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Topics - Kytim89

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Perhaps the most two out casted consoles in the industry today are the Playstation Vita and the Wii U. Both suffer from less than spectacular sales and get potentially no third party support to amount to anything. They are, for the most part, strictly first party only systems when it comes to games with a smattering of decent third party games.

Which of the two consoles will have the best future?

Nintendo Gaming / Pandora's Tower Prequel/Sequel 3DS
« on: January 08, 2014, 01:11:02 AM »
Over the past few months I have been playing Pandora's Tower for the Wii. I am about two-thirds of the way through and I have come to the conclusion that it deserves a sequel, or prequel, on the 3DS (and eventually for the Wii U). Here are some of my ideas:
  • It would be a 2.5D side scroller similar to the recent Castlevania: Mirror of Fate for the 3DS.
  • The premise of the game would be the same as the first. The character would traverse thirteen towers and fight bosses while collecting weapons and gear.
  • The 3DS gyroscope could be used to yank the Oraclos chain in a similar manner to the Wii Remote.
  • The item and inventory system would be the same as the first game.
  • Spot pass could be used to collect items for the character's love interest.
  • The health meter of the bosses would be displayed on the bottom screen. 
  • The story would act as a prequel to the original game, and would set up the events for an eventual sequel on the Wii U.
  • There would be more of a Metroidvania aspect to traversing the towers of the game.
  • No spoilers!  ;)

A recent article over at pointed out that according to a patent filing that Nintendo has p to thirty six months to create something Eternal Darkness related or risk losing their control over the name of the IP. Basically, what this means is that if Nintendo does not make an Eternal Darkness related product with its name thnen the Eternal Darkness name is up for grabs by someone else. Of course Precursor Games could pick up the name, but they failed to garner any enthusiasm already. There are some ways to save Eternal Darkness.

  • Approach Precursor Games and make their Shadows of the Eternals an actual Eternal Darkness 2 for the Wii U.
  • Create Eternal Darkness DLC levels in Smash Brothers 2014 with character trophies.
  • Make Eternal Darkness HD available on the eShop.
  • Create Eternal Darkness merchandise to promote the games.

Nintendo Gaming / Would JRPGs Help Save the Wii U?
« on: January 01, 2014, 08:56:55 PM »
With the Wii U struggling and the reveal of Monolith Soft's X, arguably the only game that has anyone interested in a Wii U. At the tail end of the Wii's life cycle it got three quality JRPGs with Operation Rainfall. It pretty much has Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest as exclusives. Would an influx of JRPGs help save the Wii U?

In a hypothetical scenario Nintendo purchases Rare's IPs back from Microsoft. They immediately put new games in each of their new franchises to trusted developers in the industry. What developers would be best for each game? Lastly, this is a similar topic to Adrock's dormant IP revival thread topic.


Developer: Wayforward
Systems: 3DS and Wii U

Perfect Dark:

Developer: Retro Studios
Systems: Wii U (new entry) 3DS (N64 3D)

Conker's Bad Fur Day Sequel:

Developer: Retro Studios
Systems: Wii U

Nintendo Gaming / Holiday 2013 Wii U Wishlist
« on: August 05, 2013, 11:19:13 PM »
With the festive seasons nearly upon us, I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread topic discussing what Wii U games I intend to buy this year, and even the next. Here is a list of what I want so far, and keep in mind I will be purchasing these digitally on the eShop to give the developers much more profit:

  • Resident Evil: Revelations
  • Wonderful 101
  • Splinter Cell: Blacklist
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts
  • Injustice: Gods Among Us
  • Batman: Arkham Origins
  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
  • Assassin's Creed 3 and 4
  • Zombie U
  • Ninja Gaiden 3
  • Ducktales
  • Trine 2
  • Nano Assault Neo
  • Call of Duty Black Ops 2
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Grand Theft Auto V (?)

Nintendo Gaming / Wii U Gamepad Redesign
« on: July 28, 2013, 03:17:04 PM »
For a while now I have been brainstorming ideas for how Nintendo could redesign the Wii U's Gamepad. Honestly, Nintendo should make the redesign look less like a tablet and more like a controller, or even a handheld console itself. The Playstaion Vita would be a good example of how the redesigned Wii U Gamepad should look like.

Nintendo Gaming / Something That Chrono Trigger Fans Will Love
« on: July 17, 2013, 01:35:16 AM »
This has to be the most awesome video I have ever laid eyes on:

Nintendo Gaming / What If Bayonetta 2 Is Successful?
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:38:28 PM »
If there was one game announced for the Wii U that would make me buy the system new it would have to be Bayonetta 2. The game is simply amazing with its art style, graphics, high production values, and over the top game play.  Considering that it is strange to see a game of this caliber for a Nintendo system in the midst of the third parties turning their back on the system. However, what if Bayonetta 2 is successful? What will it mean for Nintendo and the Wii U?

First, it means that Nintendo and Platinum Games will solidify their bond and make more quality titles together. Secondly, it means that Nintendo and SEGA will partner up for more Wii U games (exclusives). Lastly, it will send a message to third party developers that the Wii U is a viable platform to make games like Bayonetta.

A recent article that features Shigeru Miyamoto basically squashes any hope of F-Zero fans getting a new title in the series any time soon. Factor into this that the Metroid and Star Fox series have essentially been put on hiatus until their recent less than adequate sequels fade into distant memory. However, all is not lost, while it appears that Nintendo has abandoned these games for more lucrative series there is still demand for theses games. Here is a list of developers that should handle new iterations:

Metroid: Wii U and 3DS

A third person reboot of the series in a similar manner to the recent Tomb Raider game. It would play similar to Uncharted. The game would be developed for the Wii U.

Potential Developers:
  • Retro Studios
  • Mercury Steam

A 2D sequel to the Wii U reboot for the Wii U.

Potential Developers:
  • Retro Studios
  • Wayforward
  • Armature Studios
Star Fox: Wii and 3DS

There needs to be a spiritual successor to Star Fox 64 for the Wii U.

Potential Developers:
  • Retro Studios
  • Platinum Games
  • Treasure
  • Q Games (3DS version)
F-Zero: Wii U and 3DS

Despite the series probably being the game least likely to get a new reboot, it would still be nice to see it happen.

Potential Developers:
  • Retro Studios
  • Sumo Digital
  • Monster Games

Nintendo Gaming / Can Aliens Colonial Marines Wii U Be Salvaged?
« on: April 15, 2013, 02:11:54 AM »
With the abysmal failure Colonial Marines for the PS3 and Xbox 360, and the subsequent cancellation for the Wii U, can this game be salvaged? If this were any other game then I would simply chuck it up as a loss and move on. However, being the Aliens fan that I am, and seeing what the modders have done with the game, I am convinced that GearBox could go back and remake the game in some manner for the Wii U, PS4, and Xbox whatever in time to redeem themselves.

In what ways can the game be salvaged?

NWR Forums Discord / Help Create KYTim89's Next Avatar
« on: February 20, 2013, 01:15:17 AM »
Hey fellow NWR forum posters, I am having issues finding a new avatar. Nothing suits my tastes. Therefore I call upon anyone on this forum to design me a custom maid avatar (and it can not be too obscene). Thank you for your time and help.

Nintendo Gaming / Wii U Head Sets Discussion
« on: January 29, 2013, 01:59:58 AM »
It was recently revealed that Apple headphones that have a built-in microphone can be used on the Wii U Gamepad for voice communication. However, I would like to be able to use the Turtle Beach X21 headsets on the Wii U. The only issue that it does not have a headphone jack to hook into the Gamepad's headphone jack. The solution to this issue is quite simple. Buy one of these adapters:

Nintendo Gaming / An Upgraded Wii Mode for the Wii U
« on: January 24, 2013, 05:33:00 PM »
With the announcement that Virtual Console games will be playable on the Wii U's Game pad what are the chances of Wii mode on the Wii U being upgraded for a nominal fee? What about Wiiware? Could Wii games be streamed to the Gamepad?

Nintendo Gaming / The Future of the Epic Mickey Series
« on: January 22, 2013, 02:45:59 AM »
When the Epic Mickey series was first announced there was initially shock and awe at the awesome screenshots and concept art that the game was thought to offer. To add credibility to the game's potential, Warren Spector, the behind the Deus Ex series, was the game's lead designer and Disney enthusiast. When Epic Mickey was finally released in the winter of 2010 the fans gave it a warm reception, but its wonky camera was not so well received. It was considered too unresponsive for a platformer of modern times. However, despite the outcries of things that the game did not live up to it did sell 1.3 million copies over the course of a year.

Then in 2012 Warren Spector announces the sequel to Epic Mickey, and the world is excited at the prospects of a sequel to the original that improved the faults that many fans detracted from the game being really good. Despite the popularity of the game, however, Epic Mickey 2 was met with fierce criticism and only sold 270,000 copies, which is abysmal compared to that of the original.

With the poor reception of Epic Mickey 2 the long term health of the series is in question. Where will the series go from here?  Here are some possibilities:
  • Disney forces Warren Spector to abandon the series and never makes any more Epic Mickey Games.
  • Warren Spector does make EPic Mickey 3 but makes it more in line with the original in terms of its dark atmospherics. He delivers on his promises and makes the game the best in the series, which spur another handheld game of some kind.

Nintendo Gaming / Advanced Wars Wii U
« on: January 16, 2013, 09:01:17 PM »
I was doing some brainstorming for a potential Advanced Wars for the Wii U and I came up with one single question for this forum: What if the next Advanced Wars was released for the Wii U, however, the only catch is that it abandons the cartoony look of the series for that of photo-realism like the Cal of Duty series. I am not saying that the series ahould be an FPS, but ti should keep the shell of the series, except that military vehicules and technology look like the real thing and soldiers look like that of modern FPS games when they fight on the big screen.

I was not sure where to put this opinion piece where it could be done with justice, so I opted for a new thread. I came across a video earlier today that revealed that Crysis 3 will not be making it to the Wii U. When you factor in the rather bare forecast that many quality third party titles of 2013 may not become Wii U games does not bode very well for the future of the Wii U.  To add insult to injury, Metal Gear Revengeance will not make to the Wii U either according to its producers. It appears that Konami may avoid the Wii U all together.

The Wii U sales so far are good, but it needs to sell more to justify ports of good games. Here are two things that Nintendo needs to do:
  • Discontinue the basic (8 GB) model of the Wii U.
  • Lower the price of the 32 GB model to $299.99.
  • Start striking deals with more third parties.

I noticed while looking at a picture of the Wii U Pro Controller that it uses the same mini-USB port as the Dualshock 3 to charger its battery. I was wondering if anyone could confirm for me whether or not the pro controller can work with the charging bases and accessories that go to the DualShock 3? I am just curious as to see whether this will work or not. Thank you for your help.

A question that has been swirling inside my head for a very long time concerns the idea of what if the Nintendo 64 had used similar disc based technology as that of the GameCube? The CD-ROMs of that time offered more storage at the expense of loading times, but cartridges, on the other hand, offered limited storage and lower loading times, but were very expensive to develop for. Now What if the N64 used mini-CDs inside of a disc slot where the cartridge would normally be found on a normal N64. How would this have affected third party support on the N64?

Nintendo Gaming / Games That Should Be Available on the Nintendo eShop
« on: December 25, 2012, 05:53:40 PM »
With the addition of such games as Crimson Shroud, Liberation Maiden, Mutant Mudds,  MSF, and many other games on the eShop that include actual retail titles. However, there are still many good games that would be more than welcomed on the eShop. Here are a small list of those games:
  • Army Corps of Hell
  • Assassin's Creed: Liberation
  • Grand Knights Story
  • Half-Minute Hero
  • All of Mommy's Best Games (Grapple Buggy, Explosion Aide, etc.)
  • Retro City Rampage
  • La-Mulana (upgraded version)
  • Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console Wishlist
« on: December 23, 2012, 03:07:49 PM »
With the rather lack luster support that Nintendo has had with the 3DS Virtual Console, I thought it might be a good idea to make list of titles that should appear on the Virtual Console service:

Game Boy:
  • Contra: Super C
  • Castlevania: The Adventure
  • Final Fantasy Legends I,II, and III
  • Final Fantasy Adventure
  • All TMNT games.
  • Tetris
Game Boy Color:
  • LoZ: Oracle of Ages
  • LoZ: Oracle of Seasons
  • Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
  • The entire Pokemon series.
  • Shantae
Game Boy Advance:
  • Gunstar Super Heroes
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  • Sword of Mana
  • Mario Power Tennis
  • All of the Ambassador GBA games.[size=78%] [/size]
Nintendo should also console Virtual Console titles to be played on the 3DS via some kind of online account system.

Nintendo Gaming / Wii U Transfer App Experiment
« on: November 28, 2012, 06:05:19 PM »
 I wonder if the Wii U transfer app would work betwwen two normal Wii units?     I ask because it would cutout Nintendo being the middle man when it comes to transferring Wii data to another Wii. It could work if the Wii U enters Wii mode to transfer the Wii data to its own system memory. All someone would have to do is take two blank Wiis and download the transfer app for both. Then buy a NES Virtual Console game and see if the data will transfer from Wii A to Wii B. It is worth the shot to find out. Someone like UnclBob would be great for this experiment.

With Bayonetta 2 being announced as a Wii U exclusive, is it possible for them to aquire more exclusive titles for the Wii U? I do not see them getting CoD, GTA, Resident Evil, et all, as exclusives, but weaker developers might be open to allowing it to happen. Here are a few that I think could happen:
Dino Crisis 4
Viewtiful Joe 3
Okami 2
Darksiders 3
Dark Stalkers
A game developed by Vanillaware
Saints Row 4 (considering THQ's finacial woes)*
*= With THQ in financial straits Nintendo could finance the development of the game in exchange for it to be a Wii U exclusive.

Nintendo Gaming / Trauma Center: Wii U
« on: September 15, 2012, 11:51:47 PM »
I just recently spent some time at a hospital visiting a sick relative. As I was in the room with my relative I had a look around the room ( I did not touch anything) at the various medical technologies that were at the hospital's disposal. They had one thing in common: LCD screens. Now, with the recent Wii U reveal with Nintendo Direct it occured to me that a Trauma Center for the Wii U could be a possibility in  the near future.
What medical technologies could emulated with the Wii U Gamepad?
How could AR cards work into the gameplay?
How could Gamepad's NFC be used in the game?
Could the vitality sensor make a return for gameplay?
I had to write this in a hurry.  :P:

With the slight reveal of the Wii U's specifications people were both simultaneously surprised and worried. While the increase in such things as RAM memory over the Wii U's current competiton is a good thing, what will it be when compared to the PS4 and Xbox 720 when they hit the market? One factor that the Wii U might have in terms of leverage over its fututre competion is cheaper development costs. There is no doubt that developing games for the PS4 and 720 will be expensive, and with the budgets of game makes, both small and large, feeling a crunch at the money, would this create a scenarion inwhich development is primarily for the Wii U and is then ported upwards to its competition. Here is a list publishers and developers that might turn to the Wii U to save money:
Level 5
Silicon Knights
Next Level Games
Monster Games
Tecmo Koei
Square-Enix (to some extent)

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