic entry, too. But I still think FE's only gonna be represented by two characters again... thus Marth or Ike has gotta go. Ike would be my option to get the kick.