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Offline DAaaMan64

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #725 on: October 24, 2010, 02:50:14 PM »
My house has a Move, the pointer controls are fine but just a bit delayed. Don't navigate the Playstation Menu with the controller its to hard, but it is pointerless. Sports Champions is their casual title, and something I like a lot better about it is that each sport has a lot more depth then it's Wii equivalent.

As far as quality of motion controls, I'd say its as good as WM+ but not much if any better.

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #726 on: October 24, 2010, 03:32:24 PM »
^of course dude, its just sony being stupid saying that move is better then wii, yeah the original wiimote without motion plus which is four years old, i enjoy my ps3, but come on move is clearly a rip off, shameless sony.
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #727 on: October 24, 2010, 05:07:02 PM »
The Playstation brand has been a ripoff since day one. The PS controller was originally a ripoff of the SNES controller, but with magical shapes instead of letters. Then the N64 came out and revolutionized everything and Sony ripped off the N64's analog stick idea and tacked that onto its already ripped off controller to create the super ripoff that we all know and love.
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #728 on: October 24, 2010, 05:23:48 PM »
My house has a Move, the pointer controls are fine but just a bit delayed. Don't navigate the Playstation Menu with the controller its to hard, but it is pointerless. Sports Champions is their casual title, and something I like a lot better about it is that each sport has a lot more depth then it's Wii equivalent.

As far as quality of motion controls, I'd say its as good as WM+ but not much if any better.

I didn't have a choice other than to use Move to navigate the menu. I am giving this another shot today. I will be back with a longer trip report.
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #729 on: October 24, 2010, 05:31:43 PM »
My house has a Move, the pointer controls are fine but just a bit delayed. Don't navigate the Playstation Menu with the controller its to hard, but it is pointerless. Sports Champions is their casual title, and something I like a lot better about it is that each sport has a lot more depth then it's Wii equivalent.

As far as quality of motion controls, I'd say its as good as WM+ but not much if any better.

Do they really have more depth, though?  I mean, does Disc Golf have anything more to offer than what's on Wii Sports Resort?  While the gladiator mode has a shield, does it have the parrying ability that the WSR mode offers, to give patient players an advantage?  Even though there's more and varying archery targets in  archery, does it match the tactile feel and true, not cheap, difficulty of the WSR version?  Does Table Tennis even work on the Move?  I suppose I can't criticize everyone's favorite game: Bocce Ball.  You got me there.  Of course, WSR has golf. And bowling.  A competitive Disc Golf mode with targets and such. Also, basketball and more.  They might appear shallow, but they have a certain depth to them that I didn't experience or observe whenever I've dealt with Sports Champion's offerings.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #730 on: October 25, 2010, 03:12:52 AM »
Now back with an extended trip report.
 Went back to Time Crisis first. Having played TC4, I have something to compare to and it does not compare, at all. The real thing is superior to the point of making move obsolete. There is a very good reason why the gun shell has no sights and is as thick as a baseball bat. Line of sight shooting to broken, forget it, it DOESN'T FUCKING WORK. So you have to use the pointer and this sucker shakes more than Heroin addict in withdraw.
 Using the cover/reload system is awkward. Since it isn't assigned to a dipping motion like another game which I will get to, you have to hit X. It means you have to hold the gun in an unnatural fashion, not that it matters anymore. Given that it bitches about calibration if you look at it funny, let alone snap shooting, the decision to use the X to cover/reload is putting a band aid on a head wound.
 **** like this will KILL the light gun genre for good. Way to go Namco.
 The game next to it is called Shoot. It is based on you staring in an action movie basically by shooting animation wooden cutouts. It gives new meaning to expendable henchmen and wooden acting. Once again, no line of sight shooting. The sight will happily wander around so any attempt to calibrate is an exercise in insanity. There appears to be some pointer smoothing going on, so the cursor isn't spastic like TC. Not that it makes it better since it just makes it a "Pointer" game, not a light gun game. The game is a lot more forgiving than TC , taking into account that it isn't a hardcore game and that the controls are just not good enough. There also isn't any reloading and there is a a rudimentary cover systemthat is functional if not as slow as everything else.
 During the second stage there is some really pointless waggle work to move the game along. The difficulty goes up a fair bit during this second and last stage of the demo. The controller just isn't up to it. There is also some non-pointer action where you lean left or right to dodge bullets during a quick draw shootout, and as effective as trying to dodge real bullets after the fact.
 These two games had the shortest lines for a bloody good reason, these are **** games. Shoot! is better than TC:RS, but it's a choice between choosing between a **** sandwich and piss shake. You can only win if you do not play.
 The last "Pointer" game I played was SOCOM. I will say "Pointer" again as this game isn't really a "Pointer" game. It turns the Move into a giant analogue stick with a big dead zone. The buttons aren't as well placed as the Wii equivalent, so performing actions is slow and painful.
 SOCOM itself has some strange gameplay design decisions. The character will happily fire into the very cover he is behind even if you have line of sight. When hiding behind cover, you can't pop out and just aim, to pop out, you have to shoot. This is a real issue as half the time the cursor disappears while behind cover, so you blow half the clip just to see where your shooting at. Zooming is a little weird where holding one button is to focus slightly, then to pull up the sight you have to hold that and the nade button.
 I never thought I see that day where I would say that dual analogue is superior control method for a first/third person shooter.
 To sum up the pointer portion of this trip, I have this to say. "THIS **** DOESN'T WORK".

We now move on to the Move portion of this trip proper.

I tried out Fight! It felt about the same as WiiBoxing. For the life of me, I couldn't get a jab or a gut shot in. The boxer would refuse to do them, resulting in him twitching his arm a little. It was like watch the David Tua VS Hollyfield fight. Some of the saddest display of boxing ever to be seen internationally. I finally got tired of trying to finesse the game, so I started to basically do swimming strokes. It resulted in an amazingly brutal and quick beat down of my opponent it was K.O before I could try anything else.

Yes, I effectively gave my computer opponent a concussion by windmilling him. Pitiful.

Lastly I played that gladiator game some of you have mentioned here. I didn't have a partner to play with me, so I had to play the attendant. Given the amount of extra time she had to play the game, the skill difference was pretty clear. I got some good hits in, but I was quickly dispatched. I had very little time to figure out whether move works, but if I was to base it on it his game, I would have to reserve my judgement, I just didn't have enough time to figure things out.

The one thing that didn't work at all was the jump attacks. I am not that tall, but every time I tried to execute one, nothing would happen.

However there was one thing I was surprised by, was that it measured the force of an attack pretty well. Soon a well placed, forceful attack did a lot of damage, compared to other players I saw who waggled and get hits worth 15 points compared to my 200+ points of damage.

Before I left for good, I noticed a kids game that had you paint inside the line. This was the only thing that worked 100% of the time. Considering it was a glorified eye toy game, I am not surprised.

Given how terrible Sony's gear is compared to Nintendo's, I can only imagine how horrifying Microsoft's controller-less efforts are. If the future of gaming on consoles are with Sony, I am out, done with console gaming for good. May heavens luck continue to bless the Nintendo handhelds and long live the Nintendo Handhelds.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #731 on: October 25, 2010, 03:32:45 AM »
I'll be interested to see if places like GameStop/etc. ever get actual Move demo kiosks, because I'd like to try the technology myself before putting in the investment.  When I finally go to do my Platinum run on Resident Evil 5 (during which I have to replay pretty much the entire game several times), I'd really like to do it with Resident Evil 4 Wii-type controls.  And hey, maybe EA/Volition will see the sense in having Move controls for Dead Space 2.  That said, the monetary investment is pretty obscene for just the former and the possibility of the later.  What I saw of The Shoot on Giant Bomb looked kind of cool, and even Sports Champion looked like it could be fun (though the fact that you have to have 2 Move controllers to get the intended experience out of some of the more fun games like Archery is pitiful).  The game's extremely overpriced at $40, though.
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #732 on: October 25, 2010, 03:44:33 AM »
On a Saturday in the middle of October, GameStop had a "Move Day" or something like that.  I'd imagine most stores probably have something set up from that.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #733 on: October 25, 2010, 03:51:31 AM »
You know, there's something else that's been bugging me about Move for a while now: considering its calibration process, is it possible to play Move games lying down?  Due to it being an SD console, I have my Wii hooked up in my living room on my 40-in. SD TV.  My PS3, however, is here in my bedroom hooked-up to my 25-in. LCD HD TV, so I often just play my games lying in bed with controller in hand and it works just fine.  With Move always needing to see that damn ball, though, could I even use the Move in that setting?  :-\   For all its problems, I could still play most Wii games like that, with probably the exception of the Wii Sports games.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 03:57:35 AM by broodwars »
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #734 on: October 25, 2010, 05:21:23 AM »
I'll be interested to see if places like GameStop/etc. ever get actual Move demo kiosks, because I'd like to try the technology myself before putting in the investment.  When I finally go to do my Platinum run on Resident Evil 5 (during which I have to replay pretty much the entire game several times), I'd really like to do it with Resident Evil 4 Wii-type controls.

You will not see RE4 Wii-type controls on RE5. Move doesn't work like that and cannot ever work like that. The "Pointer" controls are nowhere as responsive, as accurate, as usable as anything on the Wii.

What Move is, in regard to it's pointer controls, is in essence, a free floating analogue stick with no fixed point of reference. It works about as well as you think it does. No matter how much maths and processing power they throw in to this, it will never work. There are too many unaccounted for variables on too limited hardware meant to do something else. It all only one step away from kids playing wargames and going BANG BANG, your dead. NATAL is trying to do just that. There is a paintball game trying to do that.
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Offline DAaaMan64

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #735 on: October 25, 2010, 05:42:34 AM »
My house has a Move, the pointer controls are fine but just a bit delayed. Don't navigate the Playstation Menu with the controller its to hard, but it is pointerless. Sports Champions is their casual title, and something I like a lot better about it is that each sport has a lot more depth then it's Wii equivalent.

As far as quality of motion controls, I'd say its as good as WM+ but not much if any better.

Do they really have more depth, though?  I mean, does Disc Golf have anything more to offer than what's on Wii Sports Resort?  While the gladiator mode has a shield, does it have the parrying ability that the WSR mode offers, to give patient players an advantage?  Even though there's more and varying archery targets in  archery, does it match the tactile feel and true, not cheap, difficulty of the WSR version?  Does Table Tennis even work on the Move?  I suppose I can't criticize everyone's favorite game: Bocce Ball.  You got me there.  Of course, WSR has golf. And bowling.  A competitive Disc Golf mode with targets and such. Also, basketball and more.  They might appear shallow, but they have a certain depth to them that I didn't experience or observe whenever I've dealt with Sports Champion's offerings.

Gladiator offers a shield, different fighting styles from AI, actual tactics, a powered-up attack, a usable versus mode, jump attacks, ring outs, rolling get ups, and other additional moves.

I know WSR offers tons of sports, but I would have appreciated some real good depth in a few of them.

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #736 on: October 25, 2010, 05:55:41 AM »
Sony seems to be following handheld market leader Nintendo's revisionist approach. The real question is whether that path can lead Sony to success as well, and only time will tell.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #737 on: October 25, 2010, 01:22:15 PM »
*fantasy speculation ahead*
I'm sure Sony's Move will seem even more obsolete when Nintendo reveals the Wii 2 to have a motion Camera that also has a infra red camera like in the wiimote that tracks the infra red lights coming from the wiimote iteslf.

The Wiimote 2.0 will still track the sensor bar, but now the sensor bar (that has a motion/infra red camera attached to it) will also track the wimote.
The perfect combination of Wii and Move(/kinect) with out stepping on any patents.

Why would Nintendo want to do that though? one flaw in the wiimote design is not knowing where it is at then not being pointed at the screen. This wiimote 2.0 would eliminate that problem while also solving the problem Move is apparently having with a pin point accurate pointer.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #738 on: October 25, 2010, 03:07:23 PM »
Speaking of infrared, wouldn't it be cool if there was something like Kinect that worked by detecting a person's body heat? It would be like Predator. GET TO THE CHOPPA!
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #739 on: October 25, 2010, 03:27:58 PM »
what about x ray vision!!
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #740 on: November 04, 2010, 08:41:45 PM »
Sony makes a Move to disKinect consumers from rival product this holiday.

Sony Launches ÂŁ14m Advert Campaign to Counteract Kinect Effect
[Sony]Will have sold 500,000 Moves in UK by Christmas

With six days before Kinect for Xbox 360 lands in the UK, Sony has kicked off a high-profile advertising campaign for its own motion controller across the country. [Move launches Nov. 10th]

Sony's spending ÂŁ14m to reach three major audiences: families, social players and core gamers. It's formed partnerships with Channel 4, Disney, Nickelodeon and more, and will sponsor Cineworld and Odeon kids clubs. Whilst it doesn't quite match the $500m spent marketing Kinect in the States, it should go a long way to keeping PlayStation Move in everyone's minds at Christmas.

Sony also claims 250,000 Move controllers have been sold across the UK, and expects that number to double before Christmas arrives. SCE UK's marketing director Alan Duncan said:

It is all about getting the device in people’s hands and we still need to keep doing that. It has been a real success for us, we’re pretty much through quarter of a million units and we expect to sell half a million before Christmas. And when you have half a million advocates showing it to their friends and family, you will soon learn if you have a success or not.

The company is also planning a series of shopping centre tours to get the controller in another half-million hands.

Nice Move Sony, but will it be enough to stop the deep pockets of MS from Kinecting with the consumer? I guess Wii will have to wait and see...

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #741 on: November 04, 2010, 10:52:58 PM »
I have a firefox addon that measures puns. It just crashed my entire harddrive. Thanks.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #742 on: November 05, 2010, 04:46:47 PM »
gotta keep things fresh around here. ;)


Is Sony drinking Nintendo's Kool Aid too?
maybe.... but it's definitely the sugar free version :D

Q: Sony has a 3D push in one direction and Nintendo is going in a smaller, portable direction. How do you feel about the Nintendo 3DS?

A: Our perspective is they are doing something different and that’s what Nintendo does. They’ve got their own view, Sony has their own view. Our hope is they do it well because we’re big advocates of 3D. We need consumers to have good 3D experiences.

I actually haven’t seen much of their technology. I know people are excited about it. I’ve heard a little bit that if you move your head a certain way you might lose the image. I just hope they do a great job, building a great 3D platform so people are interested in other 3D platforms. Because, collectively, we need to make sure a consumer has a good experience with 3D however they’re experiencing it so they have an interest in more 3D.

Funny you should say that Mr. Dille. I heard that if I refuse to wear those expensive shutter glasses, all I have is an expensive HDTV.

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #743 on: November 05, 2010, 06:17:23 PM »
It's also true if you refuse to pay for 3D content. But also your image is dimmer.
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #744 on: November 30, 2010, 02:21:27 PM »
Quote from: Sony PR
Remarkable Milestone Achieved in Just 2 Months since Its Release in September

Tokyo, November 30, 2010 - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) today announced that the sales of PlayStation®Move motion controller for the PlayStation®3 (PS3®) computer entertainment system reached over 4.1 million units worldwide*1. The milestone was reached in just 2 months since its release in September for North America, Europe/PAL territories and Asia, and 1 month since the release in October for Japan. The number not only shows clear success of the launch of the new motion sensing controller but also indicates positive momentum going in to the holiday season and to the year 2011.

*1 Number as of November 2010. Cumulative number since its release date, September 15 for Europe/PAL territories and Asian countries/regions, September 19 for North America and October 21 for Japan. The number does not include sales of stand-alone PlayStation®Eye camera or stand-alone PlayStation®Move navigation controller.

That is shipped and NOT sold through to consumers BTW.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 02:26:31 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline broodwars

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #745 on: November 30, 2010, 02:36:32 PM »
Well, however many of those 4.1 million units were actually sold, I think we can say with a fair certainty that Move has sold well for an accessory.  I've yet to buy a Move, but I do have high hopes for its application in more substantial games in the coming year(s), and that is more likely since it looks like Kinect didn't completely bury it.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 02:39:12 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #746 on: December 01, 2010, 03:48:06 AM »
It looks like Move is doing just at well as Kinect but with less publicity.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #747 on: December 01, 2010, 04:02:32 AM »
The Kevin Butler ad push behind Move seems to have ceased. Now he's moved on to hijacking race cars for the new Gran Turismo game. He might go back to Move at some future point, but it might be equally likely that it just ends up pushed to the side and forgotten about by Sony. I mean, it doesn't seem like they're throwing 100% support behind it like they could be doing.

I think that's a mistake on their part, because the holiday season is the time where they should be pushing that thing really hard. It just seems like they gave that baby bird a month of Butler support, but then threw it out of the nest to fend for itself during the cold of the holiday season. Is it going to pick itself up and fly, or is it just going to flop around for awhile before it dies of starvation and exposure? Either way, Kevin Butler seems too busy playing with his racing cars to give a damn. Shame on you, Mr. Butler
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 04:07:47 AM by Chozo Ghost »
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #748 on: December 01, 2010, 10:03:32 AM »
It looks like Move is doing just at well as Kinect but with less publicity.

It helps that PlayStation Move also costs $100 less than Kinect.
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Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« Reply #749 on: December 03, 2010, 01:55:36 PM »
It looks like Move is doing just at well as Kinect but with less publicity.

It helps that PlayStation Move also costs $100 less than Kinect.

Unless you want to play a multiplayer game or a game that requires the subcon or a game that requires more than one controller.
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